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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Guest kimchibabe

^ just look at his action( looks up as he concentrates)...goes to show that in everything he does, big or small, he gives his heart and mind.

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Guest elbie-h forever

Hello to all Hunnies

Its been so long since my last post but I am always around to read the latest updates and the discussions about our Hunnie. I just want to share that I was able to watch the Blue Dragon Award ceremony last Thursday thru KBS World. My smile reached to the highest level when I saw LBH sitting and watching the proceedings. So even if I don't understand what the hosts and presenters were talking, I glued on the TV hoping that the camera will again focus on LBH. Lo and behold, I was so excited when I saw him walking down the stairs with SYA (I recognized her as the leading star of ON Air) and they presented an award. Afterwards, when the nominees for Best Actor was presented, I felt the excitement and the anxiety that everyone also felt when the name of LBH was called. When the camera focused on LBH and he gave the peace sign, I laughed out loud. But when his name was not announced, I was so disappointed. But I just consoled myself that there are other awards that would recognize his acting ability.

Thanks for posting all the pictures and videos. Hope everyone will continue updating news about LBH so that his silent admirers like me will always have the venue to know more about him. Regards to everyone and take care.

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^ Hi Priscilla! It is so good to hear from you and read your thoughts, hope you're doing fine and in good health! :blush: If I was watching the Blue Dragon last week.. that's exactly the same awesome feeling I'll have as well.. seeing BH on the screen. Indeed.. it's a treat just to watch every moment of it. :D

And what's more precious is that they specially have him present the 2008 Top Blockbuster Movie Award for GBW. That could not be more perfect as the movie really means a lot to him.

Thanks so much for posting, it's the best sharing to read fans' experience and thoughts of our Byunghun we so adore, respect and appreciate, inside-out! :wub:

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Guest huangsy

At the 29th Blue Dragon Award, the camera panned the crowd of celebrities when Wonder Girls were performing and most of them looked bored and like they were hearing Wonder Girls for the 1st time but LBH looked like he enjoyed their live performance on stage !

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At the 29th Blue Dragon Award, the camera panned the crowd of celebrities when Wonder Girls were performing and most of them looked bored and like they were hearing Wonder Girls for the 1st time but LBH looked like he enjoyed their live performance on stage !

^ Ditto that! :lol: As I've posted on the previous page.. BH is really enjoying the performance. I wish there's another capture from the stage angle.. to see who was the person in the audience that one of the girls go up to. :blush:

BH just loves singing and dancing, he knows how to enjoy a party or loves going to concerts. Kim Hye Soo.. also enjoyed herself.. singing to the tune of Wonder Girls.. quite notably from the clip.

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Guest mandalaywith

hi :rolleyes:

KBS Morning NewsTime Entertainment-29th Blue Dragon Film Awards Report Vod


i'm this vod in 2 time come.omg~ : :blink::)

lastweek thursday i'm attentted 29th blue dragon film awards my like actress Han Yeseul, Kim Ha Neul.

This vod in Lee Byung Hun come.

vod credit- http://blog.daum.net/mandalaywith @ soompi

Vod in update in youtube.go to watch here.


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^ Hi mandalaywith, thanks so much for the great sharing. Really appreciate the posting.. must be very busy with photos and clips to share with everyone at soompi these few days. :blush:

Which one is you in the News clip.. hahaa.. you must give us a hint.. we want to know, too.. :lol:

The YouTube clip is indeed a cool sharing, well done! ^^

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Guest mandalaywith

^ Hi mandalaywith, thanks so much for the great sharing. Really appreciate the posting.. must be very busy with photos and clips to share with everyone at soompi these few days. :blush:

Which one is you in the News clip.. hahaa.. you must give us a hint.. we want to know, too.. :lol:

The YouTube clip is indeed a cool sharing, well done! ^^


you welcome~!thanks your message. :blush:

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:excl: Articles highlighted at LBH.SG and lovelbh.com, can someone enlighten the thread for us? Would really appreciate some news gist by Chinese-based fans. Would really appreciate any sharing very much. Please.

