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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest funkindagirl

^ HAHAHA thats so cool.

I can see the resemblance in them (well not JP) but its funny how YJ face and JP's nose looks twice its size.

i know right who cares about Jandi,Junpyo or Ji Hoo i just want Yi Jeong and Ga Eual to end up together

I do want YJ & GE to end up together, but not really as concerned compared to JD & JP because for me their cute, sweet relationship kinda lost its way for me & fizzled out when YJ's whole back story with his ex was introduced. I still wish it had been YJ that did the chasing after GE rather than the other way round.

But I guess its a nice contrast to have it this way because its the opposite of JD's relationship with JP.

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I was kinda dragging my feet err fingers from doing a write-up of episode 23 because there have been a lot of good reviews like flowerpot’s very funny take on how JD should have done the kama sutra with JP before she left him. Those memories will surely stay in JP’s mind and even if he bangs his head and have amnesia, I don’t think he’ll ever forget…he…he… Anyway, GHS’s acting pulled me in because this young lady just blew me away. Majority noticed LMH’s fantastic acting but for me, this episode was clearly GHS’s and I’m happy that the real JD, the weed, came back. Episode 23 was a good improvement from it’s previous predecessors, it’s more cohesive and showed a number of memorable scenes plus, I got to see the best actors of BOF at their finest moments, LMH and GHS. It’s a pity Mr. pd man did not have a lot of scenes for them because when these two are together, they’re just mesmerizing. My dream is for them to do another drama/movie and my wish is a Korean adaptation of the movie “Twilight” based on the books of Stephenie Meyer. I would be totally ecstatic if that happens.

JP: “It feels I’m in a vague dream I had before right now.” What a beautiful thing to say; a great ending to an enjoyable day, even if there was a little third wheel in tow. Good way to practice their parenting skills. I hope, hope, hope that this is a foreshadowing of a little JP. Clearly, both of them had a good time, especially JP who had the widest grin that lit up his face. No matter how happy they were, I still felt an invisible wall dividing them because both were hiding secrets from each other. For example, when JP mentioned that he'd protect JD from then on, he failed to give the reason why he broke off with her in Macau. JD truly loves JP but she holds back and I can see why, she's not sure of him, judging from his past behaviour.


For the first time, JP took control when he confronted his mom to leave JD alone; in exchange, he'd work things out with JK Group. It's been a long time coming JP, errr Mr. pd man, you gave back JP's dignity. JP's efforts were futile because the witch wants her revenge and JP was no longer the issue but the fact that JD came between the merger of Shinwa and JK Group, it became personal for Madam de Sade.



Head Maid: "How in the world will you lead the future Shinwa Group when you can't even protect your woman completely?" My point exactly madam. I've been harping about this but Mr. pd man won't listen but at least he's beginning to see the light. The advise of the HM was thought provoking in that she challenged JP to get out of his comfort zone and face up to his trials, only then, can he consider himself a real man. These past episodes JP has been acting like a wimp that if I were JD I would have asked him “if he’s a man or a mouse; OK JP, “speak/squeak up.”


With the exception of the piano scene which was redundant, I like all the grandpa scenes because it brought a semblance of family, that even if JD leaves JH's side, he'll be ok because he and his grandpa found each other again. The affection of JH for his grandpa returned and the scene where JD showed him the sketches of his grandpa was touching in that it became apparent to JH that his grandfather loves him dearly. I love the grandpa because of his affection for JD and the way he tries to play cupid for his grandson. The evil witch was now spreading her venom not only to JD's family but those near and dear to her, namely GA and JH causing JH's grandpa to be hospitalized from the shock. I'm sure, as the past president, he would have clout and I am interested in what he'll do to help JD. I'd like him to ran the evil witch out of business so that she'll kneel in front of him and beg for mercy.


JD: "Bye, Geum Jan Di's honorable firefighter."Although JD's not in love with JH, she has deep affection for him to the point that she'll give up her own happiness for him. Just as I have mentioned before, this scene confirms that their being soulmates transcends human love. JH and JD may not be physically connected but their spirits are; they are kindred spirits.



