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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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tottyfruity, I agree with your comments in general and specifically about JD/MT. She did became much more indecisive later on in the story. The reason I'm concerned is that she doesn't seem very strong NOW, so it makes me worried about where they will take her later.

The production team have great material to work with so I think its natural that they are being held to a higher standard - which is another reason that some people are making comparisons. They love the story and the characters and feel protective of them. It's true that Boys Before Flowers should eventually be judged on its own merits but when the production team chose to adapt a beloved and famous story that has had previously successful adaptations, they must have known that they would be subject to comparisons.

Sorry for cutting your post:

I like many of the points you raise about the characters. but I’ve been wondering in which way people think JD is not as strong as J-makino/manga-makino. I’m saying this because there have been many points in the past 6 episodes where they showed us JD’s strength. The way she stood up to all the bullying, F4 and JP. I assume JD’s yelling and making faces maybe distracting people from seeing her strengths. I could be wrong though. I think we all understand that in Korean dramas, the strong heroine is always portrayed the same way makino is being portrayed here. So we get a modified makino. I’m not going to judge her character just yet. I will wait for a few more episodes.

I think the producers may already be paying the price for not taking time to lay the foundation of hyd properly like the bond of F4 for instance.

Tbh, there was an article that says the producers chose their actors depending on looks before their acting ability, and so we get some average performances from some actors (but I think everyone is doing well now inc. JH). But to me their decision says a lot. They’ve been spending too much time making sure the drama looks nice (and it does) that they kinda neglected other aspects of the drama. It just seems to me that they care more about how the drama looks than actual dialogues and development of characters. But, you know what I still love it, while I’m not trying to overlook some of glaring flaws of this version, I’m still enjoying it and as long as I am, I will continue to watch it! I think part of that is the HYD charm.

For those who want a series adaption of the manga just like j-hyd, they in for a disappointment!

But for those who just want a light hearted, fun drama. Don’t miss it!

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its funny how people get so fired up over the fact that the lead character is fawning over the wrong guy instead of the other when in fact that is how the manga is suppose to be but in the end its still the two leads who ends up together

as far as the storyline goes that's how it is in the manga and in the two versions of HYD live action people.......the two leads will eventually get together in the end......so don't get fired up just yet.....wait till the mother and the fiancee gets in the way of the two lovebirds...then you guys could be pulling hairs like crazy plus this is where we get to see how strong of a bond all four friends have.......

and for people who are hatin' lady Goo........is just sad....

I mean come on people....just get over it.....nothing will happen anyways if you constantly "rant" about it on so many different levels

the casting has been done already and even if it wasn't I'd still be votin' for lady GOO cause she's just one of the good ones out there...

there might be some flaws to her portrayal of the lead here and there.....but its just only 6 episodes and we aren't that far yet in the story

episodes 1-8 or even 10 still involves the childishness storyline but wait till we get to 15 and up you guys will see how dramatic the story gets

critics don't criticize or give their opinion after just a few episodes.......cause the story isn't finish yet, cause the characters hadn't evolve yet they even watch it a couple of times.....

Lady Goo I think is doing a good job......and just because she's 24 that doesn't mean she's too old for the role........

don't forget its 24 episodes there's more room for improvement........

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Hmm...I have been thinking about LMH. I think he accomplished a great thing when he got everyone to love the character JP during the stage where he is supposed to be a jerk. BUT does anyone else think that he is kind of taking the spotlight off the rest of the characters? The storyline doesn't even matter anymore. People refuse to sympathize with anyone else but JP. As I repeated earlier, I think it takes a lot of talent for an actor to be able make the audience not like your character, which was what JP was supposed to be in the first few episodes. And that is what GHS and KHJ were successful in doing in episode 6. JP is dangerously close of being a mary-sue character in his own way. Nothing he does can make the audience dislike him. All his flaws are cute, but not dislikable... Don't get me wrong, I love LMH and the character JP. This is just what I've been wondering, were we supposed to like JP that much? so much that we hate all the other characters and ignore the storyline?

