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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Thanks ml_87 for that BTS pic! I can't believe that GHS, KHJ, and LMH haven't slept for two days!! OMG!! They are so tired and they can still portray the scene so well, thumbs up to them! I went back to read where I last posted and then I suddenly saw a you post that the spoiler was fake and I was rather confused until I kept reading on a realized what the spoilers were. Thank goodness they were fake because 5 years is too long for me and it sounds like such a typical ending, instead this one seems sadder in certain ways.

Sorry to whoever posted the lunar sea drawings....thanks a lot because I really love her drawings...they are so cute!

Thanks flower_pot for your insightful and yet funny review of the episodes! They make my day reading them.

Thanks to blue_angel_1004 for all you spoilers!! I don't want to stay away from the spoilers because I don't want to be surprised. Whenever I get surprised, I end up getting disappointed, so I would rather know what happens beforehand. Hmm...why show a time jump of 4 years if they reunite before the jump? Can't they just not add that and leave the ending like that? I really hate these things for some reason even if they reunite before the jump. I seriously can't find any importance in that and after knowing about it, I keep having a bad feeling of some sort. I don't know why. Maybe, the PD is trying to show them all grown up? Again...why? I think it would have been fine if they just ended it there. That time jump better indicate that everyone has a good ending because if anyone of them don't get one, I will seriously go to Korea and yell at the PD myself for doing this to me.

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Guest kje_chocolate

PLEASE! Can anyone tell me the song name and artist that plays during the scene where joonpyo is drunk in the end of episode 23?? and he is playing with that stuffed animal game thing?

That song is What to do - Ji Sun

Track 06 in OST 2

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And, this is not a spoiler and so not confirmed (let's call it a speculation?), but there is a rumor going around that they pre-filmed a wedding in Macau and a honeymoon in New Caledonia, which may be used as some of the scenes in the blank script for after the time jump. This is not by my spoiler source, so I'm not sure about the reliability of any of this speculation. Just thought it was interesting so I thought I'd share.

A romantic honeymoon in New Caledonia would be such a wonderful ending, thus, Jun Pyo had promise to go back to the island with her family. I wonder how the characters would look with the time frame separation.

*thanks 'blue angel 1004' for all the latest updates. :)

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Guest betchay

JD and JP go on a Namsan date (cable car) AFTER JP recovers his memory. The script instruction for the Namsan kiss is 지긋이, which roughly translates to "adoringly." Of course, this kiss happens after the high school graduation so it is up to the director to change it as passionately or innocently as he sees fit.

And, this is not a spoiler and so not confirmed (let's call it a speculation?), but there is a rumor going around that they pre-filmed a wedding in Macau and a honeymoon in New Caledonia, which may be used as some of the scenes in the blank script for after the time jump. This is not by my spoiler source, so I'm not sure about the reliability of any of this speculation. Just thought it was interesting so I thought I'd share.

Thanks again..'blue_angel_1004' .

Wedding & honeymoon.. that would be a perfect ending for us.

Hope its true. :D:w00t:

Jun Pyo may suffer amnesia & forget only Jandi.

After BOF.. i want to"forget all BOF episodes"

so i could start watching & enjoying it again.

I'm worried with my BOF withdrawal next week.. :ph34r::tears::blink:

artwork gif...


Pls.. do not hotlink

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Guest oc-ca

yeah, that's the main fact, that JH's grandfather told JH that he clearly does not approve of JH+JD. they have been separated for so many years, and JH's finally come to realize his grandfather's pain. he's not going to fight to marry JD because he won't want to hurt his grandfather. i definitely don't think there will be a JH+JD ending. in fact, i think the scriptwriter made this such a triangle so that people would be nervous for the last episode. because everyone already knows the ending, and she wouldn't want everyone to be so expectant for the ending. but indeed, the drama, I THINK will end with JP+JD together ^^

i think gramps was being sarcastic (or using reverse pyschology) when he told jihoo that he didn't approve of jh+jd. he implied she was too good for a melancholy, 4-d boy like jihoo. he obviously cares deeply for jihoo and wants to protect jandi as well. she is a warm hearted girl who has brought jihoo out of his own world. although i'm a jh/jd shipper i dont think it's how its going to end. i do think all the jh/jd scenes were put to create some sense of suspense about the very obvious ending of jp/jd.

