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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest dreampryncezz

I really think that JH is the soulmate. He understands her in ways that no one can. It has been shown again and again how he always knows what she wants.

JP just does whatever but the fact that he tries so hard makes JD fall in love with him.

I really want a boyfriend like JP. Someone kind of emotionally stupid, but so freaking adorable! lol. Too bad this is only a drama; I doubt a guy like that exists. At least, I have yet to meet him!

Actually, I also want someone like JH.

This show really knows how the present 2 types of boys that girls want!

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Guest F4fan

The soulmate vs. husband -- a poster had a great analysis of it several pages ago. I am too lazy to look it up but essentially what the poster said was that it was only relevant at the time in New Caledonia when JD was confuse between her feelings for JP and JH. We know that by the end of the trip, she realized that she wanted to be with JP. By Episode 8, she had resolved her feelings when she chose JP and said good-bye to JH. So the husband vs. soulmate was resolved 13 episodes ago.

I know many of you are sad that JH doesn't have a girl by his side but don't forget that LOVE of FAMILY is just as important. JD provided him that when she reunited his grandfather with JH.

There are many forms of love: true love, puppy love, family love, and friendship love. BoF explores all these types of love and the sacrifices, perils and the joys of each.

EDIT: While I love the spoiler pictures, I am hoping for some heart-to-heart talking from these two and some tears. Be honest, explain, comfort each other, and make new promises before the kiss.

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Guest secret_valentine

Thanks for all of the picture!!! wow this thread is always a great help to people like me.!!

i really don't want to have to go through the amnesia thing--- i never liked that scene in every version... it can be a good thing and a ad thing at the same time... but i'm happy that there a kiss scene!! really miss this couple... and yes i am obsess^^

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Guest ml_87

The soulmate vs. husband -- a poster had a great analysis of it several pages ago. I am too lazy to look it up but essentially what the poster said was that it was only relevant at the time in New Caledonia when JD was confuse between her feelings for JP and JH. We know that by the end of the trip, she realized that she wanted to be with JP. By Episode 8, she had resolved her feelings when she chose JP and said good-bye to JH. So the husband vs. soulmate was resolved 13 episodes ago.

I know many of you are sad that JH doesn't have a girl by his side but don't forget that LOVE of FAMILY is just as important. JD provided him that when she reunited his grandfather with JH.

There are many forms of love: true love, puppy love, family love, and friendship love. BoF explores all these types of love and the sacrifices, perils and the joys of each.

u're absolutely right, F4 fan. just 1 problem. JP is JD's 1st love, not JH. in episode 8, JD actually said goodbye to her 1st love. it's JP (she thought that her 1st love wass over even when it had not begun). and after leaving Jh's house, she said goodbye to "sunbae". It's what GHS said in an article :lol:

back to the next episodes, i'm really confused and annoyed with the script writer. she should have made JH confessed to JD earlier. he has many chances before <_< i know that JD will reject him. but this's not right time. i guess the proposal is just to make HJ's fanssatisfied (cauz JH wont have JD finally). at least, he shows his love for JD. i think SH, his 1st love , will be back at the end. an open ending for them B)

flowerpot: u make me laugh so much! u're so funny! JK is absolutely annoyed!!

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Guest kriza_09

Two new videos were released tonight :) .

20/3/NG & Behind The Scenes - X-file Ep 18

20/3/NG & Behind The Scenes - X-file Ep 19

credit : youtube, dc gallery

Thank you...

But I was hoping the BTS would have the truth game scene... well, I mean the kiss.. ^^

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Guest flower pot

Anyways...CAN I BE ANY HAPPIER OVER THE PHOTOS RELEASED TODAY? *bounces around excitedly*

The JunDi ship is at full throttle... JAEKYUNG HAS WALKED THE PLANK...

And since he know he's gone astray...even Junpyo is rushing to get back on board!



Don't worry Junpyo... we believed you enough to know that you'd man up and run after the girl that your heart beats for... It might have been a long time coming but JunDi Shippers are patient...



