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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest polaris

ok, just watch episode 9 and anyone notices something VERY WEIRD, remember JunPyo has 'water phobia' and in the scene when they were telling Jandi about his phobia while JP was in the pool/bathtub??, he put his head under the water and came right up because he couldn't stay in longer due to his phobia, but in episode 9, he had the holding-breath-under-water game with JD's dad and brother and he was fine XD

@arslinh: thanks for the preview and seems like JD drag JP into the 'piggy-back' contest, watching it reminds me of Taiwanese series Love or Bread where they had the hug contest lol

Perhaps the director wants us to know how comfortable Jandi's family makes JP feel(this is part of his growth) that just by being with them, he forgets his fears and is more relaxed. Plus, they are such a crazy,funny, and noisy bunch so when he's with them, he has no time to think about his fears. I think those scenes with Junpyo and the Jandi family (esp. at the jjim jil bahng) were one of my favorites of ep 9.

And, eek, that's what i'm really looking forward to... Mrs. Goo :ph34r: .. And i'm also looking forward to more Woo Bin!! He's what makes F4 balance.. :sweatingbullets: .. Anyway, JP's mommie is really scary! She looks the most scary from all the adaptations hehe. I can't wait to see the look on her face when he sees JP kiss JD. Woah. I'm afraid for Joondi just imagining it. But i know they will pull through to the end!!

haha~ ^^ Yea..JP's mom looks ferocious.. like a feline..rarr!! :unsure:

Actually..as hard as this is to say.. we need JP's mom..(and even JP's fiance later on) in order for Junpyo and Jandi's relationship to grow to another level.. beyond the high school infatuation.. I guess the saying "No pain, no gain" also goes for love.

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ok, just watch episode 9 and anyone notices something VERY WEIRD, remember JunPyo has 'water phobia' and in the scene when they were telling Jandi about his phobia while JP was in the pool/bathtub??, he put his head under the water and came right up because he couldn't stay in longer due to his phobia, but in episode 9, he had the holding-breath-under-water game with JD's dad and brother and he was fine XD

@arslinh: thanks for the preview and seems like JD drag JP into the 'piggy-back' contest, watching it reminds me of Taiwanese series Love or Bread where they had the hug contest lol

i think the last time, when being under the water, he's in bad mood (couldnt save Jan di on the beach) and the bad memory just stressed him too much => he came right up. but this time, he's in good mood (he's quite exciting) & thus, he can stay under the water a bit longer. i think the love for JD will help him overcome the bad memory step by step (well, i guess that) :rolleyes:

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Guest nysophia_x_ii

em, i really didn't want to say this, but it's kind of annoying how people keep writing that the thread's getting big. everyone's got the picture. the thread's big. yeah there's always 200 people on it. yeah it's like a billion pages long. got it. so now let's just talk about the drama. cuz leaving stupid comments like "I'M ON THE TOP OF THE PAGE" or "WOW, 200 members?!" is really pointless.

anyway, yeah, in the japanese version, yi jung actually goes right up to him and then steals his girl. and then when the bf tries to get ga eul, yi jung rushes up to ga eul and takes ga eul. the guys get mad pissed and then tries other girls, but yi jung just keeps going. and then i think he like pushes him down or something and the dude leaves. it was pretty funny :P I LOVE THE GA EUL YI JUNG COUPLE :wub: they're soooo cute lol oh, also, someone commented about the actor who's acting as jandi's bro...yeah, i agree, he's a great actor. he was in yi san as the young yi san. it was great. i think he won an award for that? not sure...yeah :) BOF's ratings are a good 5% higher than EOE now :D

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Guest 이야기

"Flower Boy" Kim Bum Also Gets Into a Car Accident

There’s a rumor going on that the casts from KBS 2TV’s Mondays and Tuesdays Drama, “Boys Over Flowers” were all being cursed.

Just two days ago, the production company of “Boys Over Flower” announced that Kim Bum was in a car accident. One day at around 12 o’clock, he was on his way to the set in Seoul, Kyeong Ki Do, and was hit by a car behind him at the toll gate area. After the drama was released, the F4 members began to encounter in car accidents.