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Guest ml_87

yeah, that's the main fact, that JH's grandfather told JH that he clearly does not approve of JH+JD. they have been separated for so many years, and JH's finally come to realize his grandfather's pain. he's not going to fight to marry JD because he won't want to hurt his grandfather. i definitely don't think there will be a JH+JD ending. in fact, i think the scriptwriter made this such a triangle so that people would be nervous for the last episode. because everyone already knows the ending, and she wouldn't want everyone to be so expectant for the ending. but indeed, the drama, I THINK will end with JP+JD together ^^

i myself think differently from u! that JH father supports JH_JD relationship may not affect JD's feeling. it's her that has the right to decide who she loves and who she will chose as the husband (we all know who this guy is) :rolleyes: actuall,y JH's grandfa supports JH-JD. dont u remember, when JD comes to visit him in the hospital. he told them to go out and smiled happily <_< i do agree that JH's storyline should be reduced. i wanna more JoonDi and Soeul couple. to me, Soeul's storyline is too fast. i almost feel no chemistry between them :D

btw, it's funny if someone tells that it's JH-JD ending. i think that idea makes the atmosphere less stressful :lol:

just for fun! enjoy it, guys! but i wish it were true!! :D ( note: this pix is photoshop only)


credit: DC

ths snowy22 for uploading :)

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sorry to disappoint all you JunDi Rewatch the episodes!

LOL..Ji Hoo grandfather is the first one againts JH and Jandi as couple. You are the one should re watch the ep 22 my dear.

I dit not find any clues which make me think that JH and Jandi could be the couple.

Hey, ask Jandi whether she knows about JH. She can say that JP loves ramen, star gazing, picnic.. but how much she can talk about JH?

They definetely will not be the couple!

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Guest OneSky.

At first Umi tries to help Junpyo regain his memory, but then she starts to develop feelings for him. She tries to stop junpyo from remembering jandi. I read that Umi isn't a cruel person though. She is supposed to be kind and helpful, but she changes her ways after she falls for Junpyo. To me it sounds like Jaekung all over again. Jaekung is a nice person, but she developed feelings for Junpyo and began to torture Jandi emotionally.

Actually, I remember Rui telling Umi that she only does nice things for herself and not for others. (; So SURE, she's nice and helpful around the hospital, but her motivation for doing so is because it's for herself. So who knows? It's obvious Junpyo's status as F4 and Shinhwa group successor will be known. What if she wanted to get close to him? I hate those "really nice" girls with absolutely no flaws. They make me feel as if they put on that mask to hide something ugly. x.x

think gramps was being sarcastic (or using reverse pyschology) when he told jihoo that he didn't approve of jh+jd. he implied she was too good for a melancholy, 4-d boy like jihoo. he obviously cares deeply for jihoo and wants to protect jandi as well. she is a warm hearted girl who has brought jihoo out of his own world. although i'm a jh/jd shipper i dont think it's how its going to end. i do think all the jh/jd scenes were put to create some sense of suspense about the very obvious ending of jp/jd.

I agree, he was being sarcastic. JH's grandpa was hinting that he knew of JH's feelings towards Jandhi.

JH's grandfa supports JH-JD. dont u remember, when JD comes to visit him in the hospital. he told them to go out and smiled happily <_<

It was kind of funny, haha. I feel sorry for JiHoo though, since we all know it's going to be Junpyo and Jandi who'll end up together in the end. Jihoo has always been a kind of "older brother" for Jandi, nothing more. Always having her back and beating up JD's boyfriend when he does something to hurt her! xDD

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Guest lulupark

well, no need to be so rude about it! I'm just sayin!

sorry to make u feel I am rude...actually I just feel u a kinda of...special...and maybe lovely XDDD

for me, only JD-JP happy ending is cool, others will be totally bullshXt. Since this story is adopted from original manga, which the main line and ending are all supposed to be Makino and Tsukasu. Logically, it won't be called Hana Yori Dango if the ending is not JP-JD. OK, u talked about the lines in the K version, I only can feel LOVE btw JP and JD, as JD has already said a few times that she LOVES JP, the one she loves most in the world, how can u convence others that the ending is JD will be together with someone she doesn't love???

Loveline btw JP and JD is too obvious that even blind can also feel it. JH's position is just a man who likes JD, and also a friend of JP and JD. So the ending is totally impossible to be end up with another couple, if it is a happy ending. I dun think most of the audience will regard "JH-JD" as a kinda of "happy ending".

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Guest --infatuated.

this thread is amazing.

i hate spoilers and i do not know why i came here. GO JP&JD. everyone knooows they'll end up together. :phew:

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Guest hbrad1977

this thread is amazing.

i hate spoilers and i do not know why i came here. GO JP&JD. everyone knooows they'll end up together. :phew:

:lol:...not everyone hun. Look a couple posts above you. ;)

To me? It's obvious it'll be a Jundi ending, but I guess not to everyone.

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Guest soonjap

Sorry for cutting your post.

If this is true, I find it shocking because if BOF kissing scenes are real kissing scenes to them, Korea should stop all imports of American movies and dramas (at least). Me kissing my pets are more loving than the 2 of them. I rather they don't kiss as it is so anti-climatic.

