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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Korean netizens are doing the irresponsible finger pointing thing again. JYP never said that Jaebum has been ousted from 2PM in his statement, nor did he say that Jay was released from his contract, so at anytime right now, at least legally, Jaebum is still tied to JYPE.

Seriously, Korean netizens richard simmons me off, did they want JYP to tie Jay down so that he can continue to be a target for you guys to shoot poison arrows at? Jay's not out in the streets, he's at his true HOME where his family is. I'm glad he's in Seattle where he's safe and protected by his family.

Maybe I'm being naive, but I want to believe the best in people, so I trust that Jay didn't just run away from 2PM and that JYP didn't force him to leave. We should keep supporting 2PM's activities with 6 members so that IF Jay decides to return, he will have a place to go.

Netizens can all go bark up a tree.

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have you guys seen Kim Tae Woo's statement about Jaebum's situation?


I'm not going to translate it word for word (I'm hoping someone with better korean can do that...) but it basically says that he regrets not having protected Jaebum from the netizens before and how his sunbaes in the industry should have banded together and stood up for him instead of keeping quiet.

...which I agree with. Seeing statements of support are all well and good but couldn't they have come out when the chaos first started five days ago?

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Guest berryori

Somehow we need to show the evidence of the support and love to Jay.

We need to send links or letters or anything to Jay to see that Korea is changing for him.

He should hear the song that he created with yoon to give him strength.

He needs to see prove of how he has motivated or changed us.

And we need to do this quick to help him realize he should come back soon as he can (hopefully before this year ends).

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Guest oshkoshbagosh18
The response of Korean fans in regards to JYP's recent statements remain harsh and bitter. "After his leave, the only solution you can come up with is this?", "You put Jaebum out on the streets," "You were quiet and now the only response you give is washing yourself clean of this situation."

The underground movement of aged 20+ fans will continue to boycott all 2PM 6 member activities and releases.


Fans believe that JYP is avoiding the consequences and the current situation at hand. They are criticizing him with his recent statement by saying "Jaebum has made the decision to quit within 4 days. Did you even think to give him the time to reflect on his thoughts within your grasp?"

Other opinions are along the lines of "JYP has asked us to acknowledge Jaebum's decision, but at the same time, JYP is stepping back as if he has no wrong in this matter."


From the sounds of it...things are about to get real ugly real fast. But as a Hottest I just can't believe this.


Blaming JYP is getting no one anywhere. I mean I understand that in times of trial and pain people generally lash out needing someone to blame but this is just ridiculous. And are they NOT thinking about how boycotting will weigh on the REST of 2PM?? Jay was stolen from us. I understand that. I hurt just as much as the rest of all the Hottests. I want justice and I want a real explanation. I want Jay back just as much as everyone else. However, I WANT to see the guys succeed because of the fact that netizens have hurt our boys so much. I want to be able to see the boys get awards and high album sells BECAUSE Jay was stolen from us making Jay, Chan, Taec, Khun, Woo, Su and Ho feel incomplete. I don't WANT to see them give up. I WANT to see them PROVE to the ANTI's and the netizens that 2PM is here to stay and that they will SUCCEED regardless of how people feel about them. Jay will forever be apart of 2PM we all know that. And without him things wont be the same and there will always be a void. BUT FOR THE ANTI'S and NETIZENS TO BE PROVEN WRONG 2PM MUST GO ON AND BECOME TEN TIMES MORE THEN WHAT THEY WERE. I don't want the boys to give up and with what my fellow HOTTESTS are doing in korea they just might. If 2PM splits because of HOTTESTS, that unconsciously vowed to support them and love them REGARDLESS OF, not supporting them then what's the point of trying to get Jay back if there is nothing to come back to???

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JYP didn't say Jay's not gonna come back

there's still hope

i agree we should respect Jay's decision

and always support him wait for him to come back one day


and i just found this on Khun's sister hi5 :)


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Guest littlechocolate

is it a habit for korean netizen to get angry out of proportion? they were mad when JYP didnt not release anything. now they're still mad. WTH?


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I just wanted to share a quote from Harry Potter (dorky...I know ><) in which Dumbledore said:

"He will have only truly left us when none here are loyal to him."

(I've modified the pronouns to fit the situation but nonetheless, the message is still there.)

Also, I'd also like to remind everyone, including myself, to support the rest of OneDay & the JYP family. What they're going through right now is possible tenfold of the grief and sorrow we feel right now.

I, like everyone else here, do wish for Jay to come back as soon as possible. But I got to thinking that maybe we're being a little selfish... If Jay's not ready to come back, let's not pressure him or push him to come back. I want him to come back, but only when he is ready.

