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(updated!)avex 2009 Audition Experiences

Guest a_dreamer143

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Guest kittychang
hi you all :)

I just got back from the audition in LA

I got there a little late but I was #10

They were auditioning people one at a time.

I was really nervous.

There were about 5-10 people waiting outside.

I asked the guy taking the names and he said the judges were the same one from SF

So I signed in, got my name tag and waited to go in.

I was supposed to be the next one to go in but luckily the guy outside said #11 should go first since he'd been waiting for a long time.

I talked to the guy outside and I asked him about the auditions.

We won't know any results until about February or so since they're not going to be done with the auditions until then

We also talked about the SM auditions and he says that they're a marketing gimmick and they don't really choose people from the auditions

But anyway, when it came to my turn,

They took 2 pictures of me, one face and one body shot

After that, I went on stage and said my name, age and audition #.

I sang my song, which is In the Arms of the Angel by Sarah McLachlan

I sang until about after the first chorus so I didn't sing the whole song

But I got a good 2 minutes in though

They were smiling and nodding the entire time though they weren't as nice as I thought they were going to be.

They asked me about the languages I knew

I answered back in Chinese and Japanese

They asked where my parents were from and if I was born in America

I think that was about it...

They smiled and said thank you and that was it.

I left and yeah.. LOL

I wore a blue dress with black stockings and silver shoes

I also curled my hair :)

wowww!! tnx for sharing!! xD

wait i have a question...did they cut you off?!O.O

or u stopped?!

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Guest blueline
They were smiling and nodding the entire time though they weren't as nice as I thought they were going to be.

i was wondering..what made you say they werent as nice as you thought they'd be? thanks!

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Hey everyone!

I just did mine today too but it sucked >< So yea, you go in & get 2 photos (like everyone's said) & then u go on stage, say ur name, age & # & then the song starts if u brought a cd & if ur singing. I was the one right after the judges' lunch break & it seemed like they were in a rush. So I sang until the first chorus & the video guy made the music fade so I stopped. & then they asked me some q's. They didn't let me do my 2nd talent (piano) T_T

I talked to a girl who went about 2 or 3 ppl after me, & she said they didn't ask her any q's at all. They were behind schedule when I started so that may have been why.

& yeah, the guy w/the sign in sheet said we'd prob know by February if we got callbacks or what.

The judges weren't as nice as I thought they'd be, basing on ppl's posts from SF. There's 2 girls, & they're pretty & they smile & they seem nice enough, but the guy judge was wearing sunglasses so u couldn't see his eyes & he wasn't smiling @ all.

Well, g'luck w/everyone going to the NY auditions!

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Guest a_dreamer143
Hey everyone!

I just did mine today too but it sucked >< So yea, you go in & get 2 photos (like everyone's said) & then u go on stage, say ur name, age & # & then the song starts if u brought a cd & if ur singing. I was the one right after the judges' lunch break & it seemed like they were in a rush. So I sang until the first chorus & the video guy made the music fade so I stopped. & then they asked me some q's. They didn't let me do my 2nd talent (piano) T_T

I talked to a girl who went about 2 or 3 ppl after me, & she said they didn't ask her any q's at all. They were behind schedule when I started so that may have been why.

& yeah, the guy w/the sign in sheet said we'd prob know by February if we got callbacks or what.

The judges weren't as nice as I thought they'd be, basing on ppl's posts from SF. There's 2 girls, & they're pretty & they smile & they seem nice enough, but the guy judge was wearing sunglasses so u couldn't see his eyes & he wasn't smiling @ all.

Well, g'luck w/everyone going to the NY auditions!

i didnt see u today! yeah i got there 30 mins late cuz i got lost..and yeah they r behind the sched. mayb thats y theyre in a rush? its good that theyre gunna send back ALL the tapes to japan and take their time looking @ them..they have bout 3 months lol

i'll post my experience later ^^

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Guest KawaiiSora
one more thing about clothing

i think the best choice would be a plain tank top maybe white or black

and some skinny jeans or something,

it shows off your body line and it won't take away from you as a person

Yeah. I'm going to wear dark blue skinny jeans. I'm trying to find a nice white shirt too. Outfit so far is: Dark blue skinny jeans, medium blue undershirt (need to get an actual shirt), and blue flats (blue = favorite color). Lessee... I'm wearing silver earrings. They are teardrops with music notes cut out from the middle (I made them this week). XDDDDD

Oh, and for the song: Definitely "Lament" by Kotoko. I'm only singing through the first chorus. Hopefully they'll ask me questions (ahhhhh.... I hope they're not behind schedule; I have a late audition time). ^_^

