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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest emfkrx

“there is no understanding between Junpyo and Jandi, if he had told her about what is going on, she needn't be crying for nothing.”]

JP did this to show his mum that he did break it off for her. I mean, his mum got guys stalkering her 24/7, it would be hard to fake emotion that raw for the mum, and if there was an agreement, they would still be meeting each other correct?!? That means, his mum would break her promise, to leave jandi and her family alone. But then, ddnt she? Cause then the place jandi was staying at ?

“let's put it this way, if Seohyun never existed, Jihoo and Jandi would have been a pair from the start isn't it ;)

This isn’t necesarily true, cause ji hoon didn’t want to be nice to her, it was all seohyun’s doing. Like when she wore that costume, the person that told him to help JD was SH.

also, Jihoo's putting his friends (Junpyo & Jandi) happiness before his own when he knew Jandi actually likes Junpyo

and not him after their first date (he tries to kiss Jandi but she avoided it).

Jandi also did the same, encouraging Jihoo to go chase after Seohyun in Paris when she was still in love with him

both of them are really noble unlike self-centred Junpyo and Jaekyung who just drags the other on a date :P

so Jihoo-Jandi and Junpyo-Jaekyung pairing should be perfect :lol:

This is why opposites attract. U do not want a partner EXACTLY like you.

and the line in red, if Junpyo were Jihoo... so you just need to imagine Lee Minho face

as Jihoo's role and he's the quiet one who sleeps anywhere he could and pops up whenever Jandi needs help,

isn't that the same as Jandi picking Jihoo? :ph34r:

Its not how they look, but how they act. Like yes, ji hoon is there when she is down, but JP makes her happy. Ji hoon is like a guy version of ga eul, as they are so alike she can connect to him. But the way JD looks at JP is totoally diff from when she is with JH. Girls don’t usually love the guy that cheers her up, more of the guy that made her sad. Girls are bizzaare i know

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A lot of pp love Jandi to be with Ji Hoo. At first I also think that he is the best guy for her. Full of understanding, caring, gentle, no evil mom, no 700 hundreds of victim. Moreover, JH has granfather who treasures Jandi.

But after watching 19 eps again and again, I dont think that they will be a best couple. Ji Hoo can undertand Jandi completely due to she is quite simple-mind, but Jandi can not really understand JH. She just knew him in surface that he is lonely, but how about his dream? his music? F3 nicknamed JH as 4 dimension not for no reason.

On the contrary, Junpyo is as simple as Jandi that is why she fully understand him from head over heals. She knew all the good and bad sides of Junpyo but she still loves him that much. Does Jandi know about JH's bad side?

Jandi must go through a lot but the person that her heart crying for is Junpyo, cause they are made for each other. The Jundi relationship is quite equal, they lean on and protect each other. I really can not imagine Junpyo together with other girl . He must and should be with our beloved Geum Jandi..

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I'm not sure whether it is appropriate to post this news here. but if it doesn't fit in here, can the MOD delete this post please.

Kim Beom’s Interview

In his interview with ISplus (reporter Lee Dong Hyun) published on March 16, Kim Beom reveals that work is more important than dating for now.

ISplus (IS): You seem like you would be a playboy like Boys Over Flowers‘ So Yi Jeong.

Kim Beom (KB): Thank you for the compliment, but we’re actually quite different. Due to my extreme shyness, I can’t get along with people that easily, let alone have the skill to seduce women. Although, I do have some characteristics similar to So Yi Jeong such as being cool-headed, not showing my inner feelings easily, etc. Come to think of it, when I was young, many girls my age used to follow me around a lot. (Laughs.)

IS: Have you ever had a girlfriend?

KB: Up til now, I have never had a girlfriend. I’ve always been very preoccupied with something, so it seems that my mind hasn’t been free to have a girlfriend. I don’t think I’ll that freedom for some time to come.

IS: Are you sure you aren’t like So Yi Jeong who is a playboy, but has blocked off his heart from women with an emotional wall?

KB: Come to think of it, that could be true too. However, Yi Jung developed that attitude due to his playboy father. I am like this because I am devoted to work, which thus far has more value and importance than a girlfriend. Still, I have a lot of female friends such as Boys Over Flowers‘ (Ga Eul) Kim So Eun, Park Shin Hye, and Go Ara, etc. that I get along well with. (KP’s note: All three actresses are his classmates in Chung-Ang University’s Theatre & Film program.)

IS: If you get a girlfriend, what kind of present would you most want?

KB: I’d like to receive a meal (lunch box) made directly by her. With a busy filming schedule, I skip meals often. At such times, if I could eat a homemade meal by my girlfriend, I think it would spring forth energy (strength) that wasn’t there.

IS: Who is number 1 on your cellular phone speed dial?

