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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I just finished watching star battle and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the boys performance. It's true that was probably the sexiest performance of them I've ever seen, but I think they have a real knack at pulling those kind of moves with gusto. I think that the boys, when they are on stage, look really comfortable with their bodies and the sexy aura they emit , and that I find appealing.I really love the passion you can feel from them when they perform. I think very few groups could have showed such kind of suggestive moves without conveying a feeling of awkardness. Now, I also think that's it's all a matter of sensitivity. A lot of people in this fandom are still teenagers, so that kind of dance, according to age and culture may be perceived as over the top by some, but there are also a lot of fans, in particular noonas who like seeing the boys in this way and would clearly enjoy those kind of performance. Personally , I love the confidence they show on stage, and I find self confidence sexy^^ In the end, it's all a matter of taste and sensitivity.

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Hey guys...

On a random note....

As I was browsing some of Jay's pictures..

I noticed that he would often do



this handsign during his hot blood days when he first arrived in korea...

I thought he was just being random and all when

It dawned onto me that it stands for AOM.

I double confirmed myself if I'm just being silly....

BUT yes, at AOM's facebook.. a girl did that sign.


So that puts 2 and 2 together.

and suddenly I felt so depressed.

How he must have missed his friends back in Seattle,

still very much confused when he was undergoing idol training...

and he's still holding onto AOM. battling with himself.

and slowly, years later... when he finally, sincerely settled down to this


Crap has to happen.

.. Makes me angry all over again at how in just a matter of 4 days. *sigh*

The very reason why we must never grow tired waiting for him, OKAY GIRLS?


ok yeah i shouldn't be posting here...but just saying, that girl is ME.....and yeah thats AOM's hand sign that jay always does....im glad my face is covered, haha.

i didnt watch the 6pm battle [and neither should you if you're doing the thing that is taboo to say in this thread]....but i completely agree with what Kabler said....when you watch jay on stage, you can really feel his presence. and jype is really silly to let that go. if they brought jay back, they would make no losses, there would be none of this stupid division in the fandom....im slowly getting further and further away from these boys. im sick of the mould which jyp is forcing them into.

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I prefer the performance of "LOW" in terms of the overall energy, choreography and the ending sequence.


i wasn't going to watch the dance battle perf. but since Junsu will do a body wave

wae not?

it's something different really and i think they did good..

if they wanted to win maybe some strong dance like what Junho danced at Strong Heart.

but i'm really liking that they are giving us fanservice. lol!

edit: omfg! just watched SJ, BEAST, MBLAQ performances...

what happened to 2pm??? gahh~ in Junho's words "where is Jae?~"

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Guest mellifluous

well for me the perf was ok, but taec ah! please stop ripping your shirt off.

its completely overdone for me. he almost rips it off every single dance and yes its a nice bod, but its no longer interesting. in fact, it feels like its just done now for the sake of doing it.

but whatever it is, its just my opinion.


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Guest happyberry2007

i was reading that 2pm is going to participate in the hope concert which is in march 6. In the poster pictures there is no jay . I dont want to be pessimistic but that kills my last hope that jay is going to be on the next album with 2pm. This is really depressing i was trying not believe any of the rumors that were going around but i guess some of them are true.

This days whenever i see or try to support the rest of the guys i only end up being depress. Instead of feeling happy i end up being sad. I was really hoping for a happy ending but the only thing i can see i a sad one.

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This is my first time to post in this thread but I have to say this I think 2pm are setting the trend nowadays !!!!! wow just wow what can I say :o .

Really every boy band in Korea now is doing what 2pm did last year, with the powerful dance and acrobatic moves and b-boy style all combined, even SJ were a little different from last year . I don’t know but that’s what I thought while watching star dance battle !!!!!!!

strange isn’t it ? while a lot of you were talking about the dance I was more wowed by their influence on other boy bands!!

I mean now its not about being cut pretty boys with sweet voices and well choreographed dances .

That’s 2pm for you I hope they get credit for that. thank you 2pm :D hehe I never liked those kinds of boy bands or rather I find them boring and fake sorry :ph34r: but that’s what I think I know I'm strange ain't i ?

Any body here agrees or am I alone in this ??

never the less I liked their performance although it was not my cup of tea ,but I liked their energy and confidence plus I think they are naturally sexy which is totally tolerable .


seeing them dance with out jay is just sad for me because I know they are good but they can give much more with him leading , he seems to bring out the best in every one of them .i miss jay his stage presence is so powerful and eye catching and he completes 2pm :( .

2 ..p.s

This is why I don’t post i'm like Pringles once I pop I can't stop . old joke he he :blush:

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Guest KamikazeKyuti

i was reading that 2pm is going to participate in the hope concert which is in march 6. In the poster pictures there is no jay . I dont want to be pessimistic but that kills my last hope that jay is going to be on the next album with 2pm. This is really depressing i was trying not believe any of the rumors that were going around but i guess some of them are true.

