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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest ...TLT...

i've just recently found out about the issueee regarding Jae

my heart aches for jay

i'm really upset yet sad that he left

this is all due to just stupid thingggg caused by a stupid netizens

those judgmental mutter effersss

the damage it has cause jae and his fansss

i truly didn't wanna believe he left but sadly it's a fact now..

i hope he will come backk soon!!

i misss himmm!! -____-

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Guest jvchou1316

still trying to soak this in...

i don't really care bout beatin up the crazy person who set this field on fire, about JYP or about the myspace message itself,

i just can't get over the fact that all of Jae's endurance through his harsh surroundings and his boundless talent and charisma and his budding career are down the drain; even if he makes a comeback, the mood will be different. i just can't stand hearing about him saying sorry to his mother.

im hoping that jaebum had really been oppressed & miserable in korea and that now he can finally rest up a little.

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Guest splendidlure

I do not believe it is a federal crime, especially since the Choi Jin-Shil Law hasn't been passed as of yet. However, anyone can take a legal stance by suing and getting each and every one of the netizens uncovered (which really isn't that hard in Korea). It's been done before, and it can easily be done again.

Really? I hope that someone that cares for Jaebum or a JYP representative would sue the preson that started the suicide petition.

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Guest RAISON:dream
Can we attach our own videos?

Yes, if you join the group (you should be signed in to Youtube), you will be able to see a button that says "+Submit a Video"

Again people, here's the YT GROUP:

Support JAEBOM [Group] @ YT

I also have an idea, though.. what if we include in our support videos clips of us apologizing (in as many language as we can) for the netizens that have hurt him? Yeah I said that they have conscience and all but.. can they really apologize? Will they even think of apologizing? I think if we do that in behalf of them.. Leadja's heart will be touched and... well, he'd love us more lololol. I think if we do that, it will show that we are even willing to go down our levels and take a bow for him, it shows that we really love him.

I don't think that I'm up for being the organizer though, but 2OD Forums already has the videos project.., maybe us soompiers could make a collaboration with them? In that way when it reaches Jaebom, he'd be reminded that majority of his international fans can be seen at 2OD and! Soompi's 2PM thread. IDK he might even visit us here and say thank you XD *is thinking too much*

Lol guys I'm sorry but I'm persistent -_-

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Guest lec8504
Honestly guys - I know that in the public, it's known that Jay decided to leave 2PM, but do you actually think that's the truth? The entertainment business doesn't work that way. He doesn't have a choice of leaving or not - it's all up to the boss - which in this case, was JYP himself. He's the one who sent Jay out of 2PM, because at the end, it's all about money. Keeping him in 2PM would not benefit the group, knowing how Korean netizens would be if someone disturbed their pride. They wouldn't forgive and forget-- that history would follow the group until the end, which means no profit ($$), which is why JYP probably decided to make him leave. I guess we should be thankful that he wasn't banned from Korea, since Yoo Seungjoon is, still to this day.

Jay Park, fighting. And if you ever do come back as our leader of 2PM, we will be more than ecstatic.

completely agree.

That's why JYP has lost all of my respect until he does something about the Jae situation. Until I see Jae come back to where he belongs (2PM) then in my heart of heart, I believe that JYPE force him to quit. To break a contract is a very serious matters....the last say would be JYP...so I wouldn't be surprise if JYP force Jae to leave the group because they thought that Jae would bring down his cash cow in Korea.

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Exactly. My Korean friends always tell me that the netizens are very powerful that even the government is afraid of them, of what they will say and might say, so the government is also careful. It's because the government serves the people and it's the people who put them in their position.

Same goes for celebrities. They are serving the people and the people are the one's who made them be where they are today.

There are some artists who wouldn't care, and just continue on with their music but typical idol groups are different, they need the public to live because the public feeds them.

I dont know if the government is afraid, but definately they would understand the power of the netizens. You have to realise pretty much all of Korea is connected to the Internet. They're one of the top in the world when it comes to fast and efficient Internet access. Old people use the Internet, so netizens aren't just young teens or just young people in general. Of coure most of the netizens who respond to celebrity topics would be the younger generations.

