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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest glediel128

Hi guys

I have a request..do you guys have any video of jaejoong singing so seriously that his chin is trembling while singing..lol i find it really cute. And just because im crazy like that so i wanna see more of him singing like that..LOL

I have one when they are singing LITI in power soul but im just wondering if you guys know any more videos like that, i would really wanna watch it!!


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Guest SiXeLa


but i wanted to ask your opinion on Junsu calling Jaejoong "youngwoong"..

personally i dont have any bad feelings about this.. (i did,,but that was a long time ago)

so yeah please share your views :lol:

I think it's nothing much weird that Junsu called JaeJoong 'Youngwoong'.

From more recent interviews or game shows i saw, Junsu now owez call JaeJoong just using his real name = JaeJoong.

lolz...tat's just my view.

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Guest sweetfig

[TRANS] 090725 Zoom In Special! Programme : Tohoshinki without their make-up on?!

Zoom In Special Programme tells you who are DBSK's favorite gourmet critics from Korea, and also the faces of DBSK without make-up that you do not usually get to see!

Shizuoka Daiichi Television, Yamagata Broadcasting Co., YTV, Hiroshima TV will broadcast on 2nd August.

To see a list of other broadcasting stations which will show this special programme, do check out:


Credits: tvxqcn.ifensi.com + 東方神起百度帖吧

Trans: shaine@sweetfig.blogspot

[TRANS] 090726 Nikkan Sports Magazine to have Tohoshinki Special Feature

Nikkan Sports Magazine to have a special Tohoshinki section. The Korean-born dance & acapella group whose concert tickets are hard to get, will be featured from the 27th onwards, from how they did not get off to an easy start in Japan back in 2005 to their first appearance in Kouhaku Uta Gassen[紅白歌合戦], reflecting how much they have changed over these 4 years.

They are going to perform for the first time at outside Meiji Jingu at Kokuritu Stadium on the 6th of August.

Flying between Korea and Japan, the charisma which they emit is alive throughout the whole of Asia, please look forward to the publication of these special issues!

Credits: tvxqfarm + 東方神起百度帖吧

Trans: shaine@sweetfig.blogspot

shared by: sweetfig@blogspot

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Guest kashmier

dbsk news. hope to hear more news about dbsk. i miss them.

동방신기 멤버들 속속 연기 돌입

[마이데일리 = 배국남 대중문화전문기자] 국내뿐만 아니라 일본에서도 높은 인기를 누리고 있는 아이돌그룹 동방신기 멤버들이 속속 연기에 도전해 연기자로 영역을 확대하고 있어 눈길을 끈다.

최근 들어 원더걸스의 소희, 소녀시대의 윤아 등 가수 데뷔와 동시에 혹은 가수활동 직후 연기를 겸업하는 것이 아이돌그룹의 관행이었다. 하지만 동방신기 멤버들은 가수로 상당기간 전념한 후 최근 속속 연기영역에 진출하고 있다. 특히 동방신기는 국내 뿐만 아니라 일본에서 최고의 인기를 누리고 있는 아이돌그룹이어서 이들의 연기 겸업에 대한 국내외의 관심이 폭발하고 있다.

동방신기의 연기에 첫 도전자는 영웅재중이다. 영웅재중은 이미 촬영이 끝난 한일합작 드라마 ‘천국의 우편배달부’의 주연으로 나섰다. 영웅재중은 ‘찬란한 유산’의 한효주와 함께 주연을 맡아 연기자로 데뷔를 했다.

삶과 죽음 사이에서 서로 다른 세상을 사는 두 남녀의 러브스토리를 그린 ‘천국의 우편배달부’에서 영웅재중은 식물인간으로 혼령이 돼 현실 세계를 떠도는 신재준 역을, 한효주는 유일하게 영웅재중의 혼령을 볼 수 있는 조하나 역을 맡았다.

오는 10월 한국(SBS)과 일본(아사히TV) 양국에서 방송될 ‘천국의 우편배달부’연출을 맡은 이형민PD는 “영웅재중은 스타성도 있고 연기에 최선을 다했다. 연기에 임하는 자세가 매우 진지했다”찬사를 보냈다.