Kim Bum’s company stated, “While the manager was about to get the receipt, the car behind them suddenly bumped into their car.”

From the accident, the manager was injured and had to have a CT and X-ray scan, and is now hospitalized. Kim Bum also went to the hospital for a checkup, and found out that he didn’t have any problems. But after this incident, Kim Bum started to feel pain on his back during the shooting, so he had to get a closer examination.

The production company was beginning to get worried about the accidents that occurred. It started with Kim Hyun Joong’s accident which happened on the 21st, then Kim Joon’s accident on the 22nd, then Lee Min Ho’s accident which happened on the 26th while the manager was taking him [Min Ho] home, and now, Kim Bum got into an accident after theirs.

After Min Ho’s accident with his manager, fans were worried and said, “Now, Kim Bum is the only one left,” and it [car accident] turned out to be real. On the 28th, Goo Hye Sun also had an accident from diving at a swimming pool for a scene.

Translator: Solly @ LMH's World. For more news visit: Lee Min Ho's 1st Int'l Forum

Source: JES News, lychee@joongang.co.kr


The accidents should stop T_T

I would've loved to see Joon Pyo's face if Jandi really did the 'Oppa I was wrong' line.

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Guest riotubby

I heard that the big kiss in ep. 10 happens in front of Jun Pyo's Mom! hahahha

If you look at the preview, both Jandi and Jun Pyo are wearing the exact same thing when they kiss and when Jandi slips her head in the car Jun Pyo and his mom are in.

I just heard though, could be a rumor!

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

I remember someone mentioning this earlier with picture comparisons,

but I LOVE LOVE LOVE HOW HUGE JUN PYO IS comparing to Jandi.

The proportion is ridiculous and a perfect reenactment of the comic book.

I think this episode (9) was by far the best episode.

Not because I'm just a huge GaEul+YeJeong (which btw, YeJeong is totally stalking HER b/c when he first heard about the double date, he asked JunPyo if he wanted him to substitute for him kekekeke) -- I hope this coupling end up together, unlike how it was done in the jdrama and manga

The episode was significant in 4 ways:

1) Ji Hoo does actually like Jan Di and I think the whole "I was trying to get Junpyo and Jandi together" thing was just a minor excuse for not actually woo-ing her.

2) Jun Pyo not only loves Jan Di, but I see that he's willing to defend her friends and family with whatever he's got, which makes him oh so heroic.

3) Jandi finally gives in. I'm not going to say what happens, but for those who watched it, the swing scene **gush**

4) Gaeul and YeJeong's relationship growth -- enough said. Kim Bum and that girl's acting was SUPERB. I was afraid of Kim Bum and a random crying scene, but it wasn't awkward AT ALL.

Things that need to be pointed out

**And I gotta say, Jun Pyo was ULTRA cute in this episode.

The sauna, eating the thingy on a stick, having fun throwing cabbages, the cute reprimanded look he totally pulls off, how he nearly jumped off the couch to chase Jandi before she left w/o apologizing, etc

**The Sun Pyo guy (the jerk) was such a good jerk. Seriously. I wanted to personally jump in and kick his butt. And his face is handsome but you could tell he's a troublemaker. Damn, the casting is OFF THE HOOK!

**And whoever said the F4's chemistry isn't there -- WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

**I love the apple - apology thing HAHAHAHA so cute.

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Guest daysgoby


Recap of episode 9

This episode was funny as HELL.

  • the "YAAAAA!" that Jandi let out before she kicked Ga-eul's boyfriend's richard simmons was HILARIOUS
  • the man scrubbing? come on, no words necessary
  • apple = apology = brilliant

And I know how the Hanadan story goes, but because the Korean version seems to be taking a different route with the Soljiro/Yuki characters, I'm worried about how the story with them is going to ultimately unfold. I mean, we KNOW Jun Pyo and Jandi are going to get together, but I really hope the Korean version works Yi Jung and Ga-eul together somehow. They're not my main ship on the show, but I realllly think Kim Bum and Kim So Eun have great chemistry and it'd be a waste for them to end up just as friends. Thoughts?

