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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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I dun get it why many people said that KHJ is a bad actor. And most of these people who complain are Joondi die hard fans who fast forward everytime JH scene appear. To be fair to him he played YJH's perfectly to how the character shuld be....YJH is a quiet, very private person, will look indifferent at all time masking away his real feeling. Even so after he met JD he slowly began to open up and be more expressive...actually we can see him slowly lifted his mask tru out the show and see how being with JD made him to slowly appreciate being with people.....

Unlike JP who's very emotional, throwing tantrums, screaming n shouting at just anyone, when he's jealous or in love everyone in school wud know abt it...and slowly the arrognat heir began to show his compassionate side.....and LMH played his part very well too, even if he's basically an unknown actor...

To me both actors deliver their parts equally good. It's just like comparing Lee Byung Hun temperametal character in Beautiful Days and Bae Young Jun mysterious, reserved nature in Winter Sonata.....But of cos LMH and KHJ have still a long way to go before they'll be LBH or BYJ....what I'm saying is that it's unfair to say that just becos LMH part needs him to be more expressive that he's better than KHJ since his character is more reserved...and whoever said that KHJ cried without tears, better go and get their eyes check up...cos his n JD tears really annoys me cos it gets in the way during their one and only kiss scene.....

And btw, the saying that supporting roles are not important is totally wrong....because the whole casts performance will determine the success of a show...it's not my saying but China and international star Vicki Zhao who said that....a professional actors will act whatever part given to them no matter how small the role is to the perfection just so the drama/movie will be a successful as a whole.....

I 100% agree with what you said Ixandra. I think I have posted my replies few times in here defending both Gu Hye Sun and Kim Hyun Joong's acting before. I dont understand why there are people still criticizing Kim Hyun Joong's acting. They should see him in We Got Married and other shows to find out he does improve a lot in acting. And dont they know that Rui/Lei/Jihoo's character is supposed to be like that? Bland and expressionless? Until he meets Makino/Shancai/Jandi then he starts to how his emotions and feelings.

Don't get me wrong, I adore Lee Min Ho as Gu Jun Pyo in fact I adore all the cast there especially F4, Jandi and Gaeul. Please dont critisize them but instead enjoy the last few episodes.


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Guest ml_87

Jun Pyo: JanDi ah...

JanDi: wae tto?

Jun Pyo: Saranghae.

how cant a girl melt if a man says this to her? ha ha. i have rewatched this scene many times. "jan di ah.." oh, i'm in heaven becauz of JoonDi moment

and guys, some of u said that only JP makes JD happy. only JP makes her have that smile. i do agree. JD does look happy when she's with Jh or others but that's becauz she enjoys her time with her friends. her smile in episode 22 is the one of a woman in love. she (& JP) cant stop smiling, right? i have never seen she that happy. Jh must be glad too when he saw the smile comes back on JD's face. (is that what he wanna the most)

so i think we'd better stop arguing who JD will end up with. is it clear that it's JP?

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Guest cissi

I think that he is trying to win her heart many times. He has his own way, not noisy and funny as Junpyo but he did want to have Jandi.

I wondered why JH kept silence about the night of JK and Junpyo? He knew nothing happened and he is so quiet..?

What is his purpose?

All he saw was that JP left first, which was true to what JK was saying. He couldn't have known what happened before that. What he did see before that was that JP kissed JK in the hallway. Now, we saw how awkward that kiss was, but from JD's and JH's perspective, what JP did was telling JK to close her eyes and move forward to kiss her.

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Guest starlight tears

After watching Ep. 22 again ...i really like this part:

- JP & JD looking at each other and cleared their throat after looking at the wine. (What are they thinking?)

- When JP told JP that his dream is to "not to make promises that he can't keep" and finally said "sorry to JD for hurting her".

- The foot spa too and the coming of F3 with GE and their lunch together. I wish the writer put some dialogues - like teasing YJ & GE hahaha!

- Finally, JK redeemed herself. I don't hate her anymore in this episode, I really pity her after she hug JD. At least she's really effective in her acting.

- I like that Secretary Jung asked JD's help for JP's Dad! He's JP's guardian angel.

