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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest Honey_KizZ


all the hard work over the years in japan have paid off!

i'm so proud of them! <3

i'm a silent lurker here, i like thsk but some of the comments here are so over the top.

you love to praise their looks more than their talents, you love fan service and couple thingy.

i like thsk for their talent and live perfs and yet when i come here all fans spazz about is their looks and their hairs or couple fan service.

i hope you people realize this, lots of my friends like thsk but they don't like this thread.. so full of superficial fangirl comments.

kpop in general is like that...focusing a lot on image...

anyways...some people do make comments on their looks a lot...

i dont see what's wrong w/ it...they're just stating their opinion.

i though it was weird @ 1st the couple and all...but i realize, some people just

like their interactions and friendship...it's part of the fandom.

if people only cared about their image and looks...i'm sure they would have left

dbsk fandom by now... there are people who stick w/ them because they know that theyre

more than just pretty faces...

for me i love them because of their look, music, personality and friendship.


thank you for the pictures!

the blue sea is beautiful..

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Guest zatil85

tokyo dome is over!! very proud of the boys (or should i start calling them 'MAN'?) :D

just wanna share some random gifs in my folder....

jaechun :wub:



sexy joongie :P


dorky yoochun :sweatingbullets:


credits: me (zatil85)

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Guest minh_89

I just wonder, why does it have to be "blue sea"?

it's a BigEast project for Stand By U. They only turned the blue glowsticks on when the boys performed that song. The same thing happened for Five in the Black concert, they used white glowsticks during one of the ballad songs (I think it was for asu wa kura kara that time). í'm not sure why they chose the blue color though... probably because blue represents sadness and Stand By U is a sad song?

brb to edit

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Guest unruffledchua

Just back from Tohoshinki's Tokyo Dome concert. Their voices from the Dome "live" performances will forever be engraved in my heart. I am amazed by how good their voices can still sound in such a huge venue with a capacity of 50,000. Their beautiful voices that can touch many hearts...I am amazed, awed...the feeling is indescrible. Its SO SO....wonderful!

They gave their all...their energy were totally spent, close to the end of concert after the first day. They had a near perfect performance. Has Changmin always been this good?!! Junsu is as perfect a performer as always. Micky has improved SO much vocally its really a testiment of his hard work!! YuhHo's energy level is boundless!! And JJ, when he sings with his heart and soul...his voice is so pure it can pierce a soul. Hearing JJ live at the Dome was really really awesome. The reverberations of his voice from the Dome can give you goosebumps!! The same for the rest! The DVD of this Dome concert is really worth watching!!! Btw, its out on CD Japan...so fast huh?!!!

Btw, the Tokyo Dome performance will be broadcast on TBS on 29 August 2009, Time: after 11.00am. So mark your calenders!!!!^^

Too tired...to continue. Will see if I can continue tomorrow!!

Everything is so worth it!!! The experience is priceless!!! ^^

Thank You Tohoshinki, soompiers and many Congratulations!

God bless you all!! ^^

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Guest Shaneira

CONGRATULATIONS to the 5 gentlemen! :D

I'm really excited to read fan accounts and stuff, thanks to everyone for sharing!

The 2 days are over, next year it's going to be 3 or 4 in a row maybe? :P

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Guest alexkziel

Congratulations Tohoshinki!!!

Please, this a day to be happy and teary and proud :)

Our boys ended the tour in Tokyo Dome successfully!!

They are in good condition, no injuries or sickness which is the most important thing for me.

TSC sold 300 already!

Stand by U sold 150!

Let's be happy, if you have been in this thread for some time or years, you should know that we spazz or worry about everything, their looks, their hair, their health, their schedule and of course, their TALENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS.

Come on! We are their fans, if we can't do that here then where???

Don't let people spoil your experience.

Infatuated We can have a fave, but all of them are loved and cherished by us .

kinkie_lass I understood your point, don't worry.

Blue project That was so nice of Bigeast and Cassie, I bet the boys were touched.


Yunho pics Tokyo Dome


0af994c2da222272b219a86.jpg Checkmate partner? She looks very sexy :( jealous


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hehe :D ..TOKYO DOME is over...I hope dat der are more GREAT things dat will cum from dem.

All the best to everything you do...

I will always support and love U GUYS FOREVER !!

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i'm a silent lurker here, i like thsk but some of the comments here are so over the top.

you love to praise their looks more than their talents, you love fan service and couple thingy.

i like thsk for their talent and live perfs and yet when i come here all fans spazz about is their looks and their hairs or couple fan service.

i hope you people realize this, lots of my friends like thsk but they don't like this thread.. so full of superficial fangirl comments.