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Guest sanaechan

In this version, unlike the other versions, there are A LOT more Junpyo fans since his character is so likeable (Tsukasa in other versions is A LOT more violent) and LMH is so HOT. In other versions most fans can sympathize w/ the character because they fall in love w/ Rui instantly since he's her white knight. I don't think they developed JiHoo's character well and the bonding between JiHoo and the rest of F3 are non-existent so I don't really sympathize w/ him at all. It's like F3 and JiHoo in the background. The writer definitely emphasizes more on the love triangle (very typical) rather than the special bond/friendship that was so important in the manga.

I totally agree with your comment, I was also waiting for JH to get a personality, but since it never happened, I am starting to think there was something going terribly wrong in the Korean version. In the end, Boys Over Flowers is about the love triangle JD x JP x JH, but in this version, it makes no sense that JD likes JH so much more than JP and doesn't appreciate JPs feelings. JH is kind of... just there and not even that great and there's just no connection. On the other hand, JP is portrayed as this really great guy (his violent side aside). If it was my first time watching the story and haven't read the Manga and watched the other two versions, it really would make NO sense to me why JD would pick JH over JP.

And as much as I am looking forward to every episode, that's what I really hate about the Korean version.

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Guest heartdrops

Image SPAM of GHS

Eye-candy guys are cute but so is eye-candy Goo Hyesun..

She looks like a doll because her skin is so white and flawless, plus her eyes are THAT big and she's known for her natural beauty<33

I love her sweet smile<3333



Oh wow she looks gorgeous with both short and long hair!

Such a natural beauty!

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Guest jtranla



Note: you can always resync the subtitle file to any avi version by using Subtitle Workshop (freeware), google for download link.

EDIT: For ep3, please make change to LINE #368, it will make more sense:


00:37:34,116 --> 00:37:37,669

I'm asking you, why am I not at

my place instead of yours!?

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So I've finally jump on the BOF bandwagon and have a few things to say, I hope I won't offense anyone here and if I do then please understand that it's not my intention.

Anyway, GJP...everybody love him period and I think LMH did a fantastic job portraying his role. About JD...well..well...it has nothing to do with GHS though cuz I've watched her earlier works and admitted that this girl has heap of talent in her but the character JD is what bugged me. As many, I hated the overacted and the cutesy. I read the manga, watch the anime and the 2 earlier version of HYD and to me JD/Makino should be someone who's mature so she could tame the childish and immature GJP/Tsukasa but the JD in here is too childish for my taste. I hope she'll grow to be a mature person soon. The other thing is that the makeup is a bit too old for her. I read somewhere that GHS did her own makeup in this drama (correct me if I'm wrong), which might explain why. I guess sometimes it's better to leave things to the professional.

PS: I need more Kim Bum moments LOL my computer screen just light up whenever he smile ^_^

Oh does anybody in here who watch the 720p version mind sharing the resync sub for EP 5? I would really appreciated.

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Guest ethopia

its funny how people get so fired up over the fact that the lead character is fawning over the wrong guy instead of the other when in fact that is how the manga is suppose to be but in the end its still the two leads who ends up together

as far as the storyline goes that's how it is in the manga and in the two versions of HYD live action people.......the two leads will eventually get together in the end......so don't get fired up just yet.....wait till the mother and the fiancee gets in the way of the two lovebirds...then you guys could be pulling hairs like crazy plus this is where we get to see how strong of a bond all four friends have.......

and for people who are hatin' lady Goo........is just sad....

I mean come on people....just get over it.....nothing will happen anyways if you constantly "rant" about it on so many different levels

the casting has been done already and even if it wasn't I'd still be votin' for lady GOO cause she's just one of the good ones out there...

there might be some flaws to her portrayal of the lead here and there.....but its just only 6 episodes and we aren't that far yet in the story

episodes 1-8 or even 10 still involves the childishness storyline but wait till we get to 15 and up you guys will see how dramatic the story gets

critics don't criticize or give their opinion after just a few episodes.......cause the story isn't finish yet, cause the characters hadn't evolve yet they even watch it a couple of times.....