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hey everybody ...


plz plz plz plz( srt) eng sub for ep : 9

i can't wait :tears:

The subbers are trying as quick as they can. Please give them a break. The episode was only shown last night so expect a bit of time for the subbing. :ph34r:

Anyways, reading all the posts/spoilers is making me anticipate watching Ep 9!


I like the fact that they are twisting the story a bit with Yi Jung and Ga Eul. We all know about the main characters and the eventual ending but not about these two. In the manga these two characters spent the night together but was not together at the end. So I hope for something different this time round.

To echo a previous poster, I am wary about the speed they are going through the story. I definitely would like to see JP doing more wooing and JD resisting... at least until Ep 15 but I suppose the scary mother part has to come in. In the manga as well, the relationship really went through a lot (many ups and downs - one moment you feel giddy for them, then next something happens that breaks your heart)

Actually, I am disappointed that they didn't add Makino (JD) friend from the manga. He does create some situations for the couple.

PS. Thanks to those who replied to my query about the curly hair. I was wondering why it was so bouncy! :blush:

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Guest babymarzy07

i already said it yesterday.

but just wanna ep9 rules.

i got my SoEul.

lots of cute moments.

funny Jundi moments.

and yes, sweetness!!

im totally spazzing till later.

i must that scene with JH staring at the swimming pool water..

swishing the water and remembering the New Caledonia times with JD was sad.

his expression. the poor boy.

sigh. well his character is getting better. but yes u cant help but feel his pain.

poor guy. i hope rui's spinoff happens for me somehow. (there is a spin off manga)

gosshh. ep 10 previews.

so many things to look out for.


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Guest dEv0311

hey everybody ...


plz plz plz plz( srt) eng sub for ep : 9

i can't wait :tears:

it's already been sub...

thx u to the subber...

BOF ep 9 Part 1 (Eng Sub)

credits to 19990915 / WWW.ARASHI.VOX.COM

for the rest u can go to the uploader channel...

don't forget to drop by and give u're support... :P

and please don't take the video out of his/her channel without permission...

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Guest ` ilytoo;

omg, this episode was so happy :)! i loveed it, espically the park part, i thought it was so adorable. i am still in love with Ji Hoo, its probably his hair thats why xD. I am in love with Gaeul's dress, and i was wondering if anyone has pictures of it ? :). she did look very pretty with it.

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Guest krystal_

hi guys. I have just seen one pic.

Fanmade??? I don't believe!



credit: dc

SS Linh,hihi,I think it happens when JP and JD come back to NewC because do u remember when JD-JP sat at the table near the sea,JP said that JD could come back with her family?

I believe that this scene may happen at the end of this film :)

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Guest totallyblu

love it...love it...love it

I like the korean version so far...cos it show more romantic side and funny too...not just the bickering and hardship (although I know that it'll coming soon) but still.....

and it show jihoo/rui "true" feeling toward jundi/makino and if i guess it right, yijung does "have a feeling" toward gaeul too so I wish that they relationship will "real" (different from the manga and other version (finger cross)

can't wait 2morrow episode...gosh see the episode 10 preview i think i need a box of tissue already :wacko:

p.s but i still think that its better if they were in college/uni cos the story is a bit too "heavy" for high schooler but well... its done...so I can't complaint, can I?

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Guest yogurtlicious

Episode 9 rating is amazing! it skyrocketed to 29.7 haha :) I hope ep 10 will hit over 30.. hehee.. I'm more and more in love with this drama after watching ep9. Before, I favored the japanese version.. but now, my opinion totally changes. I think the casts and producing team deserve a huge round of applause just by creating such touching & heart-warming atmosphere in ep 9! haha and finally, I feel some chemistry among the F4 guys.. and of course, Ga Eul & Yi Jung, as well as JP & JD :):) hehe.. can't stop squealing.. lol..

p.s. am I the only one screaming, clapping, laughing & enjoying the sweet moments while watching ep 9?

Ep 10 is only a few more hours to go ^^

LOL! I'm also laughing, clapping, and going crazy when I watched this episode. The scenes were so sweet and jan di's family is hilarious. My brother gives me the "are you crazy look". XD this drama totally makes my day after a long day of school. Yi jeong's saxophone playing just melts my heart away with his killer smile! :D

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