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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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I am so happy that almost all of my biases are well-recognized :) 

Reposting this from JYC thread by @jongeunkookhye :) :)

Yoon Eun Hye Notice. 2009

Original Message from YEH by Neri Manager.

이번 기사 건으로 인해 붉어진 상황 들을 정리해 보고자 이렇게 글 을 올립니다. Hello. I'm writing in regards to the situation that has been caused by some articles that have been coming up. recently. 요 몇일 전부터 올라 왔던 기사 들 로 인해. 속상해 하는 분들 도 계시고 화가 난 분들 도 많은 것으로 알고 있습니다. I know there are many people who are upset and disappointed by the articles that has been Published over the last couple of Days. 이번 일 처럼 오보로 인해, 와전 된 기사 로 인해. 은혜 님 도 팬 들을 걱정 하고 오해 없길 바라는 맘 이 많습니다. Due to the misinformation and misinterpretation of articles, Eun Hye NIM is worried about her fans and she Hopes that You guys Don '. T misunderstand her about this situation. 그럴 때 마다 윤은혜 관련 싸이트 a bearing 들어가서 여러분들 글 을 보시 며 위로 하시는 걸로 알고 있는데 이번 처럼 서로 의 잘잘못 을 따지고 화 내고 욕하 는 상황 a bearing 대해 그 누구 보다 속상해 하십니다. We know that she often. goes to YEH-related webpages and comforts herself by reading what you have written about her. But this time, seeing how You guys argue with Each other about whose fault it is, makes her upset more than anyone. 사실 이번 기사 는 방송국 측 에서 프로그램 을 홍보 하기 위한 홍보성 기사 였고. 보도 자료 를 보낸 것이 조금씩 조금씩 와전 된 것. 입니다. In fact, the Article was Published by the broadcasting Company, Purely to pay per the Program and the Press release we Sent was misinterpreted a little bit by bit. 그 누구도 누구 를 이용 한다거나 헤치려 거나 한 의도 는 없습니다. There was no intention. to harm or hurt anyone. 다만 은혜 님 과 그분 이 워낙 이슈 가 되었던 터라. 많은 대중 들이 관심 받는 상황 이 되었기에 자꾸만 기사 가 나는 것 입니다. However, Since Eun Hye NIM and him (KJK) was Such a Big Issue and the. Public showed an interest toward them constantly, this was why the articles kept on being Published. 은혜 님 께서도 가 처음 기사 났을 때 '이게 뭐야? "아이고 또 시작 이야?'. 하며. 그냥 웃으시 며 넘기 셨고 점점 부풀려 지자. 한두번 오보 가 나는 것도 아니기에 그냥 속상 하지만 넘기 셨던 것 입니다. When she first saw the Article, she was like "What is this? Gees, are they starting the Whole thing again?". and just laughed over it, but as it became more and more inflated, and the misinterpretation was Published not just once or twice, she felt upset about it but she just decided to Ignore it at the End. 그리고 상대방 쪽 또한 미안 하단 말씀 과. 함께. 녹화 당시 곤란한 질문 들 속에 은혜 님께 피해 가지 않도록. 오히려 재미있게 한 말 한마디 한마디 가 정반대 의 의미 로. 와전 될 줄 은 몰랐다 하시며 은혜 님께 사과 하셨다고 합니다. And his side apologized to Eun Hye NIM saying that he was only trying to. Avoid hurting Eun Hye NIM by just joking around, he was amongst the difficult Questions Asked during the taping of the Program, and he also said he did not know that with an apology he said in a joking What Way Could be misinterpreted. 그리고 는. 여러분들 글 을 보다 가. 정정 기사 를 '그쪽 에서 내야 하는것 아니냐' 하는 다툼 글 속에. 은혜 님 께서 더이상 오해 가 만들어 지는게 싫어. 고민 하시다가 실례 란걸 알면서도 상대방 쪽 분께 정중히 부탁 드렸다고 합니다. And then seeing What You guys have written (. correction that his side should publish the articles), she did not want to create any more misunderstandings and so she politely Asked his side to release the correction articles although she knew that it Would be a Discourtesy to do so. (은혜 님 께서 팬들. 걱정 a bearing 부탁 하신 걸로 알고 있습니다). (We know that she Asked them a favor because she was worried about her fans). 상대방 쪽 도 아직 방송 도 되지 않은 상황 에서. 오히려 기사 a bearing 대해 반응 하는 것이 은혜 님께 실례 가 될까봐 정정 기사 를. 못 내고 있었다고 했답니다. His side have also said that they were afraid that it Could cause harm to Eun Hye NIM in any Way by reacting to the Article misinterpreted when the Program has not even been aired, so that's why they could not release. the correction articles. 이런 상황 에서 누가 누굴 이용 하고, 정정 기사 또한 상대방 이 계획 했다는. 