You don't need raise any negative comments. Everyone loves them for a different reason.

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Guest Heaven2100


I'm so proud!!! THEY DID IT..!!! DREAMS DO COME TRUE...!!! I am really happy that the dome was full again and they gave their best and even more...!!

about the latest discussions.... well frankly.. when i first saw them it was like.. ok they look good(look like girls was my first impression..:)) but the music??? nee didn't like it... so i wasn't interested....

but when i see them performing.. i forget about everything and i'm focusing on their music... becasue first of all.. THEY ARE ARTISTS!!! of course i sometimes look on their pictures and say they are hot...!!!! so what..?? i say that about many others... it doesn't mean that i don't love them because of their music!!! I ADORE THEM... for their music... VOCAL... and live perfomances... they made me believe again that real music still exists!!! so really don't say this words if you don't know!!

and... TVXQ DBSK TOHOSHINKI is 1..!! 5=1!!! and i love them all... of course in some songs fo example i love particularly one of them... one that stands out... but in the end.. the song is perfect because they are 5 singing.. for example I'll be there... Remember.. Picture of you... These songs show tthat they are A GROUP...!!!!! A TALENTED GROUP.... and of course i have a favorite.. but it always changes..:D:D

STAND BY YOU..! 150k already!!! GOod job boys.. Tokyo dome really helped them!!!!!

THanks again for the uptades!

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Guest nikkikim

^ mod is jjang :)

Congratulation to Tohoshinki

The arena tour ends beautifully at Tokyo Dome. I hope they rest a bit before continuing give us fans more powerful performance. Somehow I want to see them in Korean TV shows. I think Korean shows are more fun and reveal their personality, dorky, cuteness, charm better than japanese program. Does anyone know they have a plan for that? When they come back, they will become saga of korean artists. man! I'm so so proud of them. :D

I have question about the blue sea at today Tokyo Dome. Is it a plan by someone or group to give blue light stick to audience? who is that? I really love the idea. Even Yunho said in the clip that he is impressed. Go Go BigEast and Cassiopiea!!!

thanks for pictures, clips, links etc. :rolleyes:

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Guest universe

the Tokyo Dome concert looks awesome! i can't wait to watch it on TV. the atmosphere looks electrifying. 50 000 live spectators! i go weak in my knees if i have to stand infront of that crowd.

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Guest KY5354

Aww it's over! It feels like yesterday when we all heard the announcement. ^^

I was reading the thread on my ITouch (couldn't reply) yesterday and someone's post made me cry. I'm sorry for being too lazy to track back for the full name but I think the poster was called John (?). It was really touching! Thank you! ^^

Thanks to everyone who shared pics/news/reports/videos over the past few days. Even though alot of us couldn't be there, it was amazing to read and see everything and I'm sure we all felt like we were there with the boys as their dream became reality.

The blue ocean was a beautiful sight! So pretty! BigEast are awesome. And the red ocean was even more breathtaking than usual as it filled the Dome. I can't wait for the DVD!!! :D And I'm happy that the boys completed it without injury! Even though they seem extremely tired from the staff report pics/vids.

So there's an after-party?? Just curious, are the boys there too? Or is it a BigEast/fan thing only?

Congrats to SBU for exceeding 150K in 4 (5?) days! A few months ago we were all hoping Bolero and STW would break 100K in the first week and now they break 150K in less than that. To see the boys' growth in Japan is truly a pleasure.

And TSC broke 300K??? Is that confirmed? If so...wow! But I swear it was only around 250K last week? :huh:

Infatuated - I never refer to myself as "a JaeJoong fan", it's always "a DBSK/THSK/TVXQ fan" but it's natural to have faves...it just happens so Jae is my bias. And I refer to him as a 'bias' rather than saying I'm a "JaeJoong fan" 'cos that would indicate that I was only a fan of his and that couldn't be further from the truth. :)

The couple-thing - I can understand why people are getting annoyed about it. When I was a newbie fan (well I'm still newish) I was so frustrated everytime I saw the pairings particularly YunJae :P but I grew to understand why the fans do it and also that not all the OTP fans ship their fave couple. Some just prefer to see their close interactions as brothers/friends. At least for me, I like JaeSu because they happen to be my fave 2 members and I feel that JaeJoong truly shows his 'hyung' side when he's with Su. It doesn't mean I want them to be in a relationship. ;)

And when I said I wanted to see a JaeSu duet, it was simply because they're my 2 favourite voices of the group and it's amazing when they sing together.

