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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Guest Ender's Girl

Terrifffff!!!!! I love war movies! But I love Byung-hun IN war movies more!!! :D Even though nothing's set in stone yet, the mere thought of LBH in a Serious!Hollywood!War!Epic! is incredibly tantalizing... :lol: Plus, international audiences will be needing a heavy-duty palate-cleanser after G.I. Joe, heh heh... I mean, c'mon, we all know what kind of an actor he is, but do they...? :rolleyes:


Re the ICWTR poster... Wow... As a Kimura fan as well, could they have possibly chosen a WORSE way to style and shoot the man??? Ay, caramba! *cries blood*

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I've seen ICWTR trailer, and BH looks fierce in it! The mostache makes him look older :P lol! But it looks to me he's doing a good job playing a HK triad boss. Oh, and BH doesn't smoke in real life does he? haha, hope not because it's not good for health. I also notice BH is Buddhist right? So does he mean he's vegetarian?

(sorry for the long post rubes ^_^)

No problem and no worries with the long post, Senorita.. personally, I totally love long posts.. the longer the better :lol: especially if it's regarding a fave topic.. a fave actor.. :wub:

Unfortunately.. BH is quite the heavy smoker, and it's very evident to see actually. But fans would always, always and continue to wish that he'd at least cut down on the smoking. He knows how much we worry about him and he tried .. unsuccessfully to stop. Best hope always.. he'll still cut down because it's really not easy for him, having started smoking since he was younger. It's something that he acknowledges as a weakness.

Yes.. BH is a Buddhist.. but this is just my observation (from pics & updates).. he does practise Buddhism.. praying, etc but he's not a strict vegetarian. He loves meat and would always treat his friends and family to barbecues.

Terrifffff!!!!! I love war movies! But I love Byung-hun IN war movies more!!! :D Even though nothing's set in stone yet, the mere thought of LBH in a Serious!Hollywood!War!Epic! is incredibly tantalizing... :lol: Plus, international audiences will be needing a heavy-duty palate-cleanser after G.I. Joe, heh heh... I mean, c'mon, we all know what kind of an actor he is, but do they...? :rolleyes:

Hi Hi Ender's Girl, what an honour to see your post at the thread. Welcome back to soompi! ^^ Always love your witty well-meant posts.. especially about Korean dramas/movies and Lee Byung Hun most especially. :blush: I love Taegukgi.. especially the late LEJ and Wonbin's performances totally broke the tear dam, all the way. And if we really get to see BH as the lead (hopehopehope!) in this totally.. the most serious performance of his life.. in Hollywood.. it would be so awesomely fabulous.. and seriously unbelievable. If this is it.. his break really come in a BIG and most worthy way. A Hollywood-based epic in the making.. with our BH!

But LOL! As much as BH might have committed a sin by acting in GI Joe.. especially for someone his calibre *hands down*.. he made an absolute dellish and sinfully sexy Storm Shadow. 3drool.gif And *quoting his own words* .. it's neither a success nor a failure (being in the movie) but truly the step forward. Honestly.. biased as I am, obviously :P .. no one would be able to make Storm Shadow so unexpectedly memorable if he's not Byunghun Lee. :wub: The movie isn't perfect.. no no no.. but he took a calculated risk that worked to his advantage and more.

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Guest cynthia05

HUH!!! :huh: :huh: :huh:

Like.. Nooooooooooo???????!!!! :o Heh! Of course, I meant YESSSSSSSSS!!!! 3drool.gif3drool.gif3drool.gif

This is awesome update, melusine-ssi! Merci beaucoup! :wub:

WOW! 99% chances!!! Double WOW! It's almost sure & confirmed!

Seems like his latest interview on Chosun.com came just to coincide with this update. :D

Gosh.. I didn't know that Dir. Kang had already withdrawn from IRIS.. no wonder didn't see his name in the trailer. bricks.gif Blurr.. blurr!

Really wow wow!! Awesome piece of news.....we can be assured of a great war epic with Director Kang at the helm and our ByungHun in the lead.

A great career move if he gets the role that will make further inroads into Hollywood for him.....but the theme on the Normandy war by a Korean protaganist is a bit unfitting.... but it's left to the writers, director and ByungHun to convince how well they can pull it off....a very demanding role not only physically but psychologically too I believe!!! But it is a dream role I am sure he has been looking forward to make his big break!