JD: “ A dandelion lives as a dandelion and horseweed live as horseweed. A plantain also exists on the harsh grounds though the plantain that lives on the road can only grow angulated. In the rich soil it shows a different side and is dignified in it's own way. This way and that it doesn't forget it's shape and lives as a perfect plantain. That's where I learned it that I too must live as myself." The captivating passage that JD read to JP's dad aptly describes her because like the dandelion and horseweed, she's also a weed. JD is also like the plantain in that no matter where she is, whether in a harsh or rich environment, she'll not live a life of compromise, she'll want to honour that life by living as herself. I teared up when GHS was delivering her lines; how she can endure hunger and cold but cannot stand to see her loved ones suffer for her sake. Her intonation was just perfect; sad and yet soothing. When she left, JP's dad's finger twitched giving a hint that he may wake up from his coma. JD literally would bring him back from the dead.


JD: "I'm not losing to you President and I'm definitely not running away. Out of all the people I've met, you are absolutely the worst. I'm leaving because I don't want those that I love to be entangled with you. It's just heartbreaking that I can't save the person that I love the most from you." Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. pd man for bringing back my beloved JD, the weed, the Joan of Arc of Shinwa, F4, Grandpa, her parents, GA, especially JP. She made me believe again that underneath her meek as a lamb facade, she rose to the occasion to fight for the people she loved the most. It's true that she endured hunger, cold, being away from her family, the loss of JP, the insults of Madam Witch but she won't tolerate injustice. JD showed the witch how pathetically childish she was, fighting a poor, insignificant teen-ager who did nothing wrong but love her son. It was not even JD's fault that JP fell in love with her, yet, the witch was just looking for a victim to lay blame for something that's beyond her reach and influence. To her, JD was Helen of Troy, the face that launched a failed merger and caused Shinwa stocks to fall. What a stupid woman, she's giving JD too much credit for what happened to Shinwa. Indirectly, the witch is actually acknowledging that JD has power over her. Again, kudos to GHS, another class act. The unwavering intensity of her gaze when she was talking to the witch to the point that JP's mom could hardly look at her and then her eyes slowly welling up with tears when she turned around to leave was just awesome. Congratulations to Lee Hye Young whose acting is just flawless, I love that you are such a vile woman.



JD to JP: "I like you. No matter how hard I try not to like you...no matter how hard I try to erase you...I like you so much that I get upset that I can't do that." Oh, my heart was crying for them. They spent a perfect day only to break up in the end. JD's statement actually was already hinting she was not free to love him. The kiss was awkward but I found it cute that JP initially had his eyes open; he was probably shocked that JD initiated the kiss and was checking that she's actually kissing him. I liked JP's gesture of touching JD's hair, putting his arm on her shoulder and pinching her cheek. LMH was so natural that it made me think that those were unscripted. There have been an ongoing debate about the kiss between JP and JD and I for one, am not expecting much considering that this is a kdrama but the thing is, a kiss, if not properly done, just ruins the scene. Poor LMH and GHS, they were trying their darnest to just touch lips and not go any further. Even if they're actors, I am sure that they are also carried by their emotions because in order to be convincing, both have to be in character. So if you are JP and JD and you are in love, it's a natural reaction for you to kiss according to how you feel at that given moment. I noticed that LMH at one point had his mouth a little open and checking himself, immediately pursed his lips; how adorable is that? The swing kiss was a prime example, that's why LMH mentioned that it was his favorite scene because it showed the love between them by the way they naturally kissed.




JD to JP: "This time I've realized it that you and I are from different worlds. Though we met through some dream like destiny, but now it's time to return to our own worlds." After bringing JP to cloud 9 with her declaration that she likes him and initiating a kiss, JD let JP freefall to the ground by telling him that she's ending their relationship. JD was a little less cruel than JP, at least she did not call him a "stain" she'd like to erase. She just made him face the truth that they belong to different worlds and that she does not have the strength to sustain their love. Again, LMH and GHS just made my heart pound with the break-up scene. Both gave an outstanding performance with JP desparately trying to hang onto JD while JD was stoic and expressionless then later, breaking down when she was out of sight.