KB: The agency representative and hyung that I trust and depend on the most. There are many things to discuss (consult) with him, so I put him as speed dial number 1 in order to speak on the phone with him often. Even if I do get a girlfriend, I don’t think I will change my speed dial number 1.

IS: What will you do if your parents oppose your marriage like Boys Over Flowers’ Gu Jun Pyo?

KB: If I love [that person] to the point of wanting to get married but can’t due to the opposition of those around me, I would regret it forever. I would [try to] persuade them again and again until they give me permission. I have lived with such integrity that my parents have remarkable faith in me. They will accept my wish.

IS: What is your life motto?

KB: “You may lose once, but don’t lose again.” As you live life, you can encounter failures and you can make mistakes. I don’t want to suffer the same setback by making the same mistake again. [The motto means that] although a person cannot be perfect, one should try his or her best in order to get closer to perfection.

IS: When was the greatest crisis [you've faced] in life so far?

KB: I don’t consider a crisis you cannot overcome as a crisis. Although I’ve had trivial cases that were difficult, I’ve overcome them. I don’t think that I’ve experienced any extraordinary crisis.

IS: If you became a chaebol (plutocrat) like in Boys Over Flowers, what would you most want to do?

KB: I don’t want to become a chaebol. I want to always have dreams and put in intense effort in order to achieve those dreams. I think if I become a chaebol, I might become indolent (lazy) and lose sight of my dreams.

IS: Which websites do you have bookmarked?

KB: Portal sites such as Daum and Naver. I can come by a variety of information such as news in a short amounth of time.

IS: Do you read internet comments [regarding yourself] and take them seriously? Is there a negative comment that remains on your mind?

KB: There was a time at the beginning of my debut when I agonized over negative comments that I don’t even want to recall now. After that, I made up my mind not to pay attention to negative internet comments. I usually don’t read those kinds of comments, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot.

IS: Have you ever left a comment (reply) on the Internet?

KB: There hasn’t a single time when I have added a reply.

IS: What are some objects that you always carry around in your bag?

KB: My cellphone and wallet. I only put things that I absolutely need in my bag.

IS: How do you manage your income and how much allowance do you [get and] spend?

KB: I manage my own income so there’s no separate allowance. Truthfully, lately I haven’t even had time to spend money.

IS: Do you have any superstitions or customs?

KB: I can’t sleep before the first day of filming. I go to set after staying up all night. But I act better because my mind has become clearer. From a certain point in time, I decided not to sleep. However, there is the disadvantage of my physical condition being worse.

IS: What method do you use to relieve extreme stress?

KB: I meet up with cheerful people. Although I’m on the quiet side, I find that stress is relieved as I laugh when absorbed in pleasant conversations with pleasant people.

IS: Do you have any sleeping habits?

KB: I wouldn’t k now my own sleeping habits. People who have slept with me on vacation haven’t said anything in particular about it.

IS: Which athlete do you like the most?

KB: Manchester United’s Cristiano Ronaldo. He plays the kind of soccer that I dreamt about when I was a soccer player in middle school.

IS: Which three objects would you take with you if you had to be stuck on a deserted island?

KB: A [handheld] video game console, a DVD player, and also a cellphone. If I watched movies on the DVD player and play video games in between, I think it would be enjoyable even on a deserted island. I would need the cellular phone to request aid (a rescue) when I get bored. Does a cellphone work on a deserted island, you ask? I saw a commercial awhile ago where jjajangmyun (black bean noodles) was even ordered for delivery using a cellphone.

IS: If you were given a perfectly [schedule-]free day, what would you want to do?

KB: No matter how leisurely the one day is, wouldn’t the next day be busy? In order to prepare [for the following day], it probably won’t be completely free. I would want to just go somewhere nearby and get some fresh air and cool my head (mind) for a bit.

Source: KPculture

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Guest ziemah

OMG! i think bof has strted now on KBS2..ahh please for those kind people.update us! and dnt forgot the links for the videos on youtube~ ;)

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Guest bubble

that evil mother........... grrrrr... wanna kick her in the head ..>.< sorry if too violent.. but thats how i feel... feel bad for Jun Pyo's sister though..poor thing..

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Guest ml_87

episode 20. (being updated) i have to say the spoiler posted before is almost 100% right! :)

YJ visits GE at the place where she is learning to make pottery. sudenly, he saw the necklace and asks her whose is it. he gets angried with GE and leaves.

GE remembers what Yj and his 1st love said. she knows everything now :(

JD wanders in the street (she tries to phone GE but it's impossible).

JH is waiting for her (or his grandfa?) in front of the clinic <_<

JunHee is sitting in the living room remembering how her mom objected to her 1st love.

