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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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i can't believe that in 2 more episodes there won't be anymore BOYS OVER FLOWERS!

i don't know what to do with my mondays and tuesdays anymore >;[ do any of you think

that thye might make a second season like how they did with the japanese version? i kinda

don't think so because they added everything into this one. hopefully the do? BOF FTW!^^

Me too... :tears::tears: i'm feeling so sad that filming of the drama has ended....... as it is implying that there will be no more BOF next week.....

i would wish to have the movie version of BOF instead of a 2nd season on TV.... at least movie version, they can be a little bit more daring to do certain things they can't show on TV.... :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

and it can be the life of them after JP & JD marriage... (beginning of the movie will be JP & JD wedding if it is not shown on TV :fury: )

flower_pot, you might want to write the script for the movie version and send it to the PD!!! Joondi will be hugging you during the filming if your script gets through them!! :D:D

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Guest XiahxTiffany

damit so i guess this is the last week...

wat am i going to watch on monday and tuesday now!!!

gosh im definitely going to repeat this series like 5 times :)

and im so sure JP and JD getting married isnt last scene

last scene probably going to be like them going back to Macau with family

cause in like episode 5 or something JD ssaid she wishes to bring her family once to this kind of place

sooo probably yeaa :)

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Guest ketchup?

I am seriously in depressed-mode right about now. Wow.. and to think right now we're at over a thousand pages in this thread. By Tuesday, there won't be anything else for us to speculate about. I don't remember what I used to do Mondays and Tuesdays before BOF. Wow.. I sound really emo. Anyways, it was great reading everyone's comments on this drama and I will truly miss it when it comes to an end.

On a brighter note, hopefully JH will end up with someone who loves him back just as much as he loves her. Although I feel unfortunate that he cannot be with JD, I hope he'll find someone good at the end of the last episode. As for GE and YJ, I still want to see them actually kiss! I also want a real kiss from JD and JP. How awkward would it be in real life if you just placed your lips on your partner for a long time and that's all? Weird. As for this new Umi girl... she hasn't even appeared and she's already getting on my nerves lol.

I'm trying REALLY REALLY hard not to watch or read spoilers because I don't want to ruin the last two episodes. *cries*

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Guest F4fan

in my opinion i dont think the proposal scene will be the last scene.. just because it was the last scene shot, doesnt necessarily mean it will be the last scene. for some reason i still think that leaked scene from a long time ago of jd/jp walking on the beach hand in hand will be the end?


well thats just my prediction.. keke we only have to wait 2 days to find out! hopefully i dont break my laptop in half at the umi scenes and miss it!

I kind of agree with you but I can see the ending of the 5 of them looking out into the sunset as if looking towards the future. Well, I hope you are right because that ending leaves me a little unfulfilled. I hope therumors about wedding pictures being taken are true. A montage of the wedding pictures would be sufficient after the proposal. .

Bashing of characters: I think it is acceptable as long as its not the actress. Characters are made to be hated, love, or don't care. The actor/actress is not the character; they are just playing a part.

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Guest doremii*

There has been too many spoilers! x( But i cant stop looking! HA!

But i so don't like the bashing on the new girl in BOF. Get a grip people!

She's an actress playing a role.

I agree. The actress is just doing her job.

I'm amazed how addicted I am to this drama xD I mean the plot is so farfetched with tons of loopholes and the characters get on my nerves but I always look forward to watching it on monday & tuesdays :lol: The last kdrama I followed weekly was.. MNIKSS haha I'm gonna miss BOF and the cast =(

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Guest xiaomaii

i have a question act..dunno whether it is stupid or not...

how do F3, JD and JP meet Yumi?

probably in the hospital by the time JunPyo's been admitted after the accident. By the manga, she came past by his room, and she met Tsukasa (she was kind of a flirtatious gold-digger character.

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Guest LoveIt!

I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up yet....the thread moves so fast and I'm still a newbie.

Anyways onto my point does anyone else think that Jandi and JiHoo are wearing lab coats in the spoiler pictures? At first I thought they were wearing robes....lol.

(I'm a biologist and our lab coats look exactly like those from the back.)

