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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest shamien7

i cant understand, why u guys can find any more than friendship between JH & JD. despite how many times i rewatch their scenes, i dont see anything that calles love. of course, i know JH loves JD. but GHS's acting is so excellent that doesnt make me misunderstand the friendship between them. she is a little bit awkward beside JH, her smile is not as natural as with JP^^. all they talk about if not JP, it is JD's problems. nothing about their relationship, i guess, JD knows JH's love for her,but she cant faced it yet. & an angle like JH, even there were a person like him in real life, if i were JD, i wouldnt choose him. he likes an elder brother who can give u advice when necessary. he would not make u sad, but that's not love. it's so peaceful. the person who brings u many emotional expressions: hate, like, happy, angry, jealous, sad, hurt... is the one called lover.

only in late episode 16, i see sth more active from JH, he's really manly in that situation. like u guys have said, he will enter JP-JD's relationship now. but i wish, the PD sometimes makes JD solve her own problems. why in this situation, JH needs to beside her. does PD want to make the triangle much more harder (even it's so hard now)? & after that, JH will confess his love with JD. how JD responses to him? hate PD nim >"<

That is what exactly in my mind...after watching ep16, its so clear that JD doesnt has any feeling for JH anymore. she x even bother to think whats happening between them. for her, JH is a good friend, a shoulder to cry on (when JP made her sad). nothing more. In her mind, its all JP. huhu...i really hope JH realized that...and wont make any confession that can hurt himself more...i'll throw rotten eggs at mr PD if he make JH do that!

And IMHO...JH should cheer JD up instead of encouraging her to cry her eyes out...yes, she's sad...so i think wouldnt its better to make her laugh and forget about those hurtful moments..like what yijung did with gaeul to her stupid ex...revenge is sweet :lol: i always enjoy watching jealous JP

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Guest toomuchsmiling

Hi everyone! ^__^ I'm ne wto this thread but I'm not new to the drama. Since before it came out I heard of

it coming out and how everyone was excited about it! I had REALLY wanted to watch it but wasn't sure.

But then it's received so much popularity I was like, "It MUST be good." And a friend of mine at school (it must have been fate) :lol:

She's Chinese, but she goes, "Have you ever heard of Flowers Over Boys?" and i was just thinking omg.

And asked "You mean Boys Over Flowers?" XD She's from Tauwan and saw the taiwanese version when she was like

in 4th grade but she was telling me how great the korean one was and wanted me to watch it. So that was it for me.

Long story short,

Watched it. LOVED it. And P.S., i caught up with this thread as much as I could. :P

There are SO many things I want to say about everything...

How Lee Jung is such a player but he looks so handsome when he's doing his pottery,

how I love Woo Bin's funky English, how much I'd wanted to punch

in Ga Eul's old bf's face like Jun Pyo cuz he was such a jerk, how much I wanted to punch in Jun Pyo's too-smug-sometimes

face when he said "You're a stain that I want to erase", how fun the scene was when they were "spying" on Lee Jung and Ga Eul

on their "date", how I love the clothes, the plot and the vacation scenes, how I really liked Ha Jae and how she bit Jun Pyo (lol) *ouch*, and so so

so so so so many more things. But for now I'll just say, yup I'm a huge fan!!

And i'm TOTALLY buying the DVD set whenever it releases..i've even got my best friend excited to watch it

once I buy it and we'll watch it over at her house and she's not asian or anything like that. :w00t:

Question- though, Does the DVD set come out before/during its debut in Japan or does it usually come out

after it's done in Japan? W/ English subtitles correct? (most do, i believe?) thanks! :)

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For me, if and when JD reunites JH with his Grandfather, it will make up for the sacrifice of of the silent love for JD that JH gave up to JP. So, he might not get the JD's love but he will get just as an important love -- the love of family. Some might say its a cold comfort but he is still hung up on the loss of his parents.

Think about this: JH never really have JD's love but for a fleeting moment. It was never as strong and as enduring as JD's feelings for JP. When she encouraged JH to follow SEH, she did it forcefully and with conviction. When JD tries to tell JP that JK is nice and really likes him, it was like she was trying to convince herself that it was okay when it was that last thing she wanted said or want them to be together.

So, I never saw the JH-JD relationship then and now.

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Guest grass05

maybe someone mentioned this already but I'm so glad in ep 15 that JD didnt get the chance to accept the shoes JP bought for her.

Giving the gift of shoes means that the receiver will leave the giver.. So JD will leave JH and JK (who picked up JP's gift) at the airport will leave JP. that leaves JP and JD to be together. :rolleyes:

w8..how`d you find out about this shoe thing?

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Guest squeaky

I think everyone will get their happy ending, or else the Korean fans will be terribly angry. And although I know that...I still can't help but watch will happen in the next eight episodes. I like how their love/hate relationship developed. In the process of being separated, their love for each other grows stronger, because of all the obstacles they had to go through. It would be very disappointing if Joonpyo and JanDi don't end up together in the end..but I know it'll end the way it has ended for all the other BOF's, for it is the storyline. Or else it wouldn't be BOF/HYD.

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For me, if and when JD reunites JH with his Grandfather, it will make up for the sacrifice of of the silent love for JD that JH gave up to JP. So, he might not get the JD's love but he will get just as an important love -- the love of family. Some might say its a cold comfort but he is still hung up on the loss of his parents.

Think about this: JH never really have JD's love but for a fleeting moment. It was never as strong and as enduring as JD's feelings for JP.

So, I never saw the JH-JD relationship then and now.

