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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Thanks for sharing this! I love how they showed a Japanese woman tearing up when THSK announced the Tokyo Dome news. Feels like a mum being proud over what her sons have achieved. <3

I can't wait for the prank on Yutti. I feel kinda sympathetic towards him when he had that clueless face... :sweatingbullets:

They look so so awesome in The Secret Code promo pics and new lotte pics!! :wub:

Thanks for sharing guys! :D

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Guest xU♥Vcass♥OneTVXQ

wow I love the BeeTV clip xD YJ is back xD

I have a pic from baidu to Share :D. Chinese fan really love YJ right xD.

Seem like YJ have a lot in common xD even the habit when they talk or doing something like this ^^

A cap from Tohoshinki Prank at Event Channel A 090430


Bonus : cute Jae Jae :D


Many faces Yoochun


Credit : TVXQBaidu

Share : xU♥Vcass@OneTVXQ

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Guest gelliegellie


I love his hair on their first Star King. Way back 2006?

And Mirotic. Haha. Unique yet hot. LOL.

Junsu Fanmade Goods






credit: windycity+xiahbaidu

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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^Those are uber cute fangoods. XD Look at the chibis! :D

Thanks for sharing unnie. ^__^

LOL havent been here in ages. :) Oh well. TSC Tour is coming to town!

Excited much.

Hairstyle on Junsu? Definitely Mirotic days for me. :lol:

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Guest dianaj1985

Junsu Fanmade Goods


credit: windycity+xiahbaidu

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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Guest Senorita_

Karen <3 My friend said the CF is for Seolleim? Not heard of it before lol!

I think Mabe is right ! <3

Actually my friend was the one who told me about this....

I don't think she's lying to me ~~ but since some dont believe it I just went to check on naver

and look ~~


Dong Bang Shin Ki Ice Cream Seolleim CF

(동방신기 아이스크림 설레임 CF)



well we just have to wait to see if it's true or not.... ^.^

Oh, it probably is a CF for Seolleim Ice Cream, though I have never heard of that name before xD I'm just curious when the CF will come out - they have finished shooting it.


it is a little different from yoosu's but i'm sure jae has a great explanation/meaning behind the name. he is after all, the one who coined the term "MIROTIC" and the one who came up with the extraordinary design & quotes for his tattoo. i have no doubt its gonna be something personal and profound that only jae can come up with. :)

Jaejoong is a very unique person with names or things - he's usually the one who trys to think of something different than others and I think that's what Jae is doing - naming his Crebeau as 'Jeff' :P lol. I hope Jae will tell us the name behind it :rolleyes:

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Guest badstar

here is what i got...dongbangjunior loveee...^_^

Thank you so much^^

090501 DBSK Group 4th promote

I guess this is a preview of an upcoming program that'll show the japan promotion groups during their separation?...looks fun and interesting..can't wait!=)

Ohhh!! This is awesome!!!

Look at Jaejoong's sexyness!!

I want to watch it already,

more Lotte pics

Love the Lotte pics as always!

Thanks for these^^

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Guest foreverJJ


Hi Everyone!

I have always been a silent member in this thread! (I don't know if my post was done properly!)

It's great fun.

Yet, I would like to share some good story but quite sad about a fanboy of TVXQ (especially Jaejung oppa).

Someone who loves TVXQ with every heart beath.

He just passed away on his 17th birthday (30/04/09).

Here's a letter his sister wrote about how his love for JJ and TVXQ could give him strength and a will to live in the final stage of his life.

(He is one of our family members of a Thai TVXQ lovers' society.)


I'm one of the Cassiopeia, i am very fond of DBSK.

But i'm not writing this letter to you for my own self.

I write it for my brother who is even a bigger fan.

My brother is sixteen years old. His name is Nan.

Since he was born, Nan has suffered from Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).

The very disease has always been a struggle preventing him from going out and playing in the sun like other children.

