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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest entermuriel

omg i got so much stuff to check out x]

but i'm currently at work T.T so i'll see them when i get home :D

i'm so happy that they'll start promoting "Hate You"

and i can't wait for the MV! gah! this makes my day kekeke

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Guest karamelsuki



i need the full ooooone :D *waitin* XD hauhauhauha

<3 <3 <3 so cute JAY <3

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Guest kiwikwis

i'm not sure if this has been posted already but:

it's 2am's 9th episode with the 2pm boys popping up (mostly taec&jay)

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Guest thealien.

Here's another Junsu Cut from Now is the Age of Pretty Boys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLTIk4aXgc0

"Now the Age of the Pretty Boy" airs today!! im so excited. we finally get to hear about junsu's "love story". and see who has the smellest feet~~ haha

o-o it airs today? i have to go look for it then. LMAO.

btw anyone have any pictures of junsu to share?

i am a newbie

still dunnoe where to find his pictures TT

you can find plenty at his picture thread here http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=262323

. or at 2ONEDAY.COM (: and because i feel like it here are some pictures. XD

jsu1.th.png junsulips.th.jpg

2 PM reschedule to Promote New Single' I Hate You' in 4 major Stages on TV

I will wait for this. LMAO. They will once again be really busy again though. )": As for the new MV, what if it's suddenly "You Might Come Back" LMAO.

Cuts from the 2nd ep of 2PM on Pretty Boys Era

Pretty Boys Generation - Jay's Cut [ENG] -> he's SOOOOO cute!

Pretty Boys Generation - Chansung's Cut

Pretty Boys Generation - Junsu's Cut

Cr: Kimulzzang

Jay should really start acting. XD He was seriously good. ROFL. Junsu singing into "her" ears was just so hilarious, I would have been better if he sung to Junho again. LMAO. And magnae, reacting those lovely parts where the guy and the girl hold hands and twirl in circles. LMAO. No wonder everyone was laughing at him.

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^here's the full episode

2 pm pretty boys generation ep 2 part 1

and i too will be restraining myself from hitting my computer and screaming too loudly when i watch taecs scandal episode. but i will be screaming. and fuming. and my heart will be breaking while my insides are turned upside down.

sorry for being so dramatic, i can't help how i feel right now. haha.

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Guest foreverasian3


Jaebeom: Jay, Jayman,leadja

Taekyeon: Beast, Okcat, Taec

Khun: Khunnie, Puppy Prince

Junsu: Susu, Junnie

Wooyoung: Mandoo, Chubster, Tibetan Dumpling ( he looks like a tibetan wolf XD)

Chansung: Chan-kun, old Maknae, korean Cookie Monster xD

Junho: Smiley, JunJun

I'm happy they're promoting I Hate You. I can't wait.


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Guest jenjen4

im not into the whole fangirl on celeb kind of thing but i can't help but get jealous about taec being on the show.

i want all of them to be happy....maybe in their secret lives. seeing it on t.v. (even if it's not real) slightly...makes me mad. i know. so lame, but can't help it.

taec just wants to break my <3.

no matter how corny 2pm can be, can't help but like them.

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Guest she-smiles

and i too will be restraining myself from hitting my computer and screaming too loudly when i watch taecs scandal episode. but i will be screaming. and fuming. and my heart will be breaking while my insides are turned upside down.

sorry for being so dramatic, i can't help how i feel right now. haha.

you're not alone.

i've let time heal me since the day i heard he was going to be on mnet scandal.

but i know that my heart will continue to ache even more when his episodes air.


don't we sound so corny?

i know i do.

but i speak from the heart.


let me join in my share of the boys' nicknames.

jaebum = jae

junsu = junsu

nickhun = khunnie

taecyeon = taec / MY taec / kitty / sexy beast / sexy giant / sexy taec / sexy cat / sexy lover / (and this can go on forever....)

wooyoung = mandoo

junho = junho

chansung = maknae

i like to keep it simple, with the exception of taec.



can someone explain what dream girl is about?

i know that chansung & junho are the mc's, i think.

and it seems to be about a competition/elimation...