Interestingly noted :sweatingbullets:

Is Liberty Times a reliable media source, was it an exclusive interview they had with BH? If so, when? Did BH go to Taiwan recently.. or is this an old update? :blink: Wait.. wait.. the images of BH.. we have not seen before this.. right? Suddenly I'm wrecking my brain to recall.. a deja vu.. :wacko:

The heading seems to say that BH hopes to marry within 2 years but still too busy with work.

Now.. in the SkyPerfecTV interview recently, he's not really searching for a life-partner but leaving it on fate instead and he's hoping to already have his own children in 10 years' time.

The statements by Byunghun-ssi (if truly what he said) seem to indicate.. in my opinion.. that he already has someone in mind. Yes.. No? :huh:

Hope there'll be some gist or clarification on these..


Chinese article


Chinese article

Thanks to the highlight by the original fan-sharing & lovelbh.com & LBH.SG

Thanks so much to Zombie for helping with the article (refer article #2), the interview was indeed very recent as dated Nov 22 by the Taiwan media.

Full credits to Zombie .. *thanks so much JC.. won't forget this*

November 22, 2008

LBH was invited for an interview after the Blue Dragon award ceremony

Heavenly King LBH is really a Korean Wave brother. Except for attending important events, he keeps a low profile, let alone meeting the media.

However, on the day of the Blue Dragon event, he had accepted an exclusive interview at the Pavilion cafe near the venue.

LBH arrived half an hour early, his manager was the first to arrived to check on the questions, autogragh to be signed and limited pictures to be taken. Japanese fans are fanatic over him, and each photo can be sold for 222,000 wons.

During the interview, no photos will be allowed until it is over. After that, even gave advice on how pose should be taken. Such strict restriction is "impressive".

■ reporter Andrew Weng / interview in Seoul

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Guest cynthia05

Oh dear.. another raving rubie coming up.. :lol: ..

Found this at Youtube.. Wonder Girls' performance of 'Nobody' .. a nice catchy song, too and now quite shy to admit that this is the first time rubie seeing their performance despite the fact that the girls are really, really popular and oohh.. the cutest GBW MV using their hit song 'So Hot'.

Anyway.. for those haven't seen the Blue Dragon, check out these girls' performance and you'll see BH at almost the end of the song. My friend watching this on KBS World was tickled watching BH's expression during the performance.. refer that gif posted above. ^^ NOW.. the ever blurr rambling rubie is wondering.. did one the girls from the group walk to BH.. during the time that they went down the stage? From my view, she went up to "someone at the middle aisle, sitting at the 3rd row from front of the right-side seats".. isn't that where BH sat? :blush: That's why the main camera directly focused on his bemused expression right after that.. right.. right? :D

Wonder Girls - Nobody @ 29th Blue Dragon Film Awards 081120


Btw.. the comments at Youtube are quite hilarious. The Blue Dragon is a formal ceremony.. it's not expected at all to see the audience getting on their feet to move with the music. Everyone was quite restrained/serious (like they're not sure how to react) but I love seeing Kim Hye Soo kinda moving, singing and enjoying herself, BH's ex.. I mean former co-star in Addiction, Lee Mi Yeon's smile is really sweet.. she's genuinely enjoying the show and BH of course.. smiling widely.. hmm.. I'm pretty sure.. one of the Wonder Girls walked up to him during their performance routine. :lol:


^ capture from ank931221

Gosh.. I think I'm hooked on the "Nobody" song.. :P .. and as the chorus goes.. simply perfect for BH.. :wub:

Rubie, you are absolutely right...the girl went straight up to BH and danced in front of him...smart choice to go for our Hunnie hehe (had to do a few replays and compare where he was seated to confirm that). Of course over TV, we could not see that....only his sweetest smile when the cameras zoomed in on him during the song. Guess wat!! I am also so crazy about this song and like what you said, the lyrics are indeed very apt for him...."I Want Nobody Nobody but You"....indeed the top girl group now in Korea... :rolleyes:

Although we are all very sad that the award seems to elude him many times, he seemed very high that nite, looking soo happy and gorgeous at the red carpet and of course displaying the endearing V sign. I am sure this will motivate him even more in the future and hopefully when the time is right, the award would be a much sweeter reward then!!!