I'm sooooo nervous/excited! One more week!!! O_O

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Guest jisatsu

Hey everyone, i went to the LA avex auditions yesterday, just wanted to share my experience

overall, the audition judges left a really good impression, since they seemed friendly (and very pretty too)

when i got there i only saw about 3-4 people waiting outside, and we were asked to sign in, and given a sticker with a number (i was #25)

i was surprised that there weren't many people there, but i think it's because they spread out everyone evenly for their schedule

finally it was my turn to go in, and the guy took me inside and took two photos (one facial shot, one full body shot)

i got on stage and the camera man told me to say my name, number, and age

then, i sang my song in acapella (my song is japanese btw)

i messed up a few times and i only sang the first verse and chorus.

then, the judges asked me questions, & i answered them in japanese

i talked to them for about 3-4 minutes probably, and said thank you, then left

i wore a black tshirt and skinny jeans, and converse

if anyone has any questions about my audition experience, feel free to ask. :)

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Guest a_dreamer143
Hey everyone, i went to the LA avex auditions yesterday, just wanted to share my experience

overall, the audition judges left a really good impression, since they seemed friendly (and very pretty too)

when i got there i only saw about 3-4 people waiting outside, and we were asked to sign in, and given a sticker with a number (i was #25)

i was surprised that there weren't many people there, but i think it's because they spread out everyone evenly for their schedule

finally it was my turn to go in, and the guy took me inside and took two photos (one facial shot, one full body shot)

i got on stage and the camera man told me to say my name, number, and age

then, i sang my song in acapella (my song is japanese btw)

i messed up a few times and i only sang the first verse and chorus.

then, the judges stopped me and asked me questions, & i answered them in japanese

i talked to them for about 3-4 minutes probably, and said thank you, then left

i wore a black tshirt and skinny jeans, and converse

if anyone has any questions about my audition experience, feel free to ask. :)

they stop people?

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Guest a_dreamer143
lmfao they ddint stop me my song was 30 seconds originally

yeah they didnt stop me either and i danced for like almost 2 mins..maybe its becuz they were jus behind the sched ^^ dats y they stopped some :]

im jus glad more people will review the tapes in japan :]

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Guest Sam-chan

If call backs are going to be in Feb or March could that mean they'll consider going to other cities as well after New York? That'd be awesome! Has anyone asked if they'll go to more cities?

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Guest a_dreamer143
If call backs are going to be in Feb or March could that mean they'll consider going to other cities as well after New York? That'd be awesome! Has anyone asked if they'll go to more cities?

it does say on the ste that if alot of people sign up like in chicago then they might go there as well

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Guest whitebutterflie

here's my experience, you guys :)

my audition was scheduled for yesterday at 7pm.

it was kind of hard for me to find the place cus i didn't know it'd be INSIDE this one shopping building & parking was crazy lol

but anyways, when i got there, this guy signed me in and i waited outside with like 7 other people.

there was this talented little boy playing the drums right when i came. it was pretty amazing.

i got my sticker late cus i went to walk around and found out i was the next person going in lol O_O

i was #71 btw. when i went in, this guy just took pictures of me, head and body shot.

i went on stage and asked if i could sing 2 songs. they kind of didn't understand why i asked them that but i told them it's cus one is eng and one is in japanese

they asked to hear the japanese one and they told me to sing just up to the first chorus. i sang acapella, btw.

after that, they asked me if i was chinese, where i'm from, where my parents are from, if i'm taking vocal lessons, if i play piano, etc.

during all this questioning, the 2 girl judges were, i think, translating to this guy sitting in the middle with sunglasses. he seemed kind of scary O.O

good thing was the guy kept nodding his head so i was like :D

then they told me thank you and i left.

yep yep, that's it. hope everyone else's audition went well.

and btw, no one answered my questions about the lyrics thing. but i guess it was a stupid qtion. >.<

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Guest xlilywhite

I'm so curious about people's acting experience.. ><

It doesn't seem like many people did it :/

If anyone did, please share~! (: Ty!

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hey guys! just went to my audition today. i dont think i did very well...but its ok i guess.

my audition basically was the same as everyone else's. it went by pretty fast imo.

anyways, i hope everyone had a good audition and good luck to those auditioning in NY :)

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Guest jisatsu
Did you need to bring anything to the audition (ID, application, etc.)?

Do you start your audition right after you tell your name, etc. or do you have to wait for them to say "go"??

nope didn't bring anything to the audition. just brought myself, hehe. :)

yeah, you start basically whenever you're ready. so when the judges stare at you after you've said your name and such.

good luck!

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