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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Just briefly, hope there will be a better translation. :P

Kimura Takuya and Lee Byung Hun will collaborate again. :w00t:

Takuya Kimura is going to play a role in IRIS !!! :lol::lol:

WHAT!?!??????? :w00t: REALLY???!!!??? :w00t::w00t::w00t: LOL!

I guess this is a return gesture from BH to Takuya, huh! Huh! :w00t:

No wonder there's talk in the news about Dir. Kang (for IRIS) in Cannes and Takuya Kimura in the same mention.

How awesome! :w00t: *runs to Ching, hughug!*

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WHAT!?!??????? :w00t: REALLY?????? :w00t::w00t::w00t: LOL!

I guess this is a return gesture from BH to Takuya, huh! Huh! :w00t:

No wonder there's talk in the news about Dir. Kang (for IRIS) in Cannes and Takuya Kimura in the same mention.

How awesome! :w00t: *runs to Ching, hughug!*

Yup, on second reading, it mentioned that TK will be playing a cameo role in the drama. It also mentioned about HERO and shooting in Pusan and LBH doing a cameo role in the movie. And their collaboration in ICWTR was mentioned too.

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Yup, on second reading, it mentioned that TK will be playing a cameo role in the drama. It also mentioned about HERO and shooting in Pusan and LBH doing a cameo role in the movie. And their collaboration in ICWTR was mentioned too.

How fabulous! It really shows how the two actors truly regard each other very highly. After HERO.. comes ICWTR and now IRIS. Hope to see better and more "interaction" between BH & Takuya on the screen. :blush:

This is awesome.. the best of Japanese and Korean top actors hitting it so well! :w00t:

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Guest Janie Simply

Yup, on second reading, it mentioned that TK will be playing a cameo role in the drama. It also mentioned about HERO and shooting in Pusan and LBH doing a cameo role in the movie. And their collaboration in ICWTR was mentioned too.

Thanks for the news! I am so thrilled 'cos I love Takuya! YEAH, running to tell my friend! It was indeed fun seeing them two in HERO!

P.s. will share this in SHK thread, thanks!

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Guest kdramafanusa

News of drama "Road No. 1 로드 넘버원" (MBC, June 2009) with Kwon Sang-woo from PD Lee Jang-soo 이장수 who worked with BH in Beautiful Days, I Want, Beautiful My Lady, Men Of Asphalt: The Legend Of Car God.

이병헌-권상우, 블록버스터 전쟁 드라마 빅뱅

JES|이동현 기자|2008.05.23 09:46 입력


한류 톱스타 권상우와 이병헌이 블록버스터 전쟁 드라마를 통해 초대형 맞대결을 펼친다.

권상우와 이병헌은 2009년 안방극장을 뜨겁게 달굴 2편의 대작 전쟁 드라마의 주인공으로 나서 한판승부를 펼친다. 이병헌이 영화계 거장 강제규 감독이 지휘하는 첩보전 드라마 '아이리스'의 주인공으로 낙점된 가운데, 권상우가 한류 연출자 이장수 PD의 전쟁 드라마 '로드 넘버원'의 주인공으로 내정됐다.

'아이리스'와 '로드 넘버원'은 각각 90년대와 2000년대를 대표하는 블록버스터를 연상시키는 작품이다. 남·북한 대립을 둘러싼 첩보전쟁을 다루는 '아이리스'는 '쉬리'와 닮은꼴로 벌써부터 '쉬리의 드라마 버전'이라 불리고 있고, 한국전쟁을 배경으로 이데올로기를 넘어선 우정을 다루는 '로드 넘버원'은 '태극기 휘날리며'와 많은 부분에서 닮아있다.

'아이리스'와 '로드 넘버원'을 무대로 한 이병헌과 권상우의 격돌은 최고 흥행 영화로 한 시대를 풍미했던 '쉬리'와 '태극기 휘날리며'의 대리전으로 관심을 모으고 있다.

'아이리스'와 '로드 넘버원'은 올 가을 이후 본격적인 제작에 들어갈 예정이지만 벌써부터 일본 등 해외의 뜨거운 관심을 모으고 있다. '아이리스'는 이병헌과 강제규 감독의 스타 파워에 힘입어 일본 선투자가 성사 단계에 있고, 제작사인 태원엔터테인먼트 정태원 대표가 칸 국제영화제에서 마케팅을 진행하고 있다.