This days whenever i see or try to support the rest of the guys i only end up being depress. Instead of feeling happy i end up being sad. I was really hoping for a happy ending but the only thing i can see i a sad one.

You shouldn't let that get you down; a concert poster doesn't determine the future of 2PM. There is no reason for the people running/promoting the concert to put Jay on the poster because JYP(E) has not announced his return. If they did include Jay's pic it could be considered false advertising. Also, I imagine JYP(E) will want be the first to announce his return (i.e. they're not going to let another company announce it through an advertisement).

I understand what you're going through though. The boys are putting on great performances but every time I watch them I can't help think that Jay should there. It is depressing and it's killing my desire to see them perform, watch their CFs, and read articles about them. Hopefully with time it will become better, regardless of how this situation ends.

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i was reading that 2pm is going to participate in the hope concert which is in march 6. In the poster pictures there is no jay . I dont want to be pessimistic but that kills my last hope that jay is going to be on the next album with 2pm. This is really depressing i was trying not believe any of the rumors that were going around but i guess some of them are true.

This days whenever i see or try to support the rest of the guys i only end up being depress. Instead of feeling happy i end up being sad. I was really hoping for a happy ending but the only thing i can see i a sad one.

Don't be sad... don't lose hope. If they had used a picture of the 7 member 2PM, would that not raise more controversy. Don't think it would be something that JYPE could deal with at the moment. Have a feeling if Jay returns, they will ship him back quietly than throw a massive press con.

Looking at 2PM, Jay really needs to return. 6PM success for the third album was fueled largely by the controversy bringing alot of attention to the group and the gimmicky marketing for Heartbeat (theatrics) but the longivity of a music group cannot solely hinge on these tricks as its going to get old after a while. I think last nights dance battle is a clear indication that the group is incomplete without Jay. I don't think I can stomach another gimmicky next album. They need to return to their roots and make everyone remeber why they were spectacular in the first place.

Good performance teamwork, camadarie and the highlighting of the individual skillsets and charm that made up 2PM.

Sorry to say jjit teac needs to go as well... just going thorugh the comments pages at omona and allkpop, he is seriosuly starting to turn alot of people off.

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Guest avchuck

i was reading that 2pm is going to participate in the hope concert which is in march 6. In the poster pictures there is no jay . I dont want to be pessimistic but that kills my last hope that jay is going to be on the next album with 2pm. This is really depressing i was trying not believe any of the rumors that were going around but i guess some of them are true.

This days whenever i see or try to support the rest of the guys i only end up being depress. Instead of feeling happy i end up being sad. I was really hoping for a happy ending but the only thing i can see i a sad one.

Please don't give up hope just yet. The way I see it is that if/when Jay is returned, JYP/E prolly won't have him in the public eye until the April album drops and they're actively promoting. Or some time around then (like with that Wild-Bunny-like variety show that's supposed to be going on before the mini-album (I know the rumor mill says it'll be for the 6 to garner more fans/success in the event that JYP/E chooses to have Jay lie that he doesn't want to return and lose fans--but I'll keep my hope alive until Jay's back with 2PM (trying to be optimistic))).

Why not fight until we succeed/the bitter end? At least then you know you gave it your all. As long as Jay's contract is still valid, I'll be sending my support, and even afterwards I'll support him in anything he does, wherever he goes because he's just too much of a talent to see go to waste. And because the bitterness I feel for what was done to him still chokes me on too many occasions.

This is just how I feel about things right now, so please don't feel like I'm pressuring you or anything. ^^;;


On a different note, for those people who are actively following insider2PM and their formspring, you probably already know that JYP/E has found out about their website through the Thai-Insider2PM grapevine from this article, which was translated into Korean and posted on Naver.

Well, it's just a personal worry for me that JYP/E might try to request these sites be shut down or try and sabotage them. So I thought it would only be right to give usual soompiers in this 2PM thread the heads up regarding this update. I've come to believe in the information they provide because what they share are posts that are very well and reasonably/logically stated. On top of that, they also share things that JYP/E prolly wouldn't want leaked. They've managed to answer A LOT of what may be going on with 2PM/Jay/JYP/E and for anyone who wants to know anything about 2PM, Park Jaebum, and JYP/E's current situation, you might want to read over the information they have on their website. It's definitely worth a look over and you can decide for yourself whether you believe them.

P.S. I know some people may not believe this site and their information to be legit, but this is just a fair warning that on the possibility that what they say may be true, you might not be able to know more if their site is shut down.

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Guest stephlove_

wooyoungie totally stands out as an AMAZING dancer!!!

he's def my number one;)<33333

once again no khun for star dance battle...:(

he hasnt participated in any of em yet i dont think...??(if im wrong...my bad)

their perf was totally sexy beyond belief! props for them for being one of the sexiest groups in korea!<333

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Guest theblazenazn

Maknae is getting some love from netizens. The Idol Army couple comes to rescue of Jessica. Chansung is so heroic lol.

