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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Btw.. our posting of the clip at the news blog have been picked up by a German (I think it's German, hope someone can clarify).. movie blog featuring a couple of GBW news. How cool is that! More power, GBW fighting! thumbup.gif



And.. today, a French movie blog had also picked up the VOD as well. And GBW's release according to http://wildgrounds.com/index.php/2008/02/1...nouvelle-video/ the French release for GBW will be on October 22, 2008. Awesome!

A Japanese friend emailed me the clip during the weekend, which supposedly had been aired on MBC last Dec 23, 2007 but it seems that Twitch, etc (correct me if I'm wrong) had not known/seen it either prior to the sharing.

Anyway.. here's a cool highlight by the Twitchfilm.net. Merci! Similar clip can be watched at the site, too.

Fresh Footage From Kim Ji-Woon’s Korean Western


Posted by Todd Brown at 10:19am

It’s over schedule and so badly over budget that it’s had to move to a larger production company to get the funds needed for completion but Kim Ji-Woon’s upcoming Korean western remains very high on our list of anticipated titles around here. Why? As a director Kim - at the controls of A Bittersweet Life, A Tale of Two Sisters and The Foul King - seems simply incapable of making a bad film and when you give someone with his immense visual talents a stellar cast that includes Song Kang-Ho, Lee Byung-Hun and Jung Woo-Sung and it seems like pure gold. Plus, it’s a full on period western. Made by Koreans.

The first footage from the film arrived online a while back thanks to a Korean news broadcast and now a more extensive reel of footage has arrived online via the same means. Yeah. Very, very cool. You’ll find the new clips embedded in the Twitch Player below the break.

Credits (and for clip online): twitchfilm.net

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Another article on LBH at newsen today, anything new?

이병헌 “‘G.I.조’ 日닌자 역 한국인으로 내가 바꿨다” (헐리웃 진출 현주소④) [2008-02-19 06:29:09]


[ 뉴스엔 홍정원 기자 ]

한류스타에서 월드스타로 발돋움하는 배우 이병헌(38)이 할리우드 진출작 영화 ‘G.I. 조’(G.I. Joe)의 일본 닌자 역할을 한국인으로 변경해달라고 직접 제안, 수정한 사실이 알려졌다.

이병헌 소속사 관계자는 최근 뉴스엔과의 전화통화에서 “이 영화의 만화원작에 일본 닌자 캐릭터가 나온다”면서 “그래서 내가 맡은 역도 일본 닌자였지만 계약 체결 당시 일본 닌자를 조선 무사로 바꿔달라는 것을 첫째 조건으로 제시했는데 제작진이 흔쾌히 받아들였다”고 밝혔다.

관계자는 이어 “우리가 서양인을 볼 때 미국인인지 영국인인지 구분을 명확히 하지 않고 신경쓰지 않는 것처럼 할리우드에서도 동양인이면 다 같은 동양인으로 보고 구분하지 못한다”고 설명했다.

당초 이병헌이 ‘G.I. 조’에서 일본 닌자 스톰 섀도 역에 캐스팅됐다는 사실이 알려지자 국내 네티즌들의 비난의 목소리가 있었다. 역할 국적이 일본에서 한국으로만 바뀌었으며 역할 이름은 스톰 섀도 그대로다.

이병헌은 현재 ‘G.I. 조’를 위해 미국에 체류 중이며 6월까지 촬영한다. 이병헌의 분량 촬영은 3월부터 6월까지 진행된다. 촬영이 시작되기 한 달 반 정도 훈련과 준비과정을 거친다.

‘G.I. 조’(감독 스티븐 소머즈)는 일본 만화 원작을 바탕으로 제작되는 액션영화다. 테러리스트 집단인 ‘코브라’와 그들과 싸우는 미국 특수부대의 활약상을 그린다. 시에나 밀러, 조셉 고든-레빗 등과 함께 작업했다.

한편 이병헌은 할리우드 미남스타 조쉬 하트넷과 공연한 할리우드 영화 ‘나는 비와 함께 간다’(I Come With The Rain)에도 비중 있게 출연했다.

홍정원 man@newsen.com

Source: http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=20...#48337;헌

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I'm so excited that there are new info about ICWTR with photo of LBH! :w00t:

Reading on the story of the movie, it sounds really interesting! Cant wait to see and read more about this film! :D

rubie - thanks so much for posting in the GI Joe thread!