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As a side note, am I the only one who doesn't feel bad for Ji Hoo? I mean come on... the man threw himself into loving Jan Di with his eyes open. He knew her feelings for his best friend. Did he think they were going to magically change??? I don't think so. I don't pity his character because he knew what he was doing and willingly did what was needed for his friend whom he loved. This doesn't make me pity him, it makes me respect and admire him.

(Although I have to say I was relieved when Jan Di pushed his handkerchief aside... It gave me hope.)

Nope. Not the only one. I also don't feel bad for JH AT ALL. OK, I'll probably have to borrow JP's bodyguards or JD's Chen after posting this, but JH really bugs me. Not only is he not hot or even good looking, but he can't act, and his current hair style looks like a bucket was thrown on his head. All that aside, he's an annoying guy. In one of the earlier episodes, JP describes JH as a .... well, I actually don't really know how to translate the Korean phrase. But JP's comment is basically that if JH likes SH, then he should just go after her instead of moping around all the time. And this is exactly what's wrong with JH's character. He just feels sorry for himself all the time. Poor me, I'm such a victim. I killed my parents, my grandpa hates me, SH left me, and now JD is leaving me, blah, blah, blah. Cry me a river, why don't you. Actually, don't cry me a river because you're not very good at it. Maybe I take back my "can't act" comment because you actually do a pretty good job of portraying a strange 4-dimensional person. Yes, JH's life story is sad, but then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Stop just tagging along and being all weird.

And JD, please, PLEASE, take off that nasty white jacket. It's very '80s and has no place with your dress. It would be one thing if you were wearing JP's tuxedo jacket bc you're cold. But you're not wearing his jacket. It looks out of place with your outfit and JP's outfit. We've seen JK expose her shoulder twice now (strapless dress at the engagement party and spaghetti strap when JP kneeled before her), and you also wore a spaghetti strap fake wedding dress, so just take that ugly jacket off.

Leaving to hire bodyguards now.

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Guest oanhdinh

Special edition is so great. I love the song " My heart had a brain freeze" of A&T.i've listened to it for hundreds times!!! "Fight the bad feeling" of Tmax is good, too.

Smone plzz translate them into english???And it'll be so great if you can transcribe phonetically! Thank you in advance.;)

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The yatch photos are sooo romantic and heroic. Jun Pyo to the rescue. :lol:

To satisfy all the Ji Hoo and Jandi shippers, I suggest they team up for a future drama, cause it's NOT going to be a happy ending for them on BOF. Ji Hoo's emotional and eating scenes were a pain to watch (the forward button was immensly useful for all the JH moments). His crying scenes made me wanna jumped in the computer screen and yell STOP CRYING WITH NO TEARS ALREADY!!! The eating scenes made me think that he doesn't enjoy EATING AT ALL. EVER!!!! (I probably should put JK's bodyguard on my payroll). :unsure:

Jun Pyo and Jandi til ETERNITY:excl:

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I've read several posts stating that JD was not showing any love for JP or that she should make an effort to show him how much she cared. Well, if it's any indication, the fact that she followed him in Macau, and this is a girl whose financially challenged, says it all. Imagine, following your boyfriend all the way to a foreign country only to be dumped by him, I don't know about you guys, but that's pretty traumatic for me. I'm even amazed that she's still able to talk to him cuz if I was in her shoes, I would not even want to see him again. Right now, the onus is on JP to make things right by her; giving her mixed signals is only confusing her further. Anyway, I'll wait and see what Mr. pd man is in store for JP by way of redeeming himself in the upcoming episodes. My attitude right now about the ending is "expect the worse but hope for the best," judging from past projects of Mr. pd man like "My Girl." From my observation, the direction of BOF was partly dictated by netizens' opinions and if you've noticed, JH had more scenes with JD than JP and my guess is KHJ's popularity. This may be another reason why JK overstayed her welcome. It would look awkward if she's not around while JH and JD are having all those moments together. What will JP do then?