Gahee and Chansung Receive Compliments From Netizens


Chansung of 2PM and Gahee of After School has been praised by their well-mannered and fast reaction during New Year special show, Star Dance Battle.


During break between the dance battles, there was a game where one team tries to flip over the other team in the costumes.

While participating in the game, Leeteuk of Super Junior, who was busy keeping an opponent flipped over, had his foot right near Jessica of SNSD. It was a dangerous situation where Leeteuk could have unknowingly kicked Jessica's face and injure her.

However, although busy participating, Chansung noticed the situation and quickly grabbed Leeteuk's foot, while Gahee turned Jessica's face to the other side.

After the show ended, there were endless compliments about their quick decisions and actions. Netizens commented, "Gahee was quick and mature like an older sister is supposed to be." and "I thought Chansung was a beast idol, but he's actually a manner idol. He was calm and considerate at a young age."

Article translated from Sosiz by mandu_ @ omgkpop.com

As for the dance battle, they did GREAT! I didn't find anything inappropriate or offensive. They lost because they did what they were suppose to do and only danced while SuJu incorporated a Gag into their performance which won them the battle. 2PM is the winner in my heart.

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Guest purpurkisses

thanks for the pics, 2AM-Fan!

khun does look like his father... bet his father must be quite a handsome man when he was young...

good genes run in the family...

khun looking great as usual...

seems like everyone is having a good time during these festive season...

wonder how is jaebum doing in seattle?

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about their performance last night... it was good but still i prefer last year's "Low"

and i seriously hope someone can ask taec to restrain himself from stripping too much

and one more thing... i noticed 3 Leaders are missing last night (BEAST's Doojoon,MBLAQ's Seungho and our Leadja)

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@theblazenazn Thank you for the article about ChanSung I also watched the game where ChanSung participated yesterday with Ga Hi and I was vey impressed by him.

He is such a cutie: Strong Fierce, Inteligent, Handsome, Cheerful I can go on and on in mentionaing all his qualities.

I was very proud to see 2PM performance they deserved getting the 1st place , so in my heart they are NUMBER 1 !!!!! :)

@ mhytch I saw last years performance and it was different mainly because Jay was with them, the concept of the dance (low) was more like street dancing this years concept was polished and more stylish and WELL, SEXY.

I liked both of the concepts BUT I liked yesterday's dance more. Well this is my opinion. I missed very much kchun and Jay. It would be such a greater impact to theit dance if they were performengis together.

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haha! i love the WOOGLE pics of wooyoung! thanks for posting that! it made my day! I haven't seen their dance battle perf yet... still downloading it... but I'm sure they totally owned the stage! I've always liked how Wooyoung danced. It's not too much or too flashy or arrogant... he has his own style and trademark moves and I love that! ^^ I'm sooo excited about FO 2! I saw the preview and it's gonna be soooo hilarious! XD

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Guest uh-ohxev

About 2PMs performance.. yes, I enjoyed it. It was really full of sex appeal... but, this is getting old quick. It seems like they're only giving the boys "sexy" routines. And while I enjoy them, I rather see a couple of those kind of routines, and more dancing/energetic/acrobatic performances like how they USE to. They're talented, and we don't even get to see their skills anymore. I'm already starting to see comments from people and netizens saying "All they can do is take their shirts off" That is shameful. The boys worked so hard for so many years, and all JYPE does is make them do this kind of stuff? They're filled with talent. Performances like these once in a while are FINE, but it seems all their performances are like this these days... Why JYPE? We all know if Jay were there, JYPE wouldn't have to result to only this sexy stuff. I think, they think that with sexy routines, it'll distract people from doing the "unmentionable" (what we can't discuss on this thread). But, honestly it doesn't - if anything, it makes me want Jay back even more! :lol: He CLEARLY needs to return to 2PM.

Jaebum isn't a BONUS or a nice addition to the group (same thing goes with all the other members... the 7 boys are what makes 2PM, 2PM)... he is an essential if JYPE wants long-term popularity for the group. I already see this wave of fame ending soon... they really need to bring Jay back, before they regret it and start kicking themselves in the richard simmons. Karmas a pinkberry, and it's going to happen to JYPE very soon, if they don't make the wise decision of returning our leadja.

I've been following these 7 lovely boys since their debut... I miss the old days... I miss how everything use to be. It's all changed now. And my heart hurts, because this isn't even the boys fault.. everything just happened so quickly. Jay was the one who was best at acrobatics, and then he left.... so they stopped doing them. (Unless you count the few we saw in Heartbeat). And so many things are just different. Things don't feel right. And it's becoming a chore watching their videos. I don't like that that's happening to me :( Because my heart begins to hurt when I see them. I want them all to be reunited again. The boys themselves have said it many times before this even happened... they are 1. And with 1 missing, they're incomplete. I want Jay back... I want the missing piece of the puzzle. We need to see this puzzle completed again...

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