글 들을 은혜 님가 들었을 때 어떻 겠습니까? Amidst this situation, how do You think that Eun Hye NIM Would feel when she saw What You guys have written. ; that someone used someone to do What, and the correction articles was also 'planned' by his side? 상대방 도 피해자 입니다. His sides are also the victims. 우리 가 이만큼 속상 하듯. 상대방 팬들 도 상대방 기획사 도 신경 쓰이고 화나고 답답한 마음 은. 같을 것이라고 생각 합니다. Like we are this upset and disappointed about the situation, we think his fans and his Management Would also feel the same Way like U.S.. 우리 가 은혜 님를 생각 하는 마음 으로 하는 한마디 한마디 가. 서로 를 미워 하는 마음 이. 생기지 않도록 조심 해야 할것 입니다. We have to be more careful in Order to not create any Hateful feelings towards Each other, like in a Way that we Care for Eun Hye NIM. 은혜 님 께서 친한 연예인 동료 분들 이 은혜 님 을 아끼고 사랑. 해주고. 은혜 님 도 그분들 을 내 사람 처럼 아끼는 분 입니다. Her close Celebrity friends Love and Care for Eun Hye NIM and she also Cares for them as 'her people.'. 그분들 이 은혜 님 을 이용 한다고 생각 하진 않습니다. We Don '. T think that they are using Eun Hye NIM for their own good. 그분들 이 우리 가 쓴글 을 보게 된다면 팬 들을 믿고 아끼는 은혜 님 의 마음 이 어떻 겠습니까? How do You feel Eun Hye NIM, who trusts and Cares for her fans,. Would feel when his sides See What we have written about them? 우리 가 은혜 님 을 신중히 생각 하고 아끼는 만큼. 그분들 a bearing 대해서도 조금은 조심해 주시길 은혜 님 께서도 부탁 하셨습니다. Eun Hye NIM Asked a favor to the fans that we also should be more careful. about them like that in the same Way we Care for Eun Hye NIM. 우리 님 이 가 쓴 글로 인해 은혜 친한 분들 얼굴 과 붉히는 일은 없어야 하지 않을까요? Eun Hye NIM We Do not want her getting awkward with caused by our close friends. comments, do we? 반대로 다른 팬 들이 은혜 님 을 욕 하고 안좋은 글 을 쓴 다면. 얼마나 우리 가 속상 하고 화나고. 그 글 을 쓴 팬 들이나 그 연예인 이 싫어 지고 좋아 보일 리 없지 않습니까? We Would feel very upset and angry when. we see bad comments written about our Eun Hye nim written by the other fans. The same goes for his fans. Would they also feel upset and to Become Particular Celebrity Hate that. 나쁜 글 을 우리 가 쓰고 그글 을 보며 화 내고 속상해 하면서. 글쓴 사람들 과 그 똑같이 행동 것은 은혜 하는 언니 께서도 원치 않으실 것 입니다. Eun Hye unni would not want U.S.. Feeling upset and disappointed and reacting in a same Way that the anti-fans Would React. 우리 는 은혜 님 팬 이자 단순히 팬 이 아닌 은혜 님 을 대표 하는 사람들 입니다. We are not just Eun Hye's fans, but we are also the people. who Represent Eun Hye NIM. 우리 의 한마디 한마디 가 은혜 님 의 한마디 가 되고 우리 의 작은 행동 이 은혜 님 의 행동 이 됩니다. The comments we Make One by One, Could Grow to Become Eun Hye NIM's Comment and our little Action Could. also Grow to be Eun Hye NIM's Action. 또한 기사 로 도 번질 때가 있습니다. It Could also be Published as an Article. . 은혜 님 께서 바보 라서 가 아니라 여려서 가 아니라. 그냥 작은 일들 a bearing 대해서는 조금은 웃어 넘기는 여유 를 부리시는 겁니다. It's. not that Eun Hye NIM is foolish and Vulnerable to React to little situations like those, but she is just showing her coolness to those situation by Smiling over it. 싸움 이 싫고 상처 받는게 조금은 지치기 때문에. 이번 같은 별일 아닌 일들 은 그냥 조용히 넘어가길 바라는. 것 입니다. She Hopes to just Pass over these Minor situations because she is quite tired of getting hurt and does not want to Fight. 작은 말 a bearing 상처 받고 신경 쓰시는 분 입니다. She is the person who Gets hurt easily by Minor comments. 티. 는 안내 의 글 을 시지만 가끔 여러분들 보고 미안해 하기도 하고 물어 볼때 가 많습니다.Although she does not Show it, she often Feels sorry and asks about the comments that You guys have written. 오히려 우리 님 이 가 정말 은혜 힘드실 때 힘. 이 되어 주고 은혜 님 혼자 로 도 버거울 때 우리 가 옆 에서 지켜 준다면 은혜 님께 큰 힘 이 될것 입니다. It Would be a Great support for her when we stand by her side when she is hard to stand alone and when she Feels down. . 작은 일 을 크게 생각 하기 보다는 우리 보다 더 상처 받고 힘들어 할 은혜 님 을 위해.우리도 조금은 너그 럽게 이해해 주고 웃어 넘겨 보는 건 어떨까요? How about we Become more understanding and just Smile it over to these situations for Eun Hye NIM who. would get hurt and feel upset more than us? rather than thinking Minor Things as Major Things. 정정 기사 를 내고 도 또 다시 복사 해서 나는 기사 들 a bearing 대해선. 