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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest harasmikx3

well i beg to differ, i mean i understand that KHJ didn't do well as people wanted JH to be played, but i think he did really well for his first role. i mean, i think it's really hard to be the second lover/soulmate for the protagonist of the drama, no? like kim bum's role was pretty easy for his first acting career

but all in all, i'm happy that KHJ got his part as JH because now he has even MORE fans. cause i feel like SS501, even thought they're big, they were slowly getting stomped over by these new bands that came out after them, like BIGBANG, SNSD, WONDERGIRLS, etc.

well this is just MY opinion though :)

and i'll admit it, i'm VERY bias and supportive of KHJ so :P haha sorry

Who and why was the guy in the car try to kill ji hoo? I am a little confused..



the guy in the car was trying to jihoo because he thought that he was GJP. he started getting in debt and whatnot and now is running away from loansharks? he basically had nothing left and was very psychotically suicidal. hence, when he heard the mothers of the village talking about shinhwa group's heir (only because they were jumping into conclusions) he thought that he could get revenge!

complicated, yes. but if you watch the japanese one, it says that because of GJP shinhwa group's stock went down because GJP was takling to much. hence, the firing of a lot of employees. but idk if that pertains to the korean one :)

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I read an account from someone who was there during the final filming that GHS went missing, and so she was not in the group photo. Apparently, KHJ looked concerned, looking around to see where she might be. They (I think F4) later went to find her in her van. I think she may either have been crying or changing her clothes (because they threw her into the water after shooting ended)

Thanks, blue_angel_1004. What a shame that she wasn't there with all the cast :(. I saw a photo where she was crying... but I didn't know that she was throw into the water XD.

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I loveeeeeeeeeddddddd the last episode!!!

Especially the part when Jun Pyo remembered Jan Di after she fell in and the way he calls her name. I love how he says "Jan Di!!"

The ending was really cute too! :)

Lee Minho gets cuter and cuter! <3

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Guest F4fan

As much as I hated Yumi's very existence, in this version of BOF she was needed to further the JD/JP relationship. I hate to say it, but it's true. Because of Yumi, JD became even more aware of her love for JP. Unlike when JK was in the picture, JD actually fights for JP. Her fight may not be in your face, but like her love for JP it is there. She refuses to give in to Yumi's schemes and refuses to let go of JP. It doesn't matter how rude he is to her, how much he may think that Yumi is his gf or what Yumi does. JD just keeps plugging along and trying to find away to make JP remember. Her falling in the pool and remaining under water for so long (my heart was in my throat) showed the depths of her love for JP and the extent she was willing to go to to keep him.

If there was no accident, no amnesia and no Yumi, JD would have probably remained in the fishing village trying to protect GE and JH. Let's just thank God that her role and existence was short lived.

To be honest, Yumi wasn't needed. She was just an irritant. Almost losing JP to death and his memory loss were enough to frighten JD. Her heartbreaking cries while holding his hands told me that she was done sitting back and letting his mother or other circumstances decide the outcome of their relationship. When he could remember everyone except her, she was not going to allow him to forget her. She might have moments where she doubted herself and JP regaining his memory but she was willing to try once more with the pool scene. JD was done being on the sidelines and putting others before their relationship.

I think a movie would be better than a series sequel. A movie about the shenanigans of planning their wedding would be funny or JD breaking into society and causing problems. Or if its a sequel -- a 2-5 part sequel would be sufficient. I just don't know what else they can do for a series.

EDIT: If KBS is planning to broadcast a special -- they better be letting people know or they will miss the show altogether. Until we hear official word from KBS, I don't think there is a special.

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Guest ethopia

~~ a seaquel?? i dont mind as long its the same artists... (unlike goong <_< .. bleh!) F4 and GJD forever!!!!! :)

so what would be the storyline?? basically they did all the storyline from the manga and previous versions... i hope there will be a wedding hehehe...

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Guest yumoreo5

I think there are conflicting ideas of "soulmates" in this drama which makes no sense.

YJ and GE's soulmates is way different than the whole JD's soulmate is JH and husband is JP, that's some stupid definition. :rolleyes: Sorry, it's like hogging both guys. And I for one only believe that there's only one soulmate which is the husband. Jandi is still a flake in the end with that whole messed up soulmates concept. <_<

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Guest yongieee

ohhh nooo... a sequel?

can't they just learn from what happened to GOONG S?

and i doubt all of the same, if any, cast will return

i wish they would just leave it as it ended. I was very satisfied, and i don't want it to be ruined :(

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Guest klassikm3


Hmm? I thought season 2 was already in it...

Ah, just read the comments,

Some people think it's an April Fool's joke heheh.

i checked out the site and i was thinking the same thing....april fools? i dunnno but i sure will miss BOF sooooo much. oh how i will miss junpyo and jandi and the F4!