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^ It's my pleasure, zoeve.. just looking around for any bits of BH news.. for us to share together. :lol:

Actually.. blurrpanda here.. a bit :blush: :blush: :blush: :sweatingbullets: ..seeing BH's topless pic in ICWTR. Aish.. I've seen him in Addicted and some sexy shots in BSL and All In.. plus his long-ago movies, Runaway & Kill The Love but.. but.. (come to think of it, BH never did flaunt his body that much but rely on his acting ability to be well & deservingly recognized)

this latest one.. is a surprise.. *faints*

True to his words in the King magazine feature last year (thanks to ylin)... he's truly been working out for the movies.. ICWTR and GBW. hehee..

Now.. :unsure: .. do we get to see the BAD undress as well :rolleyes: .. as imagined by the pandas.. uhh.. like.. skinny-dipping in the stream.. somewhere. :blush: LOL

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You have a point. I haven't seen LBH flaunt his bod eventhough we know that he is built well (well we can assume by how much he looks good in suits and whatnot -- and those broad shoulders). :blush:

I also think he doesnt need to rely on his body for people to notice him since his acting credentials is more than enough. He's sexy without taking his clothes off. :phew:

Hmm... Naughty naughty! :D We can find a nice stream for him.... :lol:


Another photo of the GI Joe Logo. Yo Joe! :)


Source: SuperHeroFlix


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Totally agree with you, zoeve.. BH's sexy persona is well-known.. the aura, the charisma, the presence.. the charm.. the performance, the intensity.. that's what counts. Having said that.. seeing him.. in the buff.. and tough.. :blush: .. is a bonus we gladly accept.. *oops, now I need to go bury myself in my snow igloo*

And.. yes.. yes.. we can have a stream right in our frontyard.. all ready.. :rolleyes::P

Wahhh.. GBW clips, ICWTR pics.. GI Joe updates.. all coming in! :lol: :blush:

Bring 'em on! :w00t:

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Hahaa.. jicks-hunnie.. your elated shriek can be heard all the way to LA! :w00t: But indeed.. I was about to say that ICWTR really has a lot of blooo--d :wacko: in stored for the audience. Kinda funny.. huh.. that we were just having Three, Monster talks at the thread.. about the gruesome & gory flick. Looks like we have to brave another one.. for Hunnie! :sweatingbullets:

But yeah.. BH is just.. showing what he's truly capable of. The production of ICWTR at the earlier stages had drawn quite a lot of uncertainties.. but who knows, things might just proved otherwise.

Whoa.. that fans' service capture (according to the comments at Twitch ^^).. your guess is as blank as mine, obviously.. but I'm thinking.. he's either Josh or Shawn. :unsure: Don't think it's BH which I could be wrong.. but looking at the still.. and his character.. nahhh.

Ooo wait! :w00t: Maybe it's Takuya! :P

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Whoa.. that fans' service capture (according to the comments at Twitch ^^).. your guess is as blank as mine, obviously.. but I'm thinking.. he's either Josh or Shawn. :unsure: Don't think it's BH which I could be wrong.. but looking at the still.. and his character.. nahhh.

Ooo wait! :w00t: Maybe it's Takuya! :P

urrr.... looking at it, i dun think so it's Kimura :D, I think BH has slightly longer legs than Kimura :P


of course not Shawn too.


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urrr.... looking at it, i dun think so it's Kimura :D, I think BH has slightly longer legs than Kimura :P


of course not Shawn too.


Hohoho! :w00t:

Our CNN-panda have been measuring all the actors! :w00t: So.. maybe one of the extras? :mellow:

Aigoo.. ylin-hunnie.. where have you been.. huhuhu.. leaving us here? :tears:

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Hohoho! :w00t:

Our CNN-panda have been measuring all the actors! :w00t: So.. maybe one of the extras? :mellow:

Aigoo.. ylin-hunnie.. where have you been.. huhuhu.. leaving us here? :tears:

Very easy, just post more clothe-less guys pics and more will come running. :P:lol::w00t:

I Come With the SHOWER 375271_m.gif

This is hunnie in BSL. :w00t:


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^ :huh:Ching.. is that you.. under those panda fur? lmfaomg5.gif

Now.. I know the secret code. ^^ I thought that there was a conspiracy or something.. :P

Btw. anything interesting in the news about ICWTR? I think Chosun online has the article as well.