화 나지만 조용히 넘겨야 그런 기사 도 지쳐서 줄어들지 않을까요? Although we Would still feel upset about the articles that are constantly coming up even after. the release of correction articles, not Paying Attention to those Would reduce the amount of those articles Due to the Lack of interest. 은혜 님 도 팬 들을 위해 정정 기사 도 부탁 하셨고 그렇게 정리 되길 바라 셨습니다. Eun Hye NIM Asked for a correction articles. for her fans and she wanted to sort Things out that Way. 이 이후 a bearing 나오는 이번 일 a bearing 대한 글 들은 은혜 님 을 위한 마음 이 아닌 것으로 받아들이 겠습니다.The comments that comes after this Would be considered as Such comments that shows no Care. and respect for Eun Hye NIM. 부탁 드리겠습니다. Please we ask You. 이번 글 도 기사화 되진 않을까 걱정 되는 마음 a bearing 고민 을 많이 하다가. 그냥 넘기기 엔 여러분들 의 화가 줄어들지 않았고 여러분들 마음 을 이해 하기 a bearing. 은혜 님 께서 이번 일 a bearing 대해서. 오해 이 가 없길 ... 더이상 여러분들 상처 받지 않으시 길 바랍니다. We were quite worried that even this Post Would Become Published as a form of an Article, but we knew this Would Clear out any misunderstanding and the fans would not get Eun Hye Hopes NIM. hurt any more about this situations. 하루 빨리 좋은 소식 으로 찾아 뵙고 싶어 하시는데 이런 일들 로 인해. 오래간만 a bearing 이런 글 을 써야 한다는 것이 조금은 죄송 하고 미안 하지만. 앞으로 더 많은 안좋은 일들 이 있을 것이고 그것을 이겨내야 하기 때문에 ... 그럴 때 마다 여러분들. 함께 과 마음 을 웃고 넘겨야 하기 때문에 이런 솔직하게 써 봅니다. approached She wanted to You guys with a good news, and she Feels sorry that she has to Write a Post like this ... but she knows that there are Plenty of Bad Things in the Future and we have to overcome those situation Together as a Group, so she decided to Write showing her honest feelings. 앞으로 은혜 님 께서 작품 을 하시고 작품 a bearing 대한 안좋은 글 이 올라 오고. 은혜 님 을 해치려 는 기사 들이 더 많아 질 텐데 우리 가 도와야 하잖아요 ... Anti-comments Would definitely come up when Eun Hye NIM does a film / Drama in the Future and there are going to be more articles that are Hurtful to Eun Hye NIM. , and we know that we have to help her out when those situations come in the Future. 그만큼 관심 을 받고 있고, 그만큼 언론 에서 은혜 님 a bearing 대해 다루는 것을 좋아 하는 만큼. 우리도 조심 하고 행동 하나 에도 한번 쯤 더 생각 하는 은혜 님. 입장 에서 다시 한번 생각해 보는 팬 들이 되어 주기 를 은혜 님 께서 바라 십니다. It is that Eun Hye NIM is still an interest to Public and Since the Media likes to deal with her ​​often, she wishes U.S., as fans, to be more. careful about our Actions thinking once more about how Eun Hye NIM Would feel if we were in her Shoes. 은혜 님 께서도 우리 가 바라는 부분 들을 분명히 생각 하시고. 무엇 보다 제일 큰 선물 은 좋은 작품 으로 돌아 올 것이라는 것 입니다. She Would definitely. consider What we want from her, and above all, the Big gift is that she Would be definitely coming back with a good Work. 어떤 역할 을 하고 어떤 작품 을 선택 하던. 우리 는 은혜 님 편, 은혜 님 도 우리편! 우리 는 함께. 이기 때문에 이런 글 을 조심 스럽게 남겨 봅니다.Whatever character she Plays and whatever she Chooses Work to do, we are at her side and she is at our side!carefully I'm writing this because we are One Post. 더 하우스 에서도 은혜. 님 과 더불어 좋은 일들 많이 만들고 행복하게 일하는 모습 보여 드리겠습니다. The House Would also create more good opportunities for Eun Hye NIM and we Will Show that we are working Happily. 미숙 한 면 이 있더라도 이해해 주시고 더 하우스 도 은혜 편이라 는 것을 잊지. 말아 주세요 ^ ^. Please understand even if we Could be immature sometimes, and Do not Forget that The House is also at Eun Hye's side ^ ^. 원치 않는 기사 가 나고 정정 하고 싶어도 정정 할수 없는 상황 들이 많고. 여러분들 마음 처럼 저희 와 은혜. 님 또한 오보로 인해 상처 를 많이 받습니다. 많은 대중 들은 자극적 인 제목 과 조금은 의미심장 한 글 들을 더 좋아 하기 a bearing ... There are times that we can not correct the articles even if we wanted to, and like You do, we and Eun Hye. nim aslo gets hurt by those misinterpreted articles. It's because that many likes the Public Provocative titles and meaningful articles .... 님 의 이 글 을 읽어 주신 은혜 팬 분들 이해해 주셨 으리라 믿고 감사 드립니다. Eun Hye We Hope that NIM's fans understand Would Reading this Post and thank You. 이만. 글 줄 이겠습니다. .... End of Post
Credit: Lee Ji Min/jaoni/popconfr2