- JP txted JH! That's really one of the character of JP that I really like... he is very vocal and transparent of his feelings.

- Woobin chatting with JD...Iam really looking fwd for KJ next drama. He totally deserve to have his own drama. He is natural actor.

- Woobin helping JP escape and of course the Zoo date...I just hate that it was cut that way.

What i hate... too much flash back! I thought we dont have enough time...that time should put more on the zoo date.

My husband is rooting JH - he said he's forcing his feelings now with the support of Grandpa. I told him it's too late...why force the your love when JP & JD just got back.

Thats why in this HYD version I still doubt JH friendship i realize in this episode that at least JK feelings is out in the open to JP & JD. His feelings were hidden though JP is not insensitive enough not to notice it! I think that JP also gave way to JH & JD but JH chose to be with SH at that time.

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Guest rainbow9

I wish to see more JP and JD scenes. But, after watching and reading so many things about why we see more of JD and JH scenes, (nothing against KHJ or his fans because I think the guys hot) the PD knows KHJ has a greater fan base so he will sorta use KHJ's popularity to grab onto higher ratings by giving him more screen time. KHJ is a hot commodity in Korea and SE Asia and winning the popularity award says so. I don't like BOF season two because of the prolonged fiance arc and JH/JD storyline, since it was not as consistent with BOF season 1. All I care is that JP/LMH and JD/GHS share some onscreen love time and some offscreen love time (Hehehe/ j/k) with a happy ending. Like the PD said, season 2 was going to be different from other HYD versions and that is definitely true, which kinda sucks. Oh well, more JD and JP with kissing scenes, longing looks, happy gazes, and smiley, warm faces, and some teary eyed too.

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Guest rainbow9

I think JH's character is very complex and hard character to play. It's like portraying JP's character, but doing it without vocally expressing it. It's all in the face and body language. KHJ will become better as he learns his craft, his strengths, and his weaknesses. It's all a learning process.

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Guest heart2heart

Regarding Ji Hoo or Hyun Joong..

Watching the scenes in Ep. 22 with Ji Hoo in it just made me smile unconsciously today...

(Of course, I <3 the Joondi reunion)

But seeing the grandfather push them together (his wink, lol)

And then Ji Hoo's shy smiles, glances, subtle looks, especially seeing him smiling...

It's totally a different Rui character than what I've seen in the other 2 versions

And I really love it.

You can tell that Ji Hoo has feelings for Jandi, and he's just happy & alive around her.

I totally love their interactions.

Those might be my favorite scenes in this episode.. since the Joondi reunion was so short and eh...

Ahh~ I want more of both couples! :D

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there are a few scenes i really enjoyed in this episode 22.


1- the yacht scene. when JP hugged JD in this scene.i can really see how much JP missed JD and he looked so happy when JD hugged him back.


2- the waltz follow by the telescope scenes was perfectly done. their little conversation with JP's dad and his love confession was so sweet. *i would kiss JP back even before kiss me after he said 'saranghae' to me* haha.

3- WB and JP escape scene. Especially WB's random English "Let's move out" was rather cute. I'm satisfied with this episode since WB appeared more than 2 scenes..Yeah...

4-JP and JD zoo aka date scene.

JP: what is this?

JD: This isn't a what. It's a kid. ( LOL)

JP:We haven't seen each other in forever, why on earth would you bring a little leech with you?Did you adopt him from somewhere?

JD:If you don't want to be a leech yourself,then stop whining and follow me.

i love the way JD replying back to JP about the 'leech' thing. and JP picking up the kid as if he's some sort of furniture was fun to watch.


credit: baidu

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Guest nysophia_x_ii

also, don't you think ge likes yj so sincerely?

what other girl would spend her free time trying to find whatever she's looking for (im not sure because i havent seen any other versions), to show yj, knowing its from his 1st love. if thats not being unselfish, i dont know what is.. they may not be the main storyline, but i still hope her self-lessness isnt all in vain in this version.

lol, emm actually, she's looking for a home to live in because mama kang has begun her massacre to hurt all of the people around JD, including GE. she doesn't want to tell JD, because it would make JD feel bad, so she tries hard to fix the problem on her own.

