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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Thanks for the pics & spoilers.

Though really, I NEED a wedding scene...please! Come on, I mean, the Japn version had it...so I think the k-version deserves one too! Not to mention it would be super unfair if we get to see JH + JD "wedding" and JP + JK "wedding", YET not a JP & JD one. Right?! Where's the sense in that? *sigh*

So nobody deserves a wedding more than our beloved JP & JD! I truly truly hope the spoiler re: JP & JD taking wedding photos together is true. I will even take the so-called leaked photo taken in New Calendonia. *sigh again*

And really, what the heck is with JD and JH being in the same profession? *sigh again & again* :lol: I guess that's consolation prize for our dear writer :rolleyes:...she can't have her happy ending, so at least she has them working together! HAHA. :crazy:

I hope that they have a wedding scene also. It's going to be agonizingly painful if they don't because some of us will have to ponder what the wedding would have been like. Please PD Nim! Give us the best wedding in the world for the Jundi couple and end the suffering! OM Gosh... it's only a couple more hours and episode 24 comes out... I feel like crying because it's nearing the end. I'm sure I am going to cry a lot at the end of episode 25 because the Jundi couple and Jihu have been through so much! I have never loved a drama so much in my entire life... I even have all the episodes on my iPod touch and I watch one episode before I go to bed. I lead a sad life and it's going to be sadder once this show is over. What are we all to do with our Mondays and Tuesdays :(?

I really wonder why the little Junpyo was at Gaeuls school? I hope that it's the Jundi couple's kid even though he might be a little too old... a girl can surely dream right?

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Guest kiwi18

My random goodbye letter to the cast of BOF.

Dear BOF Main Cast Members,

Hi. We will probably never meet. Partly because you're famous and fictional and I'm not. But more because I live in Colorado and you're alllllllll the way in Korea. That being said I wanted to drop a short note and say thanks.

Jun Pyo- Yeah. I'm not gonna lie. You're hot. (If you want me to be explicit about how I feel, just read flowerpot's post.) I'll miss your curly hair, straight hair, the random fur, your grunting when you're angry, the way your eyes fill with tears of frustration, your stubborn love for one woman... your cockiness, your sensitivity, your insanity. Heck, I might even miss the CGI ducks if I have a mind to. But thanks. Thanks for making Jun Pyo human, relatable and pretty darn irresistible.

Jan Di- When I first saw you on that bike I was not sure I was going to like you. But you turned out to be amazing. Although I might not always agree with your course of action, I understood (for the most part anyway) your motive. I still have to say you created one of my most favorite drama moments ever the moment you got up on that stage and sang your heart out at Jun Pyo's birthday party. Way to stick it to his mother. Thanks for making Jun Pyo rice, cookies... all of that. And for eventually standing up for your love. We know that Righteous Geum Jan Di has taken on alot in the last 23 episodes, and sometimes she's been stomped on. But it's been amazing to watch you get back up, even when you didn't really know if getting back up would be worth it. Jan Di FIGHTING!

Ji Hoo- Oh where do I begin?? There's not a lot I will miss about you as you've pretty much annoyed me the last few episodes. I will say the haircut was a good move. Also the ceasing of wearing lip gloss. I do appreciate the way you've been there (although I do not appreciate the amount of screen time you've taken up). I think Jan Di said it best when she was talking to Jae Kyung about you. You are vacant, and you make me feel vacant, but without you I don't know where Jan Di would be. I hope you learn to play the harmonica better. You're pretty sweet on the piano. And I've noticed you don't play the violin anymore. So sad. Please enjoy the Grandpa love you're getting and remember, you got less in other versions. I'm sorry your heart has been crushed, but really... you did it to yourself.

Yi Jung- You're a potter. Hot. You've got amazing hair. Hot. Killer smile... also Hot. But being so emo the last few episodes? Not so hot. Buck up dude. Life is not over. AND you've got a pretty girl who likes you and will help you. Let's face it, she's much better then who you were going to give your heart to in the first place. And she's given you a run for your money by telling you what's up. Stick with her. Don't ruin it. And please make stuff with your hands again. Cause wating you make stuff. Very hot indeed.

Woo Bin- Your crazy English put me off at first. Honestly I can't mark the moment when I suddenly liked you. I was in the middle before I knew it. You've had crazy hair, crazy jackets and crazy lines... but you've always tried to keep your friends together. I've come to love your gangster english (and your gangster ways... even though you thought you brought nothing to the group you're wrong. You've been a pro at busting Jun Pyo out.) Thanks for being awesome. And calling the F4 like you see them. Only don't go to a monastery. That would be sad.