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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko


Thanks everyone for so many nice pictures and VODs. :wub:

I just don’t have enough time to catch up with… :sweatingbullets:

Even though our Hunnie could not get the big award, he still looked very happy. :rolleyes:

I think BH always looks happier when he is in his own country, more relaxed.

And of course he is so honest.

What a different expression he had when he was seeing TBSG and Wonder Girls!!! Sure he can never lie.

:P :blush:

To talk about honesty,

Today I watched “SPOT LIGHT” again. In the interview, he talked about an episode when he was in High School.

Once he lied to his mother that he went to the library to study although he actually went to the sea instead (with a girl?). Then his parents became so angry and he was punished. BH never saw his parents got so mad ever.

He said, “Maybe it is not so easy never to lie, but I determined not to lie anymore at that time.”

Well, does anyone mentioned about new daum café opened for IRIS?

Finally it has started moving?


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Rubie, you are absolutely right...the girl went straight up to BH and danced in front of him...smart choice to go for our Hunnie hehe (had to do a few replays and compare where he was seated to confirm that). Of course over TV, we could not see that....only his sweetest smile when the cameras zoomed in on him during the song. Guess wat!! I am also so crazy about this song and like what you said, the lyrics are indeed very apt for him...."I Want Nobody Nobody but You"....indeed the top girl group now in Korea... :rolleyes:

Although we are all very sad that the award seems to elude him many times, he seemed very high that nite, looking soo happy and gorgeous at the red carpet and of course displaying the endearing V sign. I am sure this will motivate him even more in the future and hopefully when the time is right, the award would be a much sweeter reward then!!!


YESSSSSSS!!!! :w00t: So it was for BH!!! laughing.gif

Thanks Cynthia for confirming it.. yupyup, just felt right, isn't it because .. I remember from glimpses that BH was seated at the end of the row.. I'm guessing he was seated near the aisle so that it's easier for him to get ready to go backstage for the award presentation. And most of the other actors were seated in the middle of the row..

I agree that the Wonder Girls have certainly chosen a great guy to sing & dance for. :lol: Just so sweet of them.. for him.. :wub:

And totally in sync to say that BH could not look better and happier at the Blue Dragon. Regardless of the result.. he's already in a winning spirit :blush: .. NomNomNom topping the night, the perfect recap indeed. Byunghun-ssi is one true actor and very professional, he knew that as far as awards go.. it can be just anyone's luck to receive the recognition which doesn't lessen anything from the other actors because all of them are truly talented and deserving in each of their own way. I remember the 2005 Blue Dragon, BH was also nominated for BSL but the award went to CSW for 'Marathon Boy' and our Hunnie could not be happier that another deserving actor won.

I also found out (from melusine's highlight at GHJ thread) that from the Sportschosun panel of jury's decision to pick the Best Actor.. LBH is actually third with biggest vote but not as much as the duo from 'The Chaser' who had quite a big lead over the rest of the nominees. Not sure if this is the final tally that concluded the result but the actors from The Chaser were the main fave just as Dir. Kim Ji Woon is their main pick for Best Director award.

Our BH is a talented, consistent & very hardworking actor.. one day.. it will be his moment at the Blue Dragon and it'll be the sweetest ever! *We want Nobody.. Nobody.. but You!* :wub:

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Thanks everyone for so many nice pictures and VODs. :wub:

I just don’t have enough time to catch up with… :sweatingbullets:

Even though our Hunnie could not get the big award, he still looked very happy. :rolleyes:

I think BH always looks happier when he is in his own country, more relaxed.

And of course he is so honest.

What a different expression he had when he was seeing TBSG and Wonder Girls!!! Sure he can never lie. :P :blush:

To talk about honesty,

Today I watched “SPOT LIGHT” again. In the interview, he talked about an episode when he was in High School.

