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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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:huh: Ookay.. since it's my mistake for overlooking the Discovery info.. big-time.. :sweatingbullets: .. I will concede to Janie eventhough I feel like throwing her a really huge snowball.. bleh.gif obviously..

MR stands for Mark Russell as well as Madame Rubeur aka Moderator Rubie :P


LBH has a pair of very talkative communicative eyes :sweatingbullets:


Feb 4, 2009

Life of no regrets

While in Beijing doing the Men's UNO magazine cover shooting, Korean super-star LBH shared about his bittersweet life from helping his deceased dad paid off the debt to his venturing into Hollywood showbiz.

Lee looks great in this new VERSACE outfit.

Lee has a pretty dramatic life... He was from a very wealthy family before but later when his father passed away, the family was left with a huge debt. Thus Lee was desperate and determined to work hard to help pay off the family debt. At that time, he did not own a car or a house nor spend lavishly on clothing or social dinner but saved every penny he could to speed up the payment as well as taking care of his mom and sis living expenses.

Lee said that what he has promised to his father on the deathbed have all been fulfilled... weather it's a commitment to take care of sis and mom or his career path, they have all been achieved without a trace of regret. He said that when his dad was passing away, he was filming "Harmonium in my Memory". He was very sad and grieving. His filming crews decided to stop filming until he is ready. Later, he decided to put on his father's jacket while doing filming so that he could feel the closeness of his dad with him. He thought it was a great grieving process and good memory then 'cos he has used the film as a memorial for his dad.

When asked about his love life, Lee said openly that "I was in a love relationship before which every one knew/knows about but now I could only say I haven't met a new found love yet; this perhaps could be a dilemma 'cos maybe down the road, when I see all my friends' children growing up and my own kids are still very young, then I might regret for not starting a family life sooner.

Thanks so much Jan for the wonderful translated gist from the Men's Uno magazine. Hope you will share more similar excerpts with us. This particular portion of his interview was called the "All In Bravery" .. wasn't it? :blush:

rubie rambles..

BH said he haven't met a new love yet but he had actually mentioned his past relationship quite directly which he never did before.

So.. BH isn't exactly saying the real deal.. end of ramble

I wonder if he will attend the 9th Avenue mall event. It wud be great to see him and Jiwoo together again, that is if Jiwoo will also attend and not hide becoz of the paps. I'm also curious if BH knew all along about Jiwoo and Jin wook as he is very close to Jiwoo. Will he say anything about it just like when he clarified the JDG-CJW rumor before.

rubie sis, are u still sick? Get well soon girl and Conratz to being a mod... i always forget to greet u. :D

Thanks Ella for the warm wishes.. really appreciate it. Being Mod is no privilege.. personally (for me).. a lot of things taken for granted before are now staring back.. smack right at us. Not biased is a well-needed trait that I'm still trying to find high and low.

Still not feeling too well (like before) but not too bad as a couple of weeks ago.. can't even sit up for the pc. It's not just news of BH keeps me going.. interactions at the thread are little things that make a big difference.

There're some waves here and there regarding CJW's latest & sudden development. It's a big question if she'll appear at the 9th Avenue launch as mentioned before which I think she will, being a professional & directly involved with the establishment. The BH part we are still not certain, of course.. will he or will he not.. due to incredible time-constraint on his behalf.

Frankly.. I tend to believe BH or at least Mr. Song would knew about CJW-LJW situation beforehand.. from professional friend-client relationship that they've maintained through ArtistView.. especially when CJW is very well known in Japan and such news will surely make an impact amongst her fans.

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Byunghun's lovely hunnies! :w00t: Good News! * rubie... breathe in.. breathe out.. 1.. 2.. *

Bear in mind that rubes is a maximum-blurr and has zero flair for translating (PLEASE SOMEONE PROVIDE A BETTER GIST FOR THIS .. MERCI!)

This piece of latest news though not quite confirmed sure makes A WHOLE LOT more sense.. since the Hip Korea Seoul Vibes segment (Rain version) had been aired in Australia/NZ in January as well as in SEA/Asia in February.. and going to be aired in Europe in May/March??? .. it makes better sense that the Seoul Savvy segment to follow suit in April instead of.. waiting all the way till June.. like 4 months more. :sweatingbullets:

So.. a good news.. pending confirmation..

:w00t:Lee Byunghun's Discovery documentary to be broadcast throughout Asia in April :w00t:

February 25, 2009

이병헌 美디스커버리 다큐, 4월 아시아 전역 방송


한류스타 비에 이어 이병헌의 디스커버리 채널 다큐멘터리가 4월 중으로 아시아 전역에서 전파를 탄다.