The "extreme fangirling" - I don't see it. Whoever says we fangirl all the time over the boys' looks need to re-read this thread. Even for the past 10-20 pages all I've read is how proud everyone is about their Dome dream...how proud we are of their single and album sales. Where are the looks-spazzing posts? :blink:

And the funny thing? When everyone was complimenting Soulmate on their beautiful duet (which really is beautiful btw) someone else accused us of liking it because of Soulmate-the-couple and not Soulmate-the-composers. :rolleyes:

I don't see anything wrong with fangirling over the boys' looks (because they are gorgeous afterall) but yes I can see why it gets annoying when it gets too extreme. But I hardly ever see that in here. Maybe a few fans. The usual suspects. :ph34r:

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Guest Sayuri JaeJoong

Hi everybody!!!

I´m just passing to post something so Cute here >.< "!!!

JaeJoong♥ with this lucky Girl♥

Oh So good to see him living this normal moments ne

Sometimes the life don´t let him free

To live moments so normal for Us ne...

As take a simple photo at a girl side ne...

But I´m not jealous and to be honest

I LOVED this pics coz he seems very very happy!!!

So I´m happy too!!!



Yoochun♥ and Xiah♥ at Lucky girl Side


Cute cute >.< " !!!




Shared By:www.imcrazyformyjaejoong.blogspot.com



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Guest afterglow.

congrats to thsk for a job well done! i'm so proud of them. they are amazing and i'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for them and their career in the future.

i hope they get lots of rest after this. they really, really need it.

the blue ocean looks so beautiful. are there any pics of the red ocean for 7/5? i can't get enough of those pics.

[TRANS] 090705 Tohoshinki Triple Three In Tokyo Dome

Popular Korean male group Tohoshinki had their concert at the Tokyo Dome on 4th July. It was the beginning of the final stop for their National tour, and it is their first time performing there since their debut (in Japan) 4 years ago. Their new single「Stand By U」which was released on 1 July, has already reached an amazing number of 300,000 copies shipped. It is estimated that the tour was attended by around 300,000 people, and their latest album has also passed the 300,000 mark. They have achieved the "Triple Three" of the music industry.

wow i wonder why they shipped so many copies of sbu. the 300k sold for the secret code is worldwide sales and not just in japan right? and wow, 300k attendees on their tour? i thought it was only 250k. so many surprises. thanks for the trans.

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Guest shineecockroach

i'm a silent lurker here, i like thsk but some of the comments here are so over the top.

you love to praise their looks more than their talents, you love fan service and couple thingy.

i like thsk for their talent and live perfs and yet when i come here all fans spazz about is their looks and their hairs or couple fan service.

i hope you people realize this, lots of my friends like thsk but they don't like this thread.. so full of superficial fangirl comments.

CONGRATULATIONS to our boys for reaching the DOME goal! <3 Wish I could be there but I'm flat broke. T.T Maybe next time though. I'm sure they'll have the Dome next year for their last concert stop again!!! :D

About this thread being "full of superficial fangirl comments"... I don't see what's wrong with it. Beautiful things are praise-worthy and DBSK are beautiful men.

I like reading spazzes of other fans about their hair and looks and seeing them hugging and touching one another. It's fangirl nature and I think it's cute. I'm sure you know how it is when you were a teenager. If you still are, then well... wow. That's sad.

And for the record, this thread is full of osmsauce n' chips. Chart rankings, number of sales, up-to-date interviews, fancams, fan accounts, TV and radio schedules, magazine scans, you'll find it all here. Plus, this nifty thing to the right ---->

I think it's called the "scroll down bar" it's really useful and I use it sometimes but maybe you're a really slow reader, too so you have to read everything and ponder the thoughts and ideas of each word and sentence other fans write instead of just skipping it and going your merry way... too. Yeah, it's so frustrating I know.

Anyways, I'd like to share some JaeSu moment ^^ (because they're the hot item right now omagahhhh *spazzes to an annoying degree*)


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Guest sakurahearts

Congratulations DBSK for successful Dome Concert!

I should be sleeping, but wth. XD

As a fan, I'm really proud of the boys and their achievements, and their path to Dome shows all the hard work they've done so far.

I really wish I could see them live someday and listened to them with my own eyes. But fan accounts made my day and so are all those fancams. Thanks guys for sharing it!

Gosh, the red ocean and blue ocean looks beautiful, srsly. <3

Has this been posted yet? Sorry if it has been posted. >.< Found this on DNBN:

T.S.C. Movie

cr: uploader

It's the intro of Force, I think.

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