But in relation to politcs, older people use the Internet as well. That's why the suicide of Korea's ex-president was so sad, because from news reports, one of the reasons he suicided was because he was afraid of what people would say about him and his money scandals.

Behind the screen, anyone can have power. Word spreads fast on the net and in a nation where pretty much everyone uses the Internet, netizens have immense influence.

The road to fame is hard, but once you are one of the top, it looks easy to the public. Korea is very much concentrated on the entertainment industry so there is a big love-hate relationship with celebrities. While celebrities are loved because they look glamourous and because they spread Korea culture to international fans. However, you have to admit, money does come bigger and faster to them. So to people who have to endure years of education (we all know how intense Korean schools & extra coaching is. getting into univeristy is very very competitive), years in offices etc. for a salary, it looks so much easier. Esp. for male korean celebrities who can prolong and shorten their army time. And I think that's why Korean celebrities gets criticised more because it seems like they have it easier.

It looks like they have a short cut to life. So I think a lot of Korean people feel like the celebrities should be always thanksful, humble and in debt to the public to lets them have this short cut.

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Guest nad_donad

Still really sad reading what's going on....

I'm happy that Jaebum has arrived safely in U.S and now he's on the best place, with his family...

I'm about to cry when I read that he kept saying sorry to his mom and cried....

Lots of people showed their supports for Jaebum, I hope he knows about that...

He really needs this time with his family and friends to heal, and I know he'll back stronger than ever...

I just read the news about one of the netizens who caused all of this saying that she's sorry...

Well, I hope this can teach people, especially antis, to think before posting anything.....because they can really kill people by their words...

I don't know if you guys know about this or not, but even MTV Asia posted a report about Jaebum on their twitter update yesterday....

MTV rarely report anything about Korean celebs, not even when a group / singer made a huge comeback or released a big hit...

I think this has become a big issue...

Maybe this will raised people awareness about how bad things could turned out because of the scary netizens/antis out there...

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Netizen who exposed Jay comes clean

Jay fighting~

if he/she didn't cleab JAY name in korea, make everyone in korea forgive, make netizen apologize for the suicide petition, and JAY is willing to forgive he/she, then only i can forgive her. sorry forgive he/her isn't an easy decision since they make it hard.


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Guest purechaos93

it really sucks that i just recently got into them...

and now hes gone.

just last week i was watching the idol show and wild bunny.

and just a couple moments ago i was watching the video of Taecyeon's mic incident.

Jay is an amazing leader with quick thinking.

im sad that hes departed the group...

but im glad hes safe with his family and friends.

anticipating his comeback!

Jay Park fighting!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

To those who say Jay is not being a leader by leaving 2PM;

One of the reasons Jay left was because he thought he was an obstacle in the way of his fellow members getting the spotlight they've worked for.

Remember that boycott? Well, as everyone knows, it was because of Jay. They were jeopardizing 2PM's future as a group because of these myspace comments.

This may have not been Jay's original dream, and he's worked hard too, but you guys should know Jay by now - he cares about his members and puts them before himself. The first sign of a true leader.

He knew that these boys have been working with him and that they were just finally getting their first taste of fame. And for him to be possibly "ruining" that, how do you think he must have felt?

He sacrificed himself and his dreams for the team, in a sense. If that's not leadership, I don't know what is.

Agreed. The point was, however, is that it would have been better if he didn't leave the group. Nobody said that what he did was wrong, or what he did was bad or what he did was uncalled for. But it was stated that he does need time, go back to his family and the people who loves and care about him as him and not as a member of 2PM. But not quit.

Also, it was never said that what he did was not what a leader should do, or that he is not a leader at all. It was just that quitting is not the best option.

In my opinion, it is all about differences in personality and culture. He's not used to the harsh korean netizens and he has a sacrificial personality.

Also, he did say he'll comeback. Not directly, but it was implied.

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Guest Ella_Kwan

Honestly, those MORONS who did this to him,

they want forgiveness and they come clean now!

When it's too late! B/c Jay is gone!

SO i say till Korea forgives Jay, then we can MAYBE for give those ppl..