He has always been unhealthy.

At his 16th Anniversary, my parents decided he was old enough for the heart operation.

Thus, Nan had his first heart operation on August 12th, 2008.

We all prayed for him, and could only hope he could become a healthy boy just like everyone else.

But perhaps, God didn't hear our prayers.

Instead, his conditions only got worse from complications.

ICU had become a place we all were used to.

Seven months in hospital had passed, Nan never got better.

He'd been so exhausted and could hardly breathe by himself.

Respirator was put on at all time.

The operation didn't seem to help like we hoped it would.

Pneumonia was then added to a number of other complications.

I felt almost hopeless but Nan stayed strong spiritually.

When the doctor found that he'd got Sepsis (blood infection), it broke my heart badly.

I could hardly describe in words how hard it was to see the doctor inserted a big plastic catheter through his chest in order to remove fluid from the the lungs.

I couldn't imagine how painful it must be.

But all the time he's been fighting with his diseases, i talk to him about DBSK just so he can stay strong.

I read him the stories and the news, i show him the magazines and video clips.

Everything possible to put the smile upon his face.

It works magically, through all the pain, he still smiles.

DBSK has been the hope to fight for life.

When we heard of The Rising Sun Concert & The O Concert in Thailand, Nan was thrilled.

But as ever, his illness stopped him from getting to see his idols among other Cassiopiea.

Then, we heard of the SM Town live in Bangkok.

I bought tickets for us immediately, hoping that he would get better after a big operation in August.

I was wrong once again.

By November, it didn't seem like he could at any chance get out of the hospital.

On November, 7th, Nan was tired (and really worried about the concert).

The doctor decided to do one more tube insertion to help with his respiration.

It was almost impossible for me to imagine how hurt he was.

Nan was sad, but when the concert announced postponement.

Nan got his hope up, but he was, yet one more time, let down by his conditions.

It didn't seem like he would ever be recovered.

We never know when he will be able to get out of the hospital, if ever again.

Perhaps, the only thing we need is a miracle.

On April, 25th, my brother will turn seventeen.

If there is any possibility, there is nothing i want more than for my dear brother to get to meet his idols.

I can't imagine what would be more meaningful to him than this.

This is something that would mean everything to him.

He only wishes any of the members would say his name for once.

Especially his Hero, Jaejoong, his favorite member.

I believe that he would gain a great strength from such a moment.

I love you, my brother loves you.

You will always be Nan's idols and stay in his heart in every moment he needs hope and strength.

God be with you.

Translated and shared by SawasdeeTVXQ

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Guest JJ.biased

^ omg that story was so sad... :(

thanks for the lotte pics.

You know what.. i don't even want them go to military service :( but if they had to.. definately all 5!!

seriously without one.. its no longer a dbsk.

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Guest ferrel2010

Oh NO, poor a fanboy ..really sad..


This day I have read an article from other forum, a girl testifies that she had saved by jaejoong when she wants to commit suicide in 2005. She wrote this:

I love JaeJoong (Hero) because... he saved my life

U can criticize me for saying i'm over exagerating... but he did...

he actually saved me, i owe him my life

I was so suicidal about two years ago. Now that i think about it, it was scary...

I remeber being to scared to cut myself, so i asked a friend to get me poisonous pills

that would literally make u sleep, then tackle ur heart and kill u

I got htem and kept them with me for almost half a year

then i wanted to kill mysel fwhen i went back to china for summer

i like Changmin at first, i didn't like JAE at all... u can say, that i said he didn't seem suited for tvxq... lol

his eyes were so sad at first that it made me think they mirrored me..

but then on the plane, on my laptop, i started watching the things my friend uploaded on there before i left

and i noticed him more, and eventually fell in love with his sad eyes

then gradually i started to care about him... but i still watned to die

i was too scared to die alone, i wanted someone there to be with me till i lost consciousness

so i called my best guy friend, whom i knew since iw as 3

he said he'd meet me somewhere, and on the way, i cut my arm accidentally on the elevator thingy