All in all, thanks BOF main cast members for being amazing... and giving me one of my all time favorite dramas. I don't know what I'm going to do without you on my Monday and Tuesday nights. I'll probably just have to watch it all over again. (If it ends satisfactorily. YES PD I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!)


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woah! such a BIG SPOILERS!

JH-JD become doctors! ^^

and JP purposed to JD.. !! arrghh............. this is what we want! so sweeeeet.. <33

i laughed so loud reading the spoiler, while JP purposed JD suddenly F3 come & objected it coz both JP-JD havent ask their permission yet..LOL..that so cute! ^^

gosh.. im gonna miss those gorgeous guys F4, esp JP :blush:







credit DC MinHo

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Guest KristyS

aww, i cannot believe it's going to end. it's just too sad :tears:

i will miss jun pyo and jan di

and most of all F4 ...

i hope they have a future project together after what a success BOF has been

thank you for sharing all these great spoilers

i cannot wait to come home tmr and the day after that xD !

*tear tear*

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We all know that in the end they bothe will be together :phew: -JP-GJ - in :wub: Boys Over Flowers -I just cant belive thats its gonno end :( not like east of eaden i was well depressed , but in BOF for sure after all that pain and heartache theres gonno be a happy ending!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

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awww i don't want to be too happy because of the spoilers because i know it would be sad when i know BOF would be over...i agree that i don't think it will be the last scene either..and plus it would be kind of dull to just leave the f4 and JD standing looking at the sunset..maybe because we thought of this ending because they are taking a farewell cast picture..i don't mind wedding...oh how i wished they filmed a wedding scene from long time ago..

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Guest soonjap

4.) Scenery was breath taking. New Caledona... ahhh... who knew that mother nature could create a heart marsh?

The heart marsh is located in KOREA, not New Caledonia. There's another island off the Korean coast that also has a heart shaped bay.

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Guest jeniko

Me too... :tears::tears: i'm feeling so sad that filming of the drama has ended....... as it is implying that there will be no more BOF next week.....

i would wish to have the movie version of BOF instead of a 2nd season on TV.... at least movie version, they can be a little bit more daring to do certain things they can't show on TV.... :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

and it can be the life of them after JP & JD marriage... (beginning of the movie will be JP & JD wedding if it is not shown on TV :fury: )

flower_pot, you might want to write the script for the movie version and send it to the PD!!! Joondi will be hugging you during the filming if your script gets through them!! :D:D

I'm totally agreed with you!!! It's better a special movie than a TV show, I wanna see their life as a couple because as a marriage there are things to be adapted and since they have different styles of life, I wanna see their fighting trying to make a deal.

I can't believe its gonna finish tomorrowwwww!!!


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Guest lilnahnah

The heart marsh is located in KOREA, not New Caledonia. There's another island off the Korean coast that also has a heart shaped bay.

mm..actually while on Happy Together GHS said that the heart marsh was in New Caledonia. The scenes shot inside the helicopter were shot in Korea though.

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Guest ieatpeople

one thing...how are Ji hoo and Jan di doctors during the fast foward parts? Jandi is 19 and Ji hoo is 20 (korean age), plus 4 more years for each. making them 23 and 24. Here in the states when you are 22 or 24 (regular age) you have just ended your general ed and bachelors degree. Which means that you still need to attend medical school (4 more years) and do an internship (2-3 more years). Even if they are medical students, why would they receive lab coats (this early in their education) and wear them out in public?

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Guest s0ori

guyss..it's my first time to post here..i'm just wondering if the upcoming episodes will jump for 4 years?..since everyone here is talking about the spoilers..

and i'm looking also of all the BTS of BOF...i've been looking all over but i found nothing...

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Guest katkat1970

A message from the heart of a fan... Me. :D

It was just barely three months ago that we were first introduced to the Korean version of HYD, of course there were media hypes and since this was the third version, comparisons were at full blast.

The Korean version was a fresh addition to the first two adaptations, and I say this was a good move.

I've watched all three versions, but I will refrain from comparing because all 3 versions were a class of their own.

It was a ride of a lifetime, I've enjoyed BBF and fell in love with the story and the sub plots, there were complains, hopes, and wishes here and there but in the end all of us hard core HYD lovers still supported and stuck with BBF until its final run tomorrow.

