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{official} 2 P M's [{ O K ★ T A E C Y E O N }] [옥택연]


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Guest thefirstmoment777

@all: Im sorry I dont know how to do the multi quotes ^^ I love ur posts so much ^^

ur posts make me feel that Taec still can receive alot of love from us :P

Im kinda dissapointed when I have to read bad news abt him everyday.

And the happy time for me is when I come here and read ur posts abt Taec :">

Thank you so much !!!

I dont know if these were shared before, but these pics and gifs definitely help me get through this mess ^^

This is for my perfect cp :P




And some Idiot's actions but I LOVE IT =))




HAHA look at u, bb =))


:"> I want to be that girl :">


@Eggplant love ur idea :P

Userid: thefirstmoment777

Biases in 2pm (other than Taec): rite now is wooyoung and chansung =))

What do you think is Taec's most attractive physical feature: his dimples :">

Taec's most attractive characteristic: dorky but really kind to women :">

Other spazzes: SJ, Shinee, Kara, and so much more ^^

Other kpop communities that you enjoy going to: tumblrs, some 2PM fansites

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Guest Shenlu

Harsh comments towards sexybeast just make me want to love and hug sexybeast more >=]

(and slightly damage the people that make said harsh comments?...)

Thank you for those Taec coupling pictures you guys, omg Taecbum is LOVE (willmissthatdearly) but Taecyeon and Chansung will always be like my ultimate OTP of the 2pm world XD they're so freaking dorky together.

and i like the idea about intro.. maybe we can have some okrats (?) friending meme? hehe

LOVE your idea about intro memes <33 I've only posted here a couple of times (I stalked silently >=]) but I'm definitely going to be posting more ^^

So it'll be good to get to know everyone <3

Userid: Shenlu

Biases in 2pm (other than Taec): ChanSung & WooYoung~

What do you think is Taec's most attractive physical feature: His eyes/cheekbones/lips/hair..? <3 (his entire face? D: DON'TMAKEMECHOOSE!!)

Taec's most attractive characteristic: His versatility; one moment he's charismatic the next he's the biggest dork ever.

Other spazzes: SJ, DBSK, 2AM, ZE:A (many minor ones but these be the main loves~ :lol:)

Other kpop communities that you enjoy going to: I mostly stick to korean fansites, soompi is pretty much the only english based site I'm active in, others I just occasionally visit for pictures/videos/news/etc~ ^^

Can I add one? I'm kind of addicted to knowing peoples real names, or real nicknames if you're uncomfortable with sharing your whole name XD So!

Name: Toria/Tor ^^

Nice to meet you all~ <3

Some Taec love;


I can't remember where I found this picture but I freaking adore it, he looks so intense. It makes me want to glomp him.

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Guest SNSD-

Really liked the idea of intro too!Let's make a team of OkCat fans! *-*

Userid : SNSD

Biases in 2PM (Other than Taec) : Jay

What do you think is Taec's most attractive physical feature : I really think he is perfect,but the most attractive is his face,he's pretty handsome \*-*/

Taec's most attractive characteristic : He is really warm-hearted,defend his opnions, is very kind with the people who deserves it and much more.

Other spazzes : SNSD,2AM,T-Ara,KARA and SuJu

Other kpop communities that you enjoy going to : Some korean fansites and random tumblrs

Don't have any images,sorry =/

Edit 1 : I've been using the wrong final haven't I ? It's Taec "oppa",not Taec "hyung" right ? Sorry for the wrong posts,really confused :unsure:

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Guest Sanity

LOL! I love how so many okrat./okcat fans here~!.

Name: CT

Userid: Sanity

Biases in 2pm (other than Taec): Jay

What do you think is Taec's most attractive physical feature: his dimple! (and hot body *_*)

Taec's most attractive characteristic: Multilingual!

Other spazzes: Wondergirls, 2NE1, T-ara, DBSK.

Other kpop communities that you enjoy going to: Omona!, TaecJay, Taek-a-day, Kpop Macros.

My Taec-biased pairings!






TAECJAY: I'm gonna miss them so much!!








TAECSEUL: Da tall couple!








Goodness i still hope for Sunmi and Jay to come back on stage soon again! I miss my Taecmi & Taecjay couple too much T__T.


*Insert one last gif*


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Guest gin2905

WOW!! i'm loving here MORE~~~


and i totally agree with what you guys had said...

what's wrong with speaking out his mind...

he's also just a human being.. just like any one of us here...

i love frank people!!!!

he must have been tolerating for very long... i knew he could'nt take it anymore...

and yes!! the more antis, the more i love him


Userid: gin2905

Biases in 2pm (other than Taec): Junho

What do you think is Taec's most attractive physical feature: laughter/smile.. (fingers =x)

Taec's most attractive characteristic: Multilingual! <33333

Other spazzes: 2AM, FT Island~

Other kpop communities that you enjoy going to: i seriously love this place.. i don't have others =x

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Guest eggplant

HOLLA everyone ^-^ i m Nat from Singapore btw, but i prefer to be known as Eggplant hehe

a pretty pic from Taekaday.lj .. the random white spots make this pic even more dreamy


anw, i chanced upon this user with the name of FANTAS-TAEC and i was like 'woah! that's a nice play on words'

then i proceeded to think of a few on my own - -;