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Guest OneSky.

im sorry. did you even WATCH the episode??

1. junpyos dad woke up. his mom is taking care of him. junhee's taken over mom's job.

2. yumi high-tailed the hell out of there. besides why should JP be all that mad at YM? he mistook her for JD (albeit she didnt protest).

3. gaeul IS the first person yijung goes to see. uh. the pottery class?

4. why should there be a wedding this isnt the japanese version. isnt a happy ending enough? WHY WHY WHY do we need jaekyung to come back, or the grandma to come back? they played their part in JD and JP's fairytale.

5. jihoo grandpa just seemed to suffer from high blood pressure. like the majority of korean males. <_< a diet low in salt and some medicine would have been good enough to keep him alive. <_< . but the clinic WAS closed probably due to his illness.

again i ask. WHERE did you watch your episode?

and WHY do people think the ending is open ended. i really dont understand.

I said it would be better if they did have a wedding. JD and JP deserve it. And I said it would be nice if Jaekyung came back to celebrate their happiness and of course, the marriage. I never implied that we "needed" her back. -.-

Yes, as a matteroffact, I did watch the episode. But after reading Soompier's comments, I noticed there were scenes that I never even HEARD of before:

If you noticed, people in the thread mentioned that the videos on viikii with the subs left/cut out the interview with goo jun pyo had which showed everything about his mom, dad, sister etc. So yeah, they did watch the episode but the site they watched it from left out an important scene and thats where their questions arise from.

Yeah, I watched the episodes on Viikii because their site had always been reliable to watch raw and quick to get uploaded. Does anyone know where I can watch the episodes parts I missed? T_T

JP wasn't giving JD the breath of life. He was giving JD The Kiss of Life --- like a prince kissing his princess and bringing her back to life.

Well, it certainly wasn't proper CPR procedure. If it was in reality, JD would be dead. :X And how in the world did the ambulance get to Jihoo and Junpyo back in the car accident? He just cried, "My friend is dying!" twice before he hung up.

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After I watched the final episode I was just thinking

they better not make a sequel.

I know fans want to see more of F4 and all but

I agree with others. There's nothing more

that is to be continued. Everyone has an ending

(except Yumi and WooBin and other side characters

like porridge owner guy or jandi's family) but I mean

you can assume some things. But yea they didn't

have too much story anyway so it doesn't matter.

The main characters ended up with happy endings if

they make a sequel they're just going to mess it up.

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Guest OneSky.

After I watched the final episode I was just thinking

they better not make a sequel.

I know fans want to see more of F4 and all but

I agree with others. There's nothing more

that is to be continued. Everyone has an ending

(except Yumi and WooBin and other side characters

like porridge owner guy or jandi's family) but I mean

you can assume some things. But yea they didn't

have too much story anyway so it doesn't matter.

The main characters ended up with happy endings if

they make a sequel they're just going to mess it up.

I don't think we need to worry about that though. I've watched alot of dramas, and even dramas where they had full potential for a season 2---never gets made. Korean producers/writers never make second seasons..at least, not out of the ones I've watched. Rarely do they make the dramas into a movie-version too, so I'm doubtful a movie'll come out for BOF like it did for HYD.

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In Meteor Garden, the second season was dedicated almost entirely to Daoming Si's (Junpyo) memory loss, and they really dragged out the story until I was bored to death.

sorry to cut your post short but part of the reason they dragged the memory loss season so much was that unlike HYD and BOF, Meteor Garden Seasons 1 and 2 were shot before the manga even finished. The manga finished in 2003 but MG 1 and 2 aired in 2001 and 2002 respectively.

I actually liked this version, yes on a miniscule level the ending was kinda lame but the story originally was open ended so anything with some idea of a future makes me happy. I also liked how they intertwined some of our favorite moments of the series into the final episode. I think the scriptwriters and PD just ended up with more loose ends than they could logically tie up even though they had originally intended on doing them justice they just ran out of time. If I had never seen the other two versions and read the manga, for a drama I would say although they did a good job at keeping the hype and people entertained as a story it was very lacking but since I have seen and read the other versions I am still happy that I stuck with the show till the end because between the three I was able to see most of my favorite parts of the story played out in live action. The korean cast will probably always be my favorite because 1)they are gorgeous and 2) great actors and if anything this show will be great boost in their careers, especially Lee Minho and Kim Joon. Most people already know that Kim Bum and Goo Hye Sun can act so I wasn't surprised by their performances, considering in the last drama I watched with LMH I barely noticed him ("I am Sam" with TOP from big bang), because I was too busy seeing if TOP could act or not, his amazing performance as GJP was a pleasant surprise for me. As for Kim Joon, if I didn't know this was his first acting role I would of thought he had been in at least a couple of dramas prior because he is definitely a natural actor and I see great things in his future and people should watch for him because given the right role I think he can be a great talent . Hyunjoong, love him or hate him for his first role he did a great job and most importantly he improved as the show went on. Most people do not get such a high profile role as their first acting job so I think he did a fine job considering the pressure of this specific role and how high profile he was to begin with (coming fresh off of WGM).

