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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest zaq112

Does anyone have the mu download link to the last episode?

I was trying to DL it at Aja-Aja but the site is down :-(

I downloaded from k-aigo.

Thanks to everyone who provided the links and subs for BOF. I'm looking forward to watching ep 25 despite the angry comments I've read so far. I loved the cast and I'm sad to see the show end.

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Guest etoile

Did Mama Kang "magically" change and accept JD and become a housewife?

How did Papa Kang wake up?

What is Woobin up to?

Did Junhee divorce her husband and move back to Korea?

What happened?!

im really sorry but WHY do we need to know all of this?? if everything you people nitpick were to be put into the show it'd be about a hundred episodes long!

how did papa gu wake up? well obviously he'd been stirring even when jandi was there and he woke up sometime in the four years.

mama kang probably didnt magically change. perhaps she just realized her faults.

woobin...? okay that's a good question.

and maybe junhee and her husband relocated in korea.

and to your what happened question in the four years that passed.

gaeul become a pottery teacher.

yijung came back and stopped by her classroom FIRST. ( WHICH WOULD OBVIOUSLY MEAN THAT THEY WOULD GET TOGETHER to some of you people who werent satisfied. )

woobin fell off the face of the earth.

papa gu woke up.

mama kang retired.

junhee got her moms spot.

jihoo got into med school on his first try and is going to start his residency.

jandi got rejected three times so shes still in her first year.

jihoo's grandpas clinic closed cause he probably wasnt healthy enough (or died i durnO) and

junpyo came back .

and i dont understand the people saying its a OPEN ending. HOW IS IT AN OPEN ENDING?

have you guys never seen an open ending? an open ending is a LOVERS IN PARIS ending. it's a DO AS YOU WISH ending. wow to you people COFFEE PRINCE probably seemed like an open ending because they were sitting down and drinking cofffee in the last scene.

BOFs ending was closed. it was obviously junpyo-jandi. she would have obviously accepted if f3 hadnt gotten there. and i thought it was cute how the f3 said 'objection'. i mean really, were some of you expecting a wedding kids and honeymoon? what percentage of korean dramas that you watch have that? uh like 5% maybe.

personally i found BOF to be a good drama because i had no expectations. and i also didnt nitpick the bad to make it worse.

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--- loved how Jun Pyo has his arms around Jandi.---

I'm satisfy with the last 60 seconds of BOF's ending, it's crystal clear who Jandi's life long companion is. Afterall, they're still young and has a long life ahead. The future is beyond our imagination, beyond our grasp, in a sea of vast opportunities (or WHATEVER!!!!). No kiss by the sea, soooo sad. At least, the diamond ring looks BIG. =)

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Guest F4fan

While I was slightly disappointed with the ending, I was prepared for them looking out into the sunset as if looking towards to the future. I have seen enough dramas to know that that was a potential ending. I am glad that JP proposed because I know that JP and JD will have a future and it was not just a moment. I am not worried about the other story lines such as how and when JP's father comes out of his coma or what happened to JH's Grandfather. They have served their purpose in relation to the maturity of JP and JH. I think the only outstanding question I have is does JP's mother accept JD. That was never defined.

After all JP and JD went through, I think apologies and explanations become unnecessary. They know that they came so close to losing each other forever and they each will regret it for the rest of the lives. That knowledge is more valuable than apologies. The pool scene where JD is listing all the attributes of JP was so touching. She really loves that idiot. And, seriously, how does GHS look beautiful floating down to the bottom of the pool?

The conversation in the cable car was very good -- a mix of humor and sadness. I am also glad that JD was determined to not let JP railroad her into following his dreams and stood up for her own dreams. JP, in the past, would have pushed JD to accept his way but he understood that JD is her own person, too. He knows that she needs to be his equal if not in wealth at least in independence. I think KBS was afraid to get hit with a censor violation because that kiss was starting to get hot.

At first, I wanted JP to punish Yumi but really, he needed to punish himself and almost losing JD was punishment itself. After being saved, Yumi and to a great extent JH no longer matter. It was about JP and JD.

