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[official Thread] Hwanyobi Couple.

Guest vietsoul

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Guest yourdaddyy

Episode 29 was awesome(: I loved the part where hwanhee was like, "If i fall behind .. my Yobi might get hurt." I thought that was SO sweet. (: He said "my" like they were really dating or something<33

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Guest springichoose

I LOVE HWAYOBI!!!!! she is soo cute! "Im 'hey'...you 'husband'" LOL. she looks like a naive child saying that to him!!! he is sooooo cooool!!!!!! yet can be harsh....BUT hwayobi is a special case, she could handle that kind of person with her obliviousness!!!! :D LOVE HWANYOBI COUPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :excl:

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Guest lisha_0815

just finished watching the whole ep 29

and seriously this couple is sooo cute with thier interaction..

which makes me wish more episodes with just them though

so they could work on being a couple...

i like how HH may seem mean but most of his actions show otherwise..

the fact that he looks so ood with a smile or even a smirk doesn't hurt either :blush: ....

and how Yobi is kind of resigned to accept whatever from HH and enjoy the experience..

and she obviously marches to the beat of her own drum too...

omo... i just got another reason to be crazy about the show.... i have Joongbo and Hwanyobi


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Hwanhee actions definitely speaks louder than words...his subtle "care & protection" is adorably attractive. Especially, like the part during the 3- legged race when she was tying her pants string and they were laughing at her...Hwanhee protectively said not to laugh at her. It seemed like his natural response. :)

Hwayobi is adorably weird...haha like the part about her pretending abt the "suitcase coincidence" ...haha i guessed only she will be truthful abt it.

Thanks for all the gifs, videos and translation..great work!!!

This song Hwayobi & Untouchable- It's Okay....played during their walk at the beach...beautiful song

Hwanyobi MV by peenkranger


More Sundays to come...

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Guest rikkimargarette

You can watch the whole episode with english subbed @YT in MarriedSubs channel. Check it out!

Big thanks to muish for subbing the episode. Great job as always :)

WGM Ep29


It was a lovely episode for HwanYobi. I love the last part black room interview of Hwany, hehehehe he's being possessive. Don't worry Fany only you can call Yobi "Poopie" :D we're not calling her "Poopie" :vicx:

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Ho-Ho after my sadness about AnBi's leaving (I am AnBiholics), I think this couple is entertaining ...


btw the subbed links post by rikkimargarette I can't see the sub in the video ...?

But I am already go the blog and i can more understand the story, funny ...

we can see HH more caring to HYB now ...

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Guest rikkimargarette

Ho-Ho after my sadness about AnBi's leaving (I am AnBiholics), I think this couple is entertaining ...


btw the subbed links post by rikkimargarette I can't the sub in the video ...?

But am already go the blog and i can more understand the story, funny ...

we can see HH more caring to HYB now ...

The HwanYobi videos I have in my channels were not completely subbed because I used chonsa's summary. Also I only used YouTube close caption, so if you can't see the sub, you need to click the triangle in the right corner below the video then click CC. But to save you the trouble, just go to MarriedSubs channel to watch the entire episode, I posted the link above. Hope that helps. :)

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I'm starting to like this couple now.

HH is not the lovey dovey kind but through small actions, he actually cares alot for Yobi.

He carries her luggages, picks her up after she falls, tells people not to laugh at her when she's tying her pants, makes her coffee after she says she dont expect him to do it, covers her face with his shirt, help her with the broken chair right after she broke it... lol.

He's like the man always subtlely supporting the woman, and protective of her, making fun of her at the same time.

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Guest selita03

Well, for the korean netizen who likes this couple, they have been addressing this couple as dog poopie couple, what a cute nickname for this couple. Everyone knows that hwanhee has 'bad mouth' but he really cares for yobi. i will anticipate for this couple in the future. Dog poopie couple fighting!!!

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Guest loracnahc

just finished the episode and i <3 this couple more now!

hwanhee's kind of mean, but in his own little way he's really sweet to hwayobi.

i'm excited to see how this couple develops.

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Guest shumshum86

this couple is going to be fun to watch! someone mentioned this already, and im just totally agreeing. they remind me of the nodame cantabile couple. she is in her own world and she's a little weird for me, but together they mesh well. the poopie nickname was kinda weird, but i guess it works for them. i would wanna see yobi get mad thou, like when she pretended to be mad at HH, HH quickly apologized. so cute.

and that comment about them looking like a rich girl and a bodyguard made me laugh! he carries her purse ;)

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Guest angelixer

I can't take Hwayobi :lol: Especially after ep.29. She had me rolling every time. The girl's got so much personality.

And about the dog poop thing. I kinda agree it's a little weird to refer to someone like that, but how come I didn't see any ill intention?

And what's up with comparing that to the word b***h in hiphop? When rappers use that term, they're usually a hot mess anyways and actually treat women like b*****s. So how did Hwanhee treat her like dogpoop? Get the damn difference?

I swear some of yall are uptight as hell...

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

i like watching hwayobi outta all the newbies the best.

hwanhee is just so funny & mean at times.

its so weird how hwayobi's speaking voice and singing voice are soo different haha

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heh, hwayobi reminds me of my aunt.. .. its really wierd cuz their age difference. is like..... 20 years ? around. lol

but hwayobi is so cute~. even tho im a ssang choo shipper, i think the next couple that i enjoy watching is the dog poo couple. lol

AND I TOTALLY AGREE.. even if hwan hee calls hwayobi dog poo,.. it sounds very.... "right" for that couple. lol.

doesnt sound offensive at all.

