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X-Men: The Last Stand

Guest run_lola_run

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Guest mannamedx

IMO, X-Men will do well. It has been so far. The batman franchise ended on the third, 1 & 2 were good, after than it was horrible till returns.

Ofcourse your gonna have the same feeling of the other movies by brett, you almost do with other directors, directing their films, there are always teh "feel" of a particular director. X-Men will be boring once all the high class actors leave.

another thing, a Wolverine Movie is coming up next year, look foward to it

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^His movies tend to be superficial, shallow, fake, nothing nada. There's always something missing. So that "same feeling" is not necessarily a good thing..

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Guest IMAJynXed1

Kitty Pryde: What the hell is Kitty Pryde doing in the series with such a major role? They could've put in Jubilee or maybe use Rogue <_< . And what the hell happened to Night Crawler? They don't even mention where he went..

im gunna defend Kittpride...only becuz i like her in both movie and comics...I think her character is cute and needed to bring the serious tone down a bit, her powers is not offensive, but more of a defense and its valuable to the X-Men...i agree about Jubilee, shes still one of my fav character...she is seen briefly in class (taught by Prof X, next to Kitty and Q.Q."...but with the Wolverine spinoff, maybe the writer will bring Jubilee in...since she sorta becomes Wolverine's "unofficial" sidekick...plus she has a thing for him eventually.

as for Nightcrawler...it is explained in the X-Men: The Official Game video game...i havent finished it yet, so i dont want to spoil myself with the info...but you can read it here...

by Kh8286 over @ gamnefaqs


Alright, I beat the game about an hour ago.

Styker's son wasn't quite dead. Well, he's good side was dead and he was helping Nightcrawler as a ghost to try and stop his bad side from taking over and destroying all the mutants. Nightcrawler destroys the Master Mold but Sabretooth grabs the bad side of Styker's son and runs off. Wolverine stops him. After all is said and done, the world and all mutants are saved, Nightcrawler goes to Xavier's office to tell him something. Xavier already knows but Nightcrawler tells him anyway.

(I'm paraphrasing)

"I can't stay here Professor. This isn't the life for me"

Xavier understands and lets him go.

That's it. I know, i was PO'd too.

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Guest bridget72

so when magneto was in the park at the end and the scene at the end of the credits tell me there is an X-men 4

I think they should've given Rogue more screen time, she spent her time worrying about Iceman cheating on her

I thought she was going to have more role in the battle.... Her power is the most frightening and sometimes I feel sorry for her. I was kinda hoping that Anna Paquin will suck the power of the evil Jean Grey but of course that wouldn't be possible as she would be dead before she come closer to her.

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but there will be additional movies concerning, MAGNETO and WOLVERINE... or so i've read in the newspapers

but so he is alive???

cant believe how many ppl they killed... frikkin THREE!!!!


cant believe she actually got the shot, stupid girl

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Guest #1BoA

MAJOR MAJOR disappointment for me....and I'm a HUGE Xmen fan. -_-

It was enough that Scott died, but then they had to take down Jean too?? :(

And then Mystique (one of my fav. char.) had to go turn human? <_< Btw, Storm kicked butt. I love her. :)

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Guest jonogunn

x3 sucked imo. they just grabbed a bunch of sniplets from different x-men comics that were recently produced, altered it a lot and put them together. the only exception is the pheonix saga which was one of the classic marvel stories. but ofcourse the butched it like hell and didn't follow the orginal story at all. a lot of the characters were underutilized. angel was litterally useless in this movie. cutting him out would have made NO difference at all. i was dissapointed in that becasue i was hoping they would develop his story better. callisto's powers were different from the orignal character and she didn't even have an eyepatch.

i am a fan of authenticity and this movie was lacking of it.

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Guest IMAJynXed1



but there will be additional movies concerning, MAGNETO and WOLVERINE... or so i've read in the newspapers

but so he is alive???

cant believe how many ppl they killed... frikkin THREE!!!!


cant believe she actually got the shot, stupid girl

oh but there is...


the Magneto will likely be a prequel...and Wolverine will prolly be a prequel in the beginning but later part of the film will continue from X3 (or wherever they see fit)

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Guest AniMotion145

i just went to see the movie earlier today.