25일 서울시의 한 관계자는 머니투데이 스타뉴스와 전화통화에서 "4월 중으로 아시아 전역에서 비에 이어 '서울 다큐-이병헌 편이 방송 된다"고 밝혔다.

이 관계자는 이어 "이병헌 편 역시 비 편과 마찬가지로 아시아 방송 이후 유럽 지역까지 진출할 계획이다"고 말했다.

이 관계자에 따르면 지난해 7월부터 세계적인 다큐멘터리 채널 디스커버리 제작진이 방한해 만든 이병헌과 비의 서울 생활 편은 11월 중순에 촬영이 완료돼 비편이 먼저 편집을 마쳐 지난 23일 방영됐다.

이 관계자는 "이번 다큐는 두 한류 스타를 통해 서울의 생활을 세계 각지의 사람들에게 보여주기 위해 만들어졌다"고 설명했다.

이병헌은 이번 다큐멘터리에서 '로맨틱한 서울'을 컨셉트로 촬영에 임했다. 이병헌은 로맨틱 가이라는 설정에 어울리게 강남의 와인 바에서 와인을 마시고, 한강 교각들 및 도로변 야경을 페라리로 달리고 모 복싱도장에서 복싱 연습 중인 모습을 찍었다.

이밖에 이병헌 편에는 영화 '좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈'을 같이 출연했던 정우성과 송강호가 카메오 출연한다.

한편 비편은 지난 23일 오후 9시부터 약 1시간 동안 방영된 '힙 코리아(Hip Korea)'란 타이틀로 공개됐다.

Hallyu star Lee Byung-hun's Discovery Channel documentary will be aired throughout Asia in April.

An official of Seoul Metropolitan office, on February 25 replied to Money Today Star News in a phone call, "the broadcast of the LBH documentary will be aired in April," he said. The official broadcasting for the documentary previously stated to be in June have been brought forward to April for broadcasting.

According to the official from the world's leading documentary channel Discovery crew who visited Korea in Seoul, the filming with Lee Byung Hun and Rain as well as the editing have released the first footage on December 23 last year. He added, "the documentary of the Korean pop stars were filmed through the stars themselves to make the show," he said.

Lee in the documentary will present the 'Romantic Seoul' concept in the city of Seoul. Lee sets out as a romantic guy in a suit at a bar in Gangnam, drinking wine, enjoying the night view of the Han River bridge as well as driving in a Ferrari will be featured. Excerpts of the actor boxing in training will also be included.

Co-stars from Lee Byung Hun's 2008 movie 'The Good, The Bad, The Weird" Song Kang Ho and Jung Woo Sung will also be featured in the documentary.

Source: star.moneytoday.co.kr

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Lost Planet for PlayStation3

Original captures from capcom.co.jp, copied from GBW-cafe.daum




In Lost Planet, human snow pirates navigate VS (Vital Suits) through hostile ice-covered environments, fighting against the indigenous Akrid creatures for the precious thermal energy they need to survive. For one such pilot named Wayne, death almost seemed imminent until he was fortunately rescued. However, he can only remember a few fragments of his past including the slaying of his father by the monstrous beings. Yet under the veil of ice, a devious plan has been set into motion for the termination of all Akrid and snow pirates alike. What really happened to Wayne? Who is plotting the destructive scheme? Encounter valuable allies and dangerous enemies on Wayne's search for the truth.

Source: www.us.playstation.com

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Guest kimchibabe



Its great to hear that Seoul Savvy will be moving its showdate to April. June is just too far away for the follow-up segment, some might miss it.

The LOST PLANET posters up there, like G.I. Joe, he's a lean, mean...death machine. Did BH really pose in those heavy snow clothes? The intense eyes...always so effectively showing inner rage. I'm happy that his video game has been upgraded for Playstation 3. Now can the movie be far behind? Let's wait and see...

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Guest tofumui

First of all, welcome tofumui to EverythingLBH.. good to see you here. ^^

As I have no Discovery Channel at home.. I'm truly not sure.. apart from the new June/May schedule for the Hip Korea's Seoul Savvy segment, it's probably best to watch the repeat/encore today as well.. in case & if possible.

It's probably not BH's segment yet but we've got nothing to lose.. right?