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Guest a r a c h e r r y .

i keep my promise on updated schedule for p0oo0h :)

i found this at http://muizism.wordpress.com/

June 11 Thursday

[broadcast] Mnet Mcountdown 07:00 pm

June 12 Friday

[broadcast] KBS2 Music Bank 06:30 pm

June 13 Saturday

[broadcast] MBC Music Core 04:20 pm

June 14 Sunday

[broadcast] Sbs Inkigayo 04:10 pm

i already posted full schedule on page 506

credit : http://muizism.wordpress.com/

Jeeebus. They are busy busy. I hope they eat well and some good night Z's between the activities.

oh and my nicknames for them lol :

Jaebum: Jay, J-Bum.

Junsu: Daegu-Jun lol. (love when he does his accent)

Nichkhun: Khun, Khunnie

Taekyeon: Taek, Funnyman, Kitty (with a Boo from Monsters Inc voice xD)

Wooyoung: Wooyoungiee, Udong, Woomandu, eepunee xD

Junho: Little Bi (in korean)

Chansung: Maknae

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I'm a new fan of 2PM now. These guys are so cute!

Everyday I spend a lot of time watching the perfs or starking cut or the Idol Army shows, they're freaking hilarious.

My best quote from Khun: "I'm not a wink machine!" lol!

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Guest hyerimii


can someone explain what dream girl is about?

i know that chansung & junho are the mc's, i think.

and it seems to be about a competition/elimation...

Isn't it about girls trying to be a new member of some Japanese group?

I forget the details.

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Guest lorac29

(Sorry for cutting your entry =])

^ WOOOO! When was this picture taken or?!

Lol JAEBEOM's soooooo... OMG. HAHA.


"Guess wot(what) they just did"

Lolll that's funnny..

sorry, I don't remember exactly when the picture was taken, but it was definitely last year around their 10 out of 10 promotions time.

zzzommmgg spazz attack at Taec and his 'gf' pics!!! and so the emo-ness beginsssss :tears:

I don't know if this has been shared yet, but the second part of Junho's interview has been subbed

cr: Madam2PMsubs

[Eng Sub] 090605 It's Time 2PM Ep2 P2/2 JunHo

junho is wayy too cute! and LOL at his sob story of not being able to sleep on his back b/c of his well-endowed butt. lol, the woes of having a big butt.

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Guest honmai

Guys, I really think we should put a little effort voting for Mnet Countdown

If we think about it, we can't vote anywhere else for them

They've been doing splendid

I'm just saying there's so many of us and it doesn't take a lot of time to vote either

I'm sure we'd all be happy to support them knowing that they'll be happy of our support

P/S filling in a Gmail account is the best way when sign up on Mnet, the confirmation code was sent in within 3 minutes, so I suggest having a Gmail account, it takes 5 minutes to sign up for an account

here's the link for the easy steps once again:


Hate You is such a good song, our boys will do good, they're 2pm, they don't fail to surprise

Please Vote, Hottest FWT, they're way too cute not to vote for


credits to muizism

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Guest xlilvietgrl

Oh my gosh, these boys get hotter and hotter everyday. @_@

I just watched the Jay cut from Pretty Boys Generation and it was so funny!

"It was my mom who was at the club."


I have a question though, is Pretty Boys Generation like a show that they're hosts for like Idol Show? Or what is it? It's a new show, right? Sorry, I'm sort of confused about it. Ahahaha

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Guest Eltoshen

Jay x ChaeYeon love, rofl. That was really nice. I think he does the move better than ChaeYeon herself.

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Guest monabelle

Awh how cute! I've been watching anything related to 2pm these days until I started watching Idol Army which is hilarious. I'm glad I started watching the show after getting into their music. I thought, "why not check out soompi if there is anything on them?" and what would you know they are getting some major love here. :)

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