American movies and television are NOT shown on regular Korean television. They are shown on CABLE, which, like the American counterpart, must be subscribed to. KBS, MBC, SBS stations are just like NBC, CBS and ABC networks in the U.S., which also have looser standards but are also monitored. BOF is shown on KBS, not cable.

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Guest bluescent10

i just finished watching episode 23..these episode made me cry for some reasons..

1. When Jandi gave the box to Jihoo that contains his childhood things that her Haraboji had kept

and found out a sketch of jihoo's parents with him and imagining they still alive until now, it made me cry.

2. Jandi Leaves Jun Pyo..and Jandi Tell lies in order jun pyo will believe her..it breaks everyone Heart.

3. Jandi talks to mama kang and said that her biggest regret is that she couldn't save the person she love the most in this world from mama kang..

4. Lastly, seeing Jun Hee unnie sad because her lil brother is miserable due to break up..

How i wish Mr. Secretary will tell Jun Pyo and Jun Hee that it was all there mom's plan..

on the bright side, Joon Pyo's dad will wake up now...yehey! :lol:

and i think he will support JD - JP relationship..and if he found out about what mama kang did

telling dad he died already...tsk tsk..big trouble mama kang..

Also..Umi will appear now! hoooray! just like in japanese version, umi appears in the last 2 episode..

i will see again Jihoo's character being annoyed with umi..

Last 2 episodes to come...so sad.. :( i think there will be no season 2 for these since they already included all what happens in season 2 of HYD in japanese version and taiwanese version...i'll miss JP,JD,JH,YJ,JH, and WB..

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Guest soonjap

I doubt anyone would waste time and effort to make up a poll and its results. And how can a poll be rumours or gossip...it actually took place...people voted.

This is not exactly a news article its just an interesting observation into what BOF fans think. Obviously it does not represent everyone but 10,000 is a lot of people so I dont think you can completely disregard it. Poll voting is very common in Korea...it doesnt mean it has to be serious, but results are results and that gives us an idea of what people think.

Well, the poll must have come from somewhere, mustn't it? Generally, the Korean media outlets, the credible ones, do the polls and publish the results. I don't think it's asking too much to cite the media which conducted the poll, do you? allkpop must have gotten this from somewhere. Why not cite it so that we can all take a look? I'm Korean American but read Korean so it'd be a breeze for me to check since I'm suspicious of these kinds of gossip blogs.

Higher standards?

Lol, that might come off a little bit insulting to some people.

So all of us who want a bit more visible AFFECTION from JP & JD as they are the MAIN couple of a LOVE story, all have low standards??

So what kind of VISIBLE affection from the two leads are you looking for? What I was addressing was the previous poster who had said that she/he wanted to see something come out of a "sexually charged" scene between these two and I wanted to let them know that what they may see in "Gossip Girl" also about teenagers, are not going to be aired IN KOREA. So a simple kiss or even a kiss on the cheek can't be considered visible affection? You might want to be a little more descriptive then about the scene you're looking for. I saw the romance and the VISIBLE AFFECTION in those scenes. And GHS came on the variety show "Happy Together" and said the first kiss scene attempt where JP gets out of the car and comes to her to kiss her was very deep and detailed but it was cut and redone so that it could be toned DOWN. This is so that the production team wouldn't be in trouble with the Korean FCC Board.

And when I was describing the "standards" I meant to state it to describe the television programming standards between countries.

This isnt just about us wanting loads of kissing scenes because we're all hormonal. :mellow:

Its because we want JP & JD's love to be portrayed in a REALISTIC AND ROMANTIC way.

You've yet to describe exactly what that is. The main point here is that everyone is watching this show by wearing different colored glasses. I saw these scenes as a very innocent and realistic way to portray their love, in which teenagers may act with their first loves.

And I dont think I should feel apologetic in any way for wanting that.

I never said you did. You're entitled to your opinions just as I am to mine. You should make no apologies for that. That's the beauty of democracy - or at least to residents in countries who practice it.

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Guest Daiquiri

I've been suffering massive insomnia the past few days and I always come back to this thread. Part of it is probably because I keep on procrastinating... I feel like an addict, lol.

blue_angel_1004: Thank you for sharing spoilers with us. I think you keep us fans sane after we've seen our M/T BOF episodes. If the time warp is indeed true I hope to see kids! A boy that has curly hair like Jun-pyo and a girl who takes after her mother (flying high-kick and all). One can dream, right?

Despite the fact I've had a lot of gripes with this drama, I am going to miss all of it. Even though I wasn't elated and over the moon with episodes 22 and 23, I feel it's a vast improvement from some of the previous episodes. Especially since we haven't had a really solid and enjoyable episode after the Macau episodes. Just rewatching the zoo date and the beach scene (which the natural back-drop lighting was just gorgeous), I just get a stupid smile on my face seeing how happy Jun-pyo and Jan-di are.