Better be safe for the storm. :lol:

thanks rubie for the warm welcome.. yeah it's so great to see that even Discovery Channel is noticing that everything korean is such a big deal now.. i can't wait to see the LBH segment..

ohhh and can't wait to see him in GI Joe.. that should be good

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The LOST PLANET posters up there, like G.I. Joe, he's a lean, mean...death machine. Did BH really pose in those heavy snow clothes? The intense eyes...always so effectively showing inner rage. I'm happy that his video game has been upgraded for Playstation 3. Now can the movie be far behind? Let's wait and see...

I so agree.. even with the heavy mask.. *what is it with the masks Byunghun-ssi? :blush: * .. it is so clear that those eyes.. the aura.. that presence belongs to only one man.

There were some pics on the Lost Planet BTS before where BH had his own facial features "copied" by the computer to create Wayne. Every time writing something about Lost Planet.. that incredible LP fan-made MV "Holding Out for a Hero" keeps playing in my head. :P Too bad that due to copyrights.. the clip had been removed by YouTube.

If the Lost Planet movie is as dynamic as the MV.. hope hope hope BH will be playing Wayne as he should. :rolleyes: Personally.. I would think that there's already a 50% chance set for BH in LP the movie but it all comes down to their schedule compatibility and especially how well BH's performance in GI Joe & ICWTR would be. Rather than going to play another 6th or 7th supporting role in unknown (martial arts) feature.. Lost Planet seems like a better choice to tackle. A worldwide-played videogame and a movie version, why not? Sounds about right. laughing.gif

There's indeed something about Byunghun-ssi.. even with masks in Lost Planet (well, not all the time) and GI Joe (don't think he'll be masked all the time... or else, why would there be 2 sets of Storm Shadow photoshoot).. we will never mistake the man for someone else. Even with the masks.. BH's charismatic and intense presence is undeniable everywhere. Simply unstoppable.

thanks rubie for the warm welcome.. yeah it's so great to see that even Discovery Channel is noticing that everything korean is such a big deal now.. i can't wait to see the LBH segment..

ohhh and can't wait to see him in GI Joe.. that should be good

No problem at all, tofumui.. please don't be shy around here. :D We'd love seeing more fans sharing and talking about Byunghun here.. the pleasure is all ours, having you here.

Can't wait for GI Joe and Discovery documentary especially.. everything is indeed falling into place for Korea this year and BH, most especially. At least .. the probability of seeing Seoul Savvy a lot earlier seems valid enough, hope we can all share everything about it in 2 months' time. :lol:

Despite some grave comments about GI Joe especially amongst the most diehard fans with paramount expectation (excuse the pun! ^^).. the movie had been so one that's pretty much up-to-date since first news broke out in 2007. It's been consistently well-kept under wraps which brought a lot of scrutiny when no one knows much about the deal.. as well as steadily promoted for an August worldwide premiere.. yup.. pretty consistent to a T!

As Todd Brown of Twitchfilm mentioned earlier.. GI Joe might be a 'fluff-y' flick for someone like BH-ssi to have his debut in Hollywood but it's well-touted popcorn delight.. and especially.. very well prepared for the movie audiences of the world.

Our Byunghun-ssi, Fighting! :wub:

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Ride Like the Wind! uploaded by lbhlove777



There's a footage of BH getting into his white RAV4(?) and driving it.. somewhere. And if I'm not mistaken from another fan-clip.. (possibly for the same footage).. he went into a parking basement of a building.. was it to the office or going home? :blush:

Can anyone enlighten blurr rubie.. which clip the footage was from? Has it been shown.. where? .. when.. which dvd? .. panda just sooo curious like crazy here.. :lol:

The Discovery documentary update up there.. not sure if it's even the correct translation.. mentions a Ferrari. :blush: In case we'd see it parked somewhere.. yeah.. right.. :P

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Where is the Hunnie? Is he in Seoul.. is he in Tokyo... anyone knows? He wasn't at the Bungee screening.. as there weren't pics of him there.. no?

If CJW doesn't appear at the 9th Avenue launch (tomorrow).. who knows.. last-minute in case.. BH will have to make a (ahem!) tight ^^ appearance.. not that rubie is complaining no2.gif .. none at all.. because.. already missing one celebrity (out of two) is not a good news for the official launching.

The one missing now is Byunghun, of course.. unless..

Don't get angry, people.. rubie is just wondering.. where in the world is Byunghun-ssi.. dontknow.gif .. the last time we saw him was at the baby party.. yupyup!

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Got to watch only the latter part of the feature on Rain and the documentary was delightfully entertaining to me. Though I'm not much of a Rain fan, somehow I was touched by his success story.