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Guest kimchibabe

^ A war movie for BH? Is this the best that has come...the one that he will be proud to see over and over again? He took that one unsure step into Hollywood with G.I. Joe and if ever this is going to be a gigantic leap into the foray.

I'm not a big fan of war movies but already my mind is churning on how BH would look and act as a soldier in battle. Oh my...I'm happy for him but I was hoping for a romantic drama as his next film. :mellow:

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Really wow wow!! Awesome piece of news.....we can be assured of a great war epic with Director Kang at the helm and our ByungHun in the lead.

A great career move if he gets the role that will make further inroads into Hollywood for him.....but the theme on the Normandy war by a Korean protaganist is a bit unfitting.... but it's left to the writers, director and ByungHun to convince how well they can pull it off....a very demanding role not only physically but psychologically too I believe!!! But it is a dream role I am sure he has been looking forward to make his big break!

Battle of Normandy is a real event, right? Same as you.. it's quite baffling to figure it (based on the history part) but if this truly what it's going to be, the production would have thought of everything beforehand. A truly challenging and demanding role by any standard.

I was checking Dir. Kang's info.. haven't found a real detailed page but the last movie he directed was Taegukgi in 2004 and before that was Shiri.. far in between the two but obviously 2 of the biggest blockbusters in the Korean movie industry. In a previous report, it's mentioned that he's hoping to direct a sci-fiction for his Hollywood debut but everything went quiet for awhile.. around the time IRIS news came up. Now.. what about Lost Planet.. that's a sci-fi feature and it's totally related to Byunghun-ssi.

But going by Dir. Kang's previous projects and his uttermost determination to present his best work for Hollywood (even pulling out of IRIS).. the war epic seems like the 99% chances indeed. Let's hope for the best for everyone.. especially our BH. Out of the blue news.. that could be the one.

^ A war movie for BH? Is this the best that has come...the one that he will be proud to see over and over again? He took that one unsure step into Hollywood with G.I. Joe and if ever this is going to be a gigantic leap into the foray.

I'm not a big fan of war movies but already my mind is churning on how BH would look and act as a soldier in battle. Oh my...I'm happy for him but I was hoping for a romantic drama as his next film. :mellow:

Same here.. same here.. I'm not that big on war movies either but if it's wriiten, directed and filmed the way it should be.. it could and have been proven to be the Masterpiece of all time. And again.. if it's BH.. he will definitely get our most undivided attention as he goes for filming again. Whether it's for GI Joe or the upcoming war epic.. if it really materializes in a big way. But such a heartache .. seeing him still pushing himself to the limit.. like he did GBW-ICWTR-GI Joe.

But we know that BH is never stopping and not wasting time to present all that he's got & more.. he's like a man addicted to truly showcase his best work for his fans and for himself. A romcom or romantic drama might only happen offscreen instead if he sees the woman in front of him *sigh*. But then.. only someone who loves and support him wholeheartedly will be the one for him. Not just anyone.. halfway.

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Guest Senorita_

rubie - Aw~ That's not good. It'll be hard to quit considering he smoked for a long time, and it also relieves stress. But hopefully someday he'll cut all the smoking out =)

Haha, and I was wondering if he was vegetarian, how would he have such a good body? =P He will need lot's of proteins.

After Iris, what's next for BH? I think he should take a month's break. Oh, and I'll be rooting for BH to win some awards at the end of the year :)

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rubie - Aw~ That's not good. It'll be hard to quit considering he smoked for a long time, and it also relieves stress. But hopefully someday he'll cut all the smoking out =)

Haha, and I was wondering if he was vegetarian, how would he have such a good body? =P He will need lot's of proteins.

After Iris, what's next for BH? I think he should take a month's break. Oh, and I'll be rooting for BH to win some awards at the end of the year :)

Yeah.. we sure hope that one day he'll gradually and truly cut down the smoking. But as onscreen performances go, particularly the small screen.. we don't really see him lighting up a cigarette due to broadcasting regulations and I think he'd usually avoid smoking scenes in movies unless the character and script calls for it.