I'm sorry to all those Ji-hoo and Jandi shippers, I have to say after this week's episodes, I'm gunning for Jun-pyo and Jan-di. It's these two or nothing else. I mean if Jan-di has tolerated Mama Kang for this long, the fact Granny told Jun-pyo that he needs to man up, and how content JD and JP looked walking together after the zoo date, etc etc etc. If Jan-di ended up with Ji-hoo then all those scenes were irrelevant and a waste of time. Why not give Jun-pyo up then if Ji-hoo is the one for her? There are plenty of examples where Jan-di also made it blatantly clear that Ji-hoo was nothing but just a friend to her. I guess everyone has their own interpretations when they watch a particular scene.

I just wonder how all of us are going to cope when this drama ends. I guess I go back to hating Mondays and Tuesdays.

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Guest KpXMystic

I need 2 song links? the one when GJP runs after jandi on the 23rd ep when shes on the bus and also the one when GJP goes on a picnic and hes feeding her

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Guest lidge_fan

I thought the BOF production people were wacky and out of their mind when they thought they could deceive us with their talk about BOF being different! Why are some of you guys even believing them? :wacko:

Ummm, BOF is exactly like the manga, except they just mix up different parts...let's see

_ Jandi goes to an exclusive school, meets F4, gets red card but F4's leader eventually falls for her.....so does Makino

_ Jandi and JP go to New Caledonia and Jandi tells JP her room feels like it's floating on water....Makino told Domyoji the EXACT same thing except it occurred towards the end of the manga and they were on the trip alone, not with F3, Gaeul and those 2 hoochies :lol: !!!!

_ Jandi and JH kiss, JP freaks out and expels JH from F4, they had a competition and JP ended up walking away...so did Domyoji from the basketball competition...only difference is BOF had 3 competitions and HYD just had basketball...woohoo, that's some creative writing right there, NOT!

_ Jandi gets kidnapped by crazy but hot model and takes chair meant for JP....so did Makino

_ JD gets lost in the snowstorm during the ski trip and JP is the only one to search for her...that's exactly what happened in the manga, right down to the cabin scene where Domyoji took off his shirt except the manga version was hotter....can't believe I'm saying reading the manga was hotter than live TV watching *sigh*

_ JD looks for JP in Macau....Makino goes to NY to find Domyoji...wow, some great brainstorm right there for ya, Macau instead of NY :wacko:

_ JD and JH hangs out in Macau while JP stalks them.....Makino and Rui hung out in NY because Domyoji ignored Makino since his mother said she'd accept their relationship later if he could prove himself to her in 2 years

_ JK appears to drive all of us insane...Shigeru appears, except she was lovable and cool, not annoying :phew:

_ JD's parents move to a fishing village and she and her little brother move into a torn-down building. JP moves in next to her....lol....that's exactly what happened in the manga...

_ we even got JY's first love story and Geul looking and finding the billboards....that's exactly what happened except YJ does pottery and Sojirou does tea :blink: ....that's creative thinking right there! but then they always have YJ drink tea! Yeah, yea, we got the reference to Sojirou being the heir to a tea ceremony school, just like JH's horse being named Rui :crazy:

_ then we got the maid story and based on the spoilers, the amesia arc soon so what's the difference?

what they added was JY's dad, JP's dad and JH's grandfather cuz I don't remember them appearing in the manga. at all..and YJ's older brother is probably a twist of the Amoni-something character (forgot his name in the manga but he's the son of a famous politician and decided he wanted to be a sushi chef and fell in love with Makino.....put him into a Starbucks uniform and change his last name to So and whaddya have? YJ's older brother)...yeah, can't forget JD's ambition to become a doctor, can we?

* however, overall, it's the same as the manga....they even included the little parts like the fortune teller, JH cutting JD's hair (which I thought was very, very sweet in the manga and just as sweet to see on-screen between KHJ and GHS), the bus scene except it was a happy scene in the manga because Makino got off the bus, went back to Domyoji as he sat on the sidewalk and told him they'd fight for their love together while JD just went to the fishing village...............

so that led me to pray, PRAY, PRAYYYY in the few days leading up to Monday that my favorite scene (the rain scene) will apppear somewhere in the last 2 episodes...it was very, very sad in the manga so maybe they'll turn it into a happy occasion *JP regaining his memory or something*, maybe like the reverse of the bus scene from a happy thing in the manga to one of the most horrific break-ups in K-drama!!! WHATEVER, I don't care, just include it!!!!! PLZZZZ!!!! RAIN SCENE! RAIN SCENE! *trying to use all of my telephic powers to connect to BOF's writer and PD*

end of rant :lol::lol::lol:

minor edit: flower_pot, you really made me crack up with your hilarous recaps!!! *dialing 1-800 number right now*...lol

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