The Rain segment was well-researched and fast paced as it also took one around Seoul. You simply gush over the sights. It truly is a dynamic country and Rain pictured that dynamism.

If this is a taste of what to expect with Lee Byung Hun's Seoul Savvy segment, well, it will be a feast for the eyes and the senses. A whole hour with LBH on your tv set..oh my....can't wait till June. :rolleyes:

Evolutions... of two men and one city...thats what HIP KOREA is all about. Truly insightful!

kimchibabe......I was even tickled to see "Boys Over Flowers" featured in Rain's documentary....making its so recent too. I agree with you about Rain's segment being well researched as I am a die-hard-hard fan of his....and of course my other baby LBH.

Aigoo.. you got me there.. Jan-hunnie.. aigoo aigoo.. rubie should still be in bed.. :sweatingbullets::wacko:

Truth is.. in my high-fever missing the Hunnie.. I scanned all the top written words ..only to see the BH part. LOL!

Thanks dear :blush: .. for bringing this to attention.. rubie so blurr and very embarrassed now. :P

Yupyup! The "I" is indeed Mark Russell.. obviously not bleh.gif rubes.. so sorry Mr. Russell.. although MR hated being called Mr. Russell.. :blush:

ps: thanks for the info about SM and AB sudden change of heart :P .. aish.. I'm not into Hollywood movies these days (like I was some years ago.. never heard of Japanese/Korean wave before).. well.. except if it's Rise of Cobra (obviously!).. but whatever the tv shows later.. Hollywood or not.. Oscar-winners or not.. that's what I'll watch. :D

Oooh.. a shout-out to AutumnLeaves.. we're getting to watch 24 Redemption this Saturday.. finally.. Jack is back! :w00t: Hopefully they'll continue with the remaining Day 6, too.. or is it Day 7. It's been too long. :sweatingbullets:

Rubie...I am already in love with Mark!!!! (gee! I even have to use his first name at that)

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

Where is the Hunnie? Is he in Seoul.. is he in Tokyo... anyone knows? He wasn't at the Bungee screening.. as there weren't pics of him there.. no?

Just a quick notice.

Our Hunnie arrived at Narita airport today around 14:30. : :w00t::w00t:

He showed up with Mr. Song Wanmo of Artist View. B)

He was wearing Jeans, half-length trench coat, sunglasses and a hunting cap. :wub::wub::wub:

Welcome to Japan!

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Rubie...I am already in love with Mark!!!! (gee! I even have to use his first name at that)

Omma LS :w00t: you're here! :wub: Good to know that you've watched the Seoul Vibes segment, surely our Butterfly would not miss it for the world. :lol:

Uhh.. Mark :huh:... who's Mark.. :unsure: .. you mean Mark Russell.. oops.. Omma-hunnie.. you may not be liking him that much if you read his 'I'm A Cyborg but That's OK" review. :sweatingbullets: But he sure is into the Kpop scene quite a lot.. I guess.

Just a quick notice.

Our Hunnie arrived at Narita airport today around 14:30. : :w00t::w00t:

He showed up with Mr. Song Wanmo of Artist View. B)

He was wearing Jeans, half-length trench coat, sunglasses and a hunting cap. :wub::wub::wub:

Welcome to Japan!

WAH!!! :w00t:Sung-ja's our lucky one! :wub:

It's definitely Hunnie, huh.. one thing for sure.. he'd never compromise the preparation for Japanese (fanmeet) events.. nothing so last-minute for him.. be it the BD Concert, AllStar Summit, Arena Tour, Tokyo Dome.. everything.. not before.. not now.

A bit sad of course.. as this will clearly puts 9th Avenue and Baeksang off the plate.. though we knew that it's already quite impossible to attend all..

Btw.. any pic of Hunnie caught by anyone or maybe a clip? :blush:

Oh.. ohh.. rubie suddenly realizes.. Byunghun-ssi arrived with Mr. Song. *faints* :P

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Guest kimchibabe

Just a quick notice.

Our Hunnie arrived at Narita airport today around 14:30. : :w00t::w00t:

BH arriving days ahead of the fanmeet! He must be attending to some other business in Japan hence the very early arrrival. Could it be that he'll be recording another single soon as a follow-up to ITSUKA? Will his schedule allow it? It is possible. :rolleyes: Definitely he's not mixing IRIS with the fanmeet preparations.