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Guest rikkimargarette

I made another HwanYobi MV for this episode. HwanYobi is my latest addiction lol. I hope you guys will like it. I used the song It's Okay and Destiny :) ENJOY!!!


I subbed the Destiny part of the video. Once I get a hold of IT'S OKAY korean lyrics, I will sub it too.

Thanks to Bam.

DESTINY- Fly To The Sky

*English Translation*

I thought that the sunrays were always prickly,

But unusually, the sunlight was brighter to my eyes

It was because of that afternoon when I first met you.

It was because of you, that I could'nt open my eyes

Your appearance was shining more brightly,

Than a summer sunlight.

I've waited for this, only for your love

Those days that I did'nt know you,

I always dreamt of you.

I never believed in destiny of love but,

I know now, that its you

My one and only love.

Sometimes there are times when I don't believe this

I wonder why I can be this happy,

Being by your side and loving you

The day when I gave you the unexpected confession

And when you gave me that smile,

Even if the world gave me everything,

I would'nt trade that moment with it.

I've waited for this, only for your love

Those days that I did'nt know you,

I always dreamt of you

I never believed in destiny of love but,

I know now, that its you

My one and only love.

I will forever protect you

No matter how much difficulty I am in,

I'm here for you

I've waited for this, only for your love

Those days that I did'nt know you,

I always dreamt of you

I never believed in destiny of love but,

I know now, that its you

My one and only love.

My one and only love...

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^ I have to agree with you. I like Hwanyobi a lot more.

Marco & Son Danbi are a pair of sweet couple but I think I can expect it was going to be all sweet for them.

Hwanhee & Hwayobi do things that are out of expectation? They do bring surprises, like the duet, the talents they've showcased.

I didn't really know how Hwayobi is but I find her personality very interesting.

It just makes me look forward for their scenes together :)

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I made another HwanYobi MV for this episode. HwanYobi is my latest addiction lol. I hope you guys will like it. I used the song It's Okay and Destiny :) ENJOY!!!

Rikkimargarette...amazing MV again..as much I am addicted to this couple..I'm addicted to your video too. Especially the part you highlighted when Hwayobi...got overly excited when hwanhee said she is good :).


VOTE FOR HWANYOBI AT YAHOO....CLICK HERE....It's in korean...Just click on the the button with the orange word above the picture...you may vote numerous time.

Sorry not too sure the basis of the poll...but Hwanyobi couple was 2nd and drop to 3rd now. Let's vote for the addiction. :)

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Guest paravel

I made another HwanYobi MV for this episode. HwanYobi is my latest addiction lol. I hope you guys will like it. I used the song It's Okay and Destiny :) ENJOY!!!


I subbed the Destiny part of the video. Once I get a hold of IT'S OKAY korean lyrics, I will sub it too.

Thanks to Bam.

DESTINY- Fly To The Sky

*English Translation*

Thanks for sharing HwanYobi love! This couple is very interesting.

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Guest carribeane

hi wow in the mere 2 days i haven't been here, it's moving so fast after episode 29. =) so encouraging

thanks so much muish for the fast subs, it's great + all the informative notes =)

was pretty worried abt the whole dog poop thingy cos it was turning many pple off b4 the subs came out... but amazingly now most pple are not even focusing on it much. at the main WGM thread, hwangbo, SDB's song "promos", the sunbae-hoobae thing are the main causes of unhappiness. so i'm glad pple are not harping all abt it so much. Personally, I don't like the nickname at all, it's unpleasant and what a name to be callled by anyone, even more so one's husband. was so sad and disappointed when i 1st read it in the forums b4 the subs were out. thought that HH didn't care abt HYB anymore. Glad that wasn't true, quite the contrary indeed =) Ok so while I don't like it, I won't harp on it and ain't gonna let it stop me from supporting them. they're my faves, with joongbo in 2nd hehe all the humourous couples =)

You know he's kinda like Shin goon in Goong? when he was beginning to fall in love with her but just didn't want to say so, so he said mean stuff and teased her, but still did sweet stuff for her - got a car (queen mum's beetle) for her cos she wanted one, asked the secretary to let her ride her bike during exercise time, protecting her from his parents' wrath etc etc. hehe HH is doing the same! he doesn't wanna say that he likes HYB, tries hard to avoid doing so. But he exemplifies the "Actions speak louder than words" teaching. =) so sweet! I thought the scene where he was helping her untie the rope for the 3-legged race was so sweet, a servant's heart =) oh i could go on abt all the various nice things he did for her haha =) he's also chivalrous enough to let the wives have the better room (ahah Marco, pls pay attention ahem)

One thing i observed. Hwayobi's clothes! she's always wearing the "wrong thing" haha the granny chic outfit to the supermarket and now the formal dress to the beach! haha so hilarious =) and she's always brings much laughter to the audiences! she's too nice to HH though, has to be firmer with him. sigh i feel for her when he's being mean. Like that cool guy in sch to that nice, smart girl. but rejoiced with her when he does those sweet things =) hehe can't wait to see more next week. Thankfully, they are not part of the feuding couples.

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