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Guest bubble

I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up yet....the thread moves so fast and I'm still a newbie.

Anyways onto my point does anyone else think that Jandi and JiHoo are wearing lab coats in the spoiler pictures? At first I thought they were wearing robes....lol.

(I'm a biologist and our lab coats look exactly like those from the back.)

its suppose to show that they are doctors

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Guest ml_87

someone saw JP-JD taking wedding pics (hasnt been confirmed)

F4fan: i forgot that and the 1st thing i did after waking up is to remove img tag. of course, many people dun wanna know the ending beforehand :lol:

so JP hasnt heard JD's answer. right? :rolleyes:

i'm so sad when seeing pics of the cast take piz together. that's their last scene~~ BOF finished :mellow:

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I have a lot of feeling right know..

So happy seeing my JP and JD hands in hands and they are going to married.

And so sad...cause tomorow will be the last day with my beloved Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun.. I dont wan to say good bye..

Thanks all of you guys for sharing your feeling, comment and..spoilers of course..

I will miss BOF so much..


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Guest darkgod_08

I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up yet....the thread moves so fast and I'm still a newbie.

Anyways onto my point does anyone else think that Jandi and JiHoo are wearing lab coats in the spoiler pictures? At first I thought they were wearing robes....lol.

(I'm a biologist and our lab coats look exactly like those from the back.)

there are so much distraction in the ending of BOF

it disturbed me a lot :phew: :phew: :phew:

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Guest eka_chan

i have a question act..dunno whether it is stupid or not...

how do F3, JD and JP meet Yumi?

lol. i have the same question too.

and one more question about yumi, i'm just curious, is she rich too?

because based on blue_angel_1004 spoiler she thrown a party and announces her plans to study abroad with JP. we know that in Meteor Garden 2, yumi (yesa) is a princess.

so sad BOF will end tommorow... :tears:

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Guest simplyyjenii

holy richard simmons @ the spoiler pics!

I think the 2 photos where F4 and Jandi are they're are a big spoiler of the 4 year time jump!

and of course who can forget the propsal one LOLLLLL major spoiler right there!!!! I cant believe BOF is coming to an end *cries*

I want a movie finale! like HYD LOL

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Annyeong BOF chingus

I feel sad to think that this is the last week for us to watch the last 2 episodes. I do hope all of them will have future projects fast so that we are able to see them on the screen again.

Just wondering, did anyone share the English subs for Episode 23? Would appreciate it very much if you could share me the link again. Nomu komapta chingu!



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Guest Mittsi

why is everyone saying the series is ending tomorrow?

lmao, aren't there two episodes still left, or am i just dumb? O.o

well anyways, i'm not going to be able to get through the week anymore x.x

what got me through the week was actually thinking "New BOF episodes on monday and tuesday! :D" hahah

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Guest jenjen4

I'm probably the only one

...But i find it amusing that they have the same hair...4 years later. haha...curly Junpyo.

Jandi's hair is longer but everyone else seems to be the same.

Anyways, I just want to say how much I enjoyed reading everyone's post and overanalyzing essays over the past few months. I must say this is one of those drama where the excitement just makes it that much better.

As it's coming to an end, I don't think I feel any sadness. I think if it drags any longer...my interest in it will die. I liked the drama alot. Some daydreaming in class and great emotions were brought up from it. I hope everyone ends the drama on a happy note and go away from it as it is. I find it alittle sad that some people go away feeling that they wasted their time simply because of an ending.

Hopefully there will be another fangirling worthy show coming soon.

Thank you for all the good memories and bye to all the BOF shippers. :)

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Guest betchay

I kind of agree with you but I can see the ending of the 5 of them looking out into the sunset as if looking towards the future. Well, I hope you are right because that ending leaves me a little unfulfilled. I hope therumors about wedding pictures being taken are true. A montage of the wedding pictures would be sufficient after the proposal. .

Hope it is not the ending.. it seems sad & open ending for me.

hu hu hu what about my illusion to see the little JunDis? :huh::o

I gonna miss these 4 handsome guys ----> f4.gifsmiley16.gifsmiley16.gifsmiley16.gif

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