So looking out too for his latest pictures (and clips) but I suspect his hairstyle's still the same. Once again, he's shuttling between countries...only a few more days to Akita after the fanmeet. Things are moving again with BH.....what a ride its going to be! :sweatingbullets::rolleyes:

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

Wow. I want to show you the pictures.

But at the airport the camera was strictly prohibited.

I was not there due to my work, of course as usual, but a friend of mine went there.

About 100 fans were waiting for him although the flight schedule was highly confidential.

JOFC released few photos of his arriving at the airport but those pictures are JOFC members exclusive so that I cannot show you. :sweatingbullets:

He walked very slowly so that fans can see him very well and he even walked up to the fans to shake hands! :lol::lol::lol:

He looked great. :wub::wub::wub:

Even though I could not see our Hunnie today, I happened to see Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman red carpet walking when I went for shopping after work.

Hugh was the MC for the Academy award and there are so many to imagine for our hunnie’s future.

By the way, rubie are you OK now? I am worried about you too.

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Wow. I want to show you the pictures.

But at the airport the camera was strictly prohibited.

I was not there due to my work, of course as usual, but a friend of mine went there.

About 100 fans were waiting for him although the flight schedule was highly confidential.

JOFC released few photos of his arriving at the airport but those pictures are JOFC members exclusive so that I cannot show you. :sweatingbullets:

He walked very slowly so that fans can see him very well and he even walked up to the fans to shake hands! :lol::lol::lol:

He looked great. :wub::wub::wub:

Even though I could not see our Hunnie today, I happened to see Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman red carpet walking when I went for shopping after work.

Hugh was the MC for the Academy award and there are so many to imagine for our hunnie’s future.

By the way, rubie are you OK now? I am worried about you too.

It's ok.. Sung-ja hug.gif.. reading about this is already a wonderful treat to have. :wub: Our Byunghun-ssi probably wanted to surprise the fans in Japan by suddenly being there.. like.. lightup.gif but can he really keep anything from the fans.. huh.. :phew: .. no no no. no2.gif

I am especially glad that he had walked very slowly to let the fans see him and in return see those waiting & cheering for him, and shaking hands with the fans.. just the best treat for anyone, indeed. The first time(s) he was in Japan years ago for Addiction/EHAS/BSL/BD.. countless security men had ushered him out so fast *blink and miss* that it's really a pity for the fans who had been waiting for hours just to see him. Wish there'd be clip of this to see later.. hopehopehope! ^^

I'd always believe our Hunnie is one who's very diligent & hardworking person, as well as very patient and steady in his career especially.. in everything he does, too. One day.. good things will come to him.. in BIG WAYS. :wub:

ps: thanks so much Sung-ja for the warm wish.. I'm quite ok now. Although honestly.. I still don't feel too good and could not get into the same posting mode I was before.. some 4 weeks ago. But there's no other place I'd rather be.. so.. here I am. As hopeless as always. :blush:

Even with my posting level dropping quite a bit.. hopefully, we can handle the 'Storm' when it matters the most.. will there be any at the 28/2 fanmeet? :sweatingbullets:

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Kang Ji-hwan and So Ji-sub’s action movie A Movie Is A Movie (or Rough Cut, 영화는 영화다) has been named by film critics and arts reviewers as the top film of the past year.

This comes out of the 2009 list of “Writer-Selected Films of Today,” chosen by a group of 100 arts writers and movie critics who came up with a list of 22 recommendations. Fourteen of the films are Korean, while eight are foreign. A Movie Is A Movie, by director Jang Hoon, was named top pick.

Of the Korean picks, also named were:

* Speed Scandal [과속스캔들], dir. Kang Hyung-chul, starring Cha Tae-hyun, Park Bo-young;

* You’re Far Away [님은 먼곳에], dir. Lee Joon-ik, starring Su Ae, Uhm Tae-woong;

* My Dear Enemy [멋진하루], dir. Lee Yoon-ki, starring Jeon Do-yeon, Ha Jung-woo;

* Night and Day [밤과 낮], dir. Hong Sang-soo, starring Kim Young-ho, Park Eun-hye;

* Shocking Family [쇼킹 패밀리], dir. Kyung Soon, starring Kyung Soon, Kyung Eun

* Sleeping Beauty [슬리핑 뷰티], dir. Lee Han-na, starring Im Ah-young;

* Frozen Flower [쌍화점], dir. Yoo Ha, starring Jo In-sung, Joo Jin-mo;

* Forever the Moment [우리 생애 최고의 순간], dir. Im Soon-rye, starring Kim Jung-eun, Moon Sori

