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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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said: OMG @Surie_Riri THANK YOU ..now i understand LMH was just being cryptic just like in  his 2011 concert when that scandal came out and to let the people know that it was GHS not another girl who is in his heart and mind but people chose to be blind..THAT BOOK IS A GIVEN as i've said initially she had the sticklight they just gave her the book with SUNS in the title GOO HYE SUNS


I LOVEEEE those pictures Surie


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Guest manya27

Ku Hye Sun Appears in MBC’s Special Program “Huh Nansulhun”! 2014.01.24
- Ku shows “perfect transformation’ into graceful & innocent poet Huh Nansulhun
Actress Ku Hye Sun appears in MBC channel’s two-part documentary drama “Huh Nansulhun” (written by Kim Mi Ji, produced by Park Tae Sam) and takes part in the program’s narration and production, too. “Huh Nansulhun” is a special two-part drama created by Gangneung MBC, which will be broadcasted in February. In the drama, Ku Hye Sun acts the role of “Huh Nansulhun”, the heroine, and “Ku Hye Sun in present days”. Plus, she takes the role of the narrator to lead the documentary and partially produced the drama, exerting her capabilities as a producer. 
Part 1 of “Huh Nansulhun” is a documentary drama and part 2 consists of a making film and documentary. Ku produced the drama part in part 1 of the program. The production crew visited Huh Nansulhun’s house of birth located in Chodang, Gangneung, as well as Beijing, Nanjing, Jinan in China, for a perfect historical research. Ku also visited Berlin and Bremen, Germany to collect relevant documents on her own. 
Ku Hye Sun has displayed a variety of talents as an actress, filmmaker, painter, and singer, and she now spotlights the inner world of Huh Nansulhun from her perspective in “Huh Nansulhun”.
In a still cut that was disclosed before the broadcasting, Ku is releasing an innocent appeal in an elegant hanbok (Korean traditional clothe) and traditional bottom-bun hair style. 
Documentary drama “Huh Nansulhun” spotlights the life of Huh Nansulhun, the best woman poet of the Joseon Dynasty, and introduces different voices and perspectives from our contemporaries about her. The meaning of Huh Nansulhun is newly seen in the context of the present age, from perspectives of researchers, writers, painters, actors, and ordinary citizens. 
Huh Nansulhun sang her faith and ideals that went beyond the norms of the Joseon Dynasty, in which social restraints on women were especially strong, but died early at the age of 27. Ku Hye Sun perfectly acts as Huh Nansulhun in her own way, to express Hu’s keen intellect and rich emotions through her eyes.  Meanwhile, Ku Hye Sun is expecting the release of her film “Daughther” (2014), for which she played triple roles as the producer, screenwriter, and main actress. 
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Guest dianaharumi

prettywiz said: HELLO MINSUNNERS!
Finally i was able to watched the whole concert of LMH'S MY EVERYTHING ENCORE CONCERT IN SEOUL..I thought it was LMH'S concert and partly to promote his latest drama although i think it was but it cracks me up though why JANDI'S name or did i also hear GEUM JANDI'S name were mentioned by the dancers,they didn't even asked about CES i guess this dancers knows the secret of LMH and GHS and i saw those signature smile again of LMH everytime he hears the name GJD or just JANDI.. why can't LMH leave JANDI alone they could just have mentioned BOF to think LMH took part in the planning and production of this concert.There was also this part that made me laugh so hard that is when he was singing HAHAHA i don't know the title of the song..when he was singing while holding the girl's hand who was wearing a red polka dot skirt and she looked like his partner in his drama agghhh my MINSUN heart got hurt because it was a love song but when the song was ending there were umbrellas that covered LMH and the girl wearing the red shirt and when the song ended and they closed the umbrella LMH was hugging the fan that one of the dancer picked remember her..good thing i didn't turn off my tv because actually it was a happy scene for my MINSUN heart144835305_13.jpg
he gave her a necklace with the ring pendant..there were 4 girls that the dancers picked from the audience and this girl was the one picked by LMH..the one who wear white..one who wear high heel but she doesn't have a movie ticket with her i'm sorry i don't know how to screencap but during their interviews i saw this girl was holding a sticklight with her=)) =)) but when she reappeared being hugged by LMH and not the girl in red skirt she was holding a book already that made me think more that this is LMH'S idea because this girl reminds me of GHS..her hair,her outfit and the book.And also what i had noticed is that most of the scenes from his drama that was shown were the sad part :D nothing made me jealous as a minsunner even the kiss that they showed was the goodbye kiss and when he was singing PAINFUL LOVE at the middle of the song they showed the part were KT told YD to just take CESTherefore i conclude if it is LMH'S own event he would never let GHS be left out.. GHS or JANDI would always be with him embedded in his heart:x