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Guest starlight tears

u're absolutely right, F4 fan. just 1 problem. JP is JD's 1st love, not JH. in episode 8, JD actually said goodbye to her 1st love. it's JP (she thought that her 1st love wass over even when it had not begun). and after leaving Jh's house, she said goodbye to "sunbae". It's what GHS said in an article :lol:

back to the next episodes, i'm really confused and annoyed with the script writer. she should have made JH confessed to JD earlier. he has many chances before <_< i know that JD will reject him. but this's not right time. i guess the proposal is just to make HJ's fanssatisfied (cauz JH wont have JD finally). at least, he shows his love for JD. i think SH, his 1st love , will be back at the end. an open ending for them B)

Wow! It surely does confuse me when i watched it before...i thought her first love is really JH!

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Guest F4fan

u're absolutely right, F4 fan. just 1 problem. JP is JD's 1st love, not JH. in episode 8, JD actually said goodbye to her 1st love. it's JP (she thought that her 1st love wass over even when it had not begun). and after leaving Jh's house, she said goodbye to "sunbae".

I disagree. What GHS said was that she thought JD's feelings for JH were of the "puppy love" kind, which could be termed as first love. In Episode 8, JD said good-bye to her first love -- JH. First love/first boyfriend or girlfriend is something you will remember fondly.

What JD feels for JP is what I termed "true love", which is harder to say good-bye to and to get over. Different loves with different depths of feelings.

JP's first love and true love are the same -- JD.

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Guest dreampryncezz

Its funny that the writers gave the "Jundi shippers" a literal one = Junpyo+Jandi+yacht.


I'm so happy to see JP running, RUN JP RUNNNNNNN

A drama is never complete unless the main male character RUNS! This is my theory. Sure he ran during episode 12, but this is the second season so he has to RUNNN again! :)

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Honestly....i don't like this drama.it's boring and dry.everytime i watch it (only watch 5 episodes) i kept forwarding all the unnecessary scene *ahem*JD's swimming*ahem* sometimes i felt like as if i was watching a music video not a drama.there's too many scenes of them not talking but then the annoying soundtracks will come out and all of them just stand there wasting my time.

it's that bad...i can't stand watching it anymore although the first time i've heard they're going to make korean version of F4 i was so excited!!!

3rd time the charm,huh?whatever...here's what i think about all the versions of F4

DOUMYOUJI TSUKASA - matsumoto jun looked like he's the one who will get bullied than him bullying the others.but i do think he potrayed the role really well.doumyouji is rough but at the same time childish and stupid.compared to lee minho's...he's too calm to be doumyouji.but he does look good in that hair.i don't care about jerry yan coz the first time i saw that pineapple hairstyle of his...i've completely lost my interest on him.plus he's not a good actor.

HANAZAWA RUI - rui is and always my fave.first of all..oguri shun OWNED hanazawa rui.i have to say he is very lucky to be compared with KHJ and Vic Zhou coz both of them are not experienced in acting.even though his look is not all that,his presence speaks it all.he was the perfect rui to me.KHJ can't act to save his richard simmons.he got the right look for rui but he sucks in acting.seriously...even the trees act better than him.no offense to KHJ fans but i really think he should give a deep thought about acting anymore after this.Vic also can't act.he's so skinny and yet in that drama he is said to be the second strongest member of F4 after doumyouji.the first time i heard that i laughed like crazy.

NISHIKADO SOUJIRO - i really don't care about this guy.the japanese version was ok.not handsome but i guess his acting was ok.kim bum acts well but he does look young to be playing the playboy role.i don't like Ken Zhu too.his hair is...uughhh.i really don't like the taiwanese version.

MIMASAKA AKIRA - haha.i really don't pay attention to this guy at all.so screw them!!!no reviews.ok ok.tsuyoshi abe did ok.he does portray the mother role in F4.felt really bad about kim joon though...all the F3 have their own story to share with the viewers except him.no wonder all F3 are famous and get all the CF stuffs going on...but him?hmmm...i hate vanness wu so i don't care if he existed or not.everytime he's on the tv i would go to the toilet or the kitchen until his scenes are over.that's how much i don't like him.