After the break-up JP went back to his self-destructive ways that landed him in the police station. He was even oblivious of the presence of Jun-hee and Mr Jang who came to bail him out. This scene was powerful because of LMH; he had an agonized expression on his face as he remembered JD, his eyes conveying a sense of loss and longing.





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WOW.....What an awesome cast this drama had. JP has the best actions for sure, JD as well , I loved how funny she can be such as when she was spying on her friend when she was out on that fake date :D ....she just made me laugh. Ku can pull off all the drama she is called on to do, sad, funny, shock, and the tears she can let them roll. I have enjoyed this drama and all of the cast. My two cents is a few days ahead but I am just feeling a happy ending for JP and JD .

fighting.......they sure have...thanks for all the great pic, inputs and sharing from everyone .

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Thank you sheherizade3 for caps and summary! I was looking forward to reading it...and as the days passed I thought you decided to abandon it! Thank goodness you didn't! BOF thread just isn't complete without your recaps and summaries of each of the episodes! Regarding the kissing scene, I know that it took GHS and LMH seven kisses until they got it perfectly right for the PD...wonder if the other kisses involved lips movement? LOL, I noticed in one pic GHS was kissing the top of LMH's lip and then another pics she was kissing him on the bottom lip! It's hard to kiss without any lips movement, wish mr. PD just let the actors kiss any way they want! it'll make it so much more enjoyable for us^_^

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Guest crazii3me

I think everthing about 2 last eps have been shown so much and the only thing I'm wondering now that whether there wouldn't be any Woo Bin own story. Just about his love or girfriend or some girl he would suddenly meet... is all right. All I need is just a clear his own story. OMG, poor Woo Bin! Why are they so cruel?

Its okay, I noe how you feel, but in the manga, he didn't really have a significant story, he appears in scenes with other characters. Well, Rui and Soujiro (Jihoo and Eejung) did have more significant roles in the manga. Look on the bright side because even though woobin doesnt have a lot of scenes, he still made an impact on the viewers. I can't believe BOF is gonna end. Now I will have nothing to watch.... khj is so gorgeous and he does seem more natural on screen now (fangirling) in the previews. And for Junpyo and Jandi, they are gonna end together for sure. The Soeul couple... im glad that eejung would have to do some chasing... im like finally.. gaeul did so much for him, its time for a role reversal

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Guest jolie

ok, i know this is an age old question, so i've tried going back several pages to see if there's a link or whatever for it, but i got as far as pg. 1097 before giving up...whatever happened to the "because i'm stupid" acoustic version? is that song not going to be released? was it meant only for the drama itself?

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Goo Hye Sun Defends Against Branded Shoes Accusation

In regards to the viewers’ criticisms on her poor girl role in “Boys Before Flowers” covering with branded goods, Goo Hye Sun has made an explanation during a recent interview and stated that “the truth isn’t as such”.

Goo Hye Sun explained : “There were recently some viewers who accused me of using branded products, which does not match with the poor living conditions of Geum Jan Di in the drama. However, the truth isn’t as such. The leather shoes that appeared in the Macau scene was bought from Dong Dae Mun. And it only costs 10 thousand Won per pair. Owing to the story’s needs, we bought two pairs.”

Shortly after the broadcast of the scene where Jan Di broke her shoes, some netizens commented on websites that Jan Di’s shoe was actually a Christian Louboutin, a French brand that costs over a million won in Korea. They proceed to criticize Goo Hye Sun and the team on their lack of consideration for these details.

