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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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My heart have long left this thread, even though my brain and loyalty took awhile to accept it....Finally seeing Hye Sun pair up well with someone other than Minho made me realize that she will do fine even with out him.This beautiful, talented, kind human being will go on continuing to do what she wants to do and we are all going to be here beside and behind her...As for Minho....i can only wish him well....He did wonderful after BOF, he gained fame, wealth,fans and now maybe the strength to really stand up and be the man i knew he can be for the one he cares for....something i wish he did for Hye Sun but was not able to...
For the first 5  of the six years i have known them, loved them and hoped for them....i lurked silently as a i laughed and cried with everyone here for all the things that they have both gone through....I had no doubt that they were together....a lot of things pointed to that....they were just too difficult not to connect ....they were wonderful years for us and i wish they were wonderful years for them as well....after all...when you love....it is the most wonderful days of one's life....
But just like anyone who have once loved ....it is difficult for love to be sustained when expectations from both side are not met....and when you both look at it in two different directions....the way i felt both of them did....
There is no doubt in my mind that there was so much love and passion between them....but perhaps one grew and matured faster than the other and by the time one realized it, it was too late to make a difference....
 I felt so many changes in both them the past year that made me wonder if they were still together....or if the feelings were still there....In my eyes Hye Sun seemed bolder , more sure of herself and is glowing like I have never seen her before...freer perhaps?  Minho on the other hand seems to have lost the spark i used to see in his eyes , the smile on his face....he seems more serious....and that even if he laughs he seems to be forcing it more than usual....anyway it was my perception.....
I am not laying blame on anyone after all they gave me five great years when they made me aware of my heart beating, brought joy to my life and made me dream and wish of ever after again.....but this past year made me see that reality has set in....that something has greatly changed between them and like what i said....my heart learned how to say its own goodbye...even before my brain fully accepted it.....
I wish them both happiness....in their future....
For Minho to keep the courage he suddenly showed in his new relationship and my wish for him to eventually learn how to speak glowingly of Hye Sun and tell us of how great his love was once for her....and the regret of it not working out for both of them....
And for Hye Sun to finally find the man who will not only tell her of his love for her not just in words and deeds witnessed by her alone....but by those people who greatly love her in everything that she does....for her to continue to find the courage to follow her dreams supported not just by her family and friends but by that one person who mean the world to her.....and for her to be home with someone who will make her warm and comforted and loved at the end of her busy days....
To everyone who joined and loved them at some point....never lose hope in shipping....it may be hard and difficult and heartbreaking....but it can also be fun....joyful....make one want to be loved all over again.
Thank you for the memories!

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Dear Minsunners..

My heart is really breaking... i can't stop my tears from falling...

eventhough i'm a lurker in this thread but i've been fhere for 6 years..

going throuh ups and downs of shipping minsun...

i have instinct that this will happen because this past few months i can't look at min ho's face anymore..

i feel like they're no longer together... then boom this news came out...

i wish only the best for my dear hye sun..

gonna continue supporting her..

and i wish she will find someone who is better and love her more than life n fame..

i was listening to "Happy" will writing this..

Will the skies remember all of the times we spent together?
After a long time passes, will we get new loves?

I thought there was no tomorrow so I spoke of love again today
Because I only had today, my heart was so impatient

If I didn’t tell you I loved you back then, would we have been happy?
If I didn’t tell you I loved you back then, would we have been happy?

I thought there was no tomorrow so I spoke of love again today
Because I only had today, my heart was so impatient

If I didn’t tell you I loved you back then, would we have been happy?
If I didn’t tell you I loved you back then, would we have been happy?

If I didn’t tell you I loved you back then, would we really have been happy?
If I didn’t tell you I loved you back then, would we have been happy?

Now, I finally started a new life
Now it’s not right to call us “us” because we are not “us” anymore

Deep in my heart i believe that they were a couple once... too bad it didn't lasts..

Thank you all of you minsunners that has been keeping the faith and believing all those years..

Love you all..