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Guest iJaney

lol, emm actually, she's looking for a home to live in because mama kang has begun her massacre to hurt all of the people around JD, including GE. she doesn't want to tell JD, because it would make JD feel bad, so she tries hard to fix the problem on her own.

uhm no...

she's actually finding the place eunjae wanted yijung to see (remember she said, "can you come here tmrw @7?") in the preview you saw that gaeul covered his eyes to show him something.. that was the place she was was looking for.

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I dont think JK is cool. Sorry, but I think she gave up JP because he is very in love with Jandi. The monkey fianceé realised JP never would like/lover her so she decided cancelled the wedding. I dont´think she did it for Jandi... If JP had gave her some hopes JK would have choose her relation with JP instead her relation with JD. So I don´t think she is so cool or kind....

I´m very happy with this episode. I love the date in the zoo, I love WB and I love the dorama without the fianceé.

Sayonara Monkey fianceé JK!! Sayonaraaaaa!!!

Of cos she didn't do it for Jandi....If she has the slightest hope that JP has feeling for her, I bet she wudn't cancel the wedding....afterall this marriage is nota small matter...beside involving 2 of the most prestigous families in Korea, it also involved a merging of 2 giant organizations....But she did it for herself...a carefree girl like her wudn't want to be tied down to a man who didn't love her for the rest of her life..and I believe even IF by miracle JP wants to marry her, I'm sure she wants it to be the unconditional one...no business attached...BUT that doesn't make her a bad person..and she genuinely adores JD..I thin she's even glad that it's JD that JP loves because she too has like JD for no reason...

ANd OMG...I was laughing my head of seeing the F3 walking down the aisle...my God their grim faces...they looked as though their escorting a casket to a funeral house rather than escorting a groom to the altar :lol::lol::lol:

I see some people didn't like JD relate the handkerchief friendship she was reading to the memory of JH..but I like it becos she just seems to realize the importance of JH's existance in her life...he has been like a shadow by her side that she always took his kindness & friendship for granted...and I like how JH was trying hard to avoid JD, even passed her while she meddling with the scissors trying to cut her hair but unfortunately old habit die hard..with just her gasp & exegerations, he turned back & offers his help...

And I really like the washing car scene...these past few day JP-JD caps were overflowing the net that suddenly this scene appear, it just like a sweet surprise for me. Though some people think it's awasted scene, to me I find it interesting (of cos since I'm a Janhoo supporter). Anyway, I noticed JH was trying to avoid JD but JD came looking for him very persistent not to have him ignore her...And I love how they were having fun & enjoy each other company while doing a simple chores...there's no need an explosive firework or expensive romantic hide out or star gazing nonsense to have fun but simply enjoying each other company with daily routine in their life...just like when JH helps her deliver milk or while cleaning the orchestra house or even helping out at the clinic...(and ooo, while JP is still being locked up in his room too *wink* bad girlfriend...hehe)

If the story going to end like the original, mr PD man, just let the president doctor adopt JD to be his granddaughter & JH's sister......

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Guest heart2heart

lol, emm actually, she's looking for a home to live in because mama kang has begun her massacre to hurt all of the people around JD, including GE. she doesn't want to tell JD, because it would make JD feel bad, so she tries hard to fix the problem on her own.

yea, i actually think GE was looking for the place Eun Jae wanted to show Yi Jung :)

and i've already backtracked... maybe i missed it... x_x

what was the rating for this episode?

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This is how I view the awkwardness:

Its the situation. It might be just me but JD should be awkward. So JP didn't get married to JK, JD's worst nightmare even though she had accepted it as inevitable. She was probably in shock to see him not married when he hugged her. She wasn't there. And, just because JP didn't get married doesn't mean that the underlying problems of the breakup, his callousness, him kissing JK, his mother have gone away. Even when she was his personal maid, there was awkwardness and some distance on her end because of the aforementioned problems. Also, remember, that she is probably thinking of JK when she asked Chen to give her a message.

However as the night wore on, she slowly let go and to the point where they were flirting during the telescope viewing. The next morning was when you noticed her finally smile with her whole being.