Goo Hye Sun said: “Although Geum Jan Di is an ordinary girl, but she isn’t a girl from a poor family. The original manga of ‘Boys Before Flowers’ was a product of the 90s, it is adapted into a K-drama only now. Hence, discrepancies between the different eras will definitely be present. Moreover, I would discuss with the coordinators of the team everytime I received props (apparels, shoes etc) from the sponsors, to determine if they fit into the character’s personality and status.”

credit: hanfever

Kim Min Ji Next On ‘Boys Before Flowers’

As we edge towards the finale of “Boys Before Flowers” next week, there is just one last character to be introduced, and that is Jung Yoo Mi (Nakajima Umi in the manga), to be played by newcomer actress Kim Min Ji, who will form a triangle relationship with Goo Joon Pyo and Geum Jan Di in the final two episodes.

From the plot, Jung Yoo Mi appears after Joon Pyo had lost his memories and attempts to strain the relationship between Joon Pyo and Jan Di. In the original manga, Umi is a dual character who likes to tell lies. During Joon Pyo’s amnesia period, she lies to Joon Pyo that she is his girlfriend and thus creating a whole lot of mess out of it.

Kim Min Ji debuts through a CF with Jeon Ji Hyun and later followed up with a role in sitcom “That Person Is Coming”. She also played the role of young Lady Kim in the recent KBS “Empress Chun Chu”. Congratulations to her for winning this role. She will definitely see herself rise in popularity after the drama ends, but at the same time, I foresee she will be in the “Boys Before Flowers Public Enemy No.1″ list for being an evil 3rd party between Joon-Jan relationship, probably for a longtime to come.

credit: hanfever

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Guest snowqueen00

ohhmy onli 2 lelf..>< gonna miss them really..

this last 2 eps gonna be really interestin with umi in it...

i like that kind story line.. she more evil more good... and i love to see JP re-action when he's fine out she lies to him and all stuff haha

well JP and JD fighting.

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

She also played the role of young Lady Kim in the recent KBS “Empress Chun Chu”. Congratulations to her for winning this role. She will definitely see herself rise in popularity after the drama ends, but at the same time, I foresee she will be in the “Boys Before Flowers Public Enemy No.1″ list for being an evil 3rd party between Joon-Jan relationship, probably for a longtime to come.

credit: hanfever

sorry to cute your post :D

i agree with HanFever she will be public enemy no.1 now for BOF fans :D haha.

i've done a pretty good job this week of not reading any spoilers :D

can't wait for tomorow :D

Btw, does anybody have the translations for Ep.24/25 previews?

(many thanks)

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Guest ginny_potter

I am just thankful that Woobin actually has some scenes in the previews. It's no use wishing for him to have a storyline anymore at this late in the series since the damage has already been done. (a.k.a. sacrificing his story to give way to montage scenes of a character in every episode)

To Kim Joon's credit, he has made the character really lovable so much that you look forward to his scenes in each episode. The more his background remains mysterious, the more we love to speculate about it. Fanfics anyone? ;)

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Guest rycekrispies1212


GaEul: Now tell us... What's going on?

WooBin: We have some news for JanDi, who is so busy with her part-time job she can't even take care of her boyfriend.

JanDi: Huh?

YiJung: JoonPyo's finally out of the hospital.

JD: Really?

GE: How could you wait until after you were done eating to tell us something that important?

WB: Hurry and go.

JD: I'll be back.

GE: You're not going?

YJ: Nope, I came because of you.

JanDi: Goo JunPyo, congratulations on...

YuMi (ugh): Oh look, it's JanDi unni. Hi unni.

JD: Oh... hi. You're here, too...

JunPyo: What are you doing here? JiHoo's not here.

JD: Oh... I heard you were out of the hospital so I wanted to congratulate you.

JP: You're ridiculous. Take care of your boyfriend instead. Does JiHoo know you're going around like this?

JD: Hey, be careful what you say.

JP: What?

JD: JiHoo sunbae has no reason to have to hear such words from you.

JP: *some insignificant comeback that I couldn't understand*

JD: Fine, I was wrong to come here. Take care of yourself.

YM: Why are you like that, oppa? You're bad. Why are you being unnecessarily mean to her? Unni, don't leave. They'll be bringing tea soon. The tea here tastes really good. Stay and drink with us.