Lady Goo I think is doing a good job......and just because she's 24 that doesn't mean she's too old for the role........

don't forget its 24 episodes there's more room for improvement........

im with you here... last night after watching the 6th episode.. i re-watched HYD where tsukasa booted off rui from F4.. and it really showed that makino really really was happy to be rui.. until the date though.. in which makino kept ranting about how hot headed tsukasa was... and if i remember right in the tw version shan cai did go out and choose lei... and the same thing.. having their date and shan cai keeps remembering the difference with dao and lei... so i dont think that its not worng for JD to choose JH.. coz its really how the story is written

really Lady Goo is only 24 in real life??? like 2 yrs older than JD?? well she protrays the role well.. and i think (for me) that Lady Goo is meaner than the other 2 (Daoa and Domyouji) previous characters...

for me i too like this versions... they still sticked to the manga but with a diff approach... one more thing epi 6.. where JD was so angry with JH he went paddling on the beach... i wonder if he really was scared of the water he wouldnt have gone rowing to catch up with JH.. what if he falls?? (just a thought :sweatingbullets: )

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Hmm...I have been thinking about LMH. I think he accomplished a great thing when he got everyone to love the character JP during the stage where he is supposed to be a jerk. BUT does anyone else think that he is kind of taking the spotlight off the rest of the characters? The storyline doesn't even matter anymore. People refuse to sympathize with anyone else but JP. As I repeated earlier, I think it takes a lot of talent for an actor to be able make the audience not like your character, which was what JP was supposed to be in the first few episodes. And that is what GHS and KHJ were successful in doing in episode 6. JP is dangerously close of being a mary-sue character in his own way. Nothing he does can make the audience dislike him. All his flaws are cute, but not dislikable... Don't get me wrong, I love LMH and the character JP. This is just what I've been wondering, were we supposed to like JP that much? so much that we hate all the other characters and ignore the storyline?

While I agree with you, the reason for this is not LMH but JP's character sketch. Here JP has it all , he is thoughful, rich, handsome , restrained, protective even if he is a bully/bossy. This flaw in his character is explained by abundant resources and how he has gotten away with anything/everything in past. Tsukasa was the not the most goodlooking guy in F4, nor was he thoughtful. He was a violent personality that was almost inhumane at times. The only time you see him subdued is with his friends . He is also borderline clueless/ dumb in the manga. Rui/JH provides a nice counterpoint to him since he is handsome , learned, calm and thoughtful .It is obvious that Rui/JH surpasses DT in everything that matters to MT in manga . It almost seems that DT is wrecking a possibility of something wonderful between Rui and MT in his pigheaded pursuit of MT. In the korean version there is very little to recommend JH over JP (The most damaging scenes have been when it seems that he is returning JD's bracelet with malicious intent or avoids confrontation with JP in kayaking sequence or later accepts that though he was aware of JP's interest in JD, he kissed her because he wanted to). Here JP is almost perfect person for JD and it seems like JH is barging in thier paradise by taking advantage of JD's fascination with him. As someone mentioned earlier when you mellow down a character you have to change all the characters around him to maintain the same impact. It is something that writer here failed to do.

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Guest Airine Pratama

I must be the only one in the whole world that thinks Jihoo is the least attractive of the F4. :P

I also noticed that continuity issue regarding the swimming/water phobia sscrumb, regardless of whether it was impulse or not - if he couldn't save a friend from drowing, there's no way he could be doing paddle-wars on a kayak with Ji hoo. I mean, a kayak isn't like a boat, they're very easy to tip! I'm actually surprised that when he lost his oars, that instead of panicing he was annoyed!

I do think like you ...

Well i noticed how Oguri Shun resembles Vic Zhou (not much from the face but somehow i think they give me the same feeling) ... And later Kim Hyun Joong resembles Shun too ( well also not much becoz like some post before said he look more like Bae Yong Jun) ...

And yeah the little thing that is weird, how come he's not affraid kayaking ... while before when he just step his foot into the water he already tremble ...

Oh anyway ... I think the director should let Jan Di interact with the other F4 more ... In the Japanese version she's friend with the other F4 too not just JP and JH ... She's also relax to hang out with F4 even without Joon Pyo (Tsukasa) or Ji Hoo (Rui) with them ... F4 treat her like a friend and so is she ...

Also among the F4 member ... I think the director should let them interact as a friend more ...

For the situation now ... Jandi is just like my friend's girl friend to the other F4 ... And like earlier post said YJ and WB just look like Joon Pyo's follower ... While Ji Hoo just show up sometime ...

This is an important part of HYD ...