A thousand questions are running through my mind as to why this happened. I'm not claiming to know what's going on behind the scenes, but I'm still wondering why he would choose to leave. I understand that it was a sacrifice on his part on behalf of the other members' success, but at the same time I hope he knows that without him, it will be even more difficult for them to accept this as he's the only one that can pull them through.

I'm glad that many of us are refraining from placing the blame on anyone and simply supporting Jay + the rest of OneDay + the JYP family. Also, let's remember that this all started because an apology wasn't accepted. While it may be hard, I hope everyone finds it in their hearts to forgive the netizens and people responsible for this tragedy. Let's forgive as we would want to be forgiven...as Jay wanted to be forgiven. We would not want to stoop to the netizens' level.

All in all, I'm both patiently + eagerly awaiting Jay's return, whenever he's ready to accept that he was not the one who needed forgiveness, but it was those who wronged him.

Thats sweet. I love your quote. Im a Harry Potter pre-qual fanfic writer if that made sense. lol

Thanks for sharing.

If only time as passed already. Its the only way we can all heal with Jae and his members. I'll say a little prayer for all of us tonight to stay focus and a little less selfish; and for the boys and JYP as well, may their hearts stay less heavier tomorrow. :D

*Im still waiting for 2pm spam pics peoples..keke.

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I can't believe even after all this antis still have the nerve to create another petition like that. seriously. wtf. they are so out of their minds. it makes me so mad.

I seriously have no hope at this point and it makes me really sad that I have nothing to cheer me up anymore and to get me through hard days. sure there's still Wooyoung, Taec, Khun, Chansung, Junho, and Junsu, but I'm sure it won't ever be the same. they're not gonna be the same natural goofy boys they used to be. even if Jay ever comes back to 2PM or comes back at all I feel like he's not gonna be completely himself anymore. it's really sad to think about.

I can't believe just 4 days ago we had 2PM. and suddenly we don't. all because of something that shouldn't have been blown up this big. agh it makes me so mad. can you guys believe how much this affected all of us? he got me crying for him. and I never cry about anything that doesn't concern my family.

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Guest haiphuong

What these K HOTTESTs are doing is TERRIBLE

It's just putting more problems into JAEBEOM's sorrowful heart... I want Jaebeom to return to Korea too...AS SOON AS POSSIBLE...I want to see him perform on stage...I want to see him in variety shows...I want to hear him laugh and see him act like a richard simmons as usual...


What use is his COMEBACK..if it is NOT HEARTFELT?

How can I want to selfishly see him performing again when



This will hurt Jaebeom more...


That's exactly what I said in a post before after JYP revealed the statement but I'm not as angry as you ^^.


I wrote him a letter and send it to his friend email last night. In the letter, I said I DO WANT HIM TO COMEBACK JUST LIKE ANY OTHER FANS WANT THE SAME THING. BUT I RESPECT HIS DECISION AND SUPPORT HIM NO MATER WHAT. I also told him just relax and enjoy this time with his family and friends. After sometime, when peace comes his soul and his heart, I hope him would think deeply and find in deep down his heart what makes him happy the most? If he choose to comeback as 2PM's leader, that will be a BIG celebration party for all of us. But if he choose to stay in USA for a while to study and then comeback later but not under 2PM's name, we should respect that decision too. I'll repeat what I said before: WHAT THE FANS WANT IS NOT AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT JAY WANTS.

I really hope that you have the same thinking as me.

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Guest bae_gopah

Wowie. I just spent like.. the last three hours catching up on all the posts in this thread since yesterday night. xD So many posts in just one day - I totally agree with the person that stated that this could be Jay's biggest opportunity, just look how much support/attention he's getting! =)

Anyways. Wow, i have so much to say... but first up -

Why don't we start mass-twittering JYP with thank-you's instead, for a change? Maybe for just one day. I think he really deserves it - think about it; no matter how much stress/grief us fans are going through, JYP's having it 100x worse. He was so close to him - he wasn't just Jay's producer - he was also his mentor, a father figure, a hyung (older brother), a friend. I agree with the person that said all the mass twitters demanding him to bring Jay back to 2pm would cause him more stress. I think his official response was heartbreaking to read :[ Let's not forget that Jay's not the only one having a hard time now, yeah?

Second -

I'm so, so amazed at all the little projects/videos/support activities/support meets everyone is organizing. =) It's so great, so refreshing against all the antis & hate going on. Especially cause there's this new petition to expel and prohibit Jay from coming back to Korea - Jay needs ALL the support he can get right now. Doing something is better than doing nothing, right? No matter how insignificant you think your support may be, don't give up! I truly think that every little thing we're doing for him will count. LET'S GO HOTTEST!<3333

And finally,

Yesterday night I posted an idea of making one big youtube video of a bunch of short video messages of support from fans all over the world. A lot of you guys really liked this idea, so we're working on it !