'로드 넘버원'도 일본 선판매를 진행하는 한편, 미국의 대형 엔터테인먼트업체와 투자 및 배급 논의를 하고 있다.

현재 할리우드 영화 'GI 조'에 출연중인 이병헌은 9월께 '아이리스' 촬영에 합류할 예정이다. '아이리스'는 완전 사전 제작으로 촬영을 마친 뒤 2009년 상반기 방영될 전망이다. SBS TV '대물'의 주인공인 권상우는 내년 2월께 '로드 넘버원'에 합류할 계획이다. '로드 넘버원'은 2009년 6월께 MBC TV를 통해 방영된다.

이동현 기자 [kulkuri7@joongang.co.kr]

2008.05.23 09:46 수정


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WHOA! Wait a minute.. a LBH-KSW drama series, Helena? :o Like.. seriously.. seriously.. s.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y :blink::sweatingbullets:

I'm reserving my comments on this. :sweatingbullets:

1 day left..

its time to count down hour ! :sweatingbullets:

Waiting & counting the hours is much harder! :wacko:

horloges16cj8.gif Wake up GBW in Cannes!!!

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Guest TY_KSW

WHOA! Wait a minute.. a LBH-KSW drama series, Helena? :o Like.. seriously.. seriously.. s.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y :blink::sweatingbullets:

I'm reserving my comments on this. :sweatingbullets:

Waiting & counting the hours is much harder! :wacko:

horloges16cj8.gif Wake up GBW in Cannes!!!

yes... Pandarube... That news is everywhere now... but both actors haven't confirmed yet!!!

confrontation b/t LBH-KSW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faiting! :w00t:

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Yup, war drama with LBH-KSW by PD Lee Jang-soo. Let me see if there are other news articles about this. Be right back...

Helena, if I am not mistaken, the news article is about "the war" between the 2 dramas IRIS and Number One Load in 2009 acted respectively by Lee Byung Hun and Kwan Sang Woo, not that they are going to act in a war drama. Sorry if I interpret wrongly. :P

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Guest kdramafanusa

Helena, if I am not mistaken, the news article is about "the war" between the 2 dramas in 2009 acted respectively by Lee Byung Hun and Kwan sang Woo, not that they are going to act in a war drama. Sorry if I interpret wrongly. :P

Hi Hyc, you are right. Spy drama IRIS & PD Lee Jang-soo's war drama "로드 넘버원 Road No. 1" . :)

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Guest TY_KSW

Helena, if I am not mistaken, the news article is about "the war" between the 2 dramas IRIS and Number One Load in 2009 acted respectively by Lee Byung Hun and Kwan sang Woo, not that they are going to act in a war drama. Sorry if I interpret wrongly. :P

yes, you are right, HYC, it not the collaboration btween 2 men.. It is separate dramas that two men playing leading in two projects broadcasting same time!!!! :w00t:

Hi Hyc, I believe that they are teaming up for PD Lee Jang-soo's war drama "Road No. 1" -- in addition to IRIS (LBH) and Daemul (KSW). :)

I dun think so Kdramafanusa, the news, as per my limit understanding, is that two men leaded in 2 drama, LBH in Iris vs KSW in "Road No. 1" broadcasting same time! June 2009

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Helena, if I am not mistaken, the news article is about "the war" between the 2 dramas IRIS and Number One Load in 2009 acted respectively by Lee Byung Hun and Kwan Sang Woo, not that they are going to act in a war drama. Sorry if I interpret wrongly. :P

Hi Hyc,

According to the article, they are teaming up for PD Lee Jang-soo's war drama "로드 넘버원 Road No. 1" -- in addition to IRIS (LBH) and Daemul (KSW). :)

yes, you are right, HYC, it not the collaboration btween 2 men.. It is separate dramas that two men playing leading in two projects broadcasting same time!!!! :w00t:

