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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I FREAKING DON'T GET IT!. I am so richard simmons off, JYPE is just all over the place now. First I was already sad/upset over the fact that sunmi is leaving or not really leaving but more of a time off n I thought that my only hope with JYPE is that Jae comeback. I'm sorry but I have the biggest support for JYPE because I BELIEVE IN THEM SO MUCH. I believe that they will try everything to bring our leader back. I know I shouldn't put all the blame on them but I just didn't think that they will let him go. . . .*sigh*

And what this about them disbanding? o.O

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Guest m3Ldin5ky

The rage are now just pouring in,and I guess for both fans and non-fans,6PM's image is worsening by the seconds after the "announcement".


cr: 2pm gallery

JYPE.What a mess you guys made.And the numbers are still dropping at the fancafe.

*last post.

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i think disbanding them is the worst thing JYP will do next to jays withdrawal.....JYP is a business man he will not let a rotten apple affect the whole box....JYP make the fans his worst enemy i bet... ughhhh u arch gorilla....

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Guest jeanjellybean5

Hi Everyone, Im an iELF but i also love 2PM very much.

The news of all this is so overwhelming.. im so sorry about what you guys are going through, but you are not alone! ELF is behind you! fandoms have to stick together right? :D

All these accusations and conspiracies.. idk what to believe. I mean what could haveJay POSSIBLY done to be this drastic??

I'd just like to keep hope in the fact that Jaebum is a good, kind, honest guy.

I support Jay!! <3

I'll always believe him no matter what.

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what the hell is this!!!!!!!!! wahh... did Jay sleep with some of JYP's girlfriends???!!! ughhh!!!

I better shut up for now until I learn more what really happenned. :angry:

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wth. i dont even...

i really am speechless i dont know what to say.

i have always believed he will be back, i always believed this was all nothing but an accident-turned-publicity stunt.

just what did he do wrong till the rest the members 'agreed'? i dont buy that crap JYP wrote.

maybe, just maybe he really did something wrong *accept other company offer or something else* but at least give a proper explanation.

i have a feeling it MAY turn out this way ever since 2PM got even more popular after jay left. after all those commercials.

after all those money 6member 2PM brought in to JYPE. after seeing that there's nothing wrong with 6member dance coordination/movement, after seeing that people thought it doesnt really matter 2pm lost its strongest dancer..

once i posted here that image is everything when 2pm has been on many commercials/public speakers.. how can they let someone with "bad" reputation goes back to the band?

one more thing while i really thought jype's reason for jay's even bigger "mistake" is absurd.

if he really did a mistake, and if jype really wanted jay to come back, why didnt they just COVER THE MISTAKE since NO ONE even knows it exists????

or delete whatever he did/dump the evidence *even if a sex tape, another stupid online comment/dated artist/move company* it was all easy to delete kind of 'mistakes'. then JYPE can just go on with the come back?

simple reason : they dont want jay back.

whatever JYPE, I really have enough of this..


i will just hope this is all a prank JYPE pull on us, a prank that maybe on april comeback 2pm will be back as 7member.

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Guest Seraphic_Gin

my last post:

I'm outta here. Good luck to 2PM boys. I will still want to work with Khun or Wooyoung in the future as individual artistes but my bias for 2PM is permanently over.

Even as a business person, I can tell you their handling of this matter is really really bad and a step from being a total disaster. I have lost all respect for JYPE if the main reason for taking Jay out in the end was because JYP can't bring himself to accept the boy again even after all that pressure from the fans, media and clients alike. Yes Jay might have been a very troublesome artiste for the company, still not giving him a second chance after all these months and if it was truly what industry insiders have been saying all along that the biggest problem lies with size of JYP's heart then I'm truly disappointed that he will allow his own emotions to make a business decision

You're not above God and what you do behind closed doors will come back and haunt you down the road. Especially when many ppl are praying for Jay all this time, and if you really wrong him, then beware that the one above who loves him is watching.

I would not worry too much about Jay. There will be many people willing to reach out to him nd help him. Alot of other companies who will be able to do something for this talented kid that is "not fit to be part of the JYPE family"

My offer still stands to help him find legal help - and guarantee no fees involved as well.

AMEN TO THIS ONE. You always have the right words to say.

And I agree, I am one of those praying as well. So we'll see.

This is way beyond what we expected after all the 'insider information' and sources --- only to be tipped over by JYPE at the very last minute. I will still send out my love for the 6, but count me in on the official boycott (in terms of purchasing). The past 6 months has been traumatizing enough to trust again. Fandom is supposed to be fun... not business-like, when did that happen?

And just so you know, 2OD got accepted for the conference.

At least International fans have a representative.

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Guest musicaholic

after the upcoming album, it said that each of 2pm members will be doing separate activities such as

taec - drama, variety shows

woo - variety shows, mcs

so on and so forth .....

chances are the upcoming album ..might be the last 2pm album or might not be released at all

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Guest mika.16

Hottest down to 283 817.... thats over 5000 left.

Naver has taken down Jay from 2pm's profile,

Jay's profile states 2008-2010.2 2pm member

: (

its definitely official,

but JYPE should NOT have mentioned anything about a 'personal mistake' that is so horrible compared to the myspace incident. that was not the right thing to do, give the guy some dignity.