If anyone would like to be a part of this and say a few words, please send your videos to candiceyen@gmail.com.

Please, we need all the videos we can get so your support is very much appreciated! :) Also please try to keep it short, we want to fit in as many people as we can. (feel free to PM me if you have any questions about it ^^)

Guys, JYP's statement wasn't an official "no, Jay's never going to be able to join 2pm again." Instead, I thought it sounded more like a "Let's wait for him." I'm hopeful that he's going to make a comeback. And if he does, it's gonna be huuuuuge.


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I am very glad we finally heard from JYP. To be honest, I don't expect JYP will make a definite announcement about the future of Jay or 2PM at this point. Jay just been home a day and I think we all need to give Jay some time to think and decide. He needs time to regroup himself and I think regardless of what he decides, if we really love & support him like JYP said, we should support his decision and wish him the best. He is very talented and I think he doesn't necessarily need to return to Korea to be successful.

Jay loves the other 6 members so much and I think we should still support 2PM. I know it will not be the same without Jay since for me, my favourite is Jay. But I think the last thing Jay wants is for us to abandon 2PM just because he is not there anymore.

I think what we should give Jay is support messages to show our love & support but not put any pressure on him to return to the Kpop scene. He needs some time to heal this wound.

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It's heartwarming to know that the sunbaes are not standing up for Jay.

K-hottest doing the band is INSANE.

topic aside:


use it if you want to. or PM me if you want it to write something else or different colors.

Sorry for the bad color combi. T_T

I won't be able to track back with so many pages. T_T

Why don't we start mass-twittering JYP with thank-you's instead, for a change?


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From the sounds of it...things are about to get real ugly real fast. But as a Hottest I just can't believe this.


Blaming JYP is getting no one anywhere. I mean I understand that in times of trial and pain people generally lash out needing someone to blame but this is just ridiculous. And are they NOT thinking about how boycotting will weigh on the REST of 2PM?? Jay was stolen from us. I understand that. I hurt just as much as the rest of all the Hottests. I want justice and I want a real explanation. I want Jay back just as much as everyone else. However, I WANT to see the guys succeed because of the fact that netizens have hurt our boys so much. I want to be able to see the boys get awards and high album sells BECAUSE Jay was stolen from us making Jay, Chan, Taec, Khun, Woo, Su and Ho feel incomplete. I don't WANT to see them give up. I WANT to see them PROVE to the ANTI's and the netizens that 2PM is here to stay and that they will SUCCEED regardless of how people feel about them. Jay will forever be apart of 2PM we all know that. And without him things wont be the same and there will always be a void. BUT FOR THE ANTI'S and NETIZENS TO BE PROVEN WRONG 2PM MUST GO ON AND BECOME TEN TIMES MORE THEN WHAT THEY WERE. I don't want the boys to give up and with what my fellow HOTTESTS are doing in korea they just might. If 2PM splits because of HOTTESTS, that unconsciously vowed to support them and love them REGARDLESS OF, not supporting them then what's the point of trying to get Jay back if there is nothing to come back to???

I agree. We should support 2PM even more now that they're in their greatest despair. We should encourage them to continue doing what they do best and remind them that we will never leave them no matter what.

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JYP statement is the the first thing that made me cry because I read something on the internet!

I just read the translation on sookyeong and I really started to rear up! His statement is direct, honest and just heartbreaking!

and it's not even a story line for a drama of something...

even if we already knew that Jaebum changed in these past four years, this statement makes us understand the situation he was in even better!

I'm sure these words will be able to make all the crazy and hateful netizen understand what was really going on and start to forgive him.

It also makes me realize that JYP is awesome!!! I'm glad that he saw the talent I jay and didn't give up on his!

Thank you JYP!!!

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have you guys seen Kim Tae Woo's statement about Jaebum's situation?


I'm not going to translate it word for word (I'm hoping someone with better korean can do that...) but it basically says that he regrets not having protected Jaebum from the netizens before and how his sunbaes in the industry should have banded together and stood up for him instead of keeping quiet.

...which I agree with. Seeing statements of support are all well and good but couldn't they have come out when the chaos first started five days ago?

here is a rough translation of the full article

please credit when taking out of thread.

Kim Tae Woo (god) regrets not protecting Jaebum

god's Kim Tae Woo expressed his regrets for Jaebum who was once

part of a company that he was a par tof.

In a recent interview with IS, he stated "I've been watching Jay during

his trainee days when I was a part of JYPE. Because he was a former Bboy,

he was flexible and had a lot of potential, so he received a lot of attention.

I am heartbroken and angry at myself for not being able to protect a fellow

brother who had to give up his dreams because of all the malicious content posted online."

