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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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eventhough i've watched the previous 2 versions of hana yori... but i can't really recall this scene.. can anyone refresh my memory?

was this in the other 2 versions and manga as well???


i wonder who will do CPR for Jandi in this scene.....

because i'm a huge jun pyo supporter.. i hope he's there at scene..*haha*

credit: baidu and korean news

ya... me too.. I have watched the previous 2 version before and as I recall, I don't think there is a scene where Jandi/ makino drowned scene ... I think they create it in this version, but I would like to know what happen exactly..oh... didn't Jandi is a good swimmer since she got scholarship on that ? but how come she can drowned ? need to watch tonight eps...

I also huge Joon Di supporter...ah... this drama is really addicting... I can't believe I'm addicted again after watched the Japanese version one... It's good they changed or add some of the scene so that we didn't watch the same / similar scene again and again...

and wow... I'm totally amaze by the visitor of this thread... It's sure going fast... now alr going to pg 267.. a few pages in one day less than 24 hours when it aires ?? lol... awesome everyone.. :sweatingbullets:

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I think you have a lot of valid points here (other points I must respectfully disagree), a lot of which seems to echo someone else's comments concerning the change in Ga-eul's character and that I agree with for the most part when it comes to Yuuki:

It's possible that the scriptwriter injected sass into Ga-eul as an attempt on his/her part to make a character "less dramatically flat" (a reason which I particularly loathe when it's being used by scriptwriters to justify a character's OOC-ness when adapting from a book), but I'm willing to let that one slide, because I don't agree with the interpretation that Yi Jeong is chasing Ga-eul. There is no chase, and his interest in Ga-eul has nothing to with her (and particularly not in the romantic sense), and more to do with who she associates with: Jan-di, and by connection, Jun-pyo.


Thank you for the long essay. I really liked it because well I'm a GaJeong shipper, and its really great whenever comes up with a nice analysis.

Honestly, I have to agree with you that there is no chase (yet?) from Yi Jeong. Their interactions are cute to watch, but I don't think either is romantically interested in the other.

However, I find it quite interesting that Yi Jeong visibly shows that he's irritated by Ga Eul when she gets him to take her picture. I find this strange well because Yi Jeong has never really let his irritation show to any girl. Up to now at least. Which leads me to believe that Ga Eul is kind of different to Yi Jeong. She's not "romantically" different, but still she's different.

Totally agree with most of your speculation. It may be a little unrealistic, but personally I would like a happy ending between Yi Jeong and Ga Eul. (Just personal preference. HAHA!)

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hello!! :)

does anyone know the tv ratings for this drama?

well... from some source , last night eps ratings was create another new high ratings, with 24.8% which left only 0.3% to be win over the currently first place drama in mon-tues timeslot drama, East of Eden with 25.1%... I'm excited to see how is today's rating... will it beat up East of Eden and become 1st place in ratings...? It'll be a top news tomorrow...lol...:lol:

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Guest misshakissh



배우 김현주가 20일 방송되는 KBS 2TV 월화드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’에 전격 투입된다.

Actress Kim Hyun Joo will be joining the BOF cast on the 20th

The role Kim Hyun Joo will be playing is Shinhwa Group's Eldest daughter and the Sister of Goo Junpyo, named Goo Jun Hee. A person who always has to know everything and feels best when she helps solve people's problems. Wild girl who had to raise her little brother herself with an iron heart.

Kim Hyun Joo in BOF will help Goo Junpyo and Geum Jandi's loveline and will always be the one who will be the problem fixer for the two. She plays the older sister that even the almighty Goo JunPyo cannot defeat.

Jung EE Chul will be playing LEE Je Ha. He will be playing the younger brother of the student who had tried to comitt suicide in episode 1, Lee Min ha. ( EEchul plays 1 person 2 role here.) He will play the role who will try to take revenge against Goo Junpyo for causing his brother to be in a emotional/mental disaster from the bullying. Minha is currently recovering. He will be playing the role trying to break jandi and junpyo off. Jung Ee chul will be playing 1 person 2 role.

