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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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hi sisters :-) LMH is cool,fresh and very hapy. He  must be so happy bcos wifey getting more recognitions :-)

BTW my younger sister is also a fan of minsun..here is the PS that she made.she is 15yrs old :-)

here is  it


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"People are entitled to their opinions & should be free to do so as long as they articulate their feelings with RESPECT for others. But when people decide to share their opinions in a way that is meant to hurt another person's feelings that is when they become HATERS".

"Chances are when someone is hating on you, it's not about you at all. It's about THEM. It's their FEAR, their JEALOUSY, their BOREDOM & INSECURITY".

"Let her talk, talk & talk. Let her say what she wants. WE WILL LAUGH AT THE THOUGHT THAT THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'VE GOT!!!!"

"HATERS are LOSERS". "He who entertains a FOOL, is a FOOL".

(quotes by Anonymous)

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Hello Minsun sisters!

Good day indeed. Yes Minho looks so happy and in love kkk

BTW those pictures shows how polite he is as a co star who is suppose to take care of his partner in the drama , but the one with GHS showed how giddy and happy he is leaning over to her! There are stars in his eyes.. This picture is what caught my attention and caused me to become a Minsunner.

The couple shirt speaks volumes especially because the color is white for both of them. Maybe one of you can review about his jacket. I remember seeing GHS in the same style.

Have a good day !

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@noemia...LOL i agree with you he is such a flirt in those above pics but then i think that is how he is..that is why he is called THE KING OF CHEMISTRY..IM really curious with good intention because i like KHS too why do you keep bringing KHS picture here would it not be better if you make your own LMH/KHS THREAD..PROMISE we don't really care ..don't you see it is not good to look at bringing her pic here as she look pathetic it is like you using our JOONDI THREAD to promote her..let me ask you this..if i bring GHS picture over at KHS THREAD how will you feel ..do you think your friends at KHS THREAD will be happy with what you are doing..GHS and KHS are exactly 2 opposite person please don't compare them with each other..motherly advised for you JUST BE HAPPY WITH KHS APPRECIATE WITH WHAT SHE IS DOING AND WHAT SHE HAS AND STOP COMPARING HER TO OTHER ACTRESS because she is different from everyone she has proven herself already im sure by then you will have peace of mind.. 

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noemia..okay i'll talk with you tomorrow..but i hope when you come back you are not a bully anymore..be nice..there's al lot of evil people now in the world we don't want to add to that anymore..

noemia said: I'm not saying goodbye. I have to ultimately strengthen your faith in minsun. In our series there should be no doubt that minsun real. Before meeting  sisters. Fighting! :D
PS. I think maybe there will be more and the fans PARK YOOCHUN

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Guest vebby21vebb

Good Morning Sisters!!!!

Btw, We have talked about this right???

Ignored people who left a bad comments in this thread..








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Guest minsun69

I'm not saying goodbye. I have to ultimately strengthen your faith in minsun. In our series there should be no doubt that minsun real. Before meeting sisters. Fighting! :D

PS. I think maybe there will be more and the fans PARK YOOCHUN

do not say goodbye, ur post is entertaining

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I saw the translation for the above link in fb

GHS is volunteering along with 40 employees of an organization called Korea Housing Guarantee company (it might be a volunteer

organization). They have gotten together to build something for the neighborhood children's center. (We know GHS is good with

hammer..keke). Their volunteer work will be broadcast on SBS's special program called

HOPE--but next month on 10th and 11th. Supposedly GHS sweated along with the rest of the volunteers. They think GHS will onlly appear a little bit on the show. How does GHS get involved in all these works?? Do

they call her or is she part of a bigger organization that helps children? Wherever there are children in distress, she seems to

never tire of getting her hands dirty..she just plunges right in. BRAVO to the Korea

Housing Guarntee co.!!

credits: cheerkoo

Aigo only a little...but I m happy atleast we can see ghs a little..

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This is GREAT !!! Another GOOD DEEDS that our GHS done.. That is why we MinSuners especially LEE MIN HO are VERY PROUD of HER :x  :x  :x  =D> =D>  =D>

Thank you so much to @meow, @sukreen and @sue for the articles and translations from GHS thread...  :x   :x  :x

