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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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All i can say is let's prepare for the worst after kbs released so many picture of kissing scene between jandi and junpyo. What about soulmates ,are they dating or will they date eventually? The final episode script is not out yet. All of us are praying for good ending and korean netizen are disappointed when the episode is stuck with jaekyung for so long. If there is no umi character then it will be good for us too since there isn't any time for them. Everyone of us do not like hasty ending hope scriptwriter and Mr pd can work wisely on it. I think i would need to monitor epi 22 and 23 before i watch the final episode.

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This drama is getting better by the minute.... Much better than any other versions I've seen.

I love Rui/Ji-hoo's character and I always feel sorry/pity for him cos he never gets the girl.. *sighs*

Oh well, i'm sure the ending is the same.. as always. But I do hope they will surprise me.. hehe..

Can't wait for the ending!

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Helloo everyone!

I've been lurking around for a while and i couldn't help but post one of my first replies on soompi in this thread :)

oh, and I'm proud to be a Joondi shipper :D

So i know theres a lot of controversy about the JD and JH ending,

but imo I don't think they would put so much effort into the JD and JP storyline simply so JD and JH could end up together.

Btw, thank you all for the spoilers and pictures ;)

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Guest bubble

OMg. they are still lagging the SoEul relationship !!!! give us more SoEul !!!!!!!!!!!! let them be together already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If the spoiler holds true, I find it disturbing that Ji Hoo would consider the thought of proposing to Jandi. While, I admire his kind gestures and determination in trying to win her heart. I do not admire an individual who would on one hand, appear's to support his bestfriend in his quest for love, but on the other hand, want to seek the opportunity to take the girl away. It would be understandable if Jandi feels or expresses herself in the same manner, however that is not the case. With a friend like Ji Hoo, who needs enemies. I cannot wait to see Ji Hoo's expression when Jandi rejects him. I have never dislike Rui's character sooooo much. I find it disturbing myself.

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Guest elmmmo_

Does anyone know the name of the song that Ji-hoo sings when he and Jan-di are in Macau? It's when he borrows the man's guitar to earn money after Jan-di realizes she's lost her wallet. Is the song on the soundtrack?

Can't wait for the next episode!

it's called 기다리다 by Panic

and it's not on the soundtrack but interestingly, he sang this song before on Heroine 6 before



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Guest doremii*



^ I think they are ending up together.. that's probably why they're dragging it out. I have a feeling that Joondi & Soeul will get together at the last minute of episode 25.. -___- that's what always happens in kdramas lol

I hope the thing about Han Chae Young coming back is true! although it'd be sort of strange to see JH on good terms with her again.. lol

And lastly, I wonder if JD will have her extensions on for the 'few years later' thing.

I mean, she's gotta look somewhat more ladylike, right?!

I hope so!

I'm so excited for the next four episode =D I hope they take out the Umi character, she's so unnecessary. The amnesia arc should focus on JD winning back JP & how JP's mom finally accepts JD.

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Guest dunlop09


for this article, the reporter was actually at the scene, so this is a first hand account

4th time's the charm?

written by: 김형우 cox109@newsen.com / 정유진 noir1979@newsen.com

translated by: dunlop09


Though spring is just around the corner, the wind was cold as ever. It is here that a farewell kiss will take place between Goo Jun Pyo and Geum Jan di.

This will be their fourth kiss together, but that doesn't make Lee Min Ho or Goo Hye Sun any less nervous. Despite the cold weather, Lee Min Ho came out of his van early to go over his lines and prepare for the scene. To get rid of any bad breath, Lee Min Ho has been chewing gum since before filming started.

As the time comes nearer, Goo Hye Sun emerges out of her van looking tense. This time it is Goo Hye Sun who will be initiating the kiss, this doesn't help her nervousness.

Despite the sudden change in filming location, about 50 people came to watch the scene take place. They stood their ground even through the hour delay. Through the kiss scene a small cry can be heard, it sounds like a mixture of admiration and a sigh.

Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun's kiss scene continued seven times. The production team was busy trying to get just the right angle for a beautiful kiss scene. But no matter what anyone says, it was Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun who suffered the most.