-Plate TAEC-tonics (Plate Tectonics)

-Graphing TAEC-niques (Graphing Techiniques)


-TAEC care! (take care)

-TAEC-n-Q (thank you)

-hwai-TAEC-ing (hwaiting)

do you guys have any taec puns as well? =D

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Guest luvMyDBSKboyz

wo0o0t! i like doing these XD

Userid : Luvmydbskboyz

Biases in 2PM (Other than Taec) : Jay n Khun

What do you think is Taec's most attractive physical feature : his tallness, his ears(totally love his ears!) and his smile *_*

Taec's most attractive characteristic : Hes so outgoing and i love when he speaks english!! lol

Other spazzes : SNSD,2AM,DBSK (when they werent going through all this crap!), KARA

Other kpop communities that you enjoy going to : uhhh does allkpop count?? lol

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Guest Shenlu

^^ LOL, fantas-taec, I love that.

Made me think of one actually now that you said that; my mother always has this phrase that whenever something is hard to do, she'll say 'It's okay! We can do it, we have the technology!'

My version? 'It's okay! He can do it! He has the Taecnology!~' >.> *lame* LOL.

Taecbaby cut his beautiful hair T_T (I suppose it was due considering how long he had the gorgeous Heartbeat hair... still *mourns*)




I find it hilarious that even with those INSANELY high heels, she's still way shorter than Taec :lol: <3

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Guest exbow

Some video to share guys. ^^

스팟TV 2PM-Taecyeon 'Cinderella Sister' Press Conference


Userid: exbow

Biases in 2pm (other than Taec): Wooyoung, Khun

What do you think is Taec's most attractive physical feature: height/body, dark sexy skin and deep voice ><

Taec's most attractive characteristic: Multilingual, friendly, hard-working type

Other spazzes: (lol my sig) Big Bang, YEH, 2AM, SNSD and many many more.

Other kpop communities that you enjoy going to: allkpop, omona, 2pm sites.

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Thanks for the PC pictures.... I don't like his hair, prefer his bowl haircut better... but he still look hotttt.... :)

Userid : alin103

Biases in 2PM (Other than Taec) : Chansung

What do you think is Taec's most attractive physical feature : his tallness, body,and smile ^___^

Taec's most attractive characteristic : Happy go lucky, sexy deep voice and when he speak english....

Other spazzes : SS501 (esp KHJL)

Other kpop communities that you enjoy going to : soompi all the way.... :)

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Guest gin2905


he's back to debut hair style... kekeke~~~

looks cute... and younger..... ^__^

though i prefer it to be longer =)

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The new 2PM thread is getting a laundry list of rules and when I want to check out the Jay thread ... *sigh*

Seriously, it's irritating how the 2pm thread has so many restrictions. It's unfair to me, no other thread is under that much scrutiny by the mods. I don't even go there anymore.

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Guest SNSD-

Taec oppa with debut's hair *--* Really cute

About 2PM's thread,I think thay should permit us to talk about Jay!He still is a 2PM in our hearts! *-*

[ I know that what I'll talk about now don't have any bond with Taec but,when will Rain comeback ?I saw "Back To The Basic" teaser and the song is really good! ]

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Guest eggplant

2 fanaccounts to share:

first one:


This is the red jigsaw puzzle that I intended to buy for TAEC to use as a headset’s cable storage because I always saw him listening to music all the time. I gave it to him since 2PM came to a Showcase event in Thailand.

When I viewed Wild Bunny, I observed a red jigsaw puzzle that I felt really familiar. Immediately I recollected that I took some pictures before I gave it to him. Yes! It’s my red jigsaw puzzle that I bought for TAEC. But I didn’t think that he would use it to decorate his mobile Phone. In fact, it should keep the headset cable. The first time I saw it, my tear was coming out because I’d never thought that TACE would use very fast because this Wild Bunny episode was filmed shortly after they came back from Thailand’s event. During the episode, they also revealed some talk that the money left in their wallets was Thai baht. I’m VERY (x5) happy because I myself really like TAEC. When I appeared to realize this, I love him even more. I think because he uses his mobile phone daily, every time I see him using his phone, I’ll see my red jigsaw puzzle as well.

It’s a really good feeling for us fans that our favorite singers use the presents we gave. Though there’re lots of things hanging by his phone….., I can’t tell how happy I am to know that what I gave is in his hands and he is really using it.


Source: http://www.siamzone.com/board/view.php?sid=1111663

Please take out with full credit! Thank you.

Credit: http://truepm.exteen.com

second one:

July 5, 2009

Swimming Pool @ Dusit Thani

(Warning: Cuteness overloaded!)

While I was wandering at the hotel in the morning, there was a whisper that 2PM was swimming at the hotel’s swimming pool, so I went there right away. Anyway Jay wasn’t there because of his sickness, so I was pitying myself that I missed seeing his six packs T T. Without being sick, Teac didn’t appear as well.