-----SPOILER ALERT-------------

is there going to be an X-Men 4?

cause magneto doesn't seem like he lost his powers?

the "cure" is just temporary right? O.o

its stupid how both jean and scott die..

but the professor is still alive. maybe they are too. somehow -.-

he did get his powers back at the end..I was thinking that somewhere inbetween whatever time that the boy died, the bald kid that they kept contained maybe he died somehow so all those mutants got their powers back.

and OMG i can't believe how he just left Mystique, I loved her :D she was mad pretty as a human though but still pretty as a mutant, weird :blink:

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Well, maybe "hate" is too strong a word, but good Lord, this movie pissed me off so much.

There are so many things that pissed me off about this movie. Let's begin~


Cyclops. Ahh, cyclops, cyclops, cylops. Where to begin? I'm sure James Marsden read the script and said to Bryan Singer "I don't want to be in this piece of richard simmons, PUT ME IN SUPERMAN." I mean, if it was done right, I wouldn't really have minded if they killed him off, only if it was done for a purpose and offered us a bit of closure. Cyclops, Rogue, Mystique, and Wolverine were always my favorite characters, but they screwed up each of them in the movie, in their own little way. They put a weeping Cyclops in one scene, then killed him off in the next, without even showing his death scene. Him and Phoenix kiss, she goes all black-eyed and crazy, water rises, then: cut to the next scene. Throughout the entire movie I kept thinking "Uhh... what happened to Cyclops?" then when Wolverine apparently had some BRIEF flash in his mind of Phoenix kissing him, and then water rising, he says "You killed Cyclops!", the entire time I was thinking "WHAT?!!!". I kept hoping he would come back, but never did. And then at the end it just shows his tombstone next to Xavier's and Jean Grey's. What a way to disgrace a classic X-Men character.

Rogue. I never really minded that while although in the comic book, Rogue was badass and could fly and had superhuman strength, I never really minded that they made her one of the younger, more amateur X-Men in the films. They gave her a backstory, she was pretty much the center of the first film, she had a connection with Wolverine, and a relationship with Iceman, which was all fine with me. In the second film they also touch up on Rogue and Iceman's relationship, as well as her and Wolverine's friendship. It obviously wasn't as big in the second film as it was in the first film, since they're two different films, but in the third film, they completely obliterated any relationship or foundation Rogue had built up with anyone. The only scene remotely pertaining to her and Wolverine was when they exchanged pleasantries before she headed out to get the cure; a whole 20 seconds. They had a completely random side-story about Iceman and Kitty getting "closer", to which Rogue gets the cure, comes back, touches his hand, and that's it for all three of them.

Mystique. She was always one of the better villains. They had this almost big build-up to the scene where she breaks out, then Magneto flips over a few cars (of course) and shes free. Then the moment she gets free, she gets shot with a dart, becomes human, and is only in one more scene, for a brief few seconds.

Angel. When I saw Angel in the previews I was pretty much like "Hell yeah, Ben Foster playing Angel, this will be good!". And it was good... the whole 5 minutes he was in the movie. I mean, seriously, if you're going to have a dramatic flashback to Angel as a child in one of the opening scenes, it would only make more sense if you GAVE HIM A BIGGER PART. I swear, throughout the entire film, all I could think was "Where's Cyclops? Where's Mystique? Where's Rogue? Where's Angel?". It got so frustrating, but then Angel comes to Xavier's school and you think maybe finally he'll have a more decent sized role in the movie, but he doesn't. He just flies to where the X-Men are, rescues his Dad, then leaves. So ridiculous.

I also hated what they did with Magento. Magneto is the badass super-villain of X-Men, but in this movie, he's reduced to being Phoenix's fearful sidekick. Sickening. As for Phoenix, they certainly did a good job of turning her into The Terminator. I mean, come on, that's all she was. They tried to have *some* emotional connection between her and Wolverine, but due to lack of character development and bad writing, there was none. Brett Ratner's attempt at an emotional finale between Phoenix and Wolverine is "Save me", "I love you", *stab*, *Phoenix dies*. I mean, did anyone really care at that point? I sure as hell didn't.

And as for the other X-Men characters, such as Psylocke, Spike, etc, what was the point of bringing them in? I mean, I know there are hundreds of X-Men characters, so it would only make more sense to bring them in, but why do it, give no reason to their actions at all, and then kill them off all at once, at the end?

