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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest YukariiChangmin

I Think Changmin´s flu :tears:

Please take care yourself My baby :tears:

changmin is coughing in all gifs.



credits: ourchangmin

..my last post ;)

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Guest Natsumi_sshi

ONE day till the first The Secret Code in Tokyo Dome! I'm getting excited even though I won't even be there :D

Thanks for sharing all the pictures from the Omotesando event! It looks like there was a relatively good crowd, and from what

I see in the pictures, it would've been fun to watch all the boys recent PVs xD. When I first saw those figurines I was like "Omo!"

I want a set of wax DBSK figurines. I was going to say the Jaejoong one doesn't look hell of a lot like Jae, but then again, it

would be almost entirely impossible to master he's hotness/beauty/perfection in a figurine lmao. But then I noticed that the Yunho

one didn't look like him a lot either. All the CDs and display look so cool to. It would've been a great tribute :D

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Guest catgirl5000

credit: karonoi09@YT

edit/ and i just noticed that yunho has london underground signs on his t-shirt! oh please guys stop tormenting british fans and get ur asses here pronto >.< PLEASE -flutters eyes-

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Guest celinewalksin10

credit: karonoi09@YT

edit/ and i just noticed that yunho has london underground signs on his t-shirt! oh please guys stop tormenting british fans and get ur asses here pronto >.< PLEASE -flutters eyes-

why is jaejoong laughing?! LOL he's soo cute and relaxed.

min is whoa. growing. the muscles are crazy.

missed out on yoochun, but yunho and junsu look a bit serious. LOL

I'm concerned about changmin. when i saw their latest share the world performance,

he really looked unwell. they should rest for today especially tomorrow's the big day!

WOOOHOO! i'm so excited. nervous. whatever. mixed emotions!


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Guest cheroot


can any kind soul help me by uploading the Tokyo Dome banner at another site coz the used one is blocked for me T_T & i really wanna use it also.

try this code:


[i][color="#FF0000"][size=3][font="Book Antiqua"]credits: [color="#000000"]stripesoflove[/color] @ soompi[/font][/size][/color][/i][/center]

hope this helps...

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Guest sheilapiglet

gah!...they're so lucky!...the pictures are gorgeous and so big!....i'd totally hug the pillars too!...hahaha.

090702 Omotesando Showcase Fanaccount

—-Before Entering the Actual Showcase—-

I went to Harajuku to see the showcase, knowing that DBSK wouldn’t be coming. But still, premium fangoods were going to be sold and costumes would be available to see up close. Meeting up with two Shinkians, we went when the showcase supposedly opened – at noon.

And holy cow, we should have come an hour or more earlier. By 12:30PM, the tickets were gone. While you actually pay 500 yen at the DOOR, you have to get an entry ticket with a time. The first time started at 12:00, then the next one at 12:30, and then the next one at 13:00 – all the way to 17:00.

We came at 12:15PM, and we ended up with 17:00… For each half-hour group, there were 330 tickets. Today, when we went in the morning, over three thousand fans were gathered in front of the Harajuku Quest Hall. Most of them were older Japanese women, and I was really amazed at the sheer number of people. On the other hand, I was also really happy that DBSK had so many fans in Japan. It’s different seeing it in real life… Like, more powerful?

The three of us decided to wait until 17:00 for our turn. We tried to kill time at a cafe, walked around Harajuku, etc. When we came back at 16:00 to catch our time frame, we discovered that the showcase was nearly two hours behind. We couldn’t believe it. The showcase ended at 20:00, and there was a second part in Omotesando Hills that ended at 21:00.

We decided to wait it out. While we were standing around, I caught the eye of a lady who was staring at me. She was with two other women. I smiled and I asked, “Tohoshinki?”

I can’t speak a lot of Japanese – barely any, in fact. However, there are just some universal things that you can do to communicate, haha. The lady grinned at me and nodded.

I told her, “Tohoshinki ga suki desu / I like DBSK.” She grinned even bigger. Then I said, “Junsu,” pointed to myself, and made a heart, trying to tell her my favorite member was Su.

She SHOUTED and laughed out loud, pointing to herself and saying, “Junsu ga suki desu! Junsu ga daisuke desu!/ I like Junsu! I like Junsu a lot!”

Her two companions turned to us and started noticing us. The Junsu fan said some stuff in rapid-fire Japanese. My two friends were Jaejoong fans, and immediately pointed to themselves and said, “Jaejoong!”

One of the women laughed and excitedly clapped. She also said, “Jaejoong!” and pointed to herself.

I looked at the third women and smiled, trying to ask (with just facial expression, XD) which member she liked. She said, “Aiiiii, Yoochun!”

