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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon


I'm trying sooo hard not to read the spoilers,

and i hope i'm still doing a good job!!

Can't wait for the last two episodes.

*cries* luckily i have spring break that week, so i can rewatch BOF again.

since i dont want to read spoilers, can anybody specifically tell me what the time jump is?

(thats the only spoiler i know as of right now & the amnesia one :D)

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Guest Frenchy_nana

Can't wait for the last two episodes.

*cries* luckily i have spring break that week, so i can rewatch BOF again.

since i dont want to read spoilers, can anybody specifically tell me what the time jump is?

(thats the only spoiler i know as of right now & the amnesia one :D)

Haha me neither I don't want to read the spoilers but in a way i'm so tempted to xD

The time jump is I think 4 years ?

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Guest Zoehara

10,000 netizens voted on a poll with the title "Is there too much kissing in Boys Over Flowers?" and 57% said "So what?" while 43% said "There's too much."

credit allkpop

HAHAHA!! I laughed so much when I read this.... Well, people from Korea: don´t come to my country, DON´T COME!!! In our tv shows we have kisses, a lot of kisses... with tongue...yes,yes, with tongue!!! kisses between boys, kisses between girls... and in my country the homosexuals can marry.

OMG!! The culture is so different!! I think the kisses in BOF are so so (well, I think they are terrible!! Are they 5 years old???) but I´m more worried with the second season... I think the ep 1-12 are great but the next episodes are like other story... what a pity... The finaceé´s arc was a terrible failure... I was waiting for some episodes (4-5) with JD and JP like a normal and happy couple with other problems... problems with their friends or with the studies or maybe more vacations.... I don´t know... but the second season is so so in my opinion... and the characters are very different... GJP is not our Tsukasa Domyouji... I´m very sorry but this is the true:This is other story and they are other characters!!!! (I can say this because I read HYD (36 books), I watched MG 1, HYD japan 1, 2 and the movie, the anime, the movie (1995) and the anime-movie). Yes, I know this is based in HYD but I was waiting other thing............. I love HYD so I´m very dissapointed with this season!!! :( :( :(

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-- Two great but underrated scenes from Episode 23:

- Kisses are great and romantic but one of the best scenes in Episode 23 didn't even involve kisses. It was JP holding Chan and JD walking next to them. Then, when they had to go their own way, lookback of JP and JD watching him go were moving. They both looked at each as if to say "thanks for the great day and I wish it would never end." It was also a glimpse of the future for the both of them if they survived Mama Kang.

^ Sorry for cutting your post, but this scene was definitely my favorite in ep23. I think there are a whole bunch of lovely scenes in BOF that doesn't involve kissing. I like it that this scene did not have Joondi reassuring each other verbally, their simply gazes and smiles told each other. It was really a touching scene. :)

I get the vibe that everyone's turning negative about BOF.. maybe i'm not feeling like that because i try not to have too much expectations with each episode. It really saddens me that a lot of people are disappointed and has to go and criticize the experiences of the PD and scriptwriter.. :unsure:

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I am so glad that the writer did not follow exactly the manga..

When I am reading manga, I really hate some scenes such as Tsukasa slapped Makino several times, and she..slapped his mom..???

How could we call that " weed spirit"?

If our beloved Jandi also behaved as Makino, she would be not only commoner but also uneducated girl. You dont have to over-act to show your strong character. When Jandi accused that JP'S mom is the worst person she's ever met, I was so proud of her. I prefer her way more than Makino in the manga.

Moreover, the writer make Tsukushi and Tsukasa more real for us. Tsukasa is not always strong as he supposed to be. He also has his own weakness and it's so interesting to see how is he growing after each episode.

From the boy to the man, from the person did not fear anything to the human who is afraid to lose, to hurt other people etc..I really love him that way

Very well said. I love how you looked at JP's weakness from a different light and it made me look at it that way too.

The way you saw JP's character development definitely seem more realistic than how he was portrayed in the other versions (i think MG also did it quite well)

In New Caledonia, JP said that he was better than a Genie, he was invincible and almighty, he looked at himself as if he were a god. But now he's become more human with his weakness.

so i read that when the drama goes to Japan, theyre going edit some of it, like the bad CG and the music...

and now korean fans are mad because its as if kbs has only practiced on Korea.

I don't know if its just me, but the episodes they air on KBS Wolrd, the BG music actually sounds much better than when they first aired it.


I'm really really hoping that they'll do a 2-hour special ending.

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Guest F4fan

I don't care about the "skinship." I think what has been shown is fine. If I want to see "skinship", I can watch Sex and the City.

To be honest, I watch Korean dramas for its innocence about love, family, and friends relationships. Also, I have watched enough K-dramas to not expect much or any "skinship". If you are expecting "skinship", then you are watching the wrong genre. I think a hand holding here and there or a head on the shoulders is just as effective as a kiss. For me, I am more concerned about plot lines, acting, chemistry, dialogue, editing, directing, and other stuff.