LEE min Jung will be playing the fiance of Goo Jun pyo named Ha Jae Kyung. The only daughter of the world reknowned multicorporate JK group. Because she has been living all over the world instead of having the bratty, self centered rich elite daughter personality, she will be leaning toward the more friendly happy go lucky, tomboyish image. BUsiness marriage will start the relationship with Junpyo and Jae Kyung but soon she will start to like JP seriously. Jae Kyung will be the person that will help realize Jandi's true feelings fo JP as she starts to get jealous.

Senior actor, Lee Jung Gil will be also joing the cast as Jihoo's grandfather AKA past PRESIDENT OF SOUTH KOREA. He is a everyday costumer at Jandi's Porridge place and says he is just a common charity volunteerer. He always has the regret and feels sorry for Jihoo because of the terrorist attack Jihoo's parents dealt with causing Jihoo's parents to die and Jihoo to have the autism.

SO EE Jung's FIRST love CHA EUN JAE's. The actress playing this role is still undecided. Eun jae, Ga Eul, and So EE Jung will crate a love triangle which will create another stir among the viewers.


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Gahhh. I'm still so into his curly hair. Seriously. xD Thanku for those nice HQ screencaps!

So... since i have to go to sleep and can't stay up to watch ep6 (it's 12:49am here in CA).. >___< i re-watched the first part of ep5--- my favorite part in ep5. I just found that the "So Sad" instrumental piece complimented so so well w/ the scene~~ then there comes Joon Pyo to the rescue.. and the way he grabs her and hugs her.. :blush: *to die for* my gosh. And then the "Starlight Tears" song comes on (which btw is the vocal version to "So Sad".. yes i'm slow =_=). It all just went so well together!!! Even though i hardcore rooted for Joon Pyo's character in the other adaptations, i never came to like him THIS fast, i'm sure this is the same to many others. I think b/c i knew that i was already going to be rooting for Joon Pyo, it helped quicken this coming-to-like process confirmation :lol: . But really, Lee Min Ho is just a really great actor. Not only that, this Joon Pyo is just so nice compared to the others in the previous versions.. which makes me kind of disappointed, but happy too actually xDxD.. Do you think he gave in too quick? :lol: haha.. idk, he's just not very violent and he truly shows why he's from a rich family: he's not really an idiot. ;) lol.

Speaking of that.. wow, i just love love love how far they interpret and show what "rich" means in this version! Like someone else said earlier, it makes the other 2 versions seem like they're middle-class. xD The clothes, home, ppl working for Goo Joon Pyo.. >__< wowww. It's very evident how he can be the leader of F4. B)

.. phew, ok. Off to sleep now. Enjoy ep6 BFFers! I won't be able to see it until later tonight... School. :tears:

**꽃보다 남자 fighting!**


Thank you sooo much for the translations of the newly joined cast members, misshakissh!!

Wow.. i can't wait to see more characters join. I feel like it's only been F4 and Jan Di. :lol: .. --which is not a complaint as well.. :sweatingbullets:

Joon Pyo's fiance, Yi Jeong's first love (which is yet to be decided?? erhhhh?... interesting), and Lee Je Ha will stir up more spice. xD

And actress KHJ, she's so lovely! I can't wait to see her take on this role. I loved the sister haha. :P

Thanks, once again! *화이팅!*

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Guest vthinkg

Wahhhh LOVE episode 5!!!!! OH my goodness!!! :D Favorite scene has to be when JunPyo rescued Jandi in the beginning and holds her and apologizes...kill me now, it was sooo touching!!!

And of course when he bandaged her up after he had brought her to his house... & place a kiss on her forehead....*sigh* I've been rewatching those scenes over and over again. Boy do I wish I was Jandi.... :blush:

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Guest miacallisto


배우 김현주가 20일 방송되는 KBS 2TV 월화드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’에 전격 투입된다.

Actress Kim Hyun Joo will be joining the BOF cast on the 20th

The role Kim Hyun Joo will be playing is Shinhwa Group's Eldest daughter and the Sister of Goo Junpyo, named Goo Jun Hee. A person who always has to know everything and feels best when she helps solve people's problems. Wild girl who had to raise her little brother herself with an iron heart.

Kim Hyun Joo in BOF will help Goo Junpyo and Geum Jandi's loveline and will always be the one who will be the problem fixer for the two. She plays the older sister that even the almighty Goo JunPyo cannot defeat.