Today was the first time I read this. I learned that YEH eonni is someone who also thinks of her fans(that we feel for her and that we love her) and she also browse yeh-related webpages. I also surf the net anything that has a mention of YEH's name on it and I know that outside YEH fanpages is a dangerous place because not everyone in the outside loves our princess. You will eventually come across hate comments or anything that is not favorable to yeh... and as a fan, it breaks my heart to see those kinds of comments... there are times that I am so angry that I also want to comment/bash back but thanks God I haven't bashed back till now. I know there will be more of this tough times for yeh and for us but let us all remember this (I LIKE THIS SO MUCH and this is in general... phrases taken from the article above) :     
"We have to be more careful in Order to not create any Hateful feelings towards Each other, like in a Way that we Care for Eun Hye NIM. We Would feel very upset and angry when we see bad comments written about our Eun Hye nim written by the other fans. The same goes for his fans. Eun Hye unni would not want us feeling upset and disappointed and reacting in a same way that the anti-fans would react.We are not just Eun Hye's fans, but we are also the people who represent Eun Hye NIM. The comments we Make One by One, Could Grow to Become Eun Hye NIM's Comment and our little Action Could also Grow to be Eun Hye NIM's Action.It Would be a Great support for her when we stand by her side when she is hard to stand alone and when she Feels down.  How about we Become more understanding and just Smile it over to these situations for Eun Hye NIM who would get hurt and feel upset more than us?  Although we Would still feel upset about the articles that are constantly coming up even, not Paying Attention to those Would reduce the amount of those articles Due to the Lack of interest. .  she knows that there are Plenty of Bad Things in the Future and we have to overcome those situation Together as a Group.Anti-comments Would definitely come up when Eun Hye NIM does a film / Drama in the Future and there are going to be more articles that are Hurtful to Eun Hye NIM. , and we know that we have to help her out when those situations come in the Future.  It is that Eun Hye NIM is still an interest to Public and Since the Media likes to deal with her ​​often, she wishes U.S., as fans, to be more. careful about our Actions thinking once more about how Eun Hye NIM Would feel if we were in her Shoes..Whatever character she Plays and whatever she Chooses Work to do, we are at her side and she is at our side! "