Jun Hee phones JD and someone said that JD faints in the street

JD awakes at JP's house . Jun Hee gives her a meal and convinces JD to come to her house.( jun Hee herself even makes a maid-dress for JD) :D

Jun Hee introduces JD with the old maid and others :rolleyes: the old maid makes JD call her "sunbae" and starts to train JD as a maid :lol:

JP is having dinner when the old maid comes to introduce JD as his personal maid. ( JP's surprised face is really funny. but cutie :P ) he surprises at both the old maid and JD"s apperance

JD says to the old maid that she doesnt want to be JP's personal maid, but of course, it doesnt work. ha ha

JP calls Jd to his room. JD comes and shouts at him. JP looks really satisfactory B) they talk with each other through the handie-talkie (although JD is just staniding in front of JP. ha ha) :lol:

other maids are really curious about JD. JD brings food to JP but he says that he wants to it ramyun. :rolleyes:

she makes it for him. when she's about to leave, he says that she must stay their until he finish the meal ^^ JD falls asleep. JP covers the blanket for JD and sits to watch her sleeping :D

other maids sees everything but the old maid makes them leave. she seems to happy when seeing JP-JD

JD gets a bit late. JP is shouting at other maids. then, JD comes to awake him with very soft voice. ha ha :D she beats him so that he has to get up. (Like a wife) :rolleyes:

JD makes Jp apologize to the maids. JD becomes hero in their eyes :D

YJ comes to meet his 1st love. GE accidently overhears their talk

JD and GE are talking in the porridge's restaurant when JK comes in. Jk asks Jd where she lives and GE says taht JD is at her house now. JK wants to buy some porridge for JO cauz he said that he is ill.

Jh's grandfa has heart attack at the clinic and JD calls JH. then, she takes him to JH's house

JP is having dinner with Woobin. he almost asks others where is JD and suddenly he realizes that woobin is there. JK comes there and she wants to help JP eat porridge :angry: stupid JP. dont knwo why he agrees. perhaps, he saw that it's JD's porridge <_<

JD leaves Jh's house. JH is mad at her. but she says that she wants to help him and his grandfa make up

JD backs to Jp's house. JP calls her to his room immediately ^^

they watch a horror film together and they hug each other becauz they are so scared.

JD leaves embarassedly but she returns immediately. the Monkey is right in front of JP's room. <_<

JD hides in JP's closet. Jk wants to stay there to watch a film with JP (why JP agrees again?) :angry:

the film finishes. JP falls asleep. JK kisses on his cheek and leaves. >"<

JP actually pretends. when JK leaves, he goes to the closet right away. JD is sleeping. he touches her face and lips :lol: JP carries JD to her room.

JH wakes up after hearing some noise. his grandfa is preparing breakfast in the kitchen. JH has breakfast alone after his grandfa leaves

JK comes to ask her why she treatsher adn even slaps her. that's JD dream. she wakes up and her phone rings. it's JK.

JD comes to JH's house to ask Jh and his grandfa to go the clinic with her <_<

YJ remembers his talk with his 1st love when they met again.

he lies on the bench when GE comes. (again) :rolleyes: they have a talk and GE leaves before giving the necklace of his 1st love

JD, JH and his grandfa leaves the clinic. JD goes to JP's house alone :D

JD comes to wake up JP.he pulls her and they hug ^^ the monkey comes in.

the end

the preview of 21st episode is really good. but i dont understand korean. pls translate it

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Im starting to not like yijeong. he's so.. rude. x_____x

he cant let go of his first love !!! >.<

he's hurting ga eul !! poor ga eul she overheard their conversation..

& Jandi in maid uniform is just plain adorable.


omg. that was a dream. i wouldve LOATHED jaekyung if she really slapped her.

OMG OMG OMG JUNPYO HUGGED JANDI !! T____T omg & jaekyung went in & saw them together !! x___x

omg i feel like crying !! & jihoo beat the hell out of junpyo ! i swear i love him !!

the next epi is about jaekyung cancelling the wedding right.

& jandi looks beautiful with earrings & her hair back.

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jandi in the maid uniform was so cute and adorable. i'm just wondering do they actually make it specially for her, because if i look at it carefully, JD's uniform seems to be different from the rest of the maid.

About the walkie-talkie scene..it was just tooo hilarous.JP is really trying hard to annoys JD as his personal maid. Do he really need to make his order (ramen) through the walkie-talkie since JD is just right infront of him.. JP really act like a naggy wife in this scene, hahaha

thanks to ml_87 for the spoiler and translation.


Jun Hee gives her a meal and convinces JD to come to her house.( jun Hee herself even makes a maid-dress for JD) :D

Ah that explain why JanDi's uniform is different for the rest. she got the special treatment from Jun Hee unnie...