Her two friends laughed with her as the Chun fan hid her face behind a fan. It looked like they were making fun of her in a friendly way, as if they did it a lot? We all laughed, and then we showed each other our time tickets. When the Su fan saw how late ours was, she asked something.


I was like, Huh? Then the Jaejoong fan pulled out her camera and started showing us pictures of DBSK’s pictures plastered on pillars! In a subway! The three of us got all excited and the ladies pointed down the street. One of my friends knew more Japanese than I did, and understood the directions somewhat. We thanked the ladies and walked down the street forever, looking for Omotesando station.

At the station, the Su fan had told us to just tell the station staff, “Tohoshinki”, and they would point us in the right way. The first officer we encountered, we asked, “Tohoshinki?” His expression didn’t change as he flourished his hand down a long hall way.

We hurried down the hallway after we thanked the officer. And holy cow. When we got to the pillars… There were at least fifty other people there, cameras and cell phones out. Everyone was taking pictures of the pillars! It was really cool, and we could really feel the DongBang love.

—-The ShowCase—-

We went back to the Harajuku Quest Hall and nearly died. It was 18:00, and they were on the time group 15:00. We went to a cafe to kill time, went back around 19:00. It closed in an hour, and we were really worried that all the waiting would be for nothing. But then, the THSK staff directing the groups began to send in large groups. We quickly jumped in the flow and were directed up an elaborate stairway. Then we were ushered into a small, dark stadium with lots of lights and such installed in the ceiling. When we paid our 500 yen, we were given a pamphlet with a stamp on the back (the stamp was proof we paid at the Harajuku Quest Hall, so that we could get in for free for the second showcase at Omotesando Hills). In the front wall, there was a large white overhead sheet where DBSK music videos were being played (Purple Line, Doush!te, Survivor, Share the World…).

Immediately, we were ushered into a line for premium fangoods – and by the time we got there, the Soy Sauce keychain was long-since sold out. The mini-CD collection and premium seal stamp were gone, too. There were hankerchiefs, figures, crackers, and keychain circle stuffs left.

There were photobooths were you could take a picture, and it would look like you were in a picture with DBSK (it was their T album cover, and their Secret Code cover).

Then we rushed over to Omotesando Hills, afraid we would run out of time. We had an hour before the second showcase closed (it closed at 21:00). We got a second stamp on the pamphlet when we got in, and there were costumes set up around the perimeter of the place. It started with the HMS Concert costumes, then the FITB ones, then the T ones, then the Mirotic Con ones, I think? (Not sure about the last one – it’s the one with the red gloves). The last one (gloves) were real-life-size mannequins of DBSK in costumes.

After these costumes, there was a folded wall kind of thing where you could write messages to DBSK on little square stickers. I lost my pamphlet there ^^;;

Then there was a small video screen where it was showing a message from DBSK to the fans at the showcase. I couldn’t understand it, lol. A little ways from that was a big white square that had their signatures. And omg, Junsu’s had a funny smiley face on it, XD

Then there was a final, large stamp and that was it. It was an interesting, and VERY long day, XD

Credits: zhuuzhuusoba @ iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Please do not remove without credits.

cool!..I wish that I could've went!

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Guest Jeijoong

R E Q U E S T: Tokyo Dome Goods

Who's coming to Tokyo Dome? I really want to get my hands on the Stand By U Tokyo Dome Souvenir Version and some goods. Anyone willing to buy some for me?? Pretty pleaseee :rolleyes: PM me please. I live in the US, btw.

Also, are they still selling the Tohoshinki Shoyu Koto phone strap?? I THINK I saw it a few days ago on yesasia, but now it's gone T__T

Mannequins Oooh, those are cool! They look a lot like the real boys, esp JaeChun!

Stand By U CONGRATS, Tohoshinki! <3 Their sales just keep on improving huh. :D 100k on second day, oh yah!

Train Station OMG, I wanna go there, too! I'd be taking a bunch of pictures also xD and yes, maybe hug them, too. haha

Purachike lol, Jae! A cat? :3 I'll take care of you xD Haha, JaeSu was funny and cute!

TAKE CARE, everyone!

And thanks for always sharing the news, fancams and pictures <3

Countdown to T O K Y O D O M E: 2 days

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Guest ferrel2010

yippie - thx a lot for 'Don't Cry My Lover's MV..really good work!! recently I also addicted with jaejoong's saranga ooljima..today.. don't know how many times I have played that song in my mp3 player ..hehehehe..especially tomorrow our boys will perform at Tokyo Dome..I'm sure there are so many tears will flow out, cause they've faced so many experiences to take them out there...SARANGA OOLJIMA, CASSIOPEIA!!!!

