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Are You Close With Your Cousins?!?

Guest 영원한 사랑

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Guest kanbojia

My mom's side all live in Cambodia and I do not really know them at all.

Almost all of my dad's side is in the usa and i basicly grew up with all of them. Half of them r like my brothers and sisters.

Then there r the little ones who look up to me : )

My little cousin had these old jeans and you know how kids crawl a lot on their knees?

Well he did it so much the knee area tore and there were holes.

So his mom was about to throw them away and he is like NOO DONT!!

And she is like why?

ANd he was like because I want to be like Danny(me)!

(referring to seeing my destroyed faded jeans from A&F) ^_^

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Guest Im4evaraqt

I have like... a bunch of cousins too... but I am close to the ones who are close in age to me. we all live pretty near one another... some of us went to the same high school... and I usually talk to them everyday.

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Guest haruhis2kyon

Well, I don't have any brothers or sisters,

so my cousins are my closest things to siblings :D

That's exactly the same for me! It's just that I haven't had the chance to see and meet them in person for 3 years because I moved to a different state. My cousins in Sydney... well, they're so much older than me - somewhere in their 40s. I'm pretty neutral with 'em but I get along really well with their kids; they're like around my age! :lol:

Anyway, the rest are scattered all over America which I have never met - kinda unfortunate though, would be cool if I could...

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Guest SilmarweN

They are like my brother and sister + something like friends.The others...we really live far and don't see or talk to each other much so not really.Otherwise it's like a tradition to be close and friends. :)

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Guest JambaJuice

Well I get along with most of my cousins on my dad's side of the family but I'm only close to... like one cousin when it comes to age. I'm not close to any cousins on my mom's side though and I don't plan on it. Parents divorced. Haha.

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Guest leenahx33

I used to be.. but let me say something. Just because you are blood related a la cousins doesn't mean that they won't turn their backs on you.

It sucks and it's stupid but it's a part of my life now.

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Guest cherrierus

No, not at all.

Half of them are in China and I only met them a couple times in my life for a couple months. And that was back when I was younger so I don't really remember anything.

The other half in America are all in another state, I see them more but still not a lot. Maybe Once a year if I'm lucky.

I sometimes wish that I was closer to them like some of my friends where their cousins are also their good friends.

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Guest ...MoMcMaster<3...

no. they live in NY and i live in PA. they are super close but i'm not close to them at all. and when we do get to visit the only person they want to talk to is my brother. i don't actually remember us ever having a conversation. i'm only semi-close to like 3 of them... out of like 70.

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My cousins and I are like this : ||

two peas in a pod :D

We'd die (literally) if we were seperated.

Well, not all my cousins, but my

first cousins from my dads side =)

We grew up together and we're like

lovers xD

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Guest hipopdancer

im close with my one cousin who now lives in canada.

to me, she's like a sister and a best friend.

we seriously talk like there' no tomorrow.

just about anything and i love talking :3 teehee lol

she has a soompi but idk how active she is o.o

lol. if she reads this, HI VERONICA XD

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