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Dearest Minsuners bros/sisters

I've a confession to make b4 i leave the ship for good, b4 today's news MINSUN IS REAL we're not a DELULU SHIPPER

but the situation with MH's fans makes MINSUN couldnt move nor revealed to public eversince they dating after BOF

So HS has to lay low respecting her boyfriend to be fame and have stable career for their future

It was 6 years ago KMinsuners been attacked by his Kfans if found Minsun's tog also we here being attacked if ever we post the REAL EVIDENCES. is this FAIR?

Those pics Minsun dating took by paparazzi been paid by both agencies to cover their r/ship cos to maintain success on MH's career cos as we know no fangirling or CF would like esp if the person alr has gf  Also his K-fans are covering to at all any sight seeing that has been upload at private blogs to be deleted asap. Isnt this FAIR?

During the 2011 Scandal, K-fans also know that was not the real truth so they couldnt bother to interupt much with the other ship but still we have as the REAL once has to guard whatever been posted here since those days.

Some still sighted Minsun tog in Jan, so how can you say we are delulu shipper?

WE know it's hard for us to follow when couple is in secret relship and dont know if reveal been easy or will be more harder?

Well .. let's see what is his K-fans action now be and how long this new relationship will last

Anyone who think I have to delete this post pls pm me asap thanks

Tale care, Love you all. God Bless.

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Guest Gul95

I've been a silent lurker for almost a year now. Didn't want to create an account simply because it would distract me from my studies. Very upset by the news but only for kuhyesun. Leeminho just isn't the same Leeminho he was a few years ago and I believe fame has changed him. He is so full of himself now. His interaction with fans are very different too and he doesn't seem to appreciate his fans. I've watched many other Korean actors who truly do appreciate their fans to the point where they'll actually stop and give them a few seconds. I can't even recall the last time leeminho did that. A good example is on his recent trip where he is with his mother. His fans approached him and the only person who bothered to look was his mum. I am 100% certain he dated kuhyesun and just like she thinks, fame changed him. Her recent interview where she spoke about her previous bf and how he gave his job and popularity more importance over her was definitely about him and I absolutely trust her 100% with that. You can just tell by his attitude how much he has changed. His interviews years ago were so full of genuine vibes and excitement. Now it's like let's just get this over with. I'm sort of glad it didn't work out with kuhyesun because kuhyesun is someone who appreciates the smallest things and is a very honest person. Just sad because I think kuhyesun truly did care for him.

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Guest doogi3

Hi girls..just wanted to let you all know that you girl have been fabulous and I had a wonderful time spazzing over every evidence spotted and loving their clever/indirect comments to support each other. It has been a lovely journey over the 6 years.. :) I'm still holding faith to This ship..MinSun..no sure why but I still have faith in them. I believe dispatch has got it wrong again..just like in 2011..even with pictures. Therefore, I will not have any ill feeling as I will only believe min ho's statement and not his agency..because they will just jump into a statement that LMH is with so and so because the partner is from a larger agency. I have strong faith that this is all a gimmick as we'll just like in 2011. Heh. ( unless Minho spoke about it) if thinking logically this does not makes sense. Call me crazy but I feel MINSUN is REAL now and forever. I'm waiting for the breakup confirmation in few weeks times..just like in 2011. Good day minsunners~~ *hugs*

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Been shipping this minsun ship for very long too. Even before the dating scandal from many years ago. But compared to that scandal, I feel that this one does seem more real. So am I going to believe it and stop shipping the minsun couple that I love so much. Reasons why I stop shipping 1) LMH and GHS dun seem to be so compatible mentally anymore(in my bystanders' view). Like someone else here said, LMH seemed different GHS seemed to be suitable for a more mature guy,one with more diverse interest. Yes,I have to admit, I am a GHS fan first. 2) The current AhnGoo coupling of Blood seem so believable. Yes, I do know that Ahn is dating someone else. 3) I am kind of sick of the antis(particularly those who are LMH or the other scandal actresses fans) attacking GHS for no reason, even before they even watched Blood, which is such a good show. Hopefully with this new LMH relationship, they will ease up on her. 4) Suzy does seem like a nice gal. So I am hoping that GHS finds a good guy suitable for her, one who will let her grow freely and yet able to be her shelter when she is tired.