* We’re Action Stars [우린 액션배우다], dir. Jung Byung-kil, starring Kwon Kwi-deok, Kwak Jin-seok;


* Iri [이리] and Joong-kyung [중경], dir. Jang Ryul;

* The Good, The Bad, The Weird [좋은놈 나쁜놈 이상한놈], dir. Kim Ji-woon, starring Lee Byung-heon, Song Kang-ho, Jung Woo-sung;

* The Chaser, dir. Na Hong-jin, starring Kim Yoon-seok, Ha Jung-woo;

s for non-Korean films:

* No Country for Old Men, dirs. Joel & Ethan Coen;

* 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days, dir. Cristian Mungiu (Romania);

* Departures, dir. Yojiro Takita (Japan);

* Dark Knight, dir. Christopher Nolan;

* Let the Right One In, dir. Tomas Alfredson (Sweden);

* Waltz with Bashir, dir. Ari Folman (Israel);

* Eastern Promises, dir. David Cronenberg (Canada);

* It’s a Free World, dir. Ken Loach (U.K.)

As the number 1 selection, A Movie Is A Movie director Jang Hoon will receive his award on the 27th.

source: MK.kr

translations: dramabeans


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BH arriving days ahead of the fanmeet! He must be attending to some other business in Japan hence the very early arrrival. Could it be that he'll be recording another single soon as a follow-up to ITSUKA? Will his schedule allow it? It is possible. :rolleyes: Definitely he's not mixing IRIS with the fanmeet preparations.

So looking out too for his latest pictures (and clips) but I suspect his hairstyle's still the same. Once again, he's shuttling between countries...only a few more days to Akita after the fanmeet. Things are moving again with BH.....what a ride its going to be! :sweatingbullets::rolleyes:

Looks that BH hasn't been in Japan for quite awhile since last year.. probably a lot for him to take care of.. BH Ent business stuff.. maybe Capcom's LP movie.. plus some IRIS tidings too.. although that would be handled completely by Artist View and TBS/KBS.. if I'm not mistaken.

Or maybe.. he's just rehearsing some dance steps today? :rolleyes: The fan meet is definitely a private one.. but hope we could hear a bit of something later :sweatingbullets: .. or anything at all.

But.. yup.. seems that BH is still sporting the same hairstyle.. from fans' talk seeing him at the airport. :D He's probably waiting right up to IRIS' filming before cutting it off. But wait.. if I'm not wrongly digesting it.. IRIS starts with a rogue agent (LBH) smuggling? into Japan from somewhere.. not looking quite the suave guy he is yet.. the man is on the run from something. So.. BH may still need the mop-py hairstyle to portray the character better before.. transforming himself into sexy Agent Hun007. :lol:

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Even though BH not attending the 45th Baeksang.. for sure he's hoping/waiting to hear some great news from Seoul..

All The Best to Dir. Kim Ji Woon, Song Kang Ho-ssi and all the NOMinated GBW team :w00t:

NOMNOMNOM Fighting! fight.gif

Btw.. any pics or updates from the Korean site.s regarding LBH Shop for 9th Avenue? :huh:

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Even though BH not attending the 45th Baeksang.. for sure he's hoping/waiting to hear some great news from Seoul..

All The Best to Dir. Kim Ji Woon, Song Kang Ho-ssi and all the NOMinated GBW team :w00t:

NOMNOMNOM Fighting! fight.gif

Btw.. any pics or updates from the Korean site.s regarding LBH Shop for 9th Avenue? :huh:

Just this one, don't seem to see any pics of BH. :blink:

9th-avenue starshop


LBH shop


By online translator, not sure if it is correct. :P

모자 전문점 ‘카오리’(배우 이미숙 동생운영) 와 연계하여 브랜드 개발.

모자 外 액세서리와 이병헌 애장품 등을 포함한 구성

Hat shop 'Kaori' (yimisuk brother actors operating) in conjunction with the brand development.

Configuration, including accessories and Lee’s collections.

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^ Hi Ching, good to see you posting! :D Thanks so much for the quick reply but like you.. I don't get it as well.. why Kaori? :wacko: It's so not Byunghun-ssi.. in my opinion.. :huh: At least CJW's shop is called Namuhana and she's there to officiate/launch it.. although not sure why it's named such either.

I'm not even sure if this is indeed the LBH Shop mentioned before.. is he agreeing to the concept at all? :sweatingbullets: Anyone with info to share.. would love to know more. Merci.


The Good, The Bad, The Weird (DVD) Special Edition

(First Press Limited Edition) DVD Region 3


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