... so i just let myself bleed... and then my friend was so mad at me, and yelled at me

bla bla... eventually...

it got to a point where i did swallow the pills, all of them...

and i knew i was gonna die so i said till i died, i'd be with my friend and do w/e he wanted

and he took me to a net cafe to show me a few clips

he didnt' even kno i kenw who tvxq was before

but he showed me a clip abou tJae, and in it, i'm nto even sure if the subs were perfect

but wat it said basically said "no matter how hard life is, u're ur own architecture. If you give up then there's no one that can help you, but if u want to keep building ur future, then no one can stop u either."

then i felt hopeful... and Jae said "Cassiopeia, sa lang hae... i'll always love you."

and i just cried...

but then i was already getting faint, and he hugged me...

i rmbr crying and saying "i'll miss u (to my friend) and taht i let my building fall when others pushed it over..." deep down i didnt' want to die, but i knew it was too late...

and i just...

passed out... i think either int he net cafe or right after we walked out

and when i woke up... i was in the hospital.

wat he told me was that "i passed out, and he carried me to the hospital almost next door

[yes, he picked that net cafe on purpose/ the clip inspired him apparently]

and then... he told the nurse he'd promist to pay and used all his $ that he had...

and then i paid the rest that was needed.

He asked them to not tell my parents...

and i went home before my family got back... i was inched from death...

now i kno to treasure my life....

even when i had to spend a night alone

no one even called to check on me, but i wasn't sad.. i had Jae...

i have Jae...

Seee, that's why i love him, i know he's not perfect.. and i know he has flaws

but i still love him

because he saved me...

That's her testify about being saved by jaejoong. I'm so touched by her writing. I just wanna to know DOES ANYONE HAS THE CLIP BEING WATCHED BY THAT GIRL? really thank you if someone could help me find that clip...

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Guest miss_h


1) LITI - soul power

2) Bolero - Ontama

3) Forever Love - 2nd Bigeast Fanmeet

4) Kiss Sh!ta Mama Sayanora - T Tour

5) Asu wa kuru kara - T Tour (i have to admit..i'm bias on this one just because of jaesu's duet on that one note & of su's emotions at the end)

so my question is.....what other ballad performances of theirs that you guys think is absolutely perfect? are there any from their earlier singles/albums?

I think I will put:

Heart Mind and Soul - Soul Power

You're My Melody - Mirotic Show Case

Doush!te - Ontama, A-Nation

Loving You - A-Nation

- FITB tour

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19OC8hpl_G0, I personally love this performance along with the 'T' one because the fans are very supportive. They light a white candle especially for this song. And this is their first budokan.

I especially love it when they are sweating and singing a ballad song. That's why I love almost all of their tour/ concert ballads performance. It's more heart breaking in some way.


I read their Aera interview and I must says I like it a lot. This one of their good interview with full of honesty.

I also wonder the same thing with CM. If they stay in Korea and only in Korea will it turn them into arrogant? Because everything seem to be given to them there.

I have this feeling that during their comebacks, all the PD, sunbae artist, artist who is not as popular as them, and other people who is involve in the industry are surprise to see how humble and polite they are.

Even in the MKMF/ GDA event, I see not only once but often that the PD congrat them and encourage them after the performance like they are truly mean it (not just because it's part of their job).


Junsu fan-art: I love this fan-art esp the eyes part. It describe Junsu innocent and free clueless part perfectly.


About the CF: I hope they release it soon. Although this may sound childish but the CF give them a little connection with Korea even when they are staying in Japan right now.