Now, characters aside, even if the characters were just as they had been in the comic books, or previous two films, it still would have sucked. One thing I liked so much about Bryan Singer's first two X-Men films, was that they were FILMS. They had plots, meanings, character development, and everything else a good film should have. However, after Bryan Singer left the project, it had too much studio input, which just killed it. I mean, if a big studio gets a crappy director like Brett Ratner to direct one of their films, it's gone to be crap. I guess after Singer left, Fox just decided "Alright, what we need violence. Funny lines characters should say even though it is totally OUT-of-character for them to say it. Explosions. Death. Plenty of DEATH!", and that is what they did. Normally, a film has three acts in it. The beginning, the middle, and the end. However, X-Men 3 only had two; the big build-up to the finale, and the finale. Both of which, sucked.

All of the bad things aside, there were a couple things I liked about the film. I liked Ben Foster as Angel, like I said. But I also really, really loved Kelsey Grammer as Beast. He was the best part of the movie for me, he played Beast perfectly. <3


Yeahh I agree what you said. If this wasn't the LAST movie of X-man, I wouldn't have minded and would have thought that they should fix it up on the fourth one, but it was the LAST movie of X-man and I still say "What happened to Cyclops/Angel/Rogue/Magneto/whoever?"

I REALLY thought Angel would have a bigger part. I saw him in the commercials, also, and was really excited. I thought that he was going to be a major character (because of the beginning), but he had like -- NO role.

I was also REALLYYYY disappointed with Mystique's character because she's my 2nd favorite character. But what the hell? She gets hit by a dart and only appears in one scene which was ten seconds!

and also,


He was only in a couple of scenes and after that... HE JUST DISAPPEARED!! Now... What.The.Hell? He was one of my fav. characters, too.

It was a big disappointment.

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Guest run_lola_run

I don't think they should make a seperate Wolverine movie since X1, X2, and X3 have really been all about Wolverine already. Instead of making the Wolverine & Magneto movies they should continue the X-Men movies IMO. Not that I wouldn't mind watching the Magneto + Wolverine movies, but they could do so much more with the X-Men series & they can't end it with X3. They just can't end it THAT way.

I remember when X2 came out, there were reports that Halle Berry wasn't going to come back as Storm. I think she even said she wasn't going to be in the 3rd one and she ended up being in it anyways.

So even though Jackman and Berry say that X3 is their last film, I'm pretty sure Fox won't give up on them so easily and will probably offer them a large sum of money to come back. Especially seeing what a success X3 has become. So, you never know. I wouldn't rule them out completely. Famke Janssen (Jean Grey) said on Jimmy Kimmel that she would be back for more X-Men movies though.

Wow, a lot of hate for this film but that's not really a surprise though. I already mentioned that I LIKED it even though it had a lot of major plotholes, and other MAJOR MAJOR FLAWS. But I try to look at the positive rather than the negative even though it was kinda hard...hehe. But I just liked it as a fun, popcorn, action flick & that's it because if I look way too deep into it, I know it's just gonna get me very disappointed.

I just hope next time Fox is patient enough to wait for Singer or any other credible director that doesn't only specialize in comedy/action movies like Ratner. Oh well, at least they didn't get Uwe Boll to direct.

Here's MY ranking of the X-Men movies:

1. X2 - Very well made. Hands down my favorite superhero movie ever even though Batman Begins comes close.

2. X3 - Only for the entertainment factor. The action.

3. X1 - I liked it but was disappointed that they put Rogue in what is supposed to be Jubilee's part.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser


Just had to get that out of the way seeing as some people were disappointed and I didn't want the blame laid. :)

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My theory on the ending with Magneto & Jean:

I was rather disappointed with the ending of this movie like most of you guys. Scott mysteriously disappearing and apparently killed by Jean, Psylocke getting blown up, Rogue getting rid of her powers, etc.

I thought what they were gonna do was take the bald headed kid somewhere near Jean/Dark Phoenix to shut off her powers. I was like "WHAT THE !@#$%^&" when Logan killed her.

On Magneto getting his powers back: Seeing how the bald headed kid makes the deepest personal desires of Mutants come true, which is to rid themselves of their ability with the "cure", Magneto's desire is quite the opposite, and he got his powers back due to his desire from the kid's abilities over powering the supposedly permanent cure, IMO

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Guest babiluxx



I dont understand how professor X came to life again? he like literially blew up in to pieces. I think in the end it is implied that there is going to be a X4 becuase if not then the ending is dumb. I hope in 4 they will just end it because it cant go on forever. and i am so dissapointed at Rogue. her powers are suppose to be very powerful but i feel that in all the movies they didnt demostrate that at all. I really liked Tinman even through he wasnt a big part of the movie.

haha a lot of people say that they need to introduce more X mens but i think if u are going to introduce one u need to get a background there are like some hundreds of X-men i doubt that they can introduce all of them. i still like the orginal ones the best

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Guest Malice_Kaiser



I dont understand how professor X came to life again? he like literially blew up in to pieces. I think in the end it is implied that there is going to be a X4 becuase if not then the ending is dumb. I hope in 4 they will just end it because it cant go on forever. and i am so dissapointed at Rogue. her powers are suppose to be very powerful but i feel that in all the movies they didnt demostrate that at all. I really liked Tinman even through he wasnt a big part of the movie.