연기데뷔는 영웅재중이 먼저 했지만 연기자로서 시청자와 첫 번째로 만나는 동방신기의 멤버는 유노윤호다. 유노윤호는 오는 9월 방송되는 MBC 미니시리즈 ‘맨땅에 헤딩’ 남자 주연으로 각각 캐스팅됐기 때문이다. 유노윤호는 보잘 것 없고 불운한 삶을 사는 축구 선수 차봉군역을 맡았는데 역경을 겪으며 국가대표라는 꿈을 이루기 위해 열정적으로 삶을 살아가는 인물로 이 드라마의 주연이다.

영웅재중의 ‘천국의 우편 배달부’가 2부작인데 비해 유노윤호가 출연하는 드라마는 미니시리즈로 연기를 첫출발하는 장르는 다르지만 두사람의 연기자로서의 데뷔는 동방신기의 멤버들의 향후 활동에 큰 변화를 가져올 것으로 보인다. 또한 시아준수 등 다른 멤버들의 연기 도전에 적지 않은 영향을 미칠 것으로도 보인다.

두 사람의 연기자로서의 어떤 활동을 보이느냐에 따라 동방신기의 위상이 크게 달라질 것으로 보인다.

[동방신기의 유노윤호와 영웅재중이 연기 영역에 도전했다. 사진=마이데일리 사진DB]

(배국남 대중문화전문기자 knbae@mydaily.co.kr)

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Guest tohoblaq

Yoochun's joining the 'Milk Club' formed by Super Junior member, Lee Teuk.

But this isn't a good thing, because they formed it after gathering a few idols who are suffering from a little ... depression. :(

From Lee Teuk's Cyworld entry.

..Milk Club..

..A gathering of depressed souls…

..Lots of depressed feelings..

..It feels like I’m starting to enjoy the depression period..

..Always struggling in loneliness…

..There have been lots of tears..

..Hope everyone can understand that loneliness..

..I thought I had a good ability to hide this loneliness..

..For the sake of hiding my depression, I joked around more..

..Like to act fine..But that was definitely not fine..

..We decided to call each other court ladies..

..Court Lady Teuk..Court Lady Taeng..Court Lady Yoong..

..Although there have been many applications..

..3 members(Taeyeon,Yoona) must agree together then others can register..

..Now Yoochun and Onew have come onto the list..

..In the future, this club, will live better in order to overcome depression..

..Thinking of giving each other mutual support…

..Sorrow..Escaping from pain..Happiness..We're anticipating to share it among all of us..

..In the future, Milk Club (Gathering of depressed souls)

..Hope the meaning will be ‘milk.. made in lovely kin..’*..

..The organization..

..President: Eeteuk (Park Jungsoo)..Court Lady Teuk

..Vice-president: Yoona (Im Yoona)..Court Lady Yoong

..Manager: Taeyeon (Kim Taeyeon)..Court Lady Taeng

N.B* Milk – Made in lovely kin; was written by himself.

credit: superduperlove@wordpress + Omona They Didn't + OnlySJ13

Nooo.. Yoochun, I know you can overcome this. I thought you've been really happy these days? What's happening? This is very worrying! :(

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Guest yiyi0312

dbsk news. hope to hear more news about dbsk. i miss them.

동방신기 멤버들 속속 연기 돌입

I went to google it somehow its referring to their acting gigs

Jae's Heaven postman n stuffs... dun really understand too -.-"

but the news below is disturbing T_T

Yoochun's joining the 'Milk Club' formed by Super Junior member, Lee Teuk.

But this isn't a good thing, because they formed it after gathering a few idols who are suffering from a little ... depression. :(

From Lee Teuk's Cyworld entry.

T____T I knew it ... they may at some form of level feel depressed ...

But I din't know it's tt serious T____T until they need to form a club to support each other....

kindda saddening ... those few ppl mentioned in LT's Cyworld are usually the cheerful ones....

They masked their feelings n show them in the public ....

argh.... i'm kindda thinking too much ... but i just don't want this to be a prelude of some further suicides....