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Guest ethopia

And yeah the little thing that is weird, how come he's not affraid kayaking ... while before when he just step his foot into the water he already tremble ...

Oh anyway ... I think the director should let Jan Di interact with the other F4 more ... In the Japanese version she's friend with the other F4 too not just JP and JH ... She's also relax to hang out with F4 even without Joon Pyo (Tsukasa) or Ji Hoo (Rui) with them ... F4 treat her like a friend and so is she ...

just as i noticed... OR may becoz he was sooo angry with JH that all his fears from going into the water vanished :blush: ... but still he shouldnt have gone into the water and kayaked after JH..

and and think even in the tw version.. shan cai was friends with F4..

well lets see... its still indeed epi6.. there are lot more room for improvements... ;)

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Guest polaris

Awee, i actually thought the bg music went perfectly well with that scene! It gets me to tears combining that scene w/ that instrumental piece along w/ Kim Yu Kyung's "Starlight Tears".. I thought it blended well together. The atmosphere was just perfect, i thought, anyways.^^

Like i've mentioned before, i think it's really unique that this aspect is being twisted in the K-version. I like it that it's mostly focused on Joon Pyo rather than the POV of Jan Di (like in the previous versions). I believe that is one huge contributor to why we can fall in love so quickly w/ Joon Pyo (and i'm not including in his looks.. because.. :rolleyes: ). To me, he appears to be much more of a softy in here b/c we follow him more~~ so he gets to reveal his perspective more, leading us to side w/ him more (and well, he isn't so physically violent to the extremes).. as opposed to the original Makino/Rui relationship that many may have rooted for in the previous versions (idk why, but i was always a JoonPyo/JanDi supporter in the earlier adaptations :sweatingbullets: ). But i truly think this is a very different approach to this adaptation~~ following Joon Pyo more~~ and it can only be taken in a positive way.* ^_^ *

I also expressed that i wish F4's bond would be more convincing to me, particularly Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo. I'm still convincing myself that they have this strong bond~~ when really, they seemed to have been bitter towards each other since the beginning. =( BUT, i still have confidence that after this triangle issue, it will become more apparent.

Me too.. I Thought that music was perfect for the beginning of ep 5.

Also, the more I thought about it.. the more it makes sense that in the korean version there is alot of Junpyo's POV. Even in the manga and the other two versions.. the person that has the greatest character development is Junpyo so it is natural that we want to see this development and the progress of this growth the most.

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In which Jan-di and Jun Pyo play tricks on each other: I thought this was a nice scene to show the potential of how their relationship could work out, and notably, didn't require any money spending on the account on Jun Pyo. (To refresh your memory, it's when Jun Pyo pretends like he's stripping all the way, which freaks Jan-di out, and Jan-di, in retaliation, makes Jun-pyo panic when she convinces him there's a snake right by him.) We've seen flashes of the playful dynamics of JP/JD before, but I felt this scene was a bit different in that while Jun Pyo regularly torments Jan-di as a sign of his affections, it's the first time in which Jan-di playfully decides to torment him back.

Thanks ljphantom for sharing your thought-provoking analysis of Episode 6; give me five!!! For the first time, JD saw a side of the almighty JP that she never imagined in her wildest dreams; her facial expression spoke volumes......borrowing Ginger's favorite expression "ohhhh my gawwwd".......followed by "hmmm.....what a wimp...." If JP only knew that this would have endeared him more to her than all his expensive gifts, he'll probably change his strategy.


[i think this scene went to show us a glimpse of dynamics of Jun Pyo/Ji Hoo's relationship. We know what should've happened to these two. Jun Pyo should've restrained his anger, telling Ji Hoo about how he felt -- including why that bracelet was so special to him -- as he did with Jan-di, and Ji Hoo shouldn't have run away from his best friend, no matter how much he thought it was better to avoid a confrontation. In the end, the paddling wears Jun Pyo's anger out, probably as how Ji Hoo expected and knew. But the two best friends should've had a honest talk together. But they didn't, and we see the consequences of that later.