Jung EE Chul will be playing LEE Je Ha. He will be playing the younger brother of the student who had tried to comitt suicide in episode 1, Lee Min ha. ( EEchul plays 1 person 2 role here.) He will play the role who will try to take revenge against Goo Junpyo for causing his brother to be in a emotional/mental disaster from the bullying. Minha is currently recovering. He will be playing the role trying to break jandi and junpyo off. Jung Ee chul will be playing 1 person 2 role.

LEE min Jung will be playing the fiance of Goo Jun pyo named Ha Jae Kyung. The only daughter of the world reknowned multicorporate JK group. Because she has been living all over the world instead of having the bratty, self centered rich elite daughter personality, she will be leaning toward the more friendly happy go lucky, tomboyish image. BUsiness marriage will start the relationship with Junpyo and Jae Kyung but soon she will start to like JP seriously. Jae Kyung will be the person that will help realize Jandi's true feelings fo JP as she starts to get jealous.

Senior actor, Lee Jung Gil will be also joing the cast as Jihoo's grandfather AKA past PRESIDENT OF SOUTH KOREA. He is a everyday costumer at Jandi's Porridge place and says he is just a common charity volunteerer. He always has the regret and feels sorry for Jihoo because of the terrorist attack Jihoo's parents dealt with causing Jihoo's parents to die and Jihoo to have the autism.

SO EE Jung's FIRST love CHA EUN JAE's. The actress playing this role is still undecided. Eun jae, Ga Eul, and So EE Jung will crate a love triangle which will create another stir among the viewers.


Thanks for this!

I can't for Joon Pyo's fiance to show up cos seeing Jandi jealous will be so much fun and a nice change since it's always Joon Pyo who's jealous and stuff.

Ugh they are going to do the love triangle thing with Yi Jung and Ga Eul. I am hoping it won't be one of those annoying triangles and I really hope they won't turn Sara evil cos Sara is so awesome and sweet!

Oh and the Domyouji beat down-Makino taking the chair hit is coming up! I LOVE that scene!

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Guest vthinkg

Thought I'd share the following with everyone here... :)

Another Lee Min Ho's interview on his role as Goo Jun Pyo from YTN Star News


Boys Over Flowers - The Making Of...


Boys Over Flowers - Press Conference


Credit: ratoka26, YouTube user

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Guest polaris

ya... me too.. I have watched the previous 2 version before and as I recall, I don't think there is a scene where Jandi/ makino drowned scene ... I think they create it in this version, but I would like to know what happen exactly..oh... didn't Jandi is a good swimmer since she got scholarship on that ? but how come she can drowned ? need to watch tonight eps...

I think maybe she gets a leg cramp or something...(guessing) i heard of people drowning because of cramping even though they are good swimmers.

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Guest mysuperidol

Hi everyone, my first post in this thread and literally my first post in soompi. ^^ I'm trying my best to read everyone's comments. Icon contributors, thank u!! I took some of them~

Below are just some of my thoughts :)

I didn't expect myself to be looking forward sooooo much to Mondays and Tuesdays. Hanadan korean version rocks! For a successful drama, casting is very important to me.

When I saw the F4 poster, I thought all of them looked great and Kim Hyun Joong makes a good Hanazawa Rui/Yoon Ji Hoo. At the start, Rui's character is supposed to be with abit of autism and doesn't really knows how to express himself very well. So when he was confronting Jan Di on why she begged Seo Hyun not to go Paris, I thought he acted out quite well. hee.

Lee Min Ho. Guess he's the main motivation for me loving this show. I'm a Rui supporter but in this verion, I'm turning into a Domyouji supporter! The twinkles in his eyes, the confident smiles, the mischeiveous looks, the overbearing yet boyish character. His portray of Domyouji Tsukasa/Goo Jun Pyo is so wonderful! At episode 3 or 4, the part where he helped Jandi after she caught Ji Hoon and Seo Hyun kissing in the room, his actions and expressions just melted me :D

Goo Hye Sun. I know this actress from Pure 19 and I love her! lolx. Have to agree Jan Di is abit different from the rest of the Makinos. lolx. But I think this is the style that she is suppose to have and she is slowly building it. I hope in this version, Jan Di will be more decisive because it just makes me pull my hair sometimes when watching the other version. Her indecisiveness causes pain to Jun Pyo :(

There seems to be more air-time for this couple Sojiro/Yi Jung and Yuki/Ga Eul which I'm so happy! The chemistry between both of them is great. Please give this couple a perfect ending!!! <3

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Guest huangsy

does anyone here have the complete OST for this drama?