JP -- he just dodged the biggest bullet of his life. Of course, he's ecstatic. He's punch-drunk happy.


JH-JD -- I am not going to bang my head here. Its JP-JD all the way. From the start to finish. Never wavered.

Those ratings of the 1-minute moments -- how much does it have to do with KHJ? Out of the 5 main characters, he is probably the most well-known.

You always seem to know exactly what I'm thinking. I would have found it extremely strange if JanDi was all over JP after going though almost a year of h*ll. She should be awkward. At this, only JP and us the viewers know what was going on with JP. She doesn't know what to expect and don't forget she was just kidnapped by Mama Kang's ghouls and then saved by th mighty Chen. I know I would be confused in this situation. Also, although we don't see them talking it's obvious that they did quite a bit of talking during the night and were onc again comfortable and playful with each other the next morning. BTW, doesn't it seem that JunHee was involved in the end of the marriage and their night retreat.

I can also understand why JD wouldn't tell JP about Mama Kang's shenanigans. Mama Kang may be a bad mother, but she is still his mother. JD doesn't want JP to suffer emotionally anymore from his mother. He has suffered enough as a child because of her. This is the main reason she hasn't told him about the kidnapping by HaJae or the money offered to her and her family. She's trying to run into her problems head on.

Finally, just a thought, I think the PDs have given us a clue as to who JD will wind up with. In episode 23, when she is reading to JP's dad, she gets to the part about the hankerchief meeting. She automatically thinks about JH. The handkerchief meeting is one in which it is comfortable and comforting. She then applies this to JP's dad saying that she wants to be the handkerchief meeting to him. In otherwords, she wants him to feel comfortable around her and she wants to comfort him in his time of need. This says volumns about her feelings towards JH. She seems to be saying that JH will never be more than what h was her comforter in time of need and someone she can be comfortable with but not in love with. She loves JH but she is not in love with JH. This is a feeling she reserves soley for JP, good, bad or indifferent. Sorry to all the JD/JH shippers it's a JoonDi ending.

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Guest Banana Peel

Oh myy, today's episode was a light coat of syrup on my pancakes XD

I thought it was more sad than romantic. Lol! I know I must be really weird, but I only get teary eyed when it's a sad scene of JK! Like today when she's saying goodbye, I couldn't help myself but to sniff. I feel terrible for her. Even though I know 80% of the people are going 'YES!! She's Gone!!' I'm just going 'Noo~ stay and be a friend' I can't believe she did all those things to have JP&JD together. Even after canceling the marriage with who she actually loved. *sigh* I'm going to miss Jae Kyung.

I have to say I'm quite disappointed with the marriage scene. I expected it to be grand and very dramatic. The whole time when JK was approaching in, I was thinking WHERES THE WEDDING SONG?! Hahah. I mean, I know this is just a brief wedding, but couldn't they at least make it so that it's believable? The whole scene was just like aawwkward for me. Idk, at least that's over with! :P

I feel so terrible for JH. Especially when JP texted him to tell him that he's feeling safe with JD staying in JH's house. And JH doubts that feeling. *sigh* How can he stop his loving feelings towards JD if she's always around him?! I really don't get why they are making their moments so sweet while JP&JD moments fast forwarded all the time -_-;

Oh, and when JH's grandpa saved JD from JP's mom at her restaurant, it was just a 'oh no..why did he have to say that?!' moment for me. Why did the grandpa have to say that JD's going to marry JH? That just only rises hope for JP's mom!

Sorry it's super long. there's just so many things to say about this episode ! :)

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Guest dbsklovee

okay sorry if this has been answered before, but it's making me really curious!

do you remember that time when jan di was kidnapped and then f3 walks in and jun pyo already climbed out the window of his room or whatever? how come he didn't use that same exit when he was kidnapped?

LOVED the jihoo + jandi scenes! made me really happy!!!

but at the same time makes me really sad for jihoo.

and of course loved the junpyo + jandi scenes. so short though =(

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Guest aaclove

I had a quick (probably stupid) question...

Does jihoo's grandfather really want to set him up with jandi? or did he just say that so mama kang would remove her claws from jandi?

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