Despite the cold weather and fierce wind, they had to get through the filming without any coats. They made more NGs than usual. It would seem that they would get used to the lines that they had to repeat over and over again, but it must have been the strain of knowing it was a kiss scene. Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun, who are usually very close, barely talked throughout the filming and created an awkward atmosphere. When they finished the kiss scene, Goo Hye Sun would try to hide her nervousness by playing jokes on Lee Min Ho, and Lee Min Ho of course, responded back with good humor. But still, they could barely meet eyes, and failed to hide their awkwardness.

As soon as PD gave the OK Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun went straight to their cars. The cold weather was one reason, but it was most likely to hide their embarrassment.

After the kiss scene Goo Hye Sun said, “I feel like I kissed 10 times.” And Lee Min Ho's representative said on behalf of Lee Min Ho, “They are still young, so they are having a hard time with the kissing scenes.”

The scene that was shot tonight will be aired through episode 23. When it airs, it will be such a beautiful yet heartbreaking scene. But it seems Goo Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho's red faces represent the hearts of “still two young actors”

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Guest nysophia_x_ii

i really hope this drama ends in a "my girl-esque" way. what i mean is, in the drama my girl, the main character yoorin and gongchan separate after yoorin runs away, similar to what jandi's gonna do. they meet a year or two later and then yoorin tries to push gongchan away. but then everyone else starts fighting for them: gongchan's ex-gf, the guy who has a crush on yoorin, gongchan's aunt and uncle, everyone.

i think BOF should end like that :) even though jandi tries to push junpyo away, gaeul, F3, gongshi, junhee, and maybe even JP's dad?! the fact that JP's dad is still alive is really exciting to me, because he's the only one that holds more authority that mama kang. if he wakes up and supports JD and JP, everything will be resolved. that would be a different ending from the manga, but still yay for everyone :D

but that's just a dream for me lol i don't know what's really going to happen T.T

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Guest rainbow9

Thanks everyone for the pictures, gifs, everyting. When it rains, it pours. At last, after a seemingly endless drought of not having enough JP and JD moments, Mr. pd man heard our plea. Love, love, love all the pictures and those with the kissing scenes are just icing on the cake. GHS is just lovely, young and fresh. She looks like a highschool kid on her first date. I wonder what those naysayers who thinks she's ugly and too old for the role will say now when they see these pictures. LMH and GHS, hands down have the best chemisty on cam and off cam I've ever seen in any kdrama.

Love this bts pic; GHS looks unsure and shy while LMH seems to be wanting for more.


Awww. I love this pic. It's so cute. I can't wait for tomorrow's episodes. They sure brought it with the Joondi scenes. That is what I'm talkin about. Finally, our dreams have came true. Thank you all for sharing. I really appreciate this and the drama.

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Guest ml_87

Thanks dunlop09, LOL at least they didn't stop talking to each other for three days! Didn't see the awkwardness in the pics, but definitely saw a lot of shyness and embarrassment! I'm really looking forward to their 'good bye kiss'.

i think it's so cute :rolleyes: in BTS pix, i find them still chat with the other so much. remember? they stroll along the beach and talk. and of course, they're shy and embarassed. after kssing someone for 7 times,

u definitely feel sth :rolleyes: and i dont think there're 3 more days stop talking with each other. they are familiar with it now B) several hours to the heaven episode!! :D

nysophia_x_ii:may be. the director of BOF is the one of my girl and sassy chunyang. they have the same "time jump" at the end :D

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Guest phanlinh_111


for this article, the reporter was actually at the scene, so this is a first hand account

4th time's the charm?

written by: 김형우 cox109@newsen.com / 정유진 noir1979@newsen.com

translated by: dunlop09


Though spring is just around the corner, the wind was cold as ever. It is here that a farewell kiss will take place between Goo Jun Pyo and Geum Jan di. .....

Despite the cold weather and fierce wind, they had to get through the filming without any coats. They made more NGs than usual. It would seem that they would get used to the lines that they had to repeat over and over again, but it must have been the strain of knowing it was a kiss scene. Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun, who are usually very close, barely talked throughout the filming and created an awkward atmosphere. When they finished the kiss scene, Goo Hye Sun would try to hide her nervousness by playing jokes on Lee Min Ho, and Lee Min Ho of course, responded back with good humor. But still, they could barely meet eyes, and failed to hide their awkwardness.

As soon as PD gave the OK Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun went straight to their cars. The cold weather was one reason, but it was most likely to hide their embarrassment.

After the kiss scene Goo Hye Sun said, “I feel like I kissed 10 times.” And Lee Min Ho's representative said on behalf of Lee Min Ho, “They are still young, so they are having a hard time with the kissing scenes.”