All in all I think what makes HYD work is that it was a great story and each PD did a good job of not only picking people that work well together on screen but got along just as well offscreen. For each of the versions, especially with BOF, I can imagine them being just as good friends off camera as they are on camera thus making their portrayals of the roles that more heartwarming and believeable.

On a random note, I absolutely LOVED the pool scene, it was beautifully done and I probably replayed it three times before finishing the episode when I was watching it subbed (mostly because I watched it live that morning so I already saw the end).

Although I am usually a lurker on this thread I just wanted to thank everyone here on this thread for their great recaps and commentary, it has definitely been a great ride. I haven't had so much fun (and been fustrated at times) watching a drama this much since Coffee Prince and Goong.

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Guest KDPMeluv

I said it would be better if they did have a wedding. JD and JP deserve it. And I said it would be nice if Jaekyung came back to celebrate their happiness and of course, the marriage. I never implied that we "needed" her back. -.-

Yes, as a matteroffact, I did watch the episode. But after reading Soompier's comments, I noticed there were scenes that I never even HEARD of before:

Yeah, I watched the episodes on Viikii because their site had always been reliable to watch raw and quick to get uploaded. Does anyone know where I can watch the episodes parts I missed? T_T

Well, it certainly wasn't proper CPR procedure. If it was in reality, JD would be dead. :X And how in the world did the ambulance get to Jihoo and Junpyo back in the car accident? He just cried, "My friend is dying!" twice before he hung up.

hmm...I guess that question isn't really important, but most police stations/emergency stations have tracking devices.

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I think there are conflicting ideas of "soulmates" in this drama which makes no sense.

YJ and GE's soulmates is way different than the whole JD's soulmate is JH and husband is JP, that's some stupid definition. :rolleyes: Sorry, it's like hogging both guys. And I for one only believe that there's only one soulmate which is the husband. Jandi is still a flake in the end with that whole messed up soulmates concept. <_<

Yes! I think this SW has a totally messed up understanding of what a soulmate is. IMO, there are no 2 definitions of soulmates. Now, JP did actually refer to JH as her "destined mate" (literal translation) but what is a destined mate? The person you're supposed to be with so I guess that would mean her soulmate. I personally was much happier with my understanding that the whole fortune-telling thing in New Caledonia was merely a dream and therefore simply reflected JD's inner confusion at the time (when she thought she was in love with JH). After she realized that she was actually in love with JP, the whole soulmate vs husband thingy should have ended. But stupid Ms SW with her 1-digit IQ just had to mess up what would have been a decent ending.

The only way I can even begin to try to understand the SW's version of a soulmate is perhaps that JH is the female version of JD and so therefore, they are able to think alike. Hmmm.... JH as a male JD? But actually a prettier and more feminine JD than the actual real JD? Must think on this a little... No, this version of soulmates really doesn't make sense because JD comes from a loving family. JH lost his loving family. Nope. Can't do it. Can't make sense of the SW's idea of a soulmate.

And, I don't see why JP can't be JD's soulmate. He understands JD's feeling, he knows how she's feeling and what she's thinking. It's just that sometimes his hand are tied by his obligations, obligations which JH does not have. JP knew that JD only left him at the bus scene bc of something his mom did, and he knew each time that JD would need someone so he always found a way to get JH to comfort or support JD. Further, even though he lost his memory of JD, something still pulled him towards her. If there was no connection, he would have just ignored her, but he seemed to have hated her from the start. They say that the opposite of love is hate, not indifference. And his body still remembered her (i.e. the taste of JD's cooking). And, if soulmates are destined to be, then they can't be similar. It's like magnets: opposites attract. That's why, it doesn't matter how much JH may like JD, some force will always keep him at a distance.

Back to JH as a male JD... perhaps they can do a season 2 and we will learn that JH and JD are actually twins and JH was born a girl, but due to a freak accident as an infant, they had to give him a sex change operation. That's why he's always there for her--bc they have that special twin connection. Maybe that'll finally satisfy the SW. She'll finally have her chance to really ruin this drama.

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Guest KDPMeluv

That's all I could think of for now.

The only regrets I have for the Korean BOF is that there are just too many flaws to the storyline, some of them are just too illogical and ridiculous eg. the Yumi part, JP and Yumi just met for a short while and they are about to go overseas together, I just shake my head while thinking about this.

sorry for cutting short your post.

but about the yumi and junpyo meeting for a short while and going overseas being ridiculous....

remember, junpyo thought that it was YUMI who he had forgotten. he thought that she was actually his long lost lover....not geum jandi. so he probably supposed that he knew her for a long time.

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