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Guest kuhyesun0416

Im silent lurker and im new here i register awhile ago,cause i cant move on about the news...i really love both of them...i cant imagine why this news suddenly appear...but my heart stil for them...their is a regret on my part why i never express and enjoy myself to this thread..this minsun is part if my daily routine....my days are not complete if i dont see this page....i cry and try toconvince myself its judt  a bad dream....many question  suddenly register in my thoughts....but im still here to our hye sun...sorry my english is bad.....

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We were not delusional... We will never be...I have been lurking for 6 years as well from day one till now I have been very diligent... Seems this is more hurtful than my own break up...Why?Because I am siding Hye Sun... She has been very vocal about him but what about this guy, he was just feeding us with his matching things and some statements... He did not even once fight for her, I see how the pain reflected on her song, she was asking dearly still that if they did not meet maybe she will be happy maybe they will be happy... I am proud of what ever he has achieved but I think she was one big part of his achievement... she never brag about anything, she remained like a doting wife just patiently waiting and supporting her other half...She would once in a while mention him, like what she said in her interview she didn't care if it will be publicized... And now it just hit me, why all of a sudden she revealed about her past relationship, she has moved on I guess, this is a part of her trying to forget how she have been a faithful woman...It will never be easy for us, this will be more bearable to other shippers (those who ship him with others) for they did not shipped them for years while we have been in this for years thru thick and thin...
Why does this thing is painful? because unlike the other issue, she automatically tweeted us with some signs but now she haven't, she kept her peace...
And as what she did I wanted to keep my peace not today but tomorrow, this is just too much for us to take

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I believe without a doubt that they were once a couple.. The proof is during min ho movie pc hye sun was not invited/ do not attend. He wont invite an ex gf when the current gf is also attending. If they're just friends for sure hye sun will be there to support him bcoz all of his other co stars was there.. Arghhh.. why so hard to let go?? :((

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Guest Ayushiish

Ahh I am a silent lurker here. Even made a soompi account only for our dear couple. I actually cried hearing this sad news, don't think that's normal

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Signs we should have seen that they were no longer together


Her words – she easily can mention his name now, like “who cares no big deal, I can say what I want now for he is no longer care as well” unlike in the early years she is very careful not to mention him or if so he will say it together with honorific or with other man’s name. She also says his name now with too much sadness…


Her style – she is undeniably the most beautiful girl no matter what style she drags, but during their fruitful years together, she has been so careful, she turned to someone not charming like cutting her hair just so she won’t be appealing to anyone but now the sudden change was appalling. She returned to her old self, the goddess of real beauty…


Her residence – why all of a sudden we learned she change their residence, to a bigger one… it is not just because of the pets because any woman who have been in a relationship would want to forget everything… where did she say they used to date “house”… remember the time Ghamja and another arm can be seen with a caption date was there… and now I also noticed she does not quote Ghamja a lot than before like now she will quote other pets… but still she loves Ghamja who wouldn’t…


Her shop – there are numerous times K-minsunners would report that they have been seen in that area and they would go to Han river as well… Suddenly why sold it? She is not poor, she might not be earning much but selling it is not an option unless there is much more than money can’t buy… I feel it was their sanctuary for there are also memories in there as well as Minsunners gifts to them.


Lastly her songs – need not say more   

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Guest elizabeth90

Lol dont blame lee min ho for your deluded minds, there was no indication or confirmation or proof that those two were dating eachother, i could understand if this was lee min ho first girlfriend, but it isnt, during those six years you guys were shipping min ho with koo he dated a girl called min young remember her?.. but y'all refuse to accept it, and some reigned insult on the actress, which in turn created antis for koo hye sun. Long story short you guys are not helping koo hye sun, hate to say it but your thinking are worst than haters or antis, your deluded state have only brought koo more bashing . It is time to move on... NEWS FLASH.. THEY NEVER DATED SO STOP EMBARRASING YOURSELVES AND KOO HYE SUN THE WAY Y'ALL DID BEFORE. AND STOP HATING ON LEE MIN HO AND IS NEW GIRL, YOU CREATED THIS MESS YOURSELF SO DEAL WITH IT WITHOUT INVOLVING A YOUNG BEAUTIFUL COUPLE... as a koo hye sun fan who has been supportive of her carrer for years this is the best news ever... time to decide what your priorities are, is it koo career and well being or is it about who she dates.

