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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest samgirl

the ending is similar with the japanese version; but by GOD ; would it kill Jandi to NOD her pretty little head when the OOOhhh Soooo DASHING JunPyo asked her to marry him; if i were she ; I'd jump him right there and then!!

i hope against hope that the'd be a special...

heck! i want a movie too! i mean you know to tie the loose ends... =D

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okay I have finished this drama

and I really want to share my own opinion

at the beginning I was with all the hype to watch this drama

but as time goes by I found myself didn't even interesting with this whole storyline

for me, the best part of this drama is soeul

yeah that the only reason why I kept watching this drama so far

I think this version is the worst ever damn it, they ruined the originality of their manga

why should they try to follow the manga's story if they ruined it at the middle of the story?

it's all about the main character

I heard that the ending (at first) would be jh and jd, that's why I was rooting for this couple, and I was curious about what will their story would be but then again the PD disappointed me they've changed the script due to JP's high popularity, such a usual korean drama,right?

and about the cast

I think the best cast they've ever have is Madam Kang

she is the best actress for me, she can give me a lot of feelings toward her

and the worst cast for me is geum jandi

sorry but I'm not with a lot of you who thought that ghs fitted her role

maybe she is the main reason for me why I lost my bof's addiction

she's just too old, I can even saw her wrinkle and with the school uniform, blah

Wait a second, you wanted them to maintain the originality right? Then why are you disappointed? Since originally, Jandi is supposed to end up with Junpyo and not with Jihu. I don't think they ever wanted the script to be a JD+JH coupling. That would totally twist the manga. So what you're saying is, if you found out about the ending (JP+JD) you'd root for them?

I personally think ghs fits the role. It's not about what she looks like but it's about her acting. She was great at the cute and especially the sad scenes. To me, Min Ho certainly proved he could act. He did a great job at all his scenes, especially his jealous and crying scenes.

The ending wasn't a disappointment to me because it's the same as HYD2. Besides, we all know she'd say yes. Maybe they purposely ended it that way so they could make a movie or something :D

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Guest shamien7

I'd like to ask if we can have the use of the venue, (the olympic stadium) after and tie the PD and scriptwriter to a post while BOF FANS pelt them with tomatoes... HARD, FROZEN ONES... THOUSANDS OF EM

I suggest...frozen rotten tomatoes!

We all miss you here flower_pot! Huhu...truly this is the best April Fool ever for me...

3 months I dedicated my life to BOF, care about nothing except BOF...being a truly ardent shipper....just to watch the story going down into the drain...and finally...grand rubbish ending! Their reason for the stupid plots is the dumbest ever!

The casts did their best and they suffered the most...while the production crews busy giggling over the high rating....wth...the PD n SW shld be banish to the world's end! :ph34r:

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Guest changminnie<3


could some kind soul pls sub what jandi said at the pool to junpyo? i barely understood a word of what she said, and i was already tearing. pretty please? dying to know.

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wow finally everything has ended, i can return to my normal life. phew!! well today's highlight was the pool scene. i simply like the way when jandi falls beautifully into the the pool helding the necklace in her hand and of course junpyo save her!! and seriously i do not like the ending, it is not satisfying at all. If there is a special bof, i hope it is not some kind of another crappy stuff.

Overall the storyline was messy in season 2 but still not bad ^^. Hoping to see the f4 and all the cast in bof to collaborate once again but not with the group 8 and same scriptwriter, pls!!

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Guest meii meii

Though I haven't watch epi 25, but I know what to expect after reading the replies and watching the preview.

OMG SERIOUSLY SCREW THE PDs MAN! KOREAN PDs FREAKING SUCK!!!!!!!!! From the beginning till somewhere near the end, everything was oh-so-good. BUT WHY DO THEY HAVE TO ALWAYS SCREW UP THE ENDING PART? Gosh! :( That is always the case. Bummer! :(

Imma fly to Korea to freaking kill all the PDs!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest sarah_kim

I haven't watched this yet. but reading all of the above...

I wish they would have a special episode >//< the japanese

version had a movie!! :) :) pleaseeeeeee haha

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Guest honey-pie

The scriptwriter prob. wanted a JH&JD ending, but couldn't get it, so she screwed Jundi fans over as much as she could.

Just for the sake of it, I'm going to say JD rejects JP's proposal after the beach scene and runs off with JH!


and then GE runs off with JP ^^

man, but i really hoped to see a wedding scene... maybe some kids as well ^^

and i definetly miss a GE and YJ kiss :mellow:

let's wait for a special :D

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Guest eternitygoddess

Did they ever explain what happened to JH's grandfather? Did the old doctor die? Is he alive? Is he in a nursing home?

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I'm watching the drama now and i'm in the cable car scene. I'm only know basic korean words and phrases..Joonpyo did propose to Jandi there...did anybody get that too? I think JP wanted to marry JD first before going away for 4 years...anybody please correct me on this :)

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Guest xuann

Gosh. It has ended. When Paradise played... I felt sad for a moment.