For the good body effect.. he went through a very strict diet and continuous physical training between 2007 till 2008... and even in 2009 (still maintaining salmon-egg whites diet) just to achieve the current physique and maintaining it. 3 of his latest movies, filmed in 2007 and shown in 2008-2009 had clearly and particularly highlighted the absolute abs results quite prominently. :P

I can't agree more, Senorita.. really hope that BH will take some time off after IRIS because he really needs it. We've been following his filming since 2007 and he had never really taken any break (unlike the years before.. he's getting so in-demand as well).. always flying somewhere and doing some other projects like photo-shooting, CF and concerts in between filming which was already like 24/7. Undeniably.. as fans, obviously we can't wait to hear his news and see him all the time.. but now.. it's getting a bit worrisome that he's been really pushing himself quite a lot than the usual.

IRIS winning some deserving awards would be really nice but for now.. just seeing the series filming & finishing smoothly to be successfully aired, plus getting a cool fedback would be a bonus second to none. :blush:

Tomorrow September 14.. exactly a month before IRIS comes on air.. 30 days more!

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Byunghun-ssi and the production had been filming over the weekend, he said some of the toughest scenes yet with some shirtless scenes of sexy Agent Kim Hyun Joon, too. :blush: Luckily the weather was warm and good throughout the filming.

luwali-ssi.. they are still filming in Seoul, nearby and around the city. Not sure if the Shanghai shoot is still on..

TODAY.. today is the airing of the SMAPxSMAP Bistro guest-starring Lee Byung Hun. Hope we'll get fans-sharing clips to watch. So excited thinking about this. BH mentioned that he had a lot of fun (if I'm not mistaken they had a GBW-Park Changyi sketch.. sure to be hilarious! ^^) and the SMAP guys have treated him so warmheartedly.

I wonder what dish he orders at the Bistro and the souvenirs he gave to the winning chef. Male guests usually give out stuff while female guests would award the victor with a kiss instead.. but of course! :lol:

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Guest Senorita_

rubie: Ah...well then I think BH should do more Dramas, maybe that might help him cut the smoking bit by bit :P

That's very interesting to know how he got such a good body. I've seen a couple of old BH pics and started comparing them to the current pics and I was saying to myself 'Oh...BH didn't have that much muscles back then, but look at him now!' :P My mum and I always discuss when some celebs get older, they look much pretty or handsome, and BH's part of them. I guess it's the intense training and good diet that helped him achieved it :)

I'm sure the drama will get good ratings. Afterall, it's BH's comeback drama since 03? And I think many people will anticipate the World Star in action ^^

Oh. 1 month, it's going to come soon! But i'm looking forward to see what comments Iris will recieve from viewers.

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Where is BH ? filming in Seoul or Shanghai ? miss him so much.

I would prefer Lost Planet rather than a war movie.

Really miss him sooooooo much, too but he's really busy immersing himself into the filming of IRIS. In the Seoul Savvy program, BH said that IRIS would be something like '24' and recently he mentioned that filming the 20-episode drama series is like making 20 short movies. It got me thinking that he may be saying that each episode is just so packed with action that it's like the whole season or '24' in every airing. Gosh.. they started filming in March.. and even with very few short break in between (that rarely goes beyond 4-5 days at most).. it's already full filming each day and still the series is filming more scenes. Everyone in IRIS, crew and cast especially BH have been working really hard for months.

I like the idea of Lost Planet as well but it's really hard to make an epic out of a sci-fiction.. no? Besides the fact that the Capcom-copyrighted storyline might be too limited unless the writers can get really creative.. something like Star Wars, perhaps. Ok..ok.. incoherent rubie is just missing her Hunnie like crazy. :blush: With or without Dir. Kang (although he is interested to cast BH, from the reports).. Lost Planet would be weird if it doesn't have BH playing the leading role that was modelled after him. But who knows.. it could be something like Alien.. a sci-fi thriller.. the production seems to be silent nowadays .. wasn't it supposed to start filming around 2010?

Twitchfilm mentioned that there were two possible Hollywood projects for Dir. Kang to consider including the war epic.. wonder what's the other script all about.

rubie: Ah...well then I think BH should do more Dramas, maybe that might help him cut the smoking bit by bit :P

That's very interesting to know how he got such a good body. I've seen a couple of old BH pics and started comparing them to the current pics and I was saying to myself 'Oh...BH didn't have that much muscles back then, but look at him now!' :P My mum and I always discuss when some celebs get older, they look much pretty or handsome, and BH's part of them. I guess it's the intense training and good diet that helped him achieved it :)

I'm sure the drama will get good ratings. Afterall, it's BH's comeback drama since 03? And I think many people will anticipate the World Star in action ^^

Oh. 1 month, it's going to come soon! But i'm looking forward to see what comments Iris will recieve from viewers.