I've enjoyed about 90% of this drama. I love it more than Meteor Garden or HYD because of GHS and LMH. They wore their emotions on their sleeves. All the other actors were great but GHS and LMH really shined through. I just wanted more interaction between them. I am going to miss them and Boys Over Flowers.

I do hope for a special and an interview with at least the 5 main cast.

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Thank you for the link. I took off work today so that I can watch the last episode without reading the spoiler and was disappointed aja-aja was down with virus.

So I had to read the spoilers to see what was going on and couldn't wait so downloaded LQ to see what happend. I was expecting the worst from the comments here but I wasn't disappointed with the ending as I thought I would be. Yes, we don't have definite answer but I'm going to assume it's "yes" to his proposal (to make myself happy!).

And also just wanted to thank everyone for the inputs and this thread made my boring work days go fast. Now that it's finished, I can go back and re-watch it without stress. It's been really stressful watching this drama for the last 1-1/2 months (beginning was fun so I wasn't stressed)....I think I got more white hair thanks to BOF! LOL!

I know alot of you complained about JK being on the drama too long but I thought this is just "Korean style" of drama. After watching numerous Taiwanese and Japanese dramas, I noticed each country have "their" own style of drama. I have watched Meteor Garden and Hana Yori Dango and read Korean written BOF manga and none of them were stressful as the Korean version.

Now I feel I need a break from Korean drama and move onto less stressful drama...such as japanese dramas which I'm really enjoying.

Anyway, I hope Koreans make another manga based dramas....like Hana Kimi. I think it'll be fun to watch.

Again thank you everyone.

P.S. Flower Pot. I'm really looking forward to reading you fanfix. I hope once you are done, you'll post the link here so that we can all enjoy your sense of humor. Maybe you can give happy ending that everyone is craving.

I downloaded from k-aigo.

Thanks to everyone who provided the links and subs for BOF. I'm looking forward to watching ep 25 despite the angry comments I've read so far. I loved the cast and I'm sad to see the show end.

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Guest hillz3388

havent watched episode 25 YET, still in the process of dl-ing!! but ml_87 thankx for the beaitiful capz of our JoonDi couple!! and must i stress, am pretty sure JD opened her mouth there!!! :lol: hahah *clapz* hooray!!! XD

from the capz of the ending that multiple people have already posted, i dont think its that bad of an ending, BUT it really does need a special movie or something to finish it off completely, nicely with the wedding, future and kids, finish off letting us know what will happent to SoEul couple, JH's grandad, witch Kang, and sleeping dad, oh and woobin? still havent really seen his story yet? aside from feeling outcasted from the F3 due to his family bg? if the special will kindly cover all these then thats it!! the equation solved!!

hope the news about the special a week later is true!! *fongers crossed* IF its true, then maybes this will explain why the PD/script writer left it like this? hmm dont know, but she has to face some harsh comments aswell as nice ones in the so many following dayz! lolz!!

am happi happi girl knowing that its a JoonDi ending, cz if it diverted any further, i wouldve cried T^T

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OK, I've just finished watching the last episode. I apologize beforehand if my comment would offend anyone, but believe me, no offense meant. Just that I've to write out my thoughts as a way to conclude the way I live my life this past 3 months.

Teared up, no no no, not when JP saved JD. No no no, not when JP proposed to JD. And no no no, not when JP can't remember JD. Can't believe this, but I teared up when I saw JD dancing with F3. It is as if her voice over is doing a summary of the whole drama - how we will remember F3 at least.

Before I watched this final episode, I read from this forum that it's an open ending. But after I watched this episode, I thought all relationships have been concluded! JP is definitely going to be with JD, whether she nods her head or not, whether she says yes or no. Reactions from the 2 told us everything. We are smart viewers, and I do not think they have to confirm the love of these two by showing the scene that both of them got married and reconfirm with scene of them having kids?!

As for YJ and GE, I thought, well isn't it good enough that she always has YJ in her mind (her student confirm this) and that YJ has never forgotten/got over her (rushing to see her right after he arrived at the airport). So, they're ending up together. What is so open about that? Do we need similar scenes mentioned above to confirm and reconfirm this relationship?

Plus, I guessed if the drama showed the scene of them getting married, having kids etc, some of us will bash the drama too, saying that it's too typical etc.