Hi, where did you read the "yugurutu translation"? Thanks!

you can read it from here: http://yogurutu.blogspot.com/

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Guest gredghiena


i watch BOF thru VLC and read yugurutu translation at the same time! perfect translation of the leaked script!!

Hi, where did you read the "yugurutu translation"? Thanks!

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Wonderful news .... at last some more JoonDi scenes. It will make all JP-JD shippers rejoice at why they are THE COUPLE in the first place. I think I will enjoy this episode for now cos I know what is coming ahead.

I hope the ratings break the 40% barrier so that the PDs realise that more JoonDi means higher ratings!

PS> yogurtu was spot on! I love the spoilers!

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Ep 21 Written Preview on Official Website:

★ 21부 ::2009년 3월 17일 화요일 밤10시 ★

“좋아하는 여자가 있어. 태어나 처음이고 앞으로도 죽을때까지 그 여자 뿐이야. 그런데도 나랑 결혼하고 싶어?“

“알아. 그 여자가 잔디라는 거. 그런데...그런 너라서 더 하구싶어.”

강회장은 준표와 재경의 결혼을 서두르고 예비신부로서 행복을 만끽하는 재경은 잔디에게 들러리가 되어줄 것을 간곡히 부탁한다.결혼식을 위해 F4와 들러디 잔디와 가을까지 제주도에 도착하고, 결혼식을 하루 앞두고 준표와 재경, 잔디와 지후의 갈등은 절정으로 치닫는다. 바람처럼 준표 앞에 나타난 누나 준희는 준표에게 자신의 경험을 이야기하며 후회할 일을 하지 말라고 충고하고. 마침내 준표는 재경 앞에 무릎을 꿇고 파혼을 요청하는데.

English Translation

Ep 21: March 17, 2009

"I have a girl that I like. She's the first girl that I've ever loved, and she will be the only one for me until I die. And you still want to marry me?" (JP to JK)

"I know. And that girl is Jandi. But.. I want to marry you even more because of that." (JK to JP)

Chairman Kang tries to hurry JP and JK's wedding. JK is in anticipation of becoming a bride, and asks JD to be her bridesmaid. For the wedding, the F4, JD, and GE head to Jeju Island. As the wedding approaches, the tension between JP, JK, JD, and JH build. Joon Hee appears in front of JP and tells him about her experience, and warns him not to do anything he will regret. JP finally kneels in front of JK and begs her to call off the wedding.

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Guest sweet_maple

Anyone interested in the horror movie GOSA, JP did watch with JD. here is the link. I should find it to watch. What an intelligent strategy of JP , watching horror with JD to move closer to her :lol: http://movie-cafe.blogspot.com/2008/07/gos...ror-ranger.html

Hi, where did you read the "yugurutu translation"? Thanks!

here you go, have fun :rolleyes:


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Guest puls707

i just found out that Lyptika's (kdrama2008) youtube account has been suspended! :tears:

will anyone else be uploading raws on youtube?

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English Translation

Ep 21: March 17, 2009

"I have a girl that I like. She's the first girl that I've ever loved, and she will be the only one for me until I die. And you still want to marry me?" (JP to JK)

"I know. That girl is Jandi. But.. I want to marry you even more because of that."

Chairman Kang tries to hurry JP and JK's wedding. JK is in anticipation of becoming a bride, and asks JD to be her bridesmaid. For the wedding, the F4, JD, and GE head to Jeju Island. As the wedding approaches, the tension between JP, JK, JD, and JH build. JH appears in front of JP and tells him about her experience, and warns him not to do anything he will regret. JP finally kneels in front of JK and asks her to call off the wedding.

OMO..... JP!! A man full of pride in Ep 1 actually kneeling... Definitely must watch!!!

Istill wonder about JK's motivation though....

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Guest ml_87

episode 20 seems a bit better.

but i think it's still just too few JoonDi's moments. and whats JK is doing. the preview of 21th episode shows that she doesnt have the intention of helping JP-JD. evil girl! . JP, JD, both of them,

i cant understand. JD goes to shout at JP becauz of JK . JP kneels in front of JK so that she will let him go

what's the matter with them?

why JP cant stand as a man and say to her that he wont marry her.

JD, i know that u're a good girl, but u needs to shout at the guy u love becauz he doesnt want to marry another girl?

too tragic! >"<

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OK, I truly love it that there’re many JunDi scenes today. However, what I most adored is the preview for tomorrow’s episode. JP kneeling down to beg JK! And I think it they were at the church for a rehearsal, so JP actually did not drag till the wedding day itself to admit to JK that he loves JD. Damn, I knew I have a weakness for strong men who’s willing to step (in this case kneel) on their pride for the gals.

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