Netz make me sick!

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Guest lane013
completely agree.

That's why JYP has lost all of my respect until he does something about the Jae situation. Until I see Jae come back to where he belongs (2PM) then in my heart of heart, I believe that JYPE force him to quit. To break a contract is a very serious matters....the last say would be JYP...so I wouldn't be surprise if JYP force Jae to leave the group because they thought that Jae would bring down his cash cow in Korea.

Oh my gosh! i was thinking that tooo. LIke didn't jay sign a contract and stuff?

Wouldn't it be awesome guys if all of a sudden jay became famous in the US? It would be funny to see the netizens trying to claim jay as one of them.

I know that the netizens are asking for forgiveness and maybe they were just really angry at the moment but, really! They're just lucky that jay didn't commit suicide.

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Guest mizukihimeko

I realised that there could be some misinformation.

Quite a number of people are asking why did JYP release a statement saying that jay will not leave the group but he still left later on.

If I didn't remember wrongly, there was a comment much earlier (8xx page) stating that the article in ALLKPOP is NOT TRUE, about JYP releasing official statement saying jay will not leave. So simply put, there is no statement from JYP even till now.

I don't know but with the many false articles ALLKPOP have been releasing, it's best not to trust any sites and just wait for official statement that is clearly from JYPE/JYP. Another note for anyone curious is WIKIPEDIA for 2pm right not is NOT TO BE TRUSTED because ANYONE can edit it.

Just to clarify doubts that many are wondering :]

why was the decision for jay made to leave... when so many people including the staff wants him? who exactly are the decision makers? SIgh...


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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

hmm. well okay? i guess the idea of the youtube videos were already in progess,

although i like the thing support jay park better then jabeum counts lol

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I don't understand why someone could bring up the past to ruin others future..I'm heartbroken.

Edit: Sorry about that, I just read the news 2 days ago and I'm quite upset by it =/

I really hope he can come back and join 2pm, is that even possible ? How can there be 2Pm without Jay..

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Guest mcramsey


Quite shock with the news too.

Maybe Jae felt unhappy about something.

So, it's better to take a break and do some thinking.

Anything he decides, hope it's for the best for him.

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Guest uh-ohxev
I realised that there could be some misinformation.

Quite a number of people are asking why did JYP release a statement saying that jay will not leave the group but he still left later on.

If I didn't remember wrongly, there was a comment much earlier (8xx page) stating that the article in ALLKPOP is NOT TRUE, about JYP releasing official statement saying jay will not leave. So simply put, there is no statement from JYP even till now.

I don't know but with the many false articles ALLKPOP have been releasing, it's best not to trust any sites and just wait for official statement that is clearly from JYPE/JYP. Another note for anyone curious is WIKIPEDIA for 2pm right not is NOT TO BE TRUSTED because ANYONE can edit it.

Just to clarify doubts that many are wondering :]

why was the decision for jay made to leave... when so many people including the staff wants him? who exactly are the decision makers? SIgh...


The article they were referring to was the one about 2PM canceling all activities... I believe. Do not quote me on this.

And guys, Jay's bestfriend deleted his YouTube. Quite honestly, I'm not too surprised. :( Alot of messages were coming in, and he probably didn't want Jay to read how hurt the fans are... it'd probably hurt him more.

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PLEASE stop all the dislikes towards JYP!! He hasn't said anything yet but it doesn't mean that we can jump into conclusions on our own. We're a bigger person that the netizens who drove Jay away, so act like one. I know we're frustrated and feeling helpless, but hating doesn't make things better.

On cyber-bullying, I found a site that posted the article shared but dated 28 June 2007. If it's already implemented, it's quite surprising to know that the problem still exists after 2 years.

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Guest MR. LEE'S

i want jaebeom to come back. geez, watching the video of him departure at the airport makes me want to cry, with all of the screaming and crying fans. i really feel sorry for him.

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Guest ahmints
I don't understand why someone could bring up the past to ruin others future..I'm heartbroken.

warning warning warning!!! no one liner!

please read the rules... don't get the thread suspended. ((: thanks

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