I seriously hope they will be able to support each other for the better and not a spiral case of worsening effect T_T

MAYBE GIVE ALL SM ARTISTES SOME VACATIONS ~ Let them recharge and feel better!!!!

Chunnie ahh~~~ you got all cassies, friends n family support >.<

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Guest kashmier

why did leeteuk have to post that entry?

now everytime i see yoochun laughing in shows, i would think he is faking the smile and the laugh because deep inside he is unhappy and depressed.

i don't understand the entry at all, why would you announce to the world that you are depressed???

i don't get why yoochun be depressed, i saw his recent fancams, he looks happy there and he is with his friends all the time and they hang out. his mom and his bro are always there supporting him. dbsk is so successful now, he is one of the popular member in japan. if there are artists that are prone to get depressed, its the underrated ones who also work hard and yet they are not successful. he has so much to be thankful for. what micky says that he is depressed and what i saw on tv is so different. i hope they are not doing this for attention. :mellow:

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Guest Red Little Dot


Oh seriously?

I think he may be happy at times but there is sadness in his heart or something?

He can now reunite his family and done everything for his mom and bro.

But still feel lonely and depressed?

May be his health is a part of the reasons for his depression, coz as a busiest group in Asia and being sick almost everytime is not good right?

When I watched the Anation clip where JJ, CM. YH eating and fooling around at front he was like leaning the table at the back and looked so sick :(

ok I've been more into YC these days and hope he's fine.


aw nobody knows the future but I think they know they have price to pay. we can get depressed by studying a course/ working overseas or somthing, i mean as in simple things like that..it is not the end of the world

They can just form the club so it is not worse tho..some people just pretending to be happy and when you know about them it's too late or something..

He's just admitted he's one of them, maybe not the worse one..hopefully.. and as I remember he always said he's lonely and easily get depressed in the past..it's not like a sudden outburst right?

here is his birthday message to CM a long time ago...he said he's depressed but he's still joking in playful way..we all know he has such a sudden mood change from times to times..so I hope everythng's fine despite he joined the club..

To our loving Changminnie-

Changmin-ah~! It's hyung. Mickchun hyung! You're 18 already!

These days~ I'm having fun because of you!!

Changminnie makes hyung really happy! Thanks!

You must not catch the Yoochun disease and become depressed! Always be healthy~ Eat like you do now even after 10 years- 10 years later when we're with people we don't know...Yeah right~!

Well congrats on your birthday of 2005...and...Changmin!! You know hyung's birthday's coming up soon too, right??

I don't expect a lot from you. That's what I'm anticiapting!

Save money starting now. 614 CDs are enough...<3

Thanks in advance! Haha~

Anyways congrats once again for your birthday.. Always be healthy~ Changmin-ah I love you~

-Prince Micky-

Translated by: raining_star777@goe;ss

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Guest mandasoh




Source: [mydaily + DNBN]

Translation credits: jeeelim5@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net

Do not remove/add on any credits

Do not hotlink

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Guest SHINee-girl

Yoochun's joining the 'Milk Club' formed by Super Junior member, Lee Teuk.:

noo yoochun :/ dont be deprest :(

u have all of us and ure close friends

but who knows if all of this touring have made him depprest we dont know.

hope Yoochun will feel good soon<3

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Guest ayuu.919

I usually just lurk and never post here but the yoochun depression posts kinda irked me a little.

Why did these celebs sign contracts and audition to be famous if they're gonna become depressed over being famous? The whole point in auditioning and training is to become successful and famous, which they have all achieved. Yet, now that they're famous, they're complaining about not being able to live life as a normal human being and such. Why bother auditioning and training then! Yes, I know it's tiring to put on a mask all day, everyday, but they should have known that fame and fortune comes with a price. That price is their freedom. If they were unwilling to give up their freedom, then they shouldn't have signed the contracts. Did they really think that once they become famous, they can come and go as they please, do whatever they want, and still have many adoring fans following them?

Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with forming a group as an outlet of relieving their emotions. I just don't want them to regret becoming famous and grow to despise the life they created. Plus, in psychology there's a term called group polarization, which refers to the enhancement of a group's prevailing tendencies through discussion. If they're all gonna sit around and talk about how depress they are, chances are they will become even more depress and bitter.