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Guest jjsweeter0211

class="blog_h2 entry-title" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: initial; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: white; font-weight: bold; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, sans-serif; border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-color: initial; letter-spacing: -1px; "YEH in Haru Hana Magazine

April 15, 2013 2:20 am YinJU

See how gorgeous she is..




Credit – Yoon Eun Hye facebook page

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Guest Aly1430292475

hi all YEH lover im a newbie here but long time a fan of YEH i love her so much....i just wanna say hi to all of you.im back on my lurking mode i just miss YEH so much.

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Guest 50julieng

I like to repost this nice article about YEH...for YEH new fans check out this site also


credit CDBLOOM

From A Young Girl To Becoming A Woman, Hallyu Queen Yoon Eun Hye

Could it be because there exist a clear form of both boyish charm and feminine beauty that are comparable?
Just as a raw gemstone, she seems to be able to transform into any form that is required.

It's a story of Yoon Eun Hye, a former member of a girl group Baby V.O.X, who not only became famous in Asia but also in such place as Europe, as the leading actress of drama "Goong" and "1st Shop Of Coffee Prince".
It's a self portrait drawn by a woman about the age of thirty, who's facing an exciting new year after winning the popularity award and Hallyu star award at the last year's MBC Acting Awards ceremony.

In the afternoon of February 5th, Yoon Eun Hye looked cozy, unlike the weather outside that offered sleet during our meeting at a restaurant in Kangnam, Seoul. She had on a one piece mini dress woven in thick fur, matched with black tights and long boots, looking as if she is waiting for the Spring.

"I continued to have a cold after drama 'Missing You' ended. As this winter was particularly cold, it was difficult to fight the cold. I'm gradually getting better now but my face is swollen a lot and I wonder if the pictures will come out okay".

Even though she said that, her face complexion became alive when the camera flash began to explode. Different aura smeared out of her pose as she changed her pose and angles. Her large and clear eyes reminded us of Lee Soo Yeon, the innocent beauty of "Missing You". Her full lips reminded us of the cross dresser Go Eun Chan of "1st Shop Of Coffee Prince". "Her tooth revealed when she smiled reminded us of the bubbly and cute crown princess Shin Che Kyung of "Goong".

Yoon Eun Hye, who had debuted as a member of a girl group Baby V.O.X during her junior high school days, didn't receive the big spotlight on the stage. But she began laying the foundation of becoming a top actress after debuting as a full time actor in 2006. Continuous hit dramas "Goong" and "1st Shop Of Coffee Prince" were the clinchers. Not only have these two dramas been exported to various nations, but most of the dramas that she has participated as the lead actress have been exported as well, playing a big role in the Hallyu syndrome. "Missing You", which ended on January 17th, will also air all over Asian countries such as Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philipines and etc. in near future.

From Dong A Daily Magazine
Source: http://shindonga.donga.com/docs/magazine/shin/2013/02/22/201302220500016/201302220500016_1.html


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Guest santaiah178

Old pics, YEH with her best friend (Park Gyo Yi) :D
And with her old manager cy3k.jpg
Being playful with her manager ;))cy4w.jpg
Took a turn as the one who makeup-ing her other manager ?cy5k.jpg
In dressing roomcy1n.jpg

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Guest facing

hopeless talk again coz I just saw this tweet :D

So Hyeon-Kyeong ("Brilliant Legacy"/"49 Days") selected as screenwriter for new MBC drama series TWO WEEKS

omg want her in this drama! I don't even know the synopsis yet but I love both dramas by this screenwriter...eunhye ah please [-O<
again there's no rumor about her in this drama...just trying to find her a new project here ok? lol
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facing said: hopeless talk again coz I just saw this tweet :D

So Hyeon-Kyeong ("Brilliant Legacy"/"49 Days") selected as screenwriter for new MBC drama series TWO WEEKS

omg want her in this drama! I don't even know the synopsis yet but I love both dramas by this screenwriter...eunhye ah please [-O<
again there's no rumor about her in this drama...just trying to find her a new project here ok? lol
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Guest santaiah178

@mellina don't worry she's still busy as usual despite not having any acting project yet, just like what she said in this old article :

[edaily SPN reporter Kim Eun Goo]
"I can't take a break. I'm still very busy these days."