MAKINO TSUKUSHI - i like the j-version.she acts well but her voice can be quite annoying sometimes.she and Jun have the perfect chemistry.i don't like Jandi mainly coz of the actress.this is a common problem with korean drama.the actress will usually acts cute the whole time even though they're not!!her acting drives me crazy coz she tries so hard to look cute and funny at the same time.San Chai was so-so.

soo sorry for the long post but i just need to let my feelings out. :P

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

JP's first love and true love are the same -- JD.

sorry to cut your post short. Just that the particular statement 'sounds' really beautiful makes me feel somewhat..dunno the word, a little bit of sad, maybe, or regret. Can't explain. How awesome it is to be someone's first, as well as true, love. But i think i'm now too old to be that someone's. At my age (if i were to date same-age or older people), all (almost) men i meet must have met many women before, so the chance to be someone's first and true love is probably zero. huhu. And they say you always remember your first love fondly... :(

EDIT: i really wanna see jandi and junpyo genuinely smile at each other like in episode 3 (like in my siggie). I swear i don't remember anymore scenes that have them give each other beautiful smiles like that before or after that particular scene. They either pout, bicker, act tough, or gloomy around each other, or one laughing at the other while he/she looks mad. what a shame. I hope there will be more beautiful smiling scenes like that in the future.

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Guest kirbychan

wow ! those pictures made me happy! but i still feel bad for jihoo :mellow: ...can't wait for ep 22 !! so far this is my favorite version of the manga! :huh: i just checked the japanese one ( boooring it takes forever ) and f4...dont wanna be mean but... not so handsome xD lets put it that way. :rolleyes:

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Spoilers provided by the same person who provided the other spoilers that I've posted here earlier. Like I said, this person has acess to the script but I guess changes may occur between the script and the actual filming? But this should be pretty accurate... The Korean portion is in her own words, and the english is my translation. Enjoy!

<담주 스포 3탄>

Next week's spoiler, Part 3

먼저 준표의 버스추격씬.

버스추격씬, 구금 이별씬 맞음.

준표의 기억상실 전 구금 마지막 데이트 후

잔디가 일방적으로 이별 통보하고 버스 타고 가버림.

돌아다니는 스포처럼 그 버스 타고 바로 어촌으로 가는 건 아님.

이것저것 떠날 준비를 하고 그 후에 떠남.

JP's bus chase scene.

This is JP/JD's breakup scene.

This happens before JP's amnesia and after Jundi's last date (not the zoo date) where JD singehandedly breaks up w/ JP and gets on a bus.

JD does not immediately go to the fishing village from the bus, but does this and that to prepare for her departure first.

(blue_angel_1004's note: In fact, another Korean netizen reported that she saw the filming of the bus chasing scene described above yesterday (I anticipate spoiler pics coming?), and poor LMH did alot of running for that scene)

두번째, 준표우빈 자동차 추격씬.

그것도 돌아다니는 스포 내용이 거의 맞음.

우빈이가 준표를 집에서 탈출시켜주고 같이 도망가는데 경호원들한테 쫓기고

다시 우빈이네 경호원들이 그걸 막아주고 준표는 잔디에게로 무사히 가게 됨.

그리고 그 뒤에 동물원 데이트를 하게 되는 거임.

Second, JP and WB's car chase scene.

WB helps JP escape from his house and JP's bodyguards chase them.

WB's bodyguards block JP's bodyguards so that JP can arrive safely in front of JD for their zoo date.

세번째, 준표 클럽씬.

잔디가 떠나고 괴로워하던 준표가 클럽에서 술 마시고 싸우고 그 후에...

아무튼 그런 내용임.

이때 준희 누나가 준표가 망가지는 모습에 가슴 많이 아파함.

Third, JP's club scene.

After JD breaks up w/ him, JP is miserable, drinks, fights, and...

Well, it goes something like that.

Joon Hee (JP's sister) watches JP self-destruct and feels really bad.

잔디가 어떤 치매 환자를 돌보게 된다는..

저는 첨에 이 장면 보고 깜짝 놀랐는데..

그리고 떠도는 스포에서처럼 치매 환자는 아니고 의식불명의 환자입니다.