Please don't bash, I'm just simply expressing my opinion. I love the boys and I admire all the obstacles they have to (every artists, not just dbsk/tvxq) overcome to achieve what they have, I just think it's kinda unreasonable to play the victim role when they, themselves signed the contract knowing that this is price of fame.

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Guest tohoblaq

I usually just lurk and never post here but the yoochun depression posts kinda irked me a little.

Why did these celebs sign contracts and audition to be famous if they're gonna become depressed over being famous? The whole point in auditioning and training is to become successful and famous, which they have all achieved. Yet, now that they're famous, they're complaining about not being able to live life as a normal human being and such. Why bother auditioning and training then! Yes, I know it's tiring to put on a mask all day, everyday, but they should have known that fame and fortune comes with a price. That price is their freedom. If they were unwilling to give up their freedom, then they shouldn't have signed the contracts. Did they really think that once they become famous, they can come and go as they please, do whatever they want, and still have many adoring fans following them?

Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with forming a group as an outlet of relieving their emotions. I just don't want them to regret becoming famous and grow to despise the life they created. Plus, in psychology there's a term called group polarization, which refers to the enhancement of a group's prevailing tendencies through discussion. If they're all gonna sit around and talk about how depress they are, chances are they will become even more depress and bitter.

I believe when they signed their contracts, none of them knew that they would be this big, especially DBSK. I mean, for Yoochun, at a young age of probably around 16 or 17 when he was accepted in SM Entertainment, I'm sure he didn't expect the immense popularity that he is experiencing now. Right now, in his situation, we're not talking only about loneliness. Maybe loneliness isn't his problem, because he now has his family with him, and the members are always around. Now, it's probably more on the stress level for Yoochun. He and the boys seriously need to take it slow. A-Nation is coming up soon, I really want them to get enough rest and take it easy this time. I just hope Yoochun would get better, he shouldn't pressure himself too much. :(

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Guest badstar

ayuu.919: I must say, I completely agree with all that you said if ever that's really the reason why he is depressed.

Anyhoo, I just hope Yoochun gets pass this stage of his life, because really, he has everything a person could ever dream of. Well except for privacy. But yea, everything in this life has a price. Nobody can be perfectly happy.. I hope it doesn't become worse.



i'm looking for the radio show called Mnet My Favorite with eng sub.

i tried to find it in youtube, but it has no sub.

can anyone give me the link or maybe a download link???

Thank youuuuuuu

GOE;SS will release this very soon.

Hey guys, to those who wants to download [DVD] T Special Edition Concert Commentary but can't download from clubbox. We've provided you with alternate links here

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Guest tinenapay

Yoochun's joining the 'Milk Club' formed by Super Junior member, Lee Teuk.

I've always thought that Yuchun has the personality of an artist and generally, artists are mostly lonely souls. i remember reading some past interviews wherein YC expressed his being a loner (not the exact term he used but that's how he described it). i think music is one of his outlets to fully express his emotions.

Knowing that he has a strong bond with his family and the full support of us fans is more than enough assurance that he will overcome this. we believe in him, don't we? :)

let's keep the faith!

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Guest ayuu.919

I believe when they signed their contracts, none of them knew that they would be this big, especially DBSK. I mean, for Yoochun, at a young age of probably around 16 or 17 when he was accepted in SM Entertainment, I'm sure he didn't expect the immense popularity that he is experiencing now. Right now, in his situation, we're not talking only about loneliness. Maybe loneliness isn't his problem, because he now has his family with him, and the members are always around. Now, it's probably more on the stress level for Yoochun. He and the boys seriously need to take it slow. A-Nation is coming up soon, I really want them to get enough rest and take it easy this time. I just hope Yoochun would get better, he shouldn't pressure himself too much. :(

Yes, I agree with you about them not knowing that they will become this big once they signed their contracts. But I also want them to know that life isn't all rainbow and sunshine. There are millions upon millions of people out there who are struggling to put food on the table (esp. in third world countries). Their stress level may be up to par with Yoochun, if not even more. Parents work 12+ hours a day for minimum wage to just put food on the table and a roof above their heads. I consider Yoochun (and many other celebs) lucky to have been able to achieve the immense amount of success that they have. They don't ever have to worry about money (at least not for a long, long time), and like you said, they have friends and family to turn to. I don't want him (and others) to think that they live very difficult lives and there may be a better life out there for them if they weren't famous.


ayuu.919: I must say, I completely agree with all that you said if ever that's really the reason why he is depressed.

