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Guest Rxgoodleaf

how did i not discover him until now? he did remind me of gd at first w/ the glasses (fyi i think he actually looks cuter w/ the glasses). i like his literary passion and his mature, independent attitude. looking forward to his future projects.

"Literary Passion" I really like that expression... Thanks!

Ah In posted couple of pics on his mini hompy...


Another dog... not sure if it's his...

A dog lover... I like that since I am a dog lover, too!

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Rewatching Choi Kang Chil Woo right now... episode 18...

Finished watching He Who Can't Get Married episode 1 and 2...

So far so good... not as funny as I expected but never the less entertaining...

I felt the same. I watched the first two episodes of the Japanese version so it was like watching the same two episodes over again. But it does get better and I found myself laughing out loud at some of their antics.

I didn't recognize Yoo Ah In in Antique Bakery because he looked so different from the older character he protrayed in Chi Woo. He's much cuter when he plays his age.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Ah In news 7/7/2009...


Credit: Sports Donga

그의 패션 키워드는 무엇보다 자유분방함과 과감함이다. 분홍색, 노란색, 초록색 등 발랄한 색과 물방울·체크 등의 화려한 무늬가 주를 이룬다. 회 당 네 번 가량 옷을 갈아입는다.

유아인이 특히 신경 쓰는 부분은 액세서리다. 극 중 지진희와 대비되는 캐릭터를 만들기 위해 본인이 직접 반지와 안경 테 등을 고른다. 유아인은 40대 독신남 지진희와 달리 자기표현이 강한 바람둥이로 등장한다.

그의 패션은 남자는 물론이고 여자 시청자에게도 인기를 얻고 있다. ‘결혼 못하는 남자’의 드라마 게시판에는 안경테와 유아인 스타일에 대한 문의가 이어지고 있다.

Talking about Hyun Kyu (YAI) fashion in "He Who Can't Get Married"...

Apparently Ah In pays particular attention to accessories... he chose the rings and eyeglasses himself... at the drama official site, the viewers are asking a lot of fashion questions related to "Ah In style"...

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Yoo Ah In is one of the reasons I am enjoying He Who Can't Marry so much. He's just a ball of adorkableness!! I honestly thought he was the same age as Kim So Eun, you know, somewhere around 20 or even 19. I was surprised when I found out he was like 23, I never thought he was more than 20 haha.. I really like him here and in Antique Bakery. I haven't managed to finish Strongest Chilwoo, but I definitely will.

Thanks Rxgoodleaf for the stream of updates on Yoo Ah In!

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People~!!! Save me!!! I've been trying to find his movie, Boys of Tomorrow, because I heard it was good and the reviews were pretty good too. But I cannot for the life of me find a site that either hosts it or has the download for it. GAAHHH. HEELPP ME PLEASEEE. I really REALLY want to see it. So far, all I've got are the subs. HELP. :tears:

Nevermind :lol:!! I found a site that has the download link.

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Guest misspinky

i was just about to write am i the only one that thinks that he resembles g-dragon but glancing at the posts above, i think not. the voice was somewhat similar as well. i love his style on he who can't get married. he's a hilarious character.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

7/13/2009 Ah In News...


Credit: Asiae

나이에 비해 생각도 깊고 말도 진중하다 보니 유아인을 보고 있오라면 '애늙은이' 같다는 느낌이 강하게 밀려온다. 그런 그가 자기 성격이 '찌질하다'고 하니 진심인지 농담인지 구별하기가 쉽지 않다.

"극중 현규는 찌질해요. 상대역인 정유진(김소은 분)에게 차비를 달라고 할 정도로.. 실제 제 성격 가운데 한조각은 현규와 비슷한 것 같아요. 때론 찌질하기도 하죠."

유아인은 시청률에 대해 비교적 자유롭다. 때문에 더 열심히 할 수 있다고 한다.

"노력하면 그 노력이 나중에 고스란히 나타날 것이라고 믿어요. 작품에 대해 믿음이 있으니까요. 자신감을 갖고 촬영에 임하고 있죠."

"Hyun Kyu in the drama is little cheap. Even asking Eugene for (transportation) fare... I think small corner of my personality is like Hyun Kyu. I can be cheap."

The reporter goes on to say that he is not sure if Ah In was joking or being serious when he made above comment since Ah In is usually deep thinking and mature way beyond his age.

