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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Please all of you, who take side either GHS or LMH, don't come here and bashing, bothering us, who love both of them, most of it together, but even separately. There are different treads where you can support them. I think true minsuners never want to hurt any of them and still respect whatever is their choices even that makes us disappointed or some of us lost their trust. Dear fellow MinSuner sis don't grab here nobody else and "naming", we don't need any kind of shippers war, do we?

Raveling  feelings doesn't mean you should write bad things, describe him such way what you've never did if he isn't in this situation. WE REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM! I'm quite sure any of us has no first hand information neither from GHS or LMH, am I right? So we shouldn't judging without proper knowledge. Actually my personal opinion (feeling) maybe we were more surprised than our princess. 

I said farewell and decided don't posted for a while, least not happen or can say something good. But recently more and more times find posts what is not proper here or definitely attacking this tread and members and I have no mood always corresponding with moderators reporting kind of posts. Recently is complicated enough even without getting into the provocations.

I deeply felt love with this couple and quite sure they've been together wasn't a delusion, and also this is why I don't accept the news so easily, can't believe something like such a strong bond could change so suddenly. Don't mention that our boy's behavior shows sometimes definitely the opposite. I'm still waiting the confession from his own mouth to believe it's true. Also would be nice to know about our girl through a tweet or so. 

I still have a faith, hope in them, this is why I'm here, otherwise I can't be anymore around.

Thanks all of you consideration and collaboration! This is a great tread many sister have 5 years in it, don't ruined it this way, whatever is happen in the future, we should preserve the memories of the past in peace.

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It is against Soompi rules to demean and/or bash both a member and an individual from the entertainment industry. In particular with this thread, any future degrading remarks pertaining to Lee Min Ho or another member of the forum will result in an official warning applied to your account or a temporary close of the thread.

If there are problematic posts, please simply report it or contact one of the Shippers' Paradise moderators. Do not bash or instigate a fight with the member. Do not negatively speculate about another ship and cause conflicts. You are more than welcome to continue posting about MinSun, but do NOT go about it in a manner that will create tension.

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Guest temima56

Sorry guys, seems like our princess Ku Hye Sun is not worried at all about the latest LMH dating scandal.  I think I would like to have the same position as our Angel.  I have faith in Minsun.

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Guest doogi3

I have faith in minsun too! I believe he is still the same boy our angel fell in love with.. Red = blood! :-* call me crazy..heh.

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Guest temima56

Minsunners keep calm and carry on! (Just like our princess)  
She is so inspired to work that her drama is getting more raves overseas.  Come to think of it, how will Hallyu stars date openly in the paparazzi capital of the world? It just does not make sense.  We minsunners know better, it's not LMH's style.

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Guest kuhyesun0416

Finally, our princess is back on twitter. She is beautiful. Everyone is happy and she heared our prayer, so it means she is still fine and nothing to worry... Where is our trust? Keep on believing. I believe one day something good happen in her life and that's all we await... MINSUN IS REAL....

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Guest kuhyesun0416

A big reason why i should believe in their relationship and the ship, because LMH not yet said and admitted what the real relationships that they have with suzy maybe that is the day to stop and not fight further, minsun that took part and we once loved.... As long as there is something else we must hold that maybe the reason to fight and continue the ship.....

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Hey ya guys.... I love this thread a lotttttttt :D

I'm new to soompi.... I have read some minsun/joondi fanfics....I want more!

Can you guys suggest me some!?

And I want to write a NEW Jundi fan fiction!

For my myself , for all of you out there!

This couple just drives me crazy :P

Please help me guys...since I'm new I dnno how to write fanfics in soompi :(


I love this couple from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART... <3

I'm dying to see them together in a new drama!

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Guest Evi Garcia

I will still root for MinSun <3 I wont believe the news unless LMH will admit it himself. MinSun fighting!

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It's quite long time,when my last post!actually the things that make sad is when the author sisters decided to leave this thread after that news blow! even we never see each other but i always feel we are like family!!!and i'm sad to loose the member of family!but i hope all of us will happy and be waise to face this....LoVe U AlL MinSun Family

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It's quite long time,when my last post!one thing that make sad is when the author sisters decided to leave this thread after that news out! even we never see each other but i always feel we are like family!!!and i'm sad to loose the member of family!but i hope all of us will happy and be waise to face this....LoVe U AlL MinSun Family

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