What's with the ending:

Remember when Professor X was giving that lecture to his students, and he talked about that guy in the coma? Well apparently in the ending he put his mind into that guy's body. So in a sense he reincarnated himself. How? Well, he's Charles freaking Xavier. That's how. ^^ However they leave you uncertain as to whether or not he will still have powers, since he's not in his body anymore.

Also, Rogue isn't all that powerful to begin with. The only reason she was ever powerful in the comics etc was because she totally ganked some other chicks powers and now she can fly and crap.

Also, there's no such thing as an X-man called Tinman. His name is Colossus; Wolverine just called him Tinman because he's Wolverine and he's a sarcastic basserd.

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Guest azn_invasion

in my opinion it was a good movie but the nonexistent character development of Angel sucked. He was put in all the trailers and there was so much hype about him, but he was in the movie for about 3 minutes. There were some plotholes but it still was a good movie. One of the best parts is when Juggernaut says, "Don't you know who I am. I'm the Juggernaut richard simmons." Its funnier if you've seen the video online. Overall it was a good movie, but in X4 they need to bring in little to no new characters because they will most likely have no character development.

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Guest res0nate

They'll have x4 according to Fox exec Tim Rothman. I'm too lazy to read through the thread but Leech's (the kid w/the "cure") powers are "temporary" atleast in the comics and proven in regards to Mags having residual powers again.


Btw, Kitty is really really cute irl and Arclight (prince lookalike in the screenshot) is really a supermodel if ppl want to be ignorant or mistake her for a guy.

Edit - Cyke is pretty much an afterthought since he was / had to work on Superman

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Guest mannamedx



but there will be additional movies concerning, MAGNETO and WOLVERINE... or so i've read in the newspapers

but so he is alive???

cant believe how many ppl they killed... frikkin THREE!!!!


cant believe she actually got the shot, stupid girl

SOurces about no X4? your obviously stupid



I dont understand how professor X came to life again? he like literially blew up in to pieces. I think in the end it is implied that there is going to be a X4 becuase if not then the ending is dumb. I hope in 4 they will just end it because it cant go on forever. and i am so dissapointed at Rogue. her powers are suppose to be very powerful but i feel that in all the movies they didnt demostrate that at all. I really liked Tinman even through he wasnt a big part of the movie.

haha a lot of people say that they need to introduce more X mens but i think if u are going to introduce one u need to get a background there are like some hundreds of X-men i doubt that they can introduce all of them. i still like the orginal ones the best

Prof X like he explained in the beginning of the film, transffered his consiousness (i know i suck at spelling)

I wish they would show Iceman more developed, since he is also a class 5

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Guest #1BoA


I think it's ridiculous how they introduced sooo many new characters and in the end, they just killed them all AT ONCE. <_< Ugh. I hate it when movies in a series have different directors. They need to stick to Singer. And Rogue, seriously WTF. WTF. She had a pretty big role in the other two films and in this one, she appears for like 2 minutes. WTF. And I hate how she gets rid of her powers just to be with her bf. -_-

Jean Grey/Phoenix: They gave absolutely NO background info on that and how she survived. I thought/hoped that Wolverine was going to bring the bald kid near Phoenix to rid her of her powers. Or he could've at least stuck the "cure" into her so she'd turn back into Jean. <_< I was so sad when he killed her.

Overall, I was majorly disappointed with this movie. It seems like the director just got rid of MANY major characters because he didn't know what to do with them, ie. Mystique. There was so much hype about it and it just ended in the dumbest way.

And Nightcrawler...why did the actor quit??

Hopefully, they'll make X Men 4 that actually continues the storyline and contains the same major characters. Actually, I think I'm just hoping that Mystique, Jean Grey, and Scott comes back. :( Maybe Singer will realize how much ppl were disappointed with Rattner and he'll come back to do the 4th one.

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