Why didn't F3 appear only after Jandi said yes??? WHYYYYYYY. But it's obvious that it's a happy ending.. Just that it wasn't stated. Not too bad though there are some regrets..

Oh yes.. I must say that yumi girl is totally extra. She doesn't even need to be there. I don't think anybody will complain if she wasn't in the drama. hahaha.

Anyway... I think all the actors did a great job for their individual roles. Hye Sun's portrayal of Jandi was great and so was Minho, Kim Bum, Kim Jun and Hyun Joong...

Whether or not there is a special or movie or sequel.. it doesn't really matter to me...

To szne09: Yup. He did propose to her but she declined..

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Guest dudung


What happened?!

PD n SW just CRAP lol!!!!! They should join mama kang in the outerspace

I couldn't agree with you more.. <_< I hope the PD and SW couldn't sleep well for many many many nights after they ruin the fans hope of a happy ending with hideous storyline!

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon


crying will stop now T_T.

i can't believe i spent 3 months on this, was really worth it though :D

packed up my whole Mondays & Tuesday :D

i'm still duper sad that it is ending.

Generally, i'm one of those nice people who, to tell the truth i was satisfied

with the ending wouldn't mind another season though HAHA :P

i guess i was just too hyped up that its ending or more like sad, i just had to watch it.

it was okay, but i kept saying"DANG IT! JANDI! SAY YES!! ALREADY!!!!"

ahh...now for my analysis:

*DAng IT! Jandi & Jihoo should've pushed Yumi into the pool while they had the chance

i was crying when Jandi & Juny were at the pool, couldnt stop, & then she just had to drop herself into the pool, which made me wept more, & then BOOM! there comes F3 & a huge group of people, which made me sob more, endlessly & then BAM!! there goes Junpyo hestitantly trying to remember Jandi, (and me crying more, yeah, i know, i have issues XD) and then! BOOOOOOOOOMMMM! Juny jumps into the pool.!

YESSSSS! THANK THE HEAVENS!!!!!!! (he shouldve tooken his shirt off first though XD)

*Dang it motorcycle guy, DIE DIE!! (i have no more patience for whoever gets in JoonDi's way)

*& the graduation, how hott did F3 look? + Jandi dancing with them was sooo cute, esp.when it was with Prince WooBin<3

*& how Swweettttt is Junpyo<3 He takes her up to where they first had their date (aww, good memories there)

*KISSSSSSSSS! KISSSS! YEAH BABBABABBBBBYY! KISSSSSING. (i seriously was expecting more though)

*i seriously thought that the part where Junpyo was getting ready and you can see the camera was the end..i was about blow man.

*skip scences* YiJung is looking MIGHTY MIGHTY fine, HELLO! I'm SINGLE!!

*WELL, Hello hair extentions, (oh, thank god for them)

& Hello JiHoo in glasses *thinks naughty..again*

*Skip scenes* then here we go, looking at the almighty JunPyo looking might hott, by the ocean, looking hotter then ever. *Joondi hugs* DANGGGGGGGGG ITTTT! JUST SAY YESSSS ALREADY so since JD didnt answer Junpyo, it means another season right?!?! tehehe

*ending: wow! look how hott F4 are, reminds me of ep.1 when they were all together, and nothing of this nature happended. We end with the all mighty hott, rich, fine, hott,perfect, beastly, sexy, did i mention hott?, F4 smiling & Jandi.

yayyyyy! WAIT! i mean NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! then it ends.

but there was soo many loose ends to this drama, we NEED MORE EXPLANATIONS.

I really enjoyed this drama though. Going to miss it soooo sooo mcu<3

I'm gonna buy it once it comes out<3 oh YEAH :D

I'm going to miss them soo much..ALL MIGHTY F4. they made 3 months of my life

hott & worthwhile<3

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To say that the ending is disappointing is an understatement! Everything just feels so unfinished. So many loose ends left up in the air. Esp no mention of how Mama Kang comes to accept JD. WTH? it was like fierce fight all the way then zilch. nothing.

and the cable kiss! <_< i think there was more lip action during the CPR scene. the kiss started so well and Im positive I saw LMH and GHS start to part their lips slightly and then....zilch. fades to black and zoom out. they sure know how to leave us wanting more :angry:

why oh why couldn't it have ended on a better note? it's left me with this bittersweet aftertaste...

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Guest ml_87

I feel like flying to Korea right now and slapping the director(or whoever it was who wrote the ending script) left, right, down, up, center.

Maybe he accidently yelled CUT~! just before Jandi could've said YES to Junpyo's proposal.

Or the scriptwriter could've accidently left out the word YES on the script.

Either way, I just feel like kicking and slapping them. Why would they do that on the last episode?!?!?!

Is it so hard?

Ok fine, if they didn't want Jandi to mouth the word Y-E-S......they could have at least made her NOD HER FREAKING HEAD. That would have made the ending so much better. I don't want to just ASSUME that Jandi accepted the proposal. I want confirmation with a YES or a NOD OF HER HEAD.