The scene that was shot tonight will be aired through episode 23. When it airs, it will be such a beautiful yet heartbreaking scene. But it seems Goo Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho's red faces represent the hearts of “still two young actors”

sorry for cutting ur post!

Thank u very much!

I have read this from KPculture:

"Jan Di and Jun Pyo’s last date (a day trip) before she leaves to go see her family was also filmed in Incheon (Silmi-do). This is Jan Di’s first and last time taking the initiative to ask him out on a date and plan it. Jun Pyo does not know that Jan Di plans to leave him afterwards.

Audio was not being recorded for several scenes, so Ku Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho appeared to be enjoying themselves. They made the staff laugh with their silly dialogue (since they could say whatever they wanted). For example, she asked him, “Gu Jun Pyo, why aren’t you going to the army? Tycoons don’t go to the army?” and he answered, “Chairwoman Kang is going to get me out of it.” Ku then said, “This is Silmi-do. Do you know of the island called Silmi-do?” upon which Lee responded jokingly, “It looks like New Caledonia.”

Bystanders felt pity for Ku and Lee, who were dressed for spring despite the cold wind. They had to attempt several takes of the picnic scene due to the strong wind that kept messing up Lee Min Ho’s hair. Lee commented, “I can’t do anything because of my hair.” After they successfully filmed the scene, Ku Hye Sun went around feeding the staff the leftover food from the picnic.

The final scene to be filmed was their kiss at Yungjong-do Wangsan Beach. Jun Pyo asks Jan Di, “Aren’t you going to tell me that you like me? What kind of person am I to you?” and she responds, along with a kiss. The first take was an NG because they didn’t know where they had to stand for the kiss. The second NG was due to the wind messing up their hair during the kiss. Lee Min Ho then loosened some of the tension on set when he told the PD, “Jan Di has to wipe her runny nose”. The loud sound of the wind caused the third NG. At this time, Lee Min Ho made Ku Hye Sun laugh by remarking, “Ah, the left side of my face should be shown [on screen],” (implying that the left side of his face is his best side). They finally got an “OK” from the PD after seven takes. However, this wasn’t the end of filming for the day. A staff member called out, “Move to the Hyatt”, upon which the crew packed up to go to Seoul Hyatt Hotel where Kim Hyun Joong (Ji Hu) was waiting."

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I have a bad feeling that this drama will end as JunPyo getting married to the monkey ):

It makes me mad how she forces him to marry her , she should realize that you can't force someone to love youuu!

And I feel as if JanDi will end up with JiHoo , because when JanDi went to vaca. with F4 and Gauel in previous eps. .. she had a dream that this fortune teller lady told her that she saw two men in JanDi's life - a soulmate and her husband ...... I'm guessing her soulmate is JunPyo and her husband is JiHoo ?

RAWR .. if the drama ends the way I predict, then I'd be so disappointed, I only followed this drama in hopes that JunPyo and JanDi will end up together and it'll be a happy ending for everyone ._.

O wells, theres 6? more episodes to go maybe so more JANDI/JUNPYO action will take place (:<

.. and hopefully a nice , pretty lady comes along and totally captures JiHoo's heart ^^;

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Guest dunlop09

sorry for cutting ur post!

Thank u very much!

I have read this from KPculture:

"Jan Di and Jun Pyo’s last date (a day trip) before she leaves to go see her family was also filmed in Incheon (Silmi-do). This is Jan Di’s first and last time taking the initiative to ask him out on a date and plan it. Jun Pyo does not know that Jan Di plans to leave him afterwards.

Audio was not being recorded for several scenes, so Ku Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho appeared to be enjoying themselves. They made the staff laugh with their silly dialogue (since they could say whatever they wanted). For example, she asked him, “Gu Jun Pyo, why aren’t you going to the army? Tycoons don’t go to the army?” and he answered, “Chairwoman Kang is going to get me out of it.” Ku then said, “This is Silmi-do. Do you know of the island called Silmi-do?” upon which Lee responded jokingly, “It looks like New Caledonia.”

Bystanders felt pity for Ku and Lee, who were dressed for spring despite the cold wind. They had to attempt several takes of the picnic scene due to the strong wind that kept messing up Lee Min Ho’s hair. Lee commented, “I can’t do anything because of my hair.” After they successfully filmed the scene, Ku Hye Sun went around feeding the staff the leftover food from the picnic.