I noticed instances when JP broods and keeps to himself when faced with situations concerning JD and acts on these without consulting the F3s; first time was when he confronted JD after the 3 girls showed him a video of JD bandaging JH's finger, second time, when JD's pictures with another man was exposed in school, his reaction was to indulge in physical activities (shooting range, gym) instead of talking to his friends about his problem. Although his friends noticed the change in his behaviour, they won't dare approach him about it. My impression is that JP did not want to discuss his very private feelings for JD with the F3s; all they know is that he likes her, not how seriously in love he is with her. It's not lost to JP that JD likes JH and the bracelet incident could not have been any clearer to him than knowing that night follows day. To talk to JH about the bracelet was admitting that his "girlfriend" was meeting another man behind his back and he did not want to humiliate himself in front of JH. I'm guessing that the reason that JH was avoiding any confrontation with JP was, for once, he's thinking of himself, be selfish and follow his emotions. When JH jokingly asked JD if they should date behind JP, he was actually serious about it but was testing JD whether she would take the bait; had JD consented, JH would have gone through with it. JD is his source of warmth and comfort and that was evident when he hugged and told her "I'm so cold I can't bear it"; the emotional connection between them is what he needed at the moment. It will be much later, when JH realizes that JD has fallen in love with JP, that JH will finally acknowledge that fact and talk to JP about it; he would do it not for the benefit of JP but JD's; her happiness is more important to him than his own.

We see that despite the strides made in their relationship, we are brought back to the core flaw of what wouldn't make this relationship work out. Jan-di should've made it clear to Jun Pyo that she was still sorting out her feelings and needed space because it did sort of lead Jun Pyo on, while Jun Pyo should not have taken her silence as approval and learn to ask her about HER feelings instead of spilling about his own.

These two are slow dancing in circles around each other and my feeling is that JP recognizes the fact that JD is not into him but is in denial. JD attempted to tell JP about her feelings at the beach when she told him that the only thing the genie cannot grant was to force a person to fall in love, his reaction told me he knew exactly what she meant, however, he just ignored her, deluding himself that she liked him. What JD was perhaps most concerned about was how would JP react if she told him that she was still sorting out his feelings and her fear of being subjected to another round of bullying, a result of displeasing JP.

By pushing Ji Hoo and Jan-di in the same boat through expulsion and making it clear that he will not heed any sort of reconciliation, Jun Pyo has effectively made their relationship grow a lot closer. And when that happens, Jan-di will push Jun Pyo away -- and stick with Ji Hoo, who has now decided it is necessary to put Jan-di's interests above his friendship to Jun Pyo -- when he comes back after realizing that he cannot live without her.

True, true, amen to that. JP's move will only make JD more resistant to him and protective towards JH. Both JH and JD will do their utmost to protect each other and that would be JP's undoing.

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Guest polaris

its funny how people get so fired up over the fact that the lead character is fawning over the wrong guy instead of the other when in fact that is how the manga is suppose to be but in the end its still the two leads who ends up together

as far as the storyline goes that's how it is in the manga and in the two versions of HYD live action people.......the two leads will eventually get together in the end......so don't get fired up just yet.....wait till the mother and the fiancee gets in the way of the two lovebirds...then you guys could be pulling hairs like crazy plus this is where we get to see how strong of a bond all four friends have.......

and for people who are hatin' lady Goo........is just sad....

I mean come on people....just get over it.....nothing will happen anyways if you constantly "rant" about it on so many different levels

the casting has been done already and even if it wasn't I'd still be votin' for lady GOO cause she's just one of the good ones out there...

there might be some flaws to her portrayal of the lead here and there.....but its just only 6 episodes and we aren't that far yet in the story

episodes 1-8 or even 10 still involves the childishness storyline but wait till we get to 15 and up you guys will see how dramatic the story gets

critics don't criticize or give their opinion after just a few episodes.......cause the story isn't finish yet, cause the characters hadn't evolve yet they even watch it a couple of times.....

Lady Goo I think is doing a good job......and just because she's 24 that doesn't mean she's too old for the role........

don't forget its 24 episodes there's more room for improvement........

I totally agree with everything you just said. It's so early on in this drama to be too critical. Also, there's going to be plenty of frustrating scenes and misunderstandings between JP, JD and JH.. hence called a "love triangle" so we should brace ourselves and not go beserk on Jandi or Jihoo if they start to have confusion in feelings for each other.

All that stuff makes the ending so much sweeter between JP and JD. That they found a way to be with each other through all the confusion, barriers, and outside temptation.

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