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Guest ryisakooguy

In Rhythm Heaven, has anyone gotten to remix 6 yet?

I can't beat it but barista's not giving me a freebie to go on :(.

yeah remix 6 suckkks.

as much as the soccer one is fun (the harder ver is bleh!). it messes you up. but not as bad as lockstep. i believe that and the robot one are the WORST ones in the game. i really hate off beat ones. although lockstep isnt as bad as the robot one. im getting used to it. robot in the other hand...worst song EVER!!!

if you think remix 6 is bad...just wait til the other ones. NEARLY impossible to get a medal for them.

LOVE the game but it gets annoying at times. :/

btw, i love the guitar one! and of course, i suppose! iiii~ suppose! HEY! ^^

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Guest Take Five

^i don't know if i can do the lockstep one...then again, i kinda thought the same thing about fillbots. took me forever to get that down though.

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Guest Kazen88

If you guys like Rhythm Heaven, try playing Rhythm de Run Run Run. It's another Japanese rhythm (obviously xD) game with lots of silly minigames. The first one is helping a boy run to the bathroom while avoiding obstacles. :D I'm terrible at the game but it's fun!

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I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find the rom for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney? A working one? I mean because I did download the rom for my R4, but whenever I save and I tried to continue where I left off, it just says, 'Failed to read data' and I have to start a new game. >___< Help?

And lol, for Rhythm Heaven I just passed the 8th remix. =P

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That Rhythm Rally 2 is probably gonna kill me cause I don't know when I'll pass it.

^i don't know if i can do the lockstep one...then again, i kinda thought the same thing about fillbots. took me forever to get that down though.

But I loved fillbots!! I wonder if there'll be an enhanced version.

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Guest dynamo147

I am a lv 98 Leo looking for a Dragon bro. I have all the chips in the game and my battle combo does 1820 damage.I have Leo Kingdom GX and its in my favorites along with Pegauses Magic SP. Wow arent i awsome??? My leo friend code is 038766689797.

On Pegauses I am lv 99 with Pegauses GX and SP as my best favorites my b.combo here does 1330 damage and i add 140 hp and gauge 1. If you wanna be bros message me or try to reply back My pegauses fc is 077506914963

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Guest Take Five

i had to take someone's advice on youtube to beat lockstep and not look at the screen lol. that crap just screws you up. remix 6 wasn't too bad once i got the hang of lockstep but it was tricky anyway.

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I'm kinda surprised that quite a few of people here mentioned that Gardening Mama is kinda hard!! I thought it was much easier than Cooking Mama which I totally suck at and not like......

Rhythm Heaven is so fun even though I'm terrible at these sorta music games. I'm hooked xD

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Guest <3 Kim

The metallic rose is selling everywhere in Perth now (from what I've seen) for a limited time. I decided I'm not gonna get a dsi now, I haven't been playing ds in a while xD I should try finish gardening mama

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Guest Kazen88

The lime green DS Lite is coming out for Mother's Day. That makes me so sad... I've always wanted a lime green DS. >.<

That Dr. Mario DSWare game is so effing hard.

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Guest sweet-sugar

oh darn, I just realized I start a topic at the wrong place... but nvm... hope someone read my problem here.... cont.

Apparently, I'm having trouble deciding on rather to buy DS Lite or DSi.

If I choose to get DSi, I'm gonna have to get my cousin in hongkong to get it for me then give it to my dad when he get there, which is about 4 weeks later. (YAY! That leave me some time to decide...)


If I get a DS Lite, I can just go down to wall-mart and just grab one after dropping by the bank.

Money ISN'T REALLY the problem, okay, maybe it is... but I want something nice and new and a machine that work with my games.... (I heard that GBA - I don't have clue what's that - doesn't work with DSi)

I got a R4 a few weeks ago from hongkong & a new pen plus a new case when I don't even own a DS yet... because I basically made my mind up about getting a DS Lite when I was still in hongkong.

I brought them separately and so if I end up getting a DS Lite by itself in HongKong, it's about $900 HKD, cost a bit more compare to if I get it here (Canada). SO I decided to get my new DS Lite here instead but after hearing from a friend that DSi have camera functions and etc. (I even research it on the internet and compare them) so I have my head on DSi right now....

Since I got DSi on my head right now, I'm worried that my R4 won't work on it if I get a DSi TT.TT

Geez, I hope I make sense.... cause yeah... overall.... DS Lite or DSi?! && Which one would YOU get?! And Why?


GBA = gamebody advance.

Those little carts are unplayable on the dsi.

Personally, I wouldn't get either. the Nintendo handhelds are still lacking in form and function.

However if you must decide,

(this is superficial and biased btw)

DS Lite.

Why? The extra features do not justify the extra cost...

How often will you be using the cameras for the dsi(it's 0.3 megapixels.)? or the other functions such as mp3? it will not replace your mp3 player.

No games have been announced that take advantage of the new cameras either, so it doesn't look promising...

Web browsing? mediocre

Honestly, Nintendo has not created a product that is suitable for replacement of the devices you probably already have.