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Guest Toink3

THSK - 4th Live Tour Official Photo - JaeJoong

























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Guest devillusion

Have this shared? Well people GOT GOOD NEWS on Channel V

since 259 people recommended our boys (men) to Channel V, they decided to put TVXQ as their feature artist. You guys can watch exclusive program with TVXQ;

Date : July 11th 2009

Time : 8.20 HK/SIN | 9.20 MAL

credit : channel V website.

isn't that COOL or what~! waweeee~!

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Guest Senorita_

So I went to the Ometesando Showcase today in Tokyo. What a great surprise, really. I guess I didn't really expect that many people, but it was packed! My friends (WendiiE and zhuuzhuusoba) and I got there at 12:30-ish and got in line. It turned out that we had to get into ANOTHER line for pre-tickets. Those pre-tickets gave us a time of when we could go in. And we had the ones for 5PM (the showcase started at 12PM and we got tickets for 5PM! Imagine HOW many people got there earlier for tickets). I think there were tickets for about 330 people per half an hour and they let people in maybe 30-50 at a time per 5 minutes. From what Zhuu calculated, there was probably a total of 3000+ people today that went.

Wow that's so cool. You three are really lucky <3 Even though the boys' weren't present but wow, there's still alot of people who came and attended the showcase. Shows how popular the boys are right now ^^

OMG! Lol. But the mannequins look quite scary xD Jae's and Yoochun's one looks quite the same as the real one, but the Yunho one doesn't look like the real-life Yunho at all :mellow:


Has it been confirmed that there will be English subtitles for All About DBSK Season III?

The previous seasons has English subs, so I'm pretty sure they will be included in AADBSK3

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^ jaesu is on the rise these days eh? i'm glad that they're showing their love more since some people thought they weren't that close :\.

the showcase looks so awesome! and that toho shoyu koto keychain is pretty epic. i love junsu's laugh~ everyone that's going to tokyo dome, have fun and stay safe! cheer the boys on well :D

thanks everyone for the constant updates and pictures :) here are some more pictures of yunho from the june 21st nagoya concert:

yunho5169.th.jpg yunho5170.th.jpg yunho5171.th.jpg

credits: dearuknow.com + dnbn.org

ah, this is such an awesome page number :) '555'!

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Guest yukinvn

4 people has been confirm positive with Flu A/H1N1, so, pls check yourself.

Besides, there's a girl who tried to cure herself by taking drug without doctor's advice, and it make the virus became a little bit anti-drug. It's dangerous.



I don't wanna scare everybody, and infact this dicease is not something terrible, but it'll spread very fast, so, be careful for your family's health.

Mina-san, i wanna know whether the AADBSK 3 has Eng-sub.. 'cos i won't understand anything without Eng-sub.. How can we make sure about this issue?

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Guest LeaYuri




3:06 PM Posted by Kamerru


Yunho Knows About Yunho-sshi?!

haha it’s something like that…

Compared to other achievements, this may seem small to some people, but to me and the staff, this is a very big deal, an accomplishment that tells us that everything we’ve been doing here on Yunho-sshi Forums has been worth it. This is definitely a big step for us. *big grin*

My friend Jing sent me a very nice surprise. She had told me about this a few months ago, but I didn’t want to tell anyone else until I had it in my hands. Jing’s a busy person with some things that she’s dealing with right now so I didn’t rush her to send this to me, although I really wanted to. lol

Anyway, so we all know about TVXQ’s Mirotic Concert in Nanjing, right? Well it just so happened that Jing worked at the hotel the boys stayed at and she bumped into Yunho and in the brief minute she had, told him about Yunho-sshi Forums and got us this…

In case you really can't see what it says... lol:

To Yunho-sshi Forums~

Thank you for your support!


She said Yunho looked tired, but was very kind and wrote this message although there were people with him (staff most likely) that were rushing him to leave. Jing thinks that it was because he was in a hurry that his hand writing was messy (although I think it’s really neat already and not to mention, that he wrote in English! OMG!)

Oh Yunho, you are the sweetest thing! We will always support you! ^_______^

Credits: Yunho-sshi + Genna

Shared by: DBSKnights

He's such a sweetest man in the world.. :blush:

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^Nothing less expected of Yunho.. he's always so so sweet to his fans! <3


....3rd post :P


OMG it's been awhile since we're bombarded with lots of Changmin gifs. Thanks for sharing these! I love the above gif especially~ Hehe his expression is just too cute!

If I have one of those, it'd run out of battery within a day since I would just press it constantly just to hear their funny voices! :lol:

Jaejoong's wax figure looks scary because it has a hard stare expression on its face. ><

People in Japan are soo lucky! They get to see the boys even if it's just ginormous posters of them in a subway train station..

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