I dun think so Kdramafanusa, the news, as per my limit understanding, is that two men leaded in 2 drama, LBH in Iris vs KSW in "Road No. 1" broadcasting same time! June 2009

So.. which is which? :blink: Separately or together or both.. :wacko:

Why the sudden interest for yet another drama series.. :sweatingbullets:

Sorry.. you guys can throw all your snowballs at me.. my worst dotdotdot.. probably came true.. hush.gif

Btw.. IRIS isn't slated to air as late as June 2009... right? :o

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Guest kdramafanusa

So.. which is which? :blink: Separately or together or both.. :wacko:

Why the sudden interest for yet another drama series.. :sweatingbullets:

Hyc & TY_KSW are right, I was confused by the comma (I combined them as 1).

이병헌이 영화계 거장 강제규 감독이 지휘하는 첩보전 드라마 '아이리스'의 주인공으로 낙점된 가운데, 권상우가 한류 연출자 이장수 PD의 전쟁 드라마 '로드 넘버원'의 주인공으로 내정됐다.

The dramas are not going against each other, they remind people of war dramas from the 90's & 21st century -- "Shiri" (Iris) and "Taegukgi" (Road No 1). The article mentioned that IRIS is planned to complete filming before broadcasting in the 1st half of 2009.

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Guest TY_KSW

So.. which is which? :blink: Separately or together or both.. :wacko:

Why the sudden interest for yet another drama series.. :sweatingbullets:

Sorry.. you guys can throw all your snowballs at me.. my worst dotdotdot.. probably came true.. hush.gif

Btw.. IRIS isn't slated to air as late as June 2009... right? :o

Rubie, sorry, we haven even not yet been confirmed ...

But, actually, Hunnie's Iris will be broadcasted in 2009 in same period with KSW new drama "No.1 road Man" That's why they mentioned 2 superstars confrontation! (incase KSW agreed the contract) :rolleyes:

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PHEW! :sweatingbullets:

That's good to hear. Thanks Helena.. Ching.. TY..

Glad that it's only a false alarm.. :sweatingbullets:

But.. why is IRIS airing in June 2009????? :blink: Has the series got a broadcasting station yet? :mellow:

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Guest TY_KSW

PHEW! :sweatingbullets:

That's good to hear. Thanks Helena.. Ching.. TY..

Glad that it's only a false alarm.. :sweatingbullets:

But.. why is IRIS airing in June 2009????? :blink: Has the series got a broadcasting station yet? :mellow:

no dear, June 2009 is KSW's drama.. Hunnie's Iris is sooner but spreading till they both confront! :D

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Guest kdramafanusa

But.. why is IRIS airing in June 2009????? :blink: Has the series got a broadcasting station yet? :mellow:

According to the article, BH will join the filming of IRIS in September. The plan is to finish filming before broadcasting in the 1st half of 2009. KSW will join "Road No. 1" in February 2009, it will be broadcast in June 2009 on MBC.

I corrected my earlier postings. :)

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H doesn't have enough sleep.....

Now.. now.. Helena-hunnie.. hug.gif .. no harm done.. all solved within one page of postings. :D

A good way to jumpstart for GBW ^^.. just a little storm in the teacup won't hurt.. although it makes me sweat a bit but no problemo. As long as we have our Hunnie-news..

According to the article, BH will join the filming of IRIS in September. The plan is to finish filming before broadcasting in the 1st half of 2009. KSW will join "Road No. 1" in February 2009, it will be broadcast in June 2009 on MBC.

I corrected my earlier postings. :)

I think BH joining IRIS in September sounds more reliable even though we'll be hearing more version of this. He'll be very busy in July-August mainly for GBW release in Korea and a possible ICWTR premiere at the Venice Film Festival.

Hopefully .. the drama will get a good broadcasting station and will be aired as scheduled.. early 2009 or the earlier the better. :blush:

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Guest kdramafanusa

A good way to jumpstart for GBW ^^.. just a little storm in the teacup won't hurt.. although it makes me sweat a bit but no problemo. As long as we have our Hunnie-news..

Rubie, would you please repost the schedule for GBW at Cannes again? Photocall, screening, etc.

I keep on browsing various sites for pics for us, but I'm way too ahead of the schedule. :)

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