Once he lied to his mother that he went to the library to study although he actually went to the sea instead (with a girl?). Then his parents became so angry and he was punished. BH never saw his parents got so mad ever.

He said, “Maybe it is not so easy never to lie, but I determined not to lie anymore at that time.”

Well, does anyone mentioned about new daum café opened for IRIS?

Finally it has started moving?


Before I go to bed, ( it's already so late.... I need to sleep. ) :sweatingbullets:

Go visit this page. This one is another nice photo book of BD.


Sung-ja!!! This is such great sharing, thanks so much for the cool highlight. I especially love reading about BH from the SPOTLIGHT interview. Wow! Totally didn't expect quite a personal sharing.. he couldn't really lie.. which is good, huh.. huh. :D Hope to read more about BH's "confession" .. :rolleyes:

He's probably thinking about the Oricon chart when watching the TBSG's performance.. :lol: but of course.. with such lovely young ladies singing & dancing.. much better than watching the guys. :P

And IRIS already had it's daum page (thanks for highlighting it ^^).. kinda like GBW.. hopefully.. it's finally time the pieces start coming together for the series, that we don't have to wait much longer. :huh: Plus the BD photo page is another fabulous site. Arigato! :blush:

It's late for me here, too. And I tend to ramble hopelessly.. up and down.. when I get sleepy.. hahaa.

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Guest mailene28

thanks mandalaywith for sharing the clips & photos.. oh, im happy for u that u were able to attend the awards night.

guess youve been bc coz i saw u in other threads also. :D

rubie dear, melusine, demen,zombie & sung-ja thanks for the above articles,clips & vods.. ;)

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Thanks Rubie for the warm welcome and also all the great caps about LBH and SYA at the Blue Dragon Film Awards. :) Unfortunately, when I tried to watch the 2 streamings, one of them was not available and the other gave me an "trackware virus" :tears: - luckily stopped by my anti-virus program. :sweatingbullets: Anyway, I hope they would be pairing up for a drama in one day...

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Thanks Rubie for the warm welcome and also all the great caps about LBH and SYA at the Blue Dragon Film Awards. :) Unfortunately, when I tried to watch the 2 streamings, one of them was not available and the other gave me an "trackware virus" :tears: - luckily stopped by my anti-virus program. :sweatingbullets: Anyway, I hope they would be pairing up for a drama in one day...

Hi ccbabe, it's no problem at all ^^ but I didn't realize that the streamings are not quite in the safe mode to view. :sweatingbullets: Hope it doesn't affect your pc.. my own isn't doing too well.. might not able to pick up the alert (rubes scrambling to update the avg program :sweatingbullets: ). Hope we can get the clip (from other sources) to download & keep instead as it's such a treat to watch. Of all the various award events that BH had been involved in.. throughout the years, this is the first time (for me) to actually see the BTS of the presenters backstage. Simply a precious sharing indeed!

I wonder if BH would attend (or invited to be a presenter) the 7th Korean Film Awards on Dec 4th. He's not nominated but might show up to support SKH, Dir. Kim and GBW especially. Unless he's away .. already filming IRIS (we hope!).. most likely.. we'll see him again. :blush: *hopehopehope!*

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Cynthia-hunnie, everyone! :w00t: We were right & confirmed. :D Who would know better than the fans themselves! :P Thanks to the lovely fans at Wonder Girls thread at the Korean Music section..

Jyp's Wonder Girls Official Thread, Witness the Wonder


here's the proof to see! :lol:

edit to add: this 'incident' was also reported by the Korean media (saw the highlight at PlanetBH0712).. saying that it was really unexpected but Byunghun being such a good sport.. it's really a nice surprise in the event.. and if I'm not wrong.. it seems that BH is a fan of WG and the girls like him, too. ^^

And during the blue dragon award per.

Ye Eun pointing to someone when she went to the audiences

guees who she pointed to


Ans: Lee Byung Hun

look at his smile after ye eun pointing to him


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