I can only see the DSi as a marketing scheme or perhaps a transition device between the current gen and next gen console.

It's a waste of money in my opinion to get teh DSi

Just stick with the DS Lite.

^ I think I get what you mean by "the Nintendo handhelds are still lacking in form and function."

my brothers (2) got 3 DS, My little brother got a white but one of his left/right button (forgot which) is broken now and my youngest brother got the red&black but one of his left/right button is broken too (each has one of the button broken but opposite from each other, now would I want a broken button DS when I can get a new one myself?) and a pokemon limited ed. one... which he won't share cause it the only non-broken one. he still use his red&black one when his pokemon one is out of battery

&& you got a point about the extra functions there....hummm, i dunno.

The part that really caught my heart to the DSi is the MP3 && Camera part... so yeah

&&& it would be nice if you PM as I get lost of track from a post in a thread..... instead of thread of my own post >.< THANKS

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

^hmm maybe boys are just more rough with their ds?

ive had my ds for almost 2 and a half years almost 3 years? and its still works fine

no broken buttons haha and i played excessively when i first got it.

GBA is game boy advance.

gba games "don't work" on the dsi because the dsi no longer has a gba game slot like the ds does.

and its true the r4 does not work on the dsi but there is a new flash cart out there that does work on the dsi

but i forgot what its called.

well i already have the ds lite and originally i was really interested in getting a dsi

but after i thought about it my ds lite is still in really great condition and plus i know i won't use any of the new features on the dsi

the camera function and web surfing capability is pretty much useless to me

my ds can play mp3 now and i still dont use that feature

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Guest sweet-sugar

hummm... well, I just figured out how to d/l my own game on the R4 and I'm very happy about...

after hearing from you that R4 doesn't work on DS Lite O.o; I think I'll just stick with getting a DS Lite then! ^^

Problem solve... now I need to pick a good date on the calen. to get my new DS home!! <3

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Guest AvisImportant

Hi all! I hope this is the right place to ask..

I'm planning on getting a DS and I was wondering if I should get a DSi or a DS Lite. My friend said that the flash carts for DSi have a higher potential of being blocked (because of the online updating) and that only time will tell if they can be hacked or not. Should I risk chance of not being able to play downloaded games on it just so I could have the newer one with better processing capabilities? Or should I stick with a DS Lite?

If I do get a DS Lite, what colour should I get? I'm leaning towards either black, white, metallic silver, or metallic rose. I'm leaning towards something more simple because I'm planning on personalising it with a skin or case anyways. Apparently the white is no longer sold (or at least not on amazon) but I have yet to see a metallic silver one in person. I saw pictures of it online and it looks kind of cheap. I'm worried the metallic pink will become boring to me after a while.

I would really appreciate any opinions! Thanks!

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Guest ryisakooguy

i had to take someone's advice on youtube to beat lockstep and not look at the screen lol. that crap just screws you up. remix 6 wasn't too bad once i got the hang of lockstep but it was tricky anyway.

yeah lockstep is easier once you get it down. all you gotta do is listen to the voice. and follow the rhythm of the voice pattern and then you good until the voice comes up again. after you got that then its easy going.

and yes there is an enhanced version of fillbots...a terrible one. :/

btw ever played the endless minigames? i really, really like the shoot em up one. its soo fun. but the 5 beat ones mess me up. hahaha.

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Guest hungrydragon

arrgghh i suck at rhythm heaven, for some of the games i cant beat i have to skip(cafe)..thats about 4-5 so farr >__> how am i suppose to beat the game/unlock stuff?? ahh too hardd.. ohs any tips on how to play the ghost guitar game..listen to the count?? ekk

0ff - Question to pplz who have the r4:

Do u brag or tell alot of people that you have one and that they should get one? (my opinion) err for some reason i dont like too many people knowing about the r4, but i only tell close friends about it...someone i know tells everyone >_>

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Guest Take Five

^why don't u like to tell anyone about it haha

i don't run around telling everyone

but when they ask i say i have an r4

because you're telling them you're a dirty pirate.

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Guest hungrydragon

^ yup true, some people are very against those kinds of things .. yell the crap out of u or maybe if the word spread enough nintendo would really find some way to

clear all rom sites and r4 sales/other brands 2) i would save my self the hassel when pplz ask me what i have then they would want to noe where i got it how i

download games install this and that..its quiet annoying when the person is nothing to you (someone u dont noe too well/stranger), kinda feel used.. also a part of it

is probably guilt, even if nintendo is making money off the DS and games from other people..they are losing alot too, well if people found out by the internet atleast

they "researched" haha myPOV ^^"

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Guest Desire-him

I can't decide which to get for my DS Lite >-<


I found a site where I can get the regular for $18 and the sdhc for $22

but the thing is...both comes with a 2gb sd card

Can someone tell me the difference between the cards and which is preferably better?

Thanks! >-<


Are there any other ones you guys use that are good?

I'm thinking about the Acekard 2 too...

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