Actress Yoon Eun Hye responded as such when she visited edaily in Yuido last December.

It had been a while since Yoon Eun Hye had met with the reporter, and although she looked bright and happy as she held her hand out first to shake the reporter's hand, she looked tired.

At the time, Yoon Eun Hye had stopped by to promote 'Love for Energy, Warm Winter' campaign sponsored by edaily, edaily TV, and Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) as the honorary ambassador. She had come to edaily to deliver underclothes (long johns) to the Children's Foundation. "I have been busy with many things. I just came back from delivering underclothes to the elderly people (senior citizens without family) so that they can stay warm during the winter."

It was 2 month after Take Care Of the Lady/My Fair Lady had ended on October 8th. The current drama system requires filming 3~4 weeks before airing, and once it begins, it requires many overtime night filming to produce two 70 minute episodes a week to meet the schedule. There's even a saying that it's actually a 'live' production instead of pre-filmed drama. Actors end up fatigued and it's not a strange thing for them to take a long break to re energize themselves.

But for Yoon Eun Hye, while her schedule may be less hectic than during the time of filming, she is still on a very busy schedule.

Many think that stars take a long break after completing a project. And they are seldom misunderstood by the public as the time between the two projects increase. Some are even jealous, and criticize that stars work hard on only one project a year and are free to enjoy doing whatever they want for the rest of the time.

But many stars film Commercial Films (CF) and photo shoots that they had put off until completing their drama or movie. On an average, CF modeling contract are for 6 month to a year and requires a new filming session with new concepts each season of the year. Hence, acting in a drama or a movie requires them to put off the modeling projects until it is over. Added to that, many photo shoot requests are made during the drama or a movie as the public's interest is high.

Of course, there are many stars who go on vacation upon completing their project. But even that is usually a vacation that involves filming a CF overseas and staying at the location for few more days to rest. It's still an inadequate resting period.

Furthermore, stars are also required to promote not only their current project, but their past projects overseas these days. Added responsibility also includes domestic and overseas fan meetings as well. Although recently there are productions that invited international fans to the filming sites, but in many cases, stars have to travel overseas to thank the international supporters.

Examining synopsis and scripts for the next possible project is also part of the schedule that can't be left out.

Stars don't get to enjoy and relax their life just because they aren't seen in projects.

Source: edaily, Korea


PS : Remember that she's a CEO too ? So I'm sure she's still busy as a bee :P

@facing I'm a little bit iffy with this writer cause of the ending of "49 days" (why Shin Ji Hyun/Nam Gyu Ri has had to be dead ?). Anyhow what's up with this "time related" title : Two Weeks, 49 Days... :-?

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Guest facing


but I like 49 days ending lol called me hardcore but I think the part that Ji Hyun died in the drama is so unpredictable and makes 49 days even more great and touching than it already is. I cried so much because of this drama, my eyes hurted lol so I'm really excited to hear that this screenwriter will have new project and I hope YEH will be her new leading lady :P as for title 2 weeks...I have no idea what it's all about :))

post this coz I miss go eun chan :\">


omg please watch 49days and you will understand me why I want YEH to be in this screenwriter drama. It was great but pls prepare tissue in advance kekeke lol

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waaa everytime Missing You's teaser is shown on our local networks i stopped whatever i'm doing just to watch it!! >.< Good thing that it's shown in primetime, i think? cause the only show that's gonna end this week is the one in primetime. i mean it'll have more viewership ratings I can't wait for April 22, will definitely ask my mom to record it in HD! It's a very good news, cause i can watch yeh again on tv while waiting for latest news about her. I really miss her! 
I love the song that's being used in this MV, "Kay tagal Kitang Hinintay" is I've waited to long for you ;)

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Guest kevin1320

I just went to MAC store and got my sister a style surge lipstick. And the selling lady told me that "this color is a hot color this spring, a lot of people got it"

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