Servant girl (what do you call these?): The tea is ready.

YM: Yes, please bring it here. Unni, come here and sit.

YM: Unni, are you the person that JunPyo is supposed to remember?

JD: ...

YM: Oh, it is you. But, as you can see, I think seeing you is bad for oppa. His condition gets worse every time he sees you. So I think it would be good if you didn't come here for the time being. Don't worry, I'll try hard to make him naturally remember you. Bye!

JP: Make those for me.

YM: What?

JP: The lunchbox that you made for me last time.

YM: Lunchbox?

JP: The things that I ate at the hospital last time... egg rolls! Make those again for me.

YM: Oh, those? Okay, oppa. But... why do you want to eat those when there so many more delicious things to eat here?

JD: Sorry. Sunbae...

JH: Don't run away.

JD: Let go of me.

JH: No. You can't back out now.

*flashback of when she first got into ShinHwa High School*

JD's mom: It seems like just yesterday you got into ShinHwa High School, and now you're already graduating.

JanDi: Sorry, mom. Unlike others, I can't go to college... or get a job...

GangSan: Noona, you don't have to take a test to get into ShinHwa University... You can't do that for med school?

JD: You have to take a test if you want to attend on a scholarship.

JDM: No... You've endured so much... Do what you want to now. By the way, what are you going to wear for graduation tomorrow?

JD: I'm not going! Why would I...

JDM: Are you not a ShinHwa High graduate? Why wouldn't you go?

JD: Don't worry about it.

YM: Try it.

JP: (tastes)

YM: What? It doesn't taste good?

JP: This isn't it.

YM: What?

JP: It's not the same taste as before. Those... Did you really make those?

YM: Of course! Who else would make those? It's because the taste changes from time to time. Next time, I'll make them properly for you.

JP: (looks pained)

YM: Is there something you're not feeling good about?

JP: That girl... JanDi or JapCho or whatever... Her expression... won't erase from my mind...

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ughhhhh omggg!!!!!!

that yumi girl, she already annoys the heck out of me!!

i'm just really looking forward to all of them with a happppyyyy ending!!! especially yi jeong and ga eul!! :D

it's soo sad this drama is ending soon!!! i'm really going to miss it, i'll buy this drama when it comes out no matter what i will!! :D

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Guest leahtran

Oh, so Junpyo didn't call Jandi in the short preview of ep 24? :blush: ehh, my mistake!!. Btw, thanks so much for all the translations. You guys are so awsome and so fast. That's what I like the most when visiting this forum. If they have a nice ending even for Jihoo, at least give him someone to lean on then I definitely wait to own a brand new BOF DVD when it realeases.

ah, about the Umi girl, does she wear a wig because her hair looks weird? and they make her look old and not pretty, maybe they make sure that she will be really hated. Poor her...

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon


sorry for cutting your post XD

thank you so much for translating this!

now i understand how annoying that Umi chick is..

& SoEul!! OMG. He came for GE.



can't Juny just remember.......

*bonks him in the head with a shoe*

(haha, just kidding :rolleyes: )

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Guest mysticalz

im so frustrated right now........i want monday and tuesday to come faster so i can watch BOF (great previews) but at the same time i dont want it to come becuase BOF will end..........oh my the frustration is killing me........after tuesday ill definitely have BOF withdrawal big tym..i dont know what drama to watch....most of the drama showing is not really worth looking forward too unlike BOF......oh gosh darn it.im trully torn.. i bet lots of people feel the same as me......what to do? what to do? :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:

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Guest x stylejjang

can anyone give me the quote that so yi jung uses ?

about yu have to mold, build & endure the fire to be strong just like how a cup or something is made ?

i forgot. i really like the quote.

& can anyone put it in korean ? like not translated but in korean ?

thank youu !

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am i the only one screaming for another extension? it's not because i don't want BBF to end, it's just that they need to tie so many loose ends. there's just too much going on and so little time to give those things an ending within an hour.

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