I don't see it in the OST thread :)


Just right click the links and save as .

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Guest mikirakayano

please,I have already ask and nobody answer...

i want to ask...

if you know something about a fan who film with his camera in the filming a scene where Jan Di shouts that she loves Jun Pyo and they kiss!!!!

I only know that it was said in a korean forum

I have try finding something putting words as:video fan filming jan di shouts love jun pyo... in korean, but i haven´t found nothing...

Can anyone say me if it is truth,please

or what forum is it???

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

Enjoyed reading your post^_^ Sorry for cutting it short. I think another way of looking at this is

when she tells So Yi Jeong that soulmates -- your one true love -- definitely exist, and how she wouldn't give up on the chance to go after her soulmate because missing the opportunity to grab onto that chance would only result in a lifelong regret. Notice the look on Yi Jeong's face!!! If the PD was to follow the manga, this actually is fall nicely to the relationship Soujirou (Yi Jeong) had with Sara...She was his one regret of what could have been but because he let the chance slipped through his fingers it was the one regret he had. It too tied nicely with Yuki and her idealistic beliefs in love and the whole incident with her boyfriend and Yi Jeong. The PD should get smart and killed two birds with one stone. <_<

I agree with you totally. This conversation is like the perfect opening for yijung/sara storyline. you can clearly see that instead of mocking gaeul's words about soulmate and not letting it go and whatnot, he actually have this clouded expression on his face, as if her words had hit a soft spot in him. and then of course he quickly flashed one of his fake smiles. I read somewhere in this thread that someone said she couldn't imagine yijung crying like in the manga because he's been smiling too much. but i totally could. he did quite excellent in crying scenes in east of eden and if there were to be a crying scene for yijung in BOF, i think it will be heartbreaking to see kimbum's portrayal. i'm sure he can pull it off.

by the way, i can't remember if domyouji in the manga ever cried. did he? don't think so, eh?

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Guest sanaechan

Just wondering, am I the only one who hates the fact that JD will have her first kiss with JH? In the Manga, before Makino actually kissed with Rui, she kisses Douyouji three times, once when he forcefully kisses her on the staircase, after he found out she's meeting with Rui there, once at the party on the boat and once after the Sakurako incident after he has treated her qounds in his room on the bed . As stupid as it sounds, I was disappointed that in ep 3 of the Korean version, JP tried to kiss JD in the park, but he couldn't. I just think it's wrong that in the Korean version, JD has her first kiss with JH :/

Hm, another question, there was a soft sub of ep 5 posted yesterday, by any chance where soft subs of ep 3 and 4 posted before too. Id really need them, can anybody help?

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Guest kumiko_a

Woah, a bit exaggerated? I mean, Ga eul and Ee Jung are cute together and their interaction is so much fun to watch - but you can't deny that JD and JP's relationship MAKES BoF - rich chaebol who's never had a girlfriend is learning how to have one. It's adorable. He does so much that he thinks is proper, but it only pisses her off. I'm excited to see JD accept him.

I have a thing for exaggeration so apologies about that. :sweatingbullets: Let's properly put it this way, shall we? I am not entirely interested as to what will happen to them. It's either because I'm not really a fan of Tsukushi/Tsukasa (I have always rooted for Rui/Tsu) from the start or because HYD is one of my favourite mangas I've followed the series since ages ago, that it's no longer THAT new to me. Whilst I like both Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun in their respective roles, I think it will take a couple of episodes more before I completely fall in love with the pair. No hard feelings really, just a matter of preference.

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eventhough i've watched the previous 2 versions of hana yori... but i can't really recall this scene.. can anyone refresh my memory?

was this in the other 2 versions and manga as well???


i wonder who will do CPR for Jandi in this scene.....

because i'm a huge jun pyo supporter.. i hope he's there at scene..*haha*

credit: baidu and korean news

maybe this is in epi6, in the preview JP said to JD not to go anywhere alone, not to swim alone again. so could it be that scene on the preview is after this scenes?

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