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wat genres do u hate?

Guest TrainDriver

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Hate is such a strong word.

But generally, I cannot listen to country or metal.

I'm starting to dislike today's American rap music.

I only have a few songs that's considered as "rap".

But I only like it because of the chorus...

That's when they're not rapping. LOL!

Hip-hop is getting boring. They all have a similar beat.

Otherwise, I love music. I listen to anything.

Anything, but the genres I listed above.

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Guest Ceruleangirl

I can't really stand metal, because it hurts my ears. I mean, some metal songs have really good lyrics...but...I just can't listen to it because of everything else going on. And I can't stand too countryish songs either. Country-pop is okay though. I like to give all music a chance though (except for rap songs that are just way too explicit and meaningless). Can't really say I hate any type of music...dislike is all.

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Guest Dachink

I wonder if they even listen to music for music. You don't just hear it.

Most people on this forum listen to an artist for their looks.

Sadly, you can't expect everyone to understand other genre's like Jazz or Technical Death Metal and even important bands like King Crimson.

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Guest catsinheat




hearing nickelback on the radio is enough to ruin my day. it's SO GRATING.

that said -- c'mon guys, metal and hip hop is awesome! if you know where to find the real stuff.

like someone mentioned earlier, mr. fitty (as ironically entertaining as he is) is a poor standard to set hip hop by.

underground is where it's at. (:

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Guest Mardi09

hmm.....i don't know.....i think i like all kinds of music if it is sung by korean artists...other than that....i don't really look at or listen to....i listen to some japanese, chinese, taiwanese, and thai and v.4men's vietnamese...but...other than that...only korean...

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screamo, heavy metal, loud stuff like that O___O

I hate rap and hip hop songs with ridiculous lyrics. Like, i'll totally 'smack that' T_____T

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Guest bunniecuppycakez

heavy metal


some country that actually remind me of hillbillies sitting on their porchsteps eating chicken and drinking beer...


gospel/ church music (ONLY SOME), I'm Christian, so please don't get me wrong when i say that i really really dislike some gospel/church music...it's depressing as heck sometimes.

and what is considered today as "rap songs"- honestly, if ur gonna rap about getting some a.ss might as well not rap at all =x

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