I like Woo Bin and sad to say, his scenes in this drama are very little. But then again, this manga has never been about anyone else except JD and JP even when the very first thing people would associate this drama with is the name 'F4'. It's always been a struggling love story about a poor girl and rich guy. From the very beginning, I watch this drama with an open mind, although yeap, I was rooting for GE-YJ couple - I was hot for Kim Bum. haha. But then, I knew and always know they are not the focus of this drama. And regardless how romantic JH is, he is never the guy that would get the girl in the end - i know, I read the manga and watch Meteor Garden I, II and all the spin offs acted by those Taiwanese. So, I never complain about air time of certain cast or couple, etc.

I made some comments about the irregularity in the drama - E.g YJ taking GE out to a fast food outlet. Well, still think it's weird, but it could be some sponsor stint. Or like somebody said, YJ is bringing himself closer to GE's world. I don't know. But then this drama is a fiction, we are not supposed to ask why would YJ an GE be at the NamSan stairs after eating at fast food etc. Actually, as a viewer we have to pretend we don't know where is where. They need great set up - so they find nice location - then they shoot. Shouldn't be a problem if we are not familiar with Korea.

I think I should wake up from my make believe world now. A world without F4. A world where Monday and Tuesday do not seems like forever anymore.

Guys, thanks for all the posts, previews, videos, etc. Love you all.

Signing off.....

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Guest babiplucki

if anyone is a pack-rat like me and wants to save all the pics drawn by Lunar Sea, I've zipped them all up into one file.

I'm pretty sure this is all of them...52 total...


EDIT: Make that 63 total pics...


EDIT 2: Now it's 71 pics...


credit Lunar Sea @ baidu

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Guest lucky_moon

thank you for providing the MU link for ep 25

i just want to ask do you know where i can find the English subtitle for ep 25

thanks alot

when the sub will be out it'll post here..

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these were my thought watching the last episode.

Yumi's leg healed so quickly. I thought it was broken.

BOF is probably the first modern drama to use witchcraft.

All of Jandi's dress must be ugly because she spends too much money on buying Marc Jacob bags and Colonize sweaters.

The graduation party was pathetic.

High Schoolers do not dance the waltz, no matter how rich they are.

What was the point of Jandi reading to Junpyo's dad in coma?

Junhee is the president?

Did she just ditch her husband in LA?

Jandi's dad must have died.

So did the porridge shop owner

and probably jihoo's grandfather too.

Jandi treats work like it's nothing and comes and goes whenever she pleases.

If i was the porridge shop owner, I would have fired her a long time ago...

but the owner's dead, so i guess he can't.

Jandi treats school like it's nothing too

she ditches her sunbaes at the volunteer clinic to go see Junpyo.

and shes already in bad terms with her sunbae for being irresponsible.



it's over.

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Guest honeybeat44

that ending was WHACK! the producers and scriptwriters need to be slapped

hopefully there will be a special next week.

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Guest xbeybidollx

i dunno why others are complaining about the ending but the last episode is very touching especiallythe pool scene i cried bcuz it was amazing how JUN PYO saved JANDI that is the very important task of JP he said b4 he will d one to only save Jandi and yes that is their 1st kissing scene when Jandi saved JP before nicely done. I just hoped JP would yell at Umi at the end of that scene while walking carrying Jandi (its like in ur face BIATTCH) :lol:

And the Namsam Tower is very memorable to them i like how they put old scenes like the 1st time JP ask Jandi for a date he is so cute with the beanie on him

The last scene how JP proposes is vey cool too hopefull this will have MOVIE Version soon ^_^ and to ll complaining about kissing scenes the pool KISSING SCENE is a bit torrid how JP tryin to put air to Jandi'mouth hehehe he is almost ou of breath in the 2nd time he tried to mouth to mouth for Jandi so freakin hot ^^


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Guest etoile


these were my thought watching the last episode.

Yumi's leg healed so quickly. I thought it was broken.

BOF is probably the first modern drama to use witchcraft.

All of Jandi's dress must be ugly because she spends too much money on buying Marc Jacob bags and Colonize sweaters.

The graduation party was pathetic.

High Schoolers do not dance the waltz, no matter how rich they are.