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Guest HermioneHero

Hey! Micky 23th B-day Project + TVXQ individual B-day Present Project


Ahh!! Finally, i planned this for a long time and now we can really do it. Yes! This is a Bday project for all of them, TVXQ! Since we have long time haven't do a project. Sorry for that, I have been busy... ><" Ok, let's start it now! #haha#


  • 50 Best messages from Xiah b-day thread (Before 081215) [
50 Best messages from Hero b-day thread (Before 090126) [Click!]
50 Best messages from U-Know b-day thread (Before 090206) [Click!]
50 Best messages from Max b-day thread (Before 090218) [Click!]
50 Best messages from Micky b-day thread (Before 090515, Because we need to get the Bday Message book done before his Bday.) [Click!]


  • 1. 5 different CD
    2. 5 different T-shirt
    3. 5 different Hat
    4. 5 Bear accessory (

* Ideas of present can be post here: http://cassiopeia-family.com/forums/viewto...=357601#p357601

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Guest kris_tina

090502 Oricon Daily Singles Chart


*1 NEWS 「恋のABO」 10,309

*2 シド 「嘘」 *4,890

*3 JUJU 「明日がくるなら JUJU with JAY'ED」 *3,100

*4 桜高軽音部 「Don't say "lazy"」

*5 桜高軽音部 「Cagayake! GIRLS」

*6 EXILE 「THE MONSTER ~Someday~」

*7 中川翔子 「涙の種、笑顔の花」

*8 Buono! 「MY BOY」

*9 東方神起 「Share The World/ウィーアー!」

10 ゆず 「逢いたい」

Source: dnbn

Rankings from Day 1:

April 22 - #1

April 23 - #1

April 24 - #2

April 25 - #4

April 26 - #5

April 27 - #5

April 28 - #4

April 29 - #13

April 30 - #10

May 1 - #10

May 22 - #9

Taken from: OneTVXQ.com

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Guest wyteusagi

wow are those stories for real??

congrats dbsk for topping oricon the sixth time

i noe u're the best group ever!!


DBSK - Jaejoong ~ Knowledge channel (sub-title: J channel)

i just saw this clip n it was very touching.its about jae..but the problem is its in korean

so could anyone do a rough translation about the clip, pleaseee??

and just wanna share this

[HQ]050807 DBSK MBC - TVXQ + BOA + CSJH live

this is a very rare clip..i've never seen it before

its a collab between them, boa and the grace

i can't stop smilling becoz its also very rare seeing them in a very hip hoppish style..and the choreography was also fun!

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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI

^ Yunho just looks.... @_____@

i mean, his face spells TIRED...

or is he being cute? lol...idk anymore.

and i LOVE jae's specs! he looks like someone

you'd incidentally meet at a library or smth...

like, the hot assistant O__O...

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Guest miss betty


Long, Flat, Center-parted = Truly sorry but... *pukes*

Gosh Yoochun but I pray you'll turn into your GQ-self soon..

Channel-a + Tohoshinki = GOOD FUN!!

Waiting for HEYx3 appearnace now..

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Guest jangjaewon

I have one question in my mind, Do you know why DBSK is the only one that Not Choose as Mnet Countdown Heroes ?

I mean they are the top artist, I saw BoA, Rain, Seven, Shinhwa, Super Junior, SES, FIN K.L. etc. but not our boys.

Or I miss something.

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Guest kikylove

Question ~~

do u know someone want to sale Bonjour Paris [Limited Eidition] ?

i really want to buy it TT

if u want to sale it. plz PM to me

Thx u ......





I want it all ^^

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Guest yunholover90


credits-pigbbong on yt

i think this is the new documentary blog that they are starting!!

I can't wait to see their secret code campaign!


can anyone tell me what japanese variety show was it around 0:21 to 0:24 in the BEE MOOLOG Video with junsu in the kitchen cooking and dancing really cute and funny!!! can anyone tell me what show was it?



V- sorry it's not the one that i'm looking for, the one that i am after was around the time when they went for their secert code campaign promotions and junsuu was with yoochun and changmin^_^ just likethe vid i shared with u guys in my post

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