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Hello everyone....Although I dont feel it but I'm a newbie in this forum.I've been lurking in this forum for quite sometime but today I finally got the opportunity to post here as my exams got over.I watched BOF last year in August but it seems I've known Minsun for years.But you all Minsun shippers out there are really phenomenal , who have remained strong through ups and downs of MInsun shipping for past 5 years and more. If you people wouldn't have kept the Minsun faith strong then we newbie's could never be so sure about Minsun. Obviously I loved minsun together and i wished them to be real the day i watched BOF, But this forum is totally a  new world which never lets our hopes fade. You people never fail to post all the recent information, pics and interviews of our Minsun couple and not to forget never ending "VITAMINSUNS"  (best of all). These vitaminsuns makes our belief more strong. So I hope this year brings lots of happiness and prosperity in Minho, Hyesun and our lives.....and tonnes of vitaminsuns for us ....so that we go strong until Minho and Hyesun's love come out in public and get married....

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Suns for Goo Hyesun. so briliant, mr. Gamja kekeke ^^

are you guys thinking what i'm thinking?

perhaps, and absolutly pray for this, minsun are ready to go public. and if it really happen, i promise i'll study hard haha.

amen amen amen.

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S_sun said:


said: OMG @Surie_Riri THANK YOU ..now i understand LMH was just being cryptic just like in  his 2011 concert when that scandal came out and to let the people know that it was GHS not another girl who is in his heart and mind but people chose to be blind..THAT BOOK IS A GIVEN as i've said initially she had the sticklight they just gave her the book with SUNS in the title GOO HYE SUNS


I LOVEEEE those pictures Surie


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my first question: why that girl brought a book in a concert? to asking signature from minho? or else?

oh! or that girl is minsuner too?

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I am falling in love with MINSUN from the first time and had grew more deep because of this thread, lovely thread minsun <3

now that i have gadget so i can check on this thread everyday.

not like years ago, when my phone not yet including internet inside, i just watched BOF and love these two day by day per episode. (ifyk that im on my junior high school these days :x) haha x)

so on my opportunity to browse on the internet i searching with the keyword, not far from "minsun", "minsun couple", "minsun dating", "minsun facts", "minsun moments" and that i found this thread, but i am not yet good in english so i understand one word, and other word i don't understand i hurrily search on my dictionary. hahaha what a way! i wonder, why i ship this couple? i even don't know much about koreans, they are just lovely together, on screen and off screen. even more i watch episode 23 and 24, their dating in the zoo and beach. oh and eps 25 when junpyo called jandi outside, the way junpyo (or minho? ^^) wipe jandi's hair errrrr looks so real ♡ and the analysis of all our sisters here are so detail and make me want to call minho or hyesun and say, "minsun, look at those analysis, you are both already so obvious! why don't just come out and say, "annyeong haseyo, minsun imnida. we want to tell you we already married and expect the baby soon." eh sorry my imagination xD

minsun couple jjang! ♥

thankyou my sisters and sorry dor the very long posts (although its not yet all kekeke ^^)

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Hello MinSunners !! Big thankx for all your posts and uploads....for keeping this thread alive ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^  =D>
Keep the MinSun Faith sists
see how he looks at her 8->
I love their funny moments :D :D....their chemistry is incredible ;;) ;;)


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cr donnapie@pex:

At the beginning they were fighting over a hotpack...