^Hey thanks, I thought people will bash.



aw nobody knows the future but I think they know they have price to pay. we can get depressed by studying a course/ working overseas or somthing, i mean as in simple things like that..it is not the end of the world

They can just form the club so it is not worse tho..some people just pretending to be happy and when you know about them it's too late or something..

He's just admitted he's one of them, maybe not the worse one..hopefully.. and as I remember he always said he's lonely and easily get depressed in the past..it's not like a sudden outburst right?

Well, we're not just talking about Yoochun now are we? There are a ton of celeb listed above who are depress, which, no doubt have to do with the fact that they're famous. They all signed contracts agreeing that they will fork over a piece of themselves to the world. Now they have to abide with the agreements. Unless they were too immature to realize the significance of the contracts they signed, then they shouldn't play the victim role. You said it may not be that serious, but I think it's pretty serious when a bunch of famous celebs form a group to express how they are feeling. If it's only a short time thing, I think it's wiser to not have form this group and cause unnecessary drama. But since these are famous people we're talking about, then it's no doubt that they want to get the attention of the public.

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Guest ferrel2010

I believe when they signed their contracts, none of them knew that they would be this big, especially DBSK. I mean, for Yoochun, at a young age of probably around 16 or 17 when he was accepted in SM Entertainment, I'm sure he didn't expect the immense popularity that he is experiencing now. Right now, in his situation, we're not talking only about loneliness. Maybe loneliness isn't his problem, because he now has his family with him, and the members are always around. Now, it's probably more on the stress level for Yoochun. He and the boys seriously need to take it slow. A-Nation is coming up soon, I really want them to get enough rest and take it easy this time. I just hope Yoochun would get better, he shouldn't pressure himself too much. :(

I think the case of yoochun, maybe it cause of his personal/family problem more than TVXQ's matter like A-Nation,etc. Why the other members not feel the same like him? I do appreciate Yoochun, but from my view, HAPPINESS is all about the DECISION, not about the SITUATION, if we make decision that we want to be happy, we must be happy, we don't want to fail,so it will happen as we wish, but if we think that we could not be happy or we can be lose so it also happened as we think. I wish Yoochun could change his way of thinking...I wish he could be happy

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Guest kashmier

ayuu.919. i agree, yoochun has so much to be thankful for. i hope he'll focus on the positive things in his life and less on the things that he can't control. although micky is known to be the emotional member in the group, i hope he''ll not take things to the extreme. he should be grateful because in reality there are many struggling artists out there who dream to be in his place as a dbsk member. their staff always said that micky is the lively one in dbsk so how come he is depressed now. :huh:. i hope the real reason is not too serious. maybe micky is just emo now and it will soon pass.

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Guest mandasoh


Fan: Although I really want to master Japanese, but.... Tell me how to master Japanese~ I want to be able to speak Japanese as fluently as TVXQ.

JJ: You can watch Japanese dramas, and the best method is to communicate with Japanese people

Fan: If Oppas sang us lullabies, I'd fall asleep really quickly

JJ: Sleep well~ My children~ (T/N: Jae singing a lullaby)

Fan: Imagining Jaejoong in a suit, it must be difficult for the people who witness such a beautiful sight, yes?

JJ: Why is it that you don't see my heart, that is searching for you? TT

Fan: Jaejoong-oppa. Can't I call you "Jaejoong-ah"?

JJ: Yeah, you can't! Kekeke. Let's go to sleep now together! Let's dream together? ^^?

Fan: Oppa is mine

JJ: I belong to myself

Fan: Give me kimchi made by Kim Jaejoong! Oppa, I really want to eat kimchi made by Oppa!!