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I get the vibe that everyone's turning negative about BOF.. maybe i'm not feeling like that because i try not to have too much expectations with each episode. It really saddens me that a lot of people are disappointed and has to go and criticize the experiences of the PD and scriptwriter..

Boys Over Flowers is a product. A product that is sold or will be sold to countries around the world. The actors, director, screen writers, production crew ... ect...ect.. are paid to make the product. This is their JOB. The audience are the ones that view, purchase and enjoy the product. Whether that product has substance or is up to par is determined by the mass audience. Views will be views, opinions will be opinions, there's nothing wrong about expressing them. There will always be negative as well as a positive aspect in everything, how we perceived such situation, is how we learn to improve. I understand and repect all views express, because we are only human and thus, expect certain perfection.

'hoistdacolors' -this reminds of me the venerable ajahn brahm's story once (gonna go off the tangent for a bit). He built a wall with 1000 bricks and when he finished, he realized that two bricks were crooked. He asked his abbot if he can take the whole wall down and rebuild. The abbot said to leave it. Then one day a visitor came and expressed his admiration for the wall. Ajahn brahm was embarrassed about his workmanship and pointed out those two bad bricks. The visitor said that he didn't notice them because there are 998 good ones.You guys are too focused on the 2 bad bricks right now and missing out on the 998 good ones.

Interesting analysis, I LIKE IT. I will try my very best to remember this when enjoying my 11+ episodes of JI HOO time. :lol:

* The spoiler looks interesting, praying for a GREAT/ or a decent ending.*

ml 87, we like the same guy. =)


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Guest lilnahnah

Omg. Since you guys have been talking about the "___ years later" time jump and everything. It got me to thinking.

What IF the scriptwriters make it in such a way that....Junpyo only regains his memory of Jandi "___ years later"???

I seriously hope that doesn't happen. I hope the time jump would occur AFTER he has regained his memory of Jandi. PLSPLSPLSPLS.

I remember reading from KPculture (I tried to look for it again but I can't seem to find it) that they're PRETTY CERTAIN that the Jandi/Junpyo reconciliation will happen BEFORE the time jump....

jundi shippers, I want to ask a question:

does JH have that much charm and does he have that much chemistry with JD...that 5 minutes of car washing/hair cutting is enough to cause an uproar? obviously not right? because you guys have been staunch supporters of the Jundi couple and JH doesn't appeal to you. So why the heck are you guys getting your guns out and pointing them to JH over 5 minutes of bff bonding...in the same episode that JP and JD hugged, danced, stargazed, kissed (hallelujah) and confirmed their love for each other?

this reminds of me the venerable ajahn brahm's story once (gonna go off the tangent for a bit). He built a wall with 1000 bricks and when he finished, he realized that two bricks were crooked. He asked his abbot if he can take the whole wall down and rebuild. The abbot said to leave it. Then one day a visitor came and expressed his admiration for the wall. Ajahn brahm was embarrassed about his workmanship and pointed out those two bad bricks. The visitor said that he didn't notice them because there are 998 good ones.

You guys are too focused on the 2 bad bricks right now and missing out on the 998 good ones. Please stay positive! It's gonna be a happy ending for Jundi. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Can you not? If you can't, then take off those negatively tainted glasses and look ahead.

p.s. I haven't watched 23 yet. I know JP/JD will have two dates and then the breakup. If JH did something drastic and threaten Jundi's relationship, then I am sorry I wrote this post. If JH doesn't even show up for the majority of the episode, like his 10 minute appearance in 22 (yes, I counted them), then it confirms my speculation that y'all gone nuts. NUTS over minutia. Probably due to BoF early withdrawal symptoms.

omg thank you.

You just said everything I've been saying for weeks now and eventually just got tired of saying...

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Guest betchay

^ Sorry for cutting your post, but this scene was definitely my favorite in ep23. I think there are a whole bunch of lovely scenes in BOF that doesn't involve kissing. I like it that this scene did not have Joondi reassuring each other verbally, their simply gazes and smiles told each other. It was really a touching scene. :)

The kiss was also my fave scene in ep 23.

I noticed JP opened his mouth a little bit. :D:sweatingbullets:

artwork gif.. the kiss


Pls.. do not hotlink.

Thank you

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Guest tofumui

"My biggest regret is that I couldn't save the person whom I love the most in this world from you.."

I think "the person" here is JP, isn't it? JD can save evryone be leaving JP, but unfortunately she can't save the one she loves the most-JP?