Minho says something like "Lagot ka" (You're Dead) to Hyesun and Hyesun said wait a while...

Afterwards, Hyesun said Minho is her SIBERIAN HUSKY-big dog and Minho said Hyesun is his CHIHUAHUA...

Hyesun then pretended that she's throwing a stick for him and the
cameraman teased Minho that he looked as if he really wanted to fetch it if the camera was not there...

scene @5.22 - @5.38
MinSun BOF Moments (BTS & NGs) Part I,
credit as tagged.


Omooo...replace the chihuahua to Choco age 30 yrs old-female (who wears fabulous clothes btw hehehe~)

Coincidence?.....I think not~~ ;-)
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AdibaT said: Hello everyone....Although I dont feel it but I'm a newbie in this forum.I've been lurking in this forum for quite sometime but today I finally got the opportunity to post here as my exams got over.I watched BOF last year in August but it seems I've known Minsun for years.But you all Minsun shippers out there are really phenomenal , who have remained strong through ups and downs of MInsun shipping for past 5 years and more. If you people wouldn't have kept the Minsun faith strong then we newbie's could never be so sure about Minsun. Obviously I loved minsun together and i wished them to be real the day i watched BOF, But this forum is totally a  new world which never lets our hopes fade. You people never fail to post all the recent information, pics and interviews of our Minsun couple and not to forget never ending "VITAMINSUNS"  (best of all). These vitaminsuns makes our belief more strong. So I hope this year brings lots of happiness and prosperity in Minho, Hyesun and our lives.....and tonnes of vitaminsuns for us ....so that we go strong until Minho and Hyesun's love come out in public and get married....

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cr sis prettywiz

My dearest most wonderful amazing talented master-of-all-master in photoshop *drumroll pls* sis @surie_riri :x :D ^:)^ 8-> =)) could I seek for your kind help to PS hye sun unnie face to the above pic? I would die happy if my request was fulfill =))

OMG!!!!!!! Sis @dianaharumi... CHINCA???? Hye sun is the ambassador for new balance shoe?? OMG OMG OMG I didn't know that.. Amazing vitaminsun 8-} 8-} no wonder her hubby wore it everyday LOL today is a happy day hehehe ...wait, did you girls hear something?? wedding bells.......why is it getting louder?? =)) =))

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Hi Sunnies/ Minsunners 
             Announcement regarding "Project to support for GHS's daughter movie". You must already be aware of the idea of making video as one of our ways to support her. Among rice wreaths, love letters this video message message is one of the ways through which you can support GHS. I discussed with @S_sun sis for this. The following are the procedures for the video
- Those who are willing to take part in the video, inbox me or @S_sun sis
- Everyone can participate in this. The idea is to show her our support country wise. So you can give your cheer message individually too. i.e you dont have to gather with other sunnies in your country and participate. You can just speak in your home, record it and send me.
- The sequence of the final video is planned as a Country name, followed by messages of sunnies (of that country) then country, message and so on.
- If you participate in other project (like rice wreath, letters) also its ok to participate in this "video message" too.
- We have planned to upload the final video in Youtube. So if you have constraints about your privacy, you can send your message through your voice/ just sentences and pictures too. 
- Dont care about the length of your video, its ok if your message is long. If editing is needed (in case many people send and length of video takes much time), we ll do it from our side.
- Mention your name and Country in your video message.  Mention it in English. IF you want to write it in Korean, you can mention it anywhere in the video but make sure in atleast one place you mention it in English.
- If you are planning to send your messages in korean, it would be very helpful if you add english translations to it either as subs or as captions.
- Send your videos preferrably in mp4 format .
-The final date for this video project is February 20th (tentative)

- Send your videos to sunniesinternational@gmail.com
For those who find rice wreaths or letters , a bit difficult, this is an easy way to support our angel GHS. So do use this opportunity well. A final single video will be made and our sis, meow13 has assured to burn the video to a CD and send to GHS.

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