JJ: Although I'm very confident... ^^n You should buy the ingredients and come here^^

Fan: Still not replying your children's messages after so long? I can drink soju too!!

JJ: Then drink! But, I've replied ^^!

Fan: Joongie, I'm here! Jaejoong-ah, where are you!!

JJ: Jaejoong is here!!

Fan: Is this a person, a doll or a spirit?

JJ: A person!! ^^

Fan: Oppas said before that if you got first on the Oricon charts, you'd rent an amusement park for all the fans, you must keep your promise~

JJ: We'll really rent the amusement park^^! Until the day we get number one... AJA AJA~ ^^

Fan: If you see me at a big concert, you must shake hands with me

JJ: I got it, our little cutie.

Fan: Oppa, how about having a passionate night with me today?

JJ: I already have plans with Yunho

Fan: (Yunjae picture) Date, date, date~ Tell me honestly, you guys are dating, right?

JJ: I'm joking, you never know, we might be dating.

Fan: Jaejoong, Yunho is mine. Give me~~

JJ: But Yunho is a little expensive~~!

Fan: Please tell me who is the most handsome amongst the members

JJ: Ah~ I'm also hesitating on whether I should reply

Fan: Jaejae Oppa! My mom thought that TVXQ is a mixed group!

JJ: That's a little out of the ordinary

Fan: If you go back to Japan right after the Asia Song Festival, when will you return? Do we still have to wait?

JJ: It's good to have something to look forward to in future~!

Fan: Please give me a reply, just one

JJ: Really just this one reply?

Fan: Oppa, shall we escape out of the country?

JJ: Let's go?

Fan: Changmin Oppa, are you still watching those stuff? (T/N: PORN! LOL)

CM: I don't watch them anymore.

Fan: Oppa, if I get first in my level, let's have a meal together.

CM: Let's wait until you get it first then we'll see.

Fan: Yunho Oppa! If you don't reply my message, then you must marry me!

CM: Yunho-hyung, I saved your life.

Fan: I can't express my feelings right now

CM: Then keep trying until you can express it (laugh)

Fan: What should I do to become taller?

CM: It depends on talent.

Fan: I want to become Yunho Oppa's daughter

CM: This is not something you can do just because you want it

Fan: How was Oppa born? How are children born?

CM: Please learn from [Kusone Ahjumma's beautiful children sex eduation] (T/N: A programme I think)

Fan: Tell me! I want to hear Oppa's explanation

CM: Long-winded!!!

Fan: Say an "I love you" to me

CM: I'm not such an easy guy

Fan: I think I should have reply too (tears). If I send a few hundred, will I get a reply?

CM: You can try???

Fan: I belong to Changmin Oppa

CM: This is something that is not on my list of things I own

Fan: I miss you^^ (T/N: What follows is said in English, Japanese and Chinese) I love you.

CM: Your grasp of foreign language is good

Fan: Oppa, if the children are named ilranghae (1), eeranghae (2), samranghae (3), what would the name of the fourth child be?

CM: Saranghae (T/N: sounds the same as "I love you" in Korean)

Source: [东方神起全球中文网]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net

Do not remove/add on any credits

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Guest saya13

GOE;SS for "Heading to the Ground"

Yes, we've decided! We are going to work on Yunho's drama!

It's a big step for GOE;SS, since this will be the first full-length drama that we will be subbing,

but hey! we've done almost everything TVXQ -related and we're more than willing to take another challenge! :)

But we will be needing your help.

We need a lot of KOREAN TRANSLATORS for this drama. We know a lot of you would like this subbed, so we're welcoming collabs with individual korean subbers or forums who would like to be a part of making this project as successful as it can be.

Rest assured that proper credits will be given to those who would like to help out.

This goes for Jaejoong's Heaven's Postman as well.

So, if you would like to help translate Heading to the Ground and Heaven's Postman, please don't hesitate to PM me.

wow!! GOE;SS ganbatte!!!! you're the best

it's a great notice, I'm soooo happy for that

Will there be softsubs too? Please tell me "YES!!!" Please!!!!!!! that would be great if you'll upload softsubs

anyway, FIGHTING!!!!!!

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