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Guest marryq123

They were a couple and broke up.It 's truth. Now i am waiting Hyesun's Mr.Right and i also hope he will appeares soon.

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 I loved them for so long - 5 years , since I saw BOF first time and now I can't pullout my heart off my chest . MinSun will remains the most beautiful and real love story for me , so vibrating , so sincere , so powerful -that I felt  and still do . Whatever the future reserves for them ,I'll not deny my love for MINSUN ever .   This is the result of wicked , cunning politics of K-entertainment to keep under the cover the real life , fabricate a fake ones  and serve its to the fans ! The truth is always victorious and will prevails . The proves are in front of our very eyes .  Keeping the private life so secret , doesn't do any good to anybody ! One can't close down the curiosity of so many people , which is more from love from fans , not necessary a sick indiscretions . The fans , really need true information , other ways the lies will blossom and will infect everything around .  Because of this occurrence , I think I'll give up on K-entertainment , it is not suited with my understanding and vision about life . To become a slave of whims of fans? How can be that satisfying for everyone ? How can anyone live under everybody wishes ?  I'm sorry LMH-sshi , for thinking so highly about you , hoping you are the last cavalier on earth , loyal , sincere , loving etc . After all you are the man of your time , surrounded by so many beautiful girl , you succumbed . I'm sorry GHS-shi but it's clear that for every good deed , one must pay ! You sacrifice yourself for the love for LMH and now you -and us - gather the harvest . This is a big sin and even bigger sorrow .  I have now the explanations for all your sad selcas . THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL ! I love you !  I'll always love MINSUN ! And Minsunners for offering me a heavenly home . THANK YOU !

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Guest S_sun

Now that I have calmed down a bit, I just want to say that sometimes life does not work out the way we wish. Whatever happened between them ,we will never know . Some things must have changed.Please all of us refrain from posting negative comments even though we are hurting.
I know we are all hurting but the decisions are Minsun's. As they go their separate ways, I wish them all the best.LMH-ssi obviously has moved on. Hope he finds happiness and what he is looking for..GHS-ssi, hope you have the freedom to do what you like and find your own happiness too.
Their real love story will remain in my memory and I will always cherish the good memories with Minsun and the Minsunners family here.THANK YOU. 

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Guest dianaharumi

cliffbinder2 said:

Signs we should have seen that they were no longer together


Her words – she easily can mention his name now, like “who cares no big deal, I can say what I want now for he is no longer care as well” unlike in the early years she is very careful not to mention him or if so he will say it together with honorific or with other man’s name. She also says his name now with too much sadness…


Her style – she is undeniably the most beautiful girl no matter what style she drags, but during their fruitful years together, she has been so careful, she turned to someone not charming like cutting her hair just so she won’t be appealing to anyone but now the sudden change was appalling. She returned to her old self, the goddess of real beauty…


Her residence – why all of a sudden we learned she change their residence, to a bigger one… it is not just because of the pets because any woman who have been in a relationship would want to forget everything… where did she say they used to date “house”… remember the time Ghamja and another arm can be seen with a caption date was there… and now I also noticed she does not quote Ghamja a lot than before like now she will quote other pets… but still she loves Ghamja who wouldn’t…


Her shop – there are numerous times K-minsunners would report that they have been seen in that area and they would go to Han river as well… Suddenly why sold it? She is not poor, she might not be earning much but selling it is not an option unless there is much more than money can’t buy… I feel it was their sanctuary for there are also memories in there as well as Minsunners gifts to them.


Lastly her songs – need not say more   

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