Chansung looked really cracked...too dorky hehehe. I was so amused that he couldn’t swim. Junho had to teach him how to swim. While Chansung was practicing swimming to the the center of the pool, he suddenly disappeared from my eyes. He drawned!!! Hahahaha. He tried to struggle out. Junho then taught him to use legs beating water. While Junho was getting out of the pool, he concealed his nipples with his hands. When he forgot to do that, I then realized the reason. His nipples look absolutely dark HAHAHA! Wooyoung was incredibly cute when he played with the kids.

It was even more amusing when they were to be photographed. They pretended to be dead beside the pool. HAHAHA! Everybody had gotten his place except for Chansung (again). So, he jogged awkwardly having no idea where to go. Finally, he lay down beside the pool and dipped his head into water !HAHAHA!*. The fans who were seeing really agreed that he was way too funny hehehe. Anyway, the one who seemed the most elegant was Junsu. While everybody was lying down normally, he spread a towel on the floor so he could lie himself on. What a fragile haha!

After awhile, the staff brought some bananas. Every member then went to pick for some except for Chansung (So unbelievable!!!). He went on swimming alone. However, after awhile he seemed out of patient so he got to take some. The way he ate was so shocking!!! He peeled it then swallowed the WHOLE in a second. It was the whole in a second. - - Everyone was out of words. He was the real eatinator. Not only that, he put the peel on Wooyoung’s head. Wooyoung realized during photo shooting !HAHAHA!* that there was a banana on his head. Then, Khun walked there with staff. His auro was so strong. He baded farewell to the members to return to Bangkok first. Hence, Taec and Jay were in their room together? (What were they doing?)

In the evening 2PM was returning to Bangkok. Taec was handsome again. Jay didn’t look better. After they reached there, I heard from friends that Teac tripped and falled on steps hahaha. I’d like to see that as well. While I was returning to the hotel from sending them to Bangkok, a guard called me to get some apples. He said a guy with a Mickey Mouse pants gave him and fans. He couldn’t remember that guy’s name. He continued, “he was the guy who wore sunglasses on the stage in the evening.” So I then realized who’s he...hahaha. While others was swimming at the pool, Taec must wear Mickey Mouse pants and sleep at his room happily hehehe.




Please take out with full credit! Thank you.

Credit: http://truepm.exteen.com


OT but with regards to 2pm thread's restrictions:

i think those restrictions are necessary cos there is only a small percentage of fans left that still supports jay AND 2pm. if jay is allowed to be mentioned in the thread, the jay fans will start bashing 2pm / insinuate that 2pm are traitors and so one.. those that still support jay AND 2pm will have a hard time defending the latter .. eventually, the thread will be closed cos of excessive bashings x.x


Lil'Hazel, i agree.. taec with spiked hair *__*

dc222 his eyes are so expressive *__*

actually his heartbeat hair looks good too *__* but i couldnt really get to appreciate taec's awesome jawline because of the length -.-;; haha sigh

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Guest Sanity

Now who's rooting for Taecyeon character to end up with Moon Geun Young character in the end?! (although the other guy i forgot what his name is really cute too~!).

Oh my god it's taking place in 2 days time and seeing all of this picture stills from the drama is making me all excited because!

Taecyeon + suit + snow = MY PRINCE CHARMING

Damn it and it's only gonna make me nosebleed and flail even more with those shirtless and fighting scene! I swear I'm gonna scream and replay those scene over and over!

I am not gonna download the drama though instead I'm gonna purchase it when the drama is out on DVD/VCD once it's being released in my country!

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Guest gin2905


he's just such a nice guy...... and fan service no.1 !!!!!!

always know the mind of fans =)

well.. yup! i do agree that the restrictions in 2pm thread is needed...

totally agree with wat eggplant had said...

if there isn't, history will repeat.. it will be a never ending story~~~~


*raise hands*


all of us here are... yea~~~~~~ ;)

2 more days people!!!!~~~~~~

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Guest sweetVisions

ha, ironically i was going to reply to eggplant earlier to say I understand the reasons for the restrictions, it just sucks for those to want to discuss all 7 guys in a happy environment.... and now I see the thread is now closed for a day *sigh*. Are you psychic? haha

cos there is only a small percentage of fans left that still supports jay AND 2pm.
you do mean on Soompi, right? Because I don't think the situation is that dire. Many international fans and a lot of Korean 2PM fansites I see still love all 7. :)


small confession time:

to be honest, my bias isn't Taecyeon ... *dodges flying orange pants*

I'M SORRY. But I really do respect and care about him a lot though (as I do towards all of the guys). I like to hang out here because you guys seem to be pretty chill.


Just saw some new pictures of Taec filming his drama and his hair looks better there. It's less Spock-like and more sexymessy. But bb got some ears on him haha

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Guest gin2905

here the photos from the prayer ceremony of "Cinderella's Sister"



yea~~~ i agree that people here are pretty chill..

and i believe that it's not becos we are not concern about the situation.. but just that we don't wish to add on anything to the present one.... making things even more difficult

we wanted peace yea~~~~~~~~~~~

we welcome all~~~~ to share the love.. to spread the love


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