Senorita.. we might not see BH do another drama series (so soon, if ever) after IRIS.. It's just too much for and expected from he.. although he loves the passion and challenges making it work. It's obviously a one-time treat for fans waiting all these years but BH simply loves making more movies instead.

Totally agree that he wasn't into having a great body before.. from his past work onscreen.. nothing like he is now. It's like a new mode for BH to get himself in shape as well as to present his appearance in a better and healthy way, especially when he's getting older and more mature. He's been in the business for almost 20 years and yet his passion never ceases .. not one bit. Byunghun-ssi is incredibly relentless.. he's simply unlimited..

It's been 6 years since his last drama series (he had a 100-episode contract with SBS before finally ending it with All In) but through that 6 years, he made 8 movies which include 2 Cannes appearances, 3 Best Actor awards, 1 Best Movie, 1 Korean blockbuster, 1 Hollywood Blockbuster, 1 Japanese blockbuster (cameo), 2 English-speaking movies.. with countless festival mentions and award nominations.. he's gaining really good exposure on the international level and proving that he truly can do it.

2009 is a great movie year for BH and while looking forward to IRIS.. with a price tag and expectation incredibly high, we hope that it will be better than many people are wary about considering so many things that could happen.. especially with the latest trend how Kdrama fans can and will be quite finicky.

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Top star Lee Byeong-Heon is in the new Hollywood film, "G.I. Joe 2"!

He will be starting the filming by the end of this year and has been contracted for the 3rd sequel, also!

Now, he is busy with the drama filming, "IRIS" and its promotions overseas. Most of his time starting next year will be send in Hollywood!

Good luck Lee Byeong-Heon!

Source : news.nate.com

Translation : Hancinema

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:huh: Oh man.. he's barely finishing IRIS and all the other projects promos, etc accumulating in the last 3 years, Byunghun-ssi is already set to start filming the sequel for GI Joe end of this year. :o

Seriously, Byunghun-ssi.. you are no machine!

September 15, 2009

A couple of BH news gist from rubes' googled translation

Seems that it was from BH Entertainment's latest release that Byunghun will start filming the sequel of Storm Shadow.. end of the year for the first 6 months of 2010. Because of the successful outing of 'GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra' with US$288 million revenue worldwide, the production is wasting no time to start with the sequel. Lee Byung Hun's management team is coordinating with the Hollywood production to really plan on Byunghun's filming schedule for the coming year. He had also signed on for the 3rd movie.

Korean article at star.moneytoday.co.kr

There's also an update to Twitchfilm's report recently of LBH being Dir. Kang Je Gyu's fave choice in the his war epic Hollywood debut. BH Entertainment stated that they had received the proposal since 2 years ago but without any detailed info as yet. But it's clear that Dir.Kang had such hopes to collaborate with Lee Byung Hun in this new movie partnership.

However, as BH is quite tied up with the sequel of GI Joe, etc.. there's also been additional info that Dir. Kang might reunite with actor Jang Dong Gun who collaborated with him in 'Taegukgi' back in 2004.

So, we will wait and see for the confirmed update on this.. whether is real or rave.

Korean article at sportsworldi.segye.com

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September 15, 2009

Disclaimer: gist from google-translation only, feel free to correct or add anything ^^

'IRIS' the largest cutting-edge spy filming set!


The much-anticipated release of Korea's first action drama thriller featuring paths of espionage, romance and betrayal (adapted from the big-screen blockbuster SHIRI) between the South-North Korean agents is set to showcase the largest cutting-edge and state-of-the-art spy filming set ever done for a drama production. The Taewon Entertainment production is being co-produced/sponsored by large Korean companies which includes HPLUS, Garden 5, 9th Avenue, etc -- providing large-scale filming sets, in various foreign locations and domestic cities -- giving out the best sense of a masterpiece & quality work it hopefully proved to be.

Source: artsnews.media.paran.com

Counting down to IRIS!


Hope everyone can share cool BH/IRIS banners and artwork like always, in anticipation of the upcoming drama series.

Fighting! fight.gif

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