Ah In is not concerned about the drama's view ratings.

"I believe that if you work hard eventully it will be noticed. I believe in the project (the drama)."

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Guest evermore

aaahh! i just finished watching strongest chilwoo,

i absolutely fell in love with heuk san :wub:

he was hands down my favorite actor in that movie, i was crying when the drama was finished because i knew i would miss it soo much!!

but im glad i found this thread!! at first i fell in love with yoo ah in's style and looks but now, after reading his interviews and such i've begun to fall in love with his personality as well! i love how he is sort of eccentric (in a good way) and a bit mysterious as well, aahhh! i loove him!

tehehe i will keep stalking this thread and thank you everyone who has contributed especially Rxgoodleaf, all your translations etc. have been so very much appreciated!! i hope this thread will soon become very big so that everyone can appreciate yoo ah in's talent as much as i do (:

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

7/22/2009 Ah In Interview...



-선천적연기자와 후천적연기자가 있다고 치자. 전자인가 후자인가.

▶타고났다고 생각한다. 내가 지금 할 수 있는 건 이것 밖에 없고 계속 연기를 할 것이기 때문에. 나는 타고난 배우라기보다 처음부터 정해져있었던 것처럼 생각하고 있다. 이 길이 내 길이다. 사실 성격이 소극적이고 눈치보고, 불안해하고 많이 떠는 성격인데 뻔뻔해지는 주문을 계속 걸고 있다.

-'결혼못하는 남자'의 의미를 찾는다면.

▶내가 출연을 굉장히 원했다. 하고 싶었다. 마음껏 놀고 싶었다. 재미있게 놀고 싶고, 잘 할 수 있을 것이라는 생각이 들었다. 감독님께서 마음껏 뛰어 놀 수 있게 멋진 운동장을 만들어주셨다.

Credit: Star News

Gist translation...

"I think I was born to act. I can't think of anything else to do at this point in my life and I plan to act for awhile. I don't think I became an actor, I was born to be an actor."

"I really wanted to be in the drama (He Who Can't Get Married). I really just wanted to play. I believed that I can play and do a good job. The director made a playground so that I can play to my heart's content."

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Rxgoodleaf

Credit: Levlife.com








I am not endorsing Levlife but I have to say the prices are really reasonable... too bad they don't ship to US!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Rxgoodleaf


장나라가 오랜만에 국내 출연한 영화 '하늘과 바다'가 오는 10월 말께 개봉 예정이다.

"Sky And Ocean" set to open end of October 2009...

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  • 2 weeks later...

September 22, 2009

Changed on request and goodwill --

note1.gif This thread previously started by meteorite_girl2006 is now maintained by Rxgoodleaf at the first post to update with related actor info, etc.

Everyone please keep posting & continue sharing. ^^

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Guest Rxgoodleaf


명동 중앙로에 김신영, 고은아, 유아인, 이하늘, 손호영등의 정상급 스타들이 국내 최대 슈즈 쇼핑센터 ABC마트의 명동 중앙점 오픈 축하를 위해 매장을 방문해 눈길을 끌었다.

Yoo Ah In at the opening of the Korea's largest shoe shopping center, ABC Mart, in Myung Dong...

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Guest babyshakes

Rxgoodleaf!!!! you are awesome!!!!


i recently fell in love with Yoo Ah In while watching Antique bakery.

though he didn't have a leading role in the movie, his character was soo cute!

and the way he looks!

he looks like one of my 4 year old students lol.

I'm contemplating if i should watch he who can't marry, just for him!

but yeah this guy is soo cute!

i'm waiting for his new movie to come out.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf


Credit: inews24.com

오는 15일 깜짝 오픈을 앞두고 있는 모던하고 클랙식한 KUHO(구호)의 팝업 스토어(POP-UP Store) 축하를 위해 모인 별들의 패션 역시 블랙 일색. 블랙에 화이트만으로 엑센트를 준 이들의 스타일은 이번 시즌 블랙의 교과서라해도 과언이 아닐 정도로 시크하고 엣지있다.

매끈한 외모의 훈남 배우 유아인은 핫 트렌드 아이템인 배기 팬츠에 무심한 듯 화이트 티셔츠와 패딩 점퍼를 걸쳐 퍼니한 스타일을 완성했다.

Ah In at opening of KUHO (clothing store)...

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