Can anyone explaine it for me?

it's so sad when she said that.. she can save all her friends that she holds dear to her but she can't save the one person she loves the most who is JunPyo.. even JanDi said that President Kang is the worst person she has ever met.. i was like WOW, way to go

thanks Love_Film for sharing all those nice banners... :lol:

(On the other hand, I was thinking that if I were in Jandi’s shoes and would want to leave Junpyo with a wonderful memory, I would have probably rented a hotel room, do the 37 positions of the Kama Sutra with him and then leave him while he’s wiped out sleeping… NOW LET’S SEE IF HE WOULD NOT TURN HELL OVER TO FIND ME after that… But *sigh* how can I forget that this series takes place in Fantasyland Korea where teenagers never get horny and overly in love couples are contented with lip pressing… If this were 90210 or Gossip Girl, someone would have probably been pregnant or talking about contraception by now…)

haha flower pot you always crack me up when i'm reading your reviews.. that would be taking it waaay to far for kdrama.. lol

and blue_angel_1004, you're the absolute best for getting the next episode spoilers.. and what's with the 4 year time jump?? eeek.. does JunPyo remember JanDi before or after the time jump? i'm assuming they are on friendly terms since it is before JanDi's graduation party and they go on a date to Namsan cable car again.. soooo do we just all assume that during the 4 years they are just a happy couple and go along with their work and continue to date?? or do we assume that JanDi is continuing her studies elsewhere and hence the 4 years jump before they meet again.. ahhhh this is going to drive me insane

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^ Sorry for cutting your post, but this scene was definitely my favorite in ep23. I think there are a whole bunch of lovely scenes in BOF that doesn't involve kissing. I like it that this scene did not have Joondi reassuring each other verbally, their simply gazes and smiles told each other. It was really a touching scene. :)

I get the vibe that everyone's turning negative about BOF.. maybe i'm not feeling like that because i try not to have too much expectations with each episode. It really saddens me that a lot of people are disappointed and has to go and criticize the experiences of the PD and scriptwriter.. :unsure:

I am totally with your and F4fan. That scene is so touching for me. The way JP and Jandi looking to each other eyes is..how to say.... more than love. The look is so sharing, comforting, and tender. I feel like crying ..

Sometimes we dont have to kiss but I think we should kiss when ...the atmophere is kissing..LOL

Now I am worrying about the ending..Will the writer kill us ?

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Guest carleli

we're almost done with this drama... overall, I really enjoyed BOF... BOF really made my Mondays and Tuesdays worth waking up to... I usually found myself having a hard time waking up every Mondays, have to face all those work again... but since BOF I've been lovin' Mondays.... now I'd probably go back to my normal self again after next week... will surely miss this drama (angst and all)....

hope the time jump will give us a satisfying ending... with JP and JD sweet moments with a bonus of wedding and possibly babies...

thanks for all the pictures and GIFs... love them... and the cartoons, love those also... thanks guys for all those goodies... :)

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Guest colloquy

Honestly, you guys are expecting too much love action from a drama.

In the old days, the amount of action in an Asian drama consisted of running around in a field with blossoms falling, the couple staring each other in the eyes, and ending in an embrace.

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Guest Download Love

Honestly, I'm gonna say it. They did kind of drag it way too much. They JD&JP should be married by now.

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Guest del32

The kiss was also my fave scene in ep 23.

I noticed JP opened his mouth a little bit. :D:sweatingbullets:

Yeah, I noticed that too. I wonder if LMH got scolded by their oh-so-prude PD again because of that :lol::lol: but since they've actually aired the scene I guess it passed the cencorship :lol::lol:

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Guest clauds

Really though, if I was GHS I would totally take advantage of the kissing scenes and make it passionate! And if the producer keeps saying to do it over, then I'd do it with more passion until they accept it! And if the PD didn't, I would've just touched lips, then last 5 seconds make the kiss hot. ;) I'm pretty sure GHS loves it when she gets to touch lips with LMH, like who wouldn't? She should not take this opportunity for granted! She will REGRET not having major kissing scenes with him. I'm pretty sure LMH would want to have more passionate kisses, like the ep10 kiss which was blocked out by the sun, and why was it blocked? Because the kiss was freakin' awesome! But if LMH would initiate the "passion" in the kiss, then GHS might take it the wrong way, but if GHS initiated it, then LMH wouldn't be able to do anything but follow his noona. LOL.

Agggh, BOF is coming to an end.... I'm really sad. :(

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Guest F4fan

Instead of comparing kisses or "skinship", I would like to get folks opinion on the breakup scenes:

TW - rain scene

JP- rain scene

K - bus scene


I will start -- I rank the Japanese version as the weakest of the three. I think the Korean version was the cruelest of the three. I think it equalled the emotional impact as the TW version but I give the slight edge to the TW because the rain factor.

If it rained in the Korean version, it wins.

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Guest lulupark

Personally, as a manga fans for almost 10 years, I'd like to say I expect the drama can be ended with a few minutes of daily family life after JP and JD got married, better to show me their child (or children, I dun mind). The manga itself has been already filmed for several times with a very fantastic ending in Japanese movie Final version. I can't see any point that the Korean version has no "ptogress" over the Japanese one.

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