(I still dont believe JYPE's statement, but if its true, it was the wrong way to handle & announce it).

I dont think I can support 2pm with just 6, but i'll still be in this thread.

No more albums to buy now.

(And also, ALL celebs who left JYPE were shadowed by some sort of weird rumor. This includes Park Ji Yoon, Park jung Hyun, Yoon Kye Sang, Rain... and now Jay. They try to tarnish the image so no other agency wants them)

I know thisis crazy, but it would be AWESOME if somehow all 6 could get 'kicked out' of JYPE, and someone like YG took all 7 in. they would sell ALOT of albums and be the hot news of the year.. lol im being hopefuly here... :(

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Guest musicaholic

idk what 2 say, but sometimes i feel sympathy to the 6 members who left

dont worry a lot because each of them will have their own activities..

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Guest MR. LEE'S

The rage are now just pouring in,and I guess for both fans and non-fans,6PM's image is worsening by the seconds after the "announcement".


cr: 2pm gallery

JYPE.What a mess you guys made.And the numbers are still dropping at the fancafe.

*last post.

this is going to be my last post, i suppose. i am sad. really sad, but seeing this picture- it even makes me feel sad. i guess, the fan's being too emotional. i am sad. definitely sad, and i'll hope all of these are actually rumours. i think jype is having a problem right now. today isn't 1st april. they're having a problem. this is not a joke. -.-

and and, why are some of fans stating that jay'd slept with jyp's girlfriend? are you kidding me? don't joke me with me. i'm totally not in the mood for jokes, but sleeping with a girl? well, it's up to him but why jyp's girlfriend? moreover, where the hell did they get this stupid information? ridiculous.

about the wikipedia thingy, don't you ever dare to believe it. i bet it must be someone else who did that. everyone can edit it, even you. i bet it must be one of those stupid duckheads who did that.

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i'm waiting for jyp to announce jaebum's comeback...

seriously i didn't see this coming...

omg.. i don't know how to deal with this...

the main reason why i started to like 2pm is bcoz of Jaebum...

i'm waiting for him to be back all this time... :tears::tears::tears:

i always believe in my heart that jay will be back...

jay will be with 2pm when they'll make comeback this april...

this is real but it's hard to believe this... :tears::tears::tears:

*keep telling myself everything will be ok and jay will be back*

why jyp why??? they should make better explaination... :angry: :angry: :angry:

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I don't understand this **** (lol). Why is it so hard to bring back our Leadja? WHY?

People might get pissed at me for saying this, but if Jay won't return, 6PM can gtfo.

I LOVE the other 6. I really do. But I could never support them. never.

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Guest J.Lvs.Me

The rage are now just pouring in,and I guess for both fans and non-fans,6PM's image is worsening by the seconds after the "announcement".


cr: 2pm gallery

JYPE.What a mess you guys made.And the numbers are still dropping at the fancafe.

*last post.

I had goosebumps when I see this. Immediately the 6 guys faces flash in my mind.

They had work so hard for this... and the fans just destroyed it like that.

No one knew how they felt seriously. I AM SAD, Seriously Sad.

I'm tearing up because of this picture :(:(:(:(:(:(

I really don't know which side to take. Honestly.

But i'm definitely hating JYP FOR THIS!!!

I love you Wooyoung, Nickhun, Taecyeon, Chansung, Junho and Junsu.... just as much as I love Jaebum.

My love to you are all equal.. really. :'(

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Guest falling5tar


Sorry for cutting your post, but how? If anything, I'd think that this just made JYPE's reputation even worse.

Many fans think that JYPE have been lying, are lying for these past few months. Even if Jay did make a 'mistake' or did something worse and Jay did come back in April, I'm sure JYPE will be able to cover it up somehow. Afterall, no one knew about this 'incident' until JYPE brought it up now.

I'm also sorry if you already answered this already. I haven't been caught up with all the comments yet.

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Guest angg_jagiya

better image :angry: :angry: JYP how could u do this?? All the fans are hurt, no more no love...

jay, please tell us the truth...i'll wait for you....

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Guest JoonYoung

Wow thank you so much JYP you really make us dream!


I've always hated JYP since the day Jay left. If he really wanted to bring Jay back he would do it no matter what. Better if 2PM go for their own activities,it means they really can't continue without their leader. 2PM WE STILL LOVE YOU.

JYP I have no words to describe how much you suck man.

Hottest be strong.

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The rage are now just pouring in,and I guess for both fans and non-fans,6PM's image is worsening by the seconds after the "announcement".


cr: 2pm gallery

JYPE.What a mess you guys made.And the numbers are still dropping at the fancafe.

*last post.

I just have to post this after lurking here for sometimes.

It's way too much!!!! I feel so sorry for another 6 boys after seeing this.

This's actually their dreams too and they did nothing wrong.

They worked their asses off for it too. Anyone who watched hot blood would knew this.

What did they do to deserve this?????

This's no better than that stupid bloody letter.

My heart is broken for 2PM boys. Poor them :(

I hope this will end well.

**edit I don't like the way they annouced this. People will speculate some bad stuffs about Jay.

If he was really going to leave, please give him some dignity man!!!!!! What the?????

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