meow13, thank you for reminding us about GHS's narration program.The all girls high school in the narration prog is located in Kyung Sang Nam Do whereas the SBS HOPE program takes place in Jella Namdo province. They seem to be two different provinces. But both areas seem to be at the southern parts of S.Korea. I cannot remember but I think GHS did want to go and see the mural...and, maybe she did?? kesukreen, thanks for the blog. What a find! http://m.blog.naver.com/4bcult/40187314510
The blogger is a volunteer who went to refurbish the old elementary school. He (the only male in the pix) is either the teacher or instructor at the PoongDuk Art and Culture School (I wonder if that is a high school or college?) where the students volunteered to create the mural. "Because of the size of the wall, they decided to go down one day earlier to start the mural. They went down on the 16th instead of being there on the 17th for the TV program. The blogger received only the pix of the wall by email. When they went down to the actual location, the abandoned school house was much better organized for them. Blogger says that since the students went down there to work rather than to learn, he was much more demanding and strict. And all the students concentrated well in their work. On 16th, they completed about 70% of the work to be prepared for the TV filming on the 17th. On 17th, GHS-ssi arrived earlier than the appointed time.To see her in real life, we were all dazzled for a while by how pretty she is. heheBut we returned to sanity and went right back into work.It looked so good to see her work side by side with the kids.Since I am in charge, I could order GHS-ssi to do this and that.But, deep inside, that is not what we wanted to do. hehehe(there is a pix of the leader and student giggling..that is what they feel like inside working with GHS nearby..keke)So, we again try to concentrate and get back to work.While working, we found another small wall right next to the big one. So, we decided to make a mural there too.Thanks so much to all the kids who worked so hard!!!As the person in charge, I took a commemorative picture (The pix of him with GHS). He says he will post a pix of everybody later.GHS-ssi came so much earlier than the appointed time and really helped a great deal.When the camera was not running, I saw her cleaning up the garbage even though nobody asked her to. I really think she is a pretty good person. I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart for making a great memory for all of us. So, now, take a look at the completed murals...
(It seems like GHS is much more interested in appearing on TV via documentaries, along with regular people doing the work?? It looks good! She is getting even closer to people this way than through tweeter...right? To get closer and communicate with people...I remeber her saying that is what she wanted.)
Have a nice day/night to ALL MINSUNERS !!! B-)

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Guest faye1979

prettywiz said: you are indian right you know i have a lot of indian friends from the hospital and they are nice people in fact my son's best friend is indian..although he is hindu but every christmas he comes over to our house and celebrate with us..LOL SORRY im getting personal..

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Thanks goodness neomia that you post those picture in this thread! I mean, now the intruder that always doubt about minsun and try to post something bad in this thread will think twice because they might see your evidence through your pic between minsun and another MH co star, which is in minsun pic we could see love in MH eyes and shy smile from HS ( When a girl in love we can see it in her smile and when a guy in love we can see it in his eyes ) and in another pic we saw a respect, friendship and caring MH to his co star that showed his politeness... And why i thank you because i don't have a leisure time to googling around to find those pic and now because of your hard working to search those pic and posted it, i minsunners ( maybe antis too ) can compare easily where is a love and where is a friendship ;-) Good job! You solved one problem

Oh btw, if you ever falling in love so deeply with someone I bet that all of you must know the differences between someone that we love the most and someone that only just a friend, the gesture, the sparkling eyes, the smiles, the attention everything would be soooo different and we don't know why and we don't know how to explain that, we'd only knew it is LOVE! And it seems happens to us and to uri minsun :-) Cheers minsunners!!

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[Photo & FA] Ku Hye Sun to appear on SBS Hope TV (SBS 희망TV )


The blogger is a volunteer who went to refurbish the old elementary school. He (the only male in the pix) is either the teacher or instructor at the PoongDuk Art and Culture School (I wonder if that is a high school or college?) where the students volunteered to create the mural.

Because of the size of the wall, they decided to go down one day earlier to start the mural. They went down on the 16th instead of being there on the 17th for the TV program. The blogger received only the pix of the wall by email. When they went down to the actual location, the abandoned school house was much better organized for them. Blogger says that since the students went down there to work rather than to learn, he was much more demanding and strict. And all the students concentrated well in their work.

On 16th, they completed about 70% of the work to be prepared for the TV filming on the 17th. On 17th, GHS-ssi arrived earlier than the appointed time. To see her in real life, we were all dazzled for a while by how pretty she is. hehe.But we returned to sanity and went right back into work.It looked so good to see her work side by side with the kids. Since I am in charge, I could order GHS-ssi to do this and that.But, deep inside, that is not what we wanted to do. hehehe (there is a pix of the leader and student giggling..that is what they feel like inside working with GHS nearby..keke)









So, we again try to concentrate and get back to work. While working, we found another small wall right next to the big one. So, we decided to make a mural there too.Thanks so much to all the kids who worked so hard!!!As the person in charge, I took a commemorative picture (The pix of him with GHS). He says he will post a pix of everybody later.


GHS-ssi came so much earlier than the appointed time and really helped a great deal.When the camera was not running, I saw her cleaning up the garbage even though nobody asked her to. I really think she is a pretty good person. I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart for making a great memory for all of us. So, now, take a look at the completed murals…

Source: http://blog.naver.com/4bcult/40187314510
Translation by cheerkoo @ soompi
via: http://loveghs.wordpress.com/2013/04/18 ... B%A7%9Dtv/

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