To all the cast of BBF,

KHS- you're a very beautiful Jandi thank you for making the heroine a fun and loving character... :D

LMH- you're a revelation, I admit I never knew you before but thanks to BBF, I got to know you. You were a wonderful and sexy JoonPyo... keep it up. :D

KHJ- you're a newbie and you had the ups and downs of being an actor but thanks to your hard work, you managed to pull a very convincing Jihoo... we'll be waiting for you to come back as Leader again. :)

KB- I've seen your movie before but I adore you as YJ because you had it in you, you're a versatile actor... looking forward for your next project. ;)

KJ- I also never knew of T-Max but ever since BBF, I learned of a wonderful man named Kim Joon, you made Woobin a delightful character and I was always waiting for the next episode to see your gangsta trait... please consider to do an action movie because it fits you. B)

KES- a fresh face that fits the warm character of GaEul... I hope to see you again in a brand new drama with KB perhaps? :rolleyes:

And to the rest of the cast, thank you very much for your hard work. I was totally blown away by BBF. And as a true follower of Kamio's work, I am very much satisfied.

Boys Before Flowers... it was a good and worthy journey.

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Guest bluescent10

Awww...this drama will end tomorrow..i'll miss all the cast.. :(

Congratz to all of them! I mean all there hard works were paid off..many people like this drama so much..

I'm Happy for Jandi and Jun Pyo they have happy ending..

And for Jan Di and Ji Hoo becoming future doctors..yehey! same with me...hahahaha!! :D

Thanks Guys For all the Pictures you shared...

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Guest s0ori

gag concert -bof parody 1/5

i m nt sure whether it is fine to share this..u can find the rest part under this user too

but this parody makes me laugh so much..

since i had ntg to watch till ep 24 is out, i watched this..

pm me if this is nt allowed and i will have it removed..

i cant wait for ep24....arrrrr

Joondi <3

yeah.i watched this already..

it's kind of funny though.. ^_^

the bad thing is that it isn't last for t0o long..hehe

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Guest Cheesey

one thing...how are Ji hoo and Jan di doctors during the fast foward parts? Jandi is 19 and Ji hoo is 20 (korean age), plus 4 more years for each. making them 23 and 24. Here in the states when you are 22 or 24 (regular age) you have just ended your general ed and bachelors degree. Which means that you still need to attend medical school (4 more years) and do an internship (2-3 more years). Even if they are medical students, why would they receive lab coats (this early in their education) and wear them out in public?


because ANYTHING is possible in the land of BOF...

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Guest ahsieee

omg! i knew coming here at work would be a bad idea...

thanks SO much for the spoiler pictures~ and the unconfirmed tibbit of news of ep 25

i'm REALLY looking forward to ep 25 :D

i wish i could go to KHJ farewell event, but can't because of work...

i really wish i could take a sick day and not come in!!

as i've said in my other posts.. i just CAN'T wait for this week..

i'll probably be upset after i watch today's ep because of his amnesia..

and i forget who said this, but i agree with you! i REALLY do miss JP's curly hair from the beginning of the drama..

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Guest ml_87

one thing...how are Ji hoo and Jan di doctors during the fast foward parts? Jandi is 19 and Ji hoo is 20 (korean age), plus 4 more years for each. making them 23 and 24. Here in the states when you are 22 or 24 (regular age) you have just ended your general ed and bachelors degree. Which means that you still need to attend medical school (4 more years) and do an internship (2-3 more years). Even if they are medical students, why would they receive lab coats (this early in their education) and wear them out in public?

actually there's a spoiler that JD is not a doctor yet. she's just working voluntarirly for a clinic

btw, KBS hasnt released new piz for episode 24. so curious! :rolleyes:

to all of guys here, Mino and HS sais that they really miss their character. Sun said that she wanna be JD more. and Mino said that he felt blank after finishing filming. me, too :huh: but let's enjoy the 2 last episodes first~~

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Guest taniyama_mai

really love to see artwork from Lunar Sea...

anyone has more artwork from Lunar Sea in BOF?

thank you very much for the Lunar Sea artwork uploader...

Lunar Sea, you such a great artist...

Cant wait for new episode today.....

BOF rules...

Love all F4, jandi and gaeul....

B)B) B)

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Guest taniyama_mai

really love to see artwork from Lunar Sea...

anyone has more artwork from Lunar Sea in BOF?

thank you very much for the Lunar Sea artwork uploader...

Lunar Sea, you such a great artist...

Cant wait for new episode today.....

BOF rules...

Love all F4, jandi and gaeul....

B)B) B)

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