Kim Tae Woo had met trainee Jaebum through JYP in 2004, and since then had

treated Jaebum like his own brother.

He expressed that "When Jaebum wrote the comments it was during his trainee

years when the hope for the future looked bleak and it was difficult for him financially.

Everything around him must have felt like a burden, and he probably felt like he

was all alone. Any person preparing to become a singer goes through these difficult

and lonely times."

On the 8th, Jaebum had officially issued a statement that he was going to quit the team

and left for Seattle. Seeing this, Kim Tae Woo expressed "the bigger problem here is that

the criticisms and bashing against Jaebum had grown out of proportion from malicious comments made

online. As sunbae singers (experienced singers) we should have stood by Jaebum's side and protected him.

It is too late to regret this now, and I am blaming myself for not being able to help him."

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Guest pinkshades

Not meaning to play Devil's Advocate, but there's a part of me that sympathizes with the Korean fans regarding the blame-game JYP issue.

JYP's stand according to his statement was that he cared about Jaebum so much as a person that he just let him go. While this sounds kind of noble... doesn't this also sound kind of foolish? Think about it. Jay is in his young 20s. He's an adult, yes, but he's still inexperienced. It's like a kid going to his father, telling him that he wants to quit school because everyone hates him, so much that they created a petition for him to commit suicide. If you were that kid's father, would you just say, "OK son, I respect your decision. Go and quit school"?

If that was MY kid, I would burst into the Principal's office, talk to my lawyer, talk to all the school's parents, do anything and everything I could to defend my son, to insist on his rights, to stand by him, and not let him just cop out of the situation. If it was MY son, the whole community would hear my outrage and demand that something be done. I wouldn't just let my kid go, as if getting him out was the best thing for him.

What the fans are outraged about is that JYP really didn't protect Jae. He didn't defend him, when he should have. He waited. He listened. JYP was being a good company president, but a very bad mentor. A bad father, and a bad friend.

I dont support the boycott of all the remaining 6 members, but a huge part of the blame lies on JYP also and that SHOULD be undeniable.

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Why don't we start mass-twittering JYP with thank-you's instead, for a change?

Sorry for cutting your post but that's a GREAT idea :]!

I'm going to go do that now.


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Guest Chantesuta

To be honest, I am heart-broken right now. I can't focus in school either. But what JYP did, I think, was right. Jay wanted to leave and he was hurt. I think it's best for him to stay with his family. And mass-tweeting "NOOOO Bring him back!" to JYP isn't going to help the situation. Please don't hate me for saying that. But that is my opinion and I'll stand by it. I know you guys just really want to show your support, but you can't forget that he is still just a man. A young man that is hardly out of his teen years who is in a lot of pain right now and I don't think pressuring JYP or Jay or any of the other members is making anybody feel better.

Though I still want to think that Jay is coming back, just prepare for the worst. I'm not saying he never will. I'm not saying I believe he won't ever return. I'm just saying that you should brace yourselves so you can do whatever you need to do full force with a clear mind.

*I'm dying inside right now...*

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I just read through JYP's statement on allkpop.

I'm truly touched by his words. And once again, it shed light on the hard trials that Jay went through when he was in Korea. I'm not saying this because I have just read JYP's statement, but I really think people should stop blaming JYP.

As a producer, he just let go one of the most talented performer in his company.

As a friend, he let go of a brother.

As a teacher, he let go of a student.

I truly think JYP wanted to teach Jaebeom a new meaning of life by helping him to become a singer. He must sadden him to see someone who has changed themselves and their perspective of the world, become crushed by the dusts of the past. Jay learnt and gained so much from him. And I'm sure there was much more that JYP wanted to teach him.

Seeing how JYP acts with Rain, GOD and other artists who have left his company, we know he doesnt take brotherhood and loyalty lightly. I know that there will always be a place in JYP's heart and in his company for Jay. If Jay doesnt come back to be a part of 2pm, I hope that one day he return to once again work with JYPE, as a staff member or a producer or a trainer.

One another note there is a new article in Korea atm linking Jay with Obama: dcnews

I don't have time to translate it word by word, but it basically says that today Obama gave a speech to teens warning them about the Internet. He told them to be aware of what you post online because whatever you post, it will always be there and one day come back to you. He said that everyone makes mistakes when theyre young and has heard of many people who have posted these mistakes online.

Korean people have caught attention of this because it came right after the whole incident with Jay and with Jay being an Korean-American, they think perhaps Obama may have heard about Jay's situation.

This is an english news article about it I found on google. Doesnt have the same quotes as the Korean site but you get the basic idea from it: Union Bulletin

It would be pretty cool if Obama was referring to Jay a bit. Then it really shows the netizens that they REALLY blew this out of proportion.

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