I think Jandi is always thankful JH for everything he has done to her. The feeling she had for him not just "fleeting" . Somehow I feel it was really deep and unforgetable. When Jae Kyung asked her about her first love, (JD considered JH as her first - so sad), and she revealed that it was so dull with him. The answer means she has a lot of feelings for him and those hurted her as much as him.

Somebody said that it is a fate if you can meet and love someone. I think JH and Jandi just have fate to meet but not destiny to love. I did not pity JH. Jandi gave him her first love and will bring back his most precious love: the love of family. It may be cruel to hear but I think that is enough for everyone even JH.

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Guest lilnahnah

Question- though, Does the DVD set come out before/during its debut in Japan or does it usually come out

after it's done in Japan? W/ English subtitles correct? (most do, i believe?) thanks! :)

Um...you mean in Korea? I'm confused -.-;;

The dvds are released after the whole series is finished airing

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Great insights from everyone! I really enjoy reading all the comments, be it negative or positive.

I hope Jun Hee starts to play a bigger role here and show JP what a pabo he is. JP has given up and forgot the words he said the Jandi at the airport when they were saying goodbye to Seo Hyun.

It makes me wonder what she would do now because she knows that JD still loves JP and after seeing JP will know that JP still loves JD. Go Go Joon Hee!!!

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I actually think that Jaekyung is not such a bad fit with GJP though. She's like a little older (and richer) version of JanDi...similar personalities. JanDi is still keeping the necklace that GJP gave her - this series has a lot of frustrating moments for me though. Like why they misunderstand almost every situation, and no one says anything to clear it up...to the point where it's extreme. But i've found that Japanese anime does this a lot more than in Korean. I'm also amazed at the amount of screentime Hyun Joong get's given the fact that it's his first drama. I still think he looks stiff and awkward though...he'll get better. The side story with Jihoo's grandfather is a good diverge, although i find it hard to believe that the former President would be working as a family doctor in some little clinic...

In Episode 16 i recognized the Prince Edward luxury noraebang in Hongdae. I've been in that exact same room they were in. :)

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Have these been posted?

Another netizens' leak of pictures again

Looks like there will be a scene where JP will save JD from drowning in the pool?



credit: DC Minho

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I think Jandi is always thankful JH for everything he has done to her. The feeling she had for him not just "fleeting" . Somehow I feel it was really deep and unforgetable. When Jae Kyung asked her about her first love, (JD considered JH as her first - so sad), and she revealed that it was so dull with him. The answer means she has a lot of feelings for him and those hurted her as much as him.

Somebody said that it is a fate if you can meet and love someone. I think JH and Jandi just have fate to meet but not destiny to love. I did not pity JH. Jandi gave him her first love and will bring back his most precious love: the love of family. It may be cruel to hear but I think that is enough for everyone even JH.

I know that JD considered JH her first love, but I thought when JK asked Jandi about someone that she loved...the answer she gave referred to JP and not JH. The answer she gave JK was bittersweet...I thought she was thinking about JP and not JH. I need to watch episode 16 again.

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Guest lilnahnah

Have these been posted?

Another netizens' leak of pictures again

Looks like there will be a scene where JP will save JD from drowning in the pool?



credit: DC Minho

OMG if that happened I would DIEEEE

the fangirl inside of me would be squealing in delight and jumping up and down in excitement.

Although I'm not sure what exactly is happening...

I mean, Jandi can't swim anymore, yeah...competitively

That doesn't mean she would have forgotten how to swim altogether ...

I guess we'll have to wait and see what these pictures are all about :D

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Guest squeaky


Thanks for posting the pictures ^^

First, it was JD rescuing JD, and now it's the other way around. Does that mean he finally found the courage to swim?! :D Maybe only Jandi could motivate him to rescue her...I wonder what ep this is >< And that pool looks so shallow.

JK may resemble JD...But I think if JP starts liking JK a little, he'll realize that JK can never be JD because JD is...JD. XD I'll stop speculating for now XD

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The scholarship was a PR move by Madam Kang to stem the outrage and protest from the citizens and netizen of JaHae's brother's attempted suicide, which was caused by F4. JD saved him and she was labeled "Wonder Woman."

So, the scholarship will stay in place regardless if JD swims or not because if she is kicked out, it could bring more protest and outrage.

EDIT: The outrage was about spoiled, privileged kids so giving a scholarship to an underprivileged kid (Jandi) helped mollified the protests.

i thought about that...

i think the whole scholarship idea is SO flawed and a lame idea... -___-

they should have just stuck with the original plot...because that way people wouldn't be laughing at Jandi when she says she wants to be a doctor because in the original plot, makino had gotten into the school academically, meaning she was smart from the beginning. Also, because her parents are paying for such an expensive school, it tied the family closer to each other and the matter of money becomes more important. It would have made a lot of things make more sense....

and its not like the public remembers jandi as wonder woman anymore.

her five minutes of fame have come and gone.

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OMG if that happened I would DIEEEE

the fangirl inside of me would be squealing in delight and jumping up and down in excitement.

Although I'm not sure what exactly is happening...

I mean, Jandi can't swim anymore, yeah...competitively

That doesn't mean she would have forgotten how to swim altogether ...

I guess we'll have to wait and see what these pictures are all about :D

he he, the important thing here is, JP saves her. OMG, seeing this pic really make me glad after episode 16. would this enable them make up?

p/s: seeing MinHo body again? :rolleyes: ha ha

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Are we sure its JD? I see hints of bangs but it might not be JD but JK.

In the TW, when they were at Shigeru's hot springs villa, Shancai faints in the pool but Rui rescues her. It could be the twist.

I would literally die if JP throws away his fear and rescues JD.

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