식물인간 같은... (이렇게 표현하면 누구인지 아시겠죠?)

잔디는 그 사람이 누군지 모르는 상태에서 어떤 사람의 부탁을 받고 돌봐주게 되고요.

JD takes care of a patient w/ Alzheimer's..

At first I was really surprised when I read this part in the script..

But just to clarify, it is not an Alzheimer's patient, but someone in a vegetative state. (This should help you know who this patient is, right?)

JD doesn't know who this person is, but takes care of him at someone's request.

그리고 제가 요트에서 구금키스가 있다고 한 적이 없는데

자꾸 그런 글이 보이네요.

요트에서 재회하고 정원에서 왈츠 추고

그 후에 망원경으로 별 보다가 키스하게 되는 겁니다.

그러니까 다음 주 키스신은 별 보다 키스, 어제 얘기한 키스, 이렇게 두 번입니다.

And I never said JP and JD kissed at the yacht.

I don't understand why this spoiler keeps spreading around.

Yacht is where they reunite, but they move to a garden to dance waltz, and then they stargaze, and then kiss.

So there are two kisses next week, the star kiss and the second kiss (the one the fans been waiting for).

그리고 제주에서 구금 말타는 씬은 없고요.

지후가 혼자 타고 있는데 재경이 목걸이 전해주러 찾아옵니다.

지후, 잔디에 대한 애틋한 장면 많이 나옴.

And to clarify the fake spoiler going around that JP/JD go horseback riding at Jeju. There is no such scene.

JH rides horse by himself, and JK shows up to return the necklace.

There are a lot of scenes that shows JH's love for JD.

소을스포도 많이 기다리시던데..

그런데 소을은 어제 거의 얘기한 것 같거든요.

생각나는 건 간판에피 이후 이정이가 마음을 다잡고

다시 그릇을 만들기 시작한다는 거고요.

그리고 키스 직전이란 얘기는 이정이가 하려다 마는 게 아니라

지난번 구금때처럼 가을한테 전화가 와서 분위기 깨지는 겁니다.

Many people seem to be waiting for Soeul spoilers...

But I believe I've revealed pretty much everything about Soeul in my last spoiler.

But after seeing the sign, YJ moves on and starts pottery again.

And about the almost kiss, it's not that YJ stops himself but like w/ Jundi, GE's phone rings and disrupts them.

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Guest XiahxTiffany

i think JK might see JD and JP and JH and the others together

she will get mad and etc

i wasnt here yesterday :(

and does anyone know if their is a preview? for episode 22?

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Guest kiwi18

Next week's spoiler, Part 3

JP's bus chase scene. This is JP/JD's breakup scene. This happens before JP's amnesia and after Jundi's last date (not the zoo date) where JD singehandedly breaks up w/ JP and gets on a bus. JD does not immediately go to the fishing village from the bus, but does this and that to prepare for her departure first.

(blue_angel_1004's note: In fact, another Korean netizen reported that she saw the filming of the bus chasing scene described above yesterday (I anticipate spoiler pics coming?), and poor LMH did alot of running for that scene)

JD takes care of a patient w/ Alzheimer's.. At first I was really surprised when I read this part in the script..

But just to clarify, it is not an Alzheimer's patient, but someone in a vegetative state. (This should help you know who this patient is, right?) JD doesn't know who this person is, but takes care of him at someone's request.

Sorry for cutting your post....

Okay... they're killing me. They're going to do the BUS SCENE??? Why am I tearing up just thinking about that??? Oh man. I'm going to die. That is going to be a heartbreaking scene. Because the scene in the Taiwanese version nearly did me in. Oh man. Can't wait to see pictures. Jun Pyo running by the bus... *kiwi dies*

And the person in the vegetative state... It can't be Jun Pyo's dad can it? I know they said he died but I just can't believe it. I still go back to the weird conversation in ep 12 between Darth Mama Kang and her husband... And what happened in the Japanese version. Oh man. I need to know what is going to happen! I'm dying! So much in 4 episodes.... Thanks SO much for more spoilers blue_angel!

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