What was the point of Jandi reading to Junpyo's dad in coma?

Junhee is the president?

Did she just ditch her husband in LA?

Jandi's dad must have died.

So did the porridge shop owner

and probably jihoo's grandfather too.

Jandi treats work like it's nothing and comes and goes whenever she pleases.

If i was the porridge shop owner, I would have fired her a long time ago...

but the owner's dead, so i guess he can't.

Jandi treats school like it's nothing too

she ditches her sunbaes at the volunteer clinic to go see Junpyo.

and shes already in bad terms with her sunbae for being irresponsible.



it's over.

im sorry. did you like anything about this series? all i read from you are sarcastic comments about hiw horrible and blah this series was. you're quite the masochist if you were willing to put up with this 'horrible' drama

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While I also wanted a very clear-cut happy ending with a honeymoon or junior F4s, AND LET'S NOT FORGET ONE LAST TOPLESS JP SCENE, I'm actually not that disappointed with the ending we got.

I agree with etoile that it's not really an open ending. We know that JP and JD will end up married. And I really enjoyed how they brought the characters back full circle: JP with the helicoptor (incorporating both how he goes to school and the scene on the school yacht trip), going back to Namsam Tower for a final date, JP still arrogant, and JH finally looking at peace and sleeping all over the place. Although there was that comment about how he didn't just become a doctor for his grandfather. Jeez... either the SW is in love with JH or she really hates him. Give him some closure for crying out loud. And I (sort of) liked how they kept the JunDi couple still young (i.e. the same bickering and teasing). I liked it because it's cute, but I didn't like it because they're older now and should be more than that.

What I didn't like:

  1. I really, really, really wanted to see JP go apemini cooper on Yumi for lying to him
  2. JD looked terrified or something during that last kiss scene. What was that? Can you look even a LITTLE bit excited or romantic or whatever?
  3. They say that YJ is a cold Casanova, but I think JD can give him a run for his money. Other than their last picnic date, all the times that JP and JD are supposed to be a happy carefree couple, JD always seems to back away from JP. I would have liked to see a little more closeness when JP and JD were standing beside his red car, or while in the cable car.
  4. JD hasn't seen JP in 4 years (and I guess we're to assume they haven't been communicating either?) and she doesn't run towards him on the beach? WTH????? Can she show a little excitement?
  5. JD could have at least smiled at JP when he proposed
  6. I really, really, really, really wanted one last glimpse of our favorite 6-pack/8-pack/chocolate bar

Otherwise, the ending kept in line with the tone of the rest of the drama.

Adios, fellow BOF fans.

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I just wanted to say - this hsd been a great drama to watch. I basically had to skim through the Yumi section (latter part of ep. 24 and begin of 25) and continue watching until "the end". I also have to remind myself this is from a manga (sp) and if this is real life, I would be really disappointed. This drama had me glued to Monday/Tuesday for the last couple of months. It has also brought out all my "closet" friends who have been watching this drama without each knowing about it. So until we have a reunion (season 2 maybe), keep fighting!!!

Thank you Flower_pot for your review. I can't wait for your comment on ep. 25. Also for ALL (you know who you are) for your pros/cons, review, spoilers.

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Guest xbeybidollx

im sorry. did you like anything about this series? all i read from you are sarcastic comments about hiw horrible and blah this series was. you're quite the masochist if you were willing to put up with this 'horrible' drama

hahaha i agree wid you about what that lilshinhwafreak posted BUT well as the saying goes YOU CNT PLS EVERYBODY... there are some people who were really hard to pls bu WHATEVER OTHER SAYS ABOUT THIS DRAMA IT WAS SURELY GOT FAMOUS AND SUCCESFUL... thats all so others might say bullshiett about this Drama but its too late now bcoz its already ended and the ratings they wanted the popularity for the drama they wanted and the actors GOT FAMOUS especially LEE MIN HO & F4 MEMBERS also Goo Hye Sun its useless now for them to read bad comments coz for the casts and crew of BOYS OVER FLOWERS... they will just say TO ALL FANS GOODBYE AND THANK YOU FOR WATCHING WITH US UP TO THE END AT LEAST WE DIDNT END IT WITH A DREAM :lol: hehehe

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