Hahaa.. just wondering about our naked.. oops.. topless Byunghun. :blush: :rolleyes:

Captures copied from Twitchfilm. For extra large images, please click here


th_icwtr2.jpg th_icwtr3.jpg th_icwtr4.jpg th_icwtr5.jpg

th_icwtr6.jpg th_icwtr7.jpg th_icwtr8.jpg th_icwtr9.jpg

( :unsure: rubes getting ready for snowballs).. you know .. in Addiction, BSL.. and All In (this one, most exposed of course).. we'd only see his back/backside. So.. in ICWTR.. something "more" from Hunnie.. to expect.. hehee.. duck.gif

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I.. think.. this is another announcement for LBH fans to join Rubeurs, for the 2008 intake of 2/13 - 2/29.

If someone can clarify this and help with the details' gist, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks.


zz_searchdoc.gif For more, full details in Korean at dotcom

루버스 7기 추가모집합니다.(정정부분있으니 다시 한번 꼭 봐주세요~)


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:w00t::w00t: Omg Rubie thanks for the gorgeous picture beyond words of a very nice topless LBH! That has just made my day :D Thanks for the new screencaps of ICWTR, I am so excited for this film, I hope LBH is really evil in this one lol I can't wait for the trailer, I'm so psyched.

Thanks for the info about Tartan too, I hope this means that it may get released in UK cinemas, it will kill me waiting for the DVD :wacko:

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:w00t::w00t: Omg Rubie thanks for the gorgeous picture beyond words of a very nice topless LBH! That has just made my day :D Thanks for the new screencaps of ICWTR, I am so excited for this film, I hope LBH is really evil in this one lol I can't wait for the trailer, I'm so psyched.

Thanks for the info about Tartan too, I hope this means that it may get released in UK cinemas, it will kill me waiting for the DVD :wacko:

I think he's really, really evil in this one... even sadistic, too. :sweatingbullets: All that blood on him.. actually pales in comparison. :blush: The more we see it, that image of BH is really incredibly eye-catching :rolleyes: .. for obvious reason. :P

Sure hope GBW and ICWTR gets wide releases in the UK. ICWTR even had Europe/UK investors for the production. As for GBW, the French release will be Oct 22.. perhaps, in UK.. around the same time or sooner?

Hang in there, H. You'll definitely see Hunnie on the large screen. ^^

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^ Indeed.. this is the year for BH, in terms of more international exposure. With GI Joe, he'll definitely be more known in Hollywood as the production updates comes along. Movie fans will certainly wanted to find out about the actor playing Storm Shadow.

Dir. Kim is well known in Cannes/Europe festivals due to his movies like A Tale of Two Sisters and A Bittersweet Life especially. Who knows.. not only GBW premiering later in the year in France, etc.. maybe.. the cast including our BH of course, will make a trip to UK. :rolleyes: They've been to Hawaii for BSL.. so... anything is possible.

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I found out that Lee Byung Hun is attending a show that I help produce! AHHHH. I'm excited! My friend knows his personal trainer~!!!

Hi chrissejin! ^^ What a cool surprise! Welcome to EverythingLBH! :w00t:

Oooo.. details.. details.. :blush: .. name of the show.. how, where, what and when.. we want to know all! :lol:

Looking forward to your thoughts and comments, if you happen to catch him. Sure hope you'll get to meet him upclose like when you saw & talked to LJJ & JDG before. This is so awesome! :w00t:

So, you're in LA .. right? :rolleyes:

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Hi chrissejin! ^^ What a cool surprise! Welcome to EverythingLBH! :w00t:

Oooo.. details.. details.. :blush: .. name of the show.. how, where, what and when.. we want to know all! :lol:

Looking forward to your thoughts and comments, if you happen to catch him. Sure hope you'll get to meet him upclose like when you saw & talked to LJJ & JDG before. This is so awesome! :w00t:

So, you're in LA .. right? :rolleyes:

I'm in shock. You should've heard me when my friend called me with the news. I'm going to try and be the one that escorts him in...hehe.

The name of the show is in my signature Kollaboration www.kollaboration.org. It's this Saturday at the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Los Angeles. Unfortunately, the show is sold out, so you can't get tickets. I'll keep you guys updated and get PICS!

How'd u know that I met LJJ and JDG!?! You have a good memory!

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