And and....what did the director say about a "different" ending for Gaeul and YiJung? Different, my foot!

ha ha, i laughed like crazy when reading yr post. left, right, down, up, center.

yes, sorry to be rude but i think the scriptwriter deserves it. if u guys read an article abut the interview with her, u might be go insane! <_<

Anyone here knows what time Hyun Joong's fan meet would be finished?

I'd like to ask if we can have the use of the venue, (the olympic stadium) after and tie the PD and scriptwriter to a post while BOF FANS pelt them with tomatoes... HARD, FROZEN ONES... THOUSANDS OF EM

ha ha, u always make me laugh, flowerpot! yr humor is great!! keep on guys! if we have a chance, i will support u guys entirely!

btw, just rewatch episode25! Goo Jun Pyo, u dun know how to do CPR, right? u just take advantage of the situation to kiss JD! to me, it a kiss more than the cable one! but, guys, does JD open her mouth? or my eyes have some problems? B)


and here, the ending theme: GJP-GJD.so we can see BOF is about this love. absolutely, it's not an open ending. JD chooses JP. i guess she hasnt said yet cazu we still have a special one with JoonDI's wedding and honeymoon.( to me, the season 2 is unnecessary. joonDI love is challenged enough)



to everyone who concerns about why Minho didnt join F3 at the " goodbye JH" event: he's in the hospital now. no worry! he needs to take a rest after a long time of frustration!

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Guest danick

I want more kisses but I was not disappointed with the ending.

It is still JP and JD happy ending. Definitely, I want a wedding but then seeing their happy faces in the end was enough for me. I do not need to hear Jandi say Yes because we all know that she will. She would not have risked her life and jump to the pool just to say no to JP.

I love the whole series. It entertained me these past few months and reminded me that true love conquers all.

There were many loopholes but what the heck, the series made me laugh, mad and cry and squeal and smile every episode plus the fact that it introduced me to four young hot guys and a cute spunky girl was a great bonus already plus great music as well, not to mention great abs - Min Ho shirtless is one of the best highlight of the series, pervy me hahahaha!

I just hope there is still a special next week. I don't want to say goodbye yet.

I love BOF! I love JP and JD! I love F4. I just wish that they told us what happened to Woo Bin but since I saw their smiling faces, Im sure he was happy too with whatever is going in his life.

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Guest jenjen4

I don't know about everyone else but I am satisfied with the ending. I think in part it was because I didn't expect too much and didn't get too exposed to the spoilers. I must say I really enjoyed the show and the last episode got me smiling ear to ear.

I am happy they ended up together and that they still kept the couple young and fresh. Although I have to admit it was a fast ending, I really have no complaints. The water scene and their interaction was sweet. I liked it alot. Regardless, I felt that the drama ended on a positive note and the only thing I would wish for is a more solid ending for Ga eul and Yijung, however, I thought that the implication was clear, nothing we can't imagine.

Boys Over Flowers, it's amazing how long it's been since the beginning and I think I'm happy it ended on a happy note.

Although not the greatest drama, I am not sure when I will be able to watch a similar show that kept me this entertained and full of anticipation.

Some things may be lacking but I have no bitterness of the storyplot or ending. I'm satisfied and happy. :)

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Guest flo27

if they could just put a good and quite long making out scene between JD and JP then it will surely paid off all the angst that we are feeling...why is it that there is very less skinship? two people believe to be in love but they barely held hands...(not even on that heartbreaking last date they had)whats wrong with JD and JP at least share a hug when they've seen each other again? yeah hugging when reunited is a cliche' but what the h_ck! it's a natural thing to do...If this story is so fiction and would take us to fantasy land then they just have to take us there all the way...we want something that would make us grin and giggle of giddiness..some scene that we would replay a hundred times even if it's less than a minute...

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

I want more kisses but I was not disappointed with the ending.

It is still JP and JD happy ending. Definitely, I want a wedding but then seeing their happy faces in the end was enough for me. I do not need to hear Jandi say Yes because we all know that she will. She would not have risked her life and jump to the pool just to say no to JP.

I love the whole series. It entertained me these past few months and reminded me that true love conquers all.

There were many loopholes but what the heck, the series made me laugh, mad and cry and squeal and smile every episode plus the fact that it introduced me to four young hot guys and a cute spunky girl was a great bonus already plus great music as well, not to mention great abs - Min Ho shirtless is one of the best highlight of the series, pervy me hahahaha!

I just hope there is still a special next week. I don't want to say goodbye yet.

I love BOF! I love JP and JD! I love F4. I just wish that they told us what happened to Woo Bin but since I saw their smiling faces, Im sure he was happy too with whatever is going in his life.

Ahhh... i think i have to agree with you on everything i do think that

there are still some loopholes that need to be sorted out by the PD & the writers.

(many fans are burning right now, i can just feel it XD)

HECK YEAS! one of my favorite highlights would have to be Minho shirtless *dies*

I personally think that if the PDs' werent SOOO strict on the skinship of this drama, we would be happier,

much much happier<3

i still love BOF though.

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