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[THE OFFICIAL] IU 아이유 Thread


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9jill9 said: akinahana89 said: meahri66 said: Well, I'm definitely going to dust off my Rosetta Stone.  I really do want to get to the point where I can watch my KDramas without having to depend on the English subtitles.  I also want to sing along with all my Kmusic (kpop and otherwise) all the way through and actually understand what I'm singing.  It would also be great to be able to practice with all of you on the thread, maybe not in the spoken language since we communicate virtually, but practicing on all the translations.  All that would be really awesome.

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We have Korean bbq and simple dishes like bibimbap and tteokbokki... but I really want to, like you, try the delicacies and the hard to find dishes. Well, I really want to try sundae in particular! For me, if I had to choose between meeting IU or JJS, I think I would have to pick IU as well. She's inspired me a lot more in many aspects and I have been a fan of hers for much longer than I have been a fan of JJS.

Yes! Violets mentioned that she knew a place where backpackers could stay and it would be super cheap. We would definitely be thrifty and I know Violets wanted to go to SK in time to go to the premiere of King's Wrath. If I can manage it, I would love to go around that time too. (Maybe we'll get to see JJS! Then all I would have to concentrate on is stalking IU until I can see her. LOL.)

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@9jill9 @akinahana89 @iu93jjang


In regard to our work aspirations and being able to work for LOEN and IU one day, take a look at this AKP article about JYJ.  They have an exclusive team that works on malicious conduct on the internet. It definitely sounds like something LOEN should be doing as well...and we'd be perfect in that type of role.






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That is AWESOME. But... it seems like the team communicates in Korean as well, so it appears that if we want to be able to do something similar, we would have to be fluent in Korean first. Too bad it can't be done in English... or we'd be perfect for the job.

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Guest violet9004

LOEN is a great company in term of music..they have a great quality of production but their PR team is a mess..sorry about that LOEN :)

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@meahri66 @akinahana89 @iu93jjang
That is most unfortunate.  
Time to take out that rusty book again.  :)
Anyways, so far as the trip goes, I heard from my parents that some of the hotels are a lot cheaper than you think if you are willing to stay further away from the more popular spots.  Plus if you get double occupancy, I bet you could get some nice deals there too.  Although friend of mine did 4 to a room once with 2 double beds.  So 2 person per bed.  That could be a little extreme though.

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iu93jjang said: LOEN is a great company in term of music..they have a great quality of production but their PR team is a mess..sorry about that LOEN :) I absolutely agree. It's very true! That's why they need US to fix their PR mess.
... But they'll have to wait for us to learn Korean first. LOL

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akinahana89 said: @9jill9
I've had friends who would book a room with double beds with four or five people and they would alternate who gets the beds every night while the rest would take out a sleeping bag and lay out on the floor. lol

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As promised, more photos of the MT album. :D

The new poster on my wall.

The album! I can't believe I'm finally holding it in my hands!!

The photographs that came with the album.

The double-sided photo cards.

It's like Christmas to me right now! lol

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@akinahana89 @9jill9 @meahri66
Hey guys...as I'm the one who's going to Korea next month and I'm definitely going to meet IU in person for her concert (1st floor ticket!!! keke), I just wanna make you guys jealous a little bit. LOL. I'm thinking about going to have Tonkatsu at the restaurant at Namsan area. This is the Tonkatsu that IU cooked when she was on Heroes show. There is her picture and autograph on the wall. ^_^
Also I'm going to visit Droptop cafe where our JoU fell in love. Unfortunately, I won't have a chance to visit Wando Ahjussi otherwise I would love to visit our JoU's bedroom.
If you guys have anymore suggestion, please feel free to tell me. :D

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Guest Tran Thuy

Eng said: @akinahana89 @9jill9 @meahri66
Hey guys...as I'm the one who's going to Korea next month and I'm definitely going to meet IU in person for her concert (1st floor ticket!!! keke), I just wanna make you guys jealous a little bit. LOL. I'm thinking about going to have Tonkatsu at the restaurant at Namsan area. This is the Tonkatsu that IU cooked when she was on Heroes show. There is her picture and autograph on the wall. ^_^
Also I'm going to visit Droptop cafe where our JoU fell in love. Unfortunately, I won't have a chance to visit Wando Ahjussi otherwise I would love to visit our JoU's bedroom.
If you guys have anymore suggestion, please feel free to tell me. :D

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Guest violet9004

she so sweet to people around her.. she have a fight with her manager about who going to hold the umbrella.. kekeso cute :x

cr uploader
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lucky you!  i went to sleep before i saw your message
how long is your trip?

4 days 3 nights. I'm planning to go to Mexicana chicken as well. There is a fanclub reviewing restaurant that IU goes often. I will take a photo of her autograph in every place for you guys.

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