The final scene to be filmed was their kiss at Yungjong-do Wangsan Beach. Jun Pyo asks Jan Di, “Aren’t you going to tell me that you like me? What kind of person am I to you?” and she responds, along with a kiss. The first take was an NG because they didn’t know where they had to stand for the kiss. The second NG was due to the wind messing up their hair during the kiss. Lee Min Ho then loosened some of the tension on set when he told the PD, “Jan Di has to wipe her runny nose”. The loud sound of the wind caused the third NG. At this time, Lee Min Ho made Ku Hye Sun laugh by remarking, “Ah, the left side of my face should be shown [on screen],” (implying that the left side of his face is his best side). They finally got an “OK” from the PD after seven takes. However, this wasn’t the end of filming for the day. A staff member called out, “Move to the Hyatt”, upon which the crew packed up to go to Seoul Hyatt Hotel where Kim Hyun Joong (Ji Hu) was waiting."

thanks for the article! lol, they should definitely show the no audio scene in an NG!! I love how they like to make fun of each other :)

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Guest ziemah

i really hope this drama ends in a "my girl-esque" way. what i mean is, in the drama my girl, the main character yoorin and gongchan separate after yoorin runs away, similar to what jandi's gonna do. they meet a year or two later and then yoorin tries to push gongchan away. but then everyone else starts fighting for them: gongchan's ex-gf, the guy who has a crush on yoorin, gongchan's aunt and uncle, everyone.

i agree with you! :D i think they should make the ending like that.you know though how much they have to avoid each other but in the end they will meet again after a few years and by that time the people who protest for them(mama kang) and the people who always supports them(f3,gaeul and jp's sis,Jaekyung maybe?) will fight for them~

yayy happy ending after that! :lol:

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sorry for cutting ur post!

Thank u very much!

I have read this from KPculture:

"Jan Di and Jun Pyo’s last date (a day trip) before she leaves to go see her family was also filmed in Incheon (Silmi-do). This is Jan Di’s first and last time taking the initiative to ask him out on a date and plan it. Jun Pyo does not know that Jan Di plans to leave him afterwards.

Audio was not being recorded for several scenes, so Ku Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho appeared to be enjoying themselves. They made the staff laugh with their silly dialogue (since they could say whatever they wanted). For example, she asked him, “Gu Jun Pyo, why aren’t you going to the army? Tycoons don’t go to the army?” and he answered, “Chairwoman Kang is going to get me out of it.” Ku then said, “This is Silmi-do. Do you know of the island called Silmi-do?” upon which Lee responded jokingly, “It looks like New Caledonia.”

Bystanders felt pity for Ku and Lee, who were dressed for spring despite the cold wind. They had to attempt several takes of the picnic scene due to the strong wind that kept messing up Lee Min Ho’s hair. Lee commented, “I can’t do anything because of my hair.” After they successfully filmed the scene, Ku Hye Sun went around feeding the staff the leftover food from the picnic.

The final scene to be filmed was their kiss at Yungjong-do Wangsan Beach. Jun Pyo asks Jan Di, “Aren’t you going to tell me that you like me? What kind of person am I to you?” and she responds, along with a kiss. The first take was an NG because they didn’t know where they had to stand for the kiss. The second NG was due to the wind messing up their hair during the kiss. Lee Min Ho then loosened some of the tension on set when he told the PD, “Jan Di has to wipe her runny nose”. The loud sound of the wind caused the third NG. At this time, Lee Min Ho made Ku Hye Sun laugh by remarking, “Ah, the left side of my face should be shown [on screen],” (implying that the left side of his face is his best side). They finally got an “OK” from the PD after seven takes. However, this wasn’t the end of filming for the day. A staff member called out, “Move to the Hyatt”, upon which the crew packed up to go to Seoul Hyatt Hotel where Kim Hyun Joong (Ji Hu) was waiting."

ROFLOL! Now i understand that the chemistry between the two leads usually arises from the chemistry between the two actors/actresses. LMH and GHS when together spells FUN. It will be so much fun to watch the two talking nonsense. Definitely beats LMH going 'a b c d' in that scene with the chinese lady in Macau.

I know it's cold during this time but I am so grateful to the wind. Yeah, freezing for the actor/actress but heck, blow more and mess up their hair. More NG!

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