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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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can i do a fanfic request? is it allowed? will anyone even read this? lala angst. heartwrenching, makes you sob sob sob kinda angst..

im such a masochist :ph34r:

'stayfreemymisery__`: i meant su like purposely tried to avoid high five-ing liyin...and how she purposely looked away at just the right time to avoid..i dunno what

again, i dunno whether i should be happy or sad...happy that they're so sneaky..sad that they're avoiding each other.. :unsure:

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credits: photofunia.com + suyin soompi thread

--will add more when i get back--

^^^ Wait wait wait! Is that real?! Or is somebody just really really good at

photoshopping?! LOL. I MISS SUYIN!!

I'm craving MORE SuYin moments! I hope there's more in the near future!!!!


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Guest purplesoompi

^that's not real

seaprincess made a manip..

though i wish it was real....

does anybody have suyin pictures to share?

i feel like making icons...i wanna make them

so badly :(

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Guest estelgrace

I'm also back with some pic spam of Suyin at 2007 China Cyworld Pre-concert Press Conference.

Hmmm, Junsu, what are you thinking about?


awww...look how happy they are.


Junsu was extremely happy that day!! :D

Thank you so much for the vid! I love it! It's so good! Seriously! Amazing!! :w00t:

Haha! Love the pics too! I miss seeing them around^^

Junsu is probably thinking.."I wish I paid more attention to her Chinese lessons...I wanna understand what she's saying! Is she talking about me?"

LOL :lol:

The last pic! So happy! I feel really warm inside looking at them. They're so perfect for each other and so good together..

ahh..SuYin love..nothing like it^^

Thanks everybody!

Loving the pictures ;)

They really look like angels in the last one!


You haven't PMed me yet :tears:

I wanna know...^^

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Guest callingTHEWORLD.









Capri-Shiqi: Yeah, I know that Ri In can speak Korean very well. I need her to be on the variety show in Korea. She needs to come out and do something, but I think she is making a new MV or repackage album? I don't know. HAHA. Yeah, obviously every time she gets to see Junsu, she would teach him some simple Chinese words.

KyoSa: Thanks for the lovely clips! I really love that song. :D

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Guest capri-shiqi




After I told you all good news on MSN.

We all went hysterical!



estelgrace - Add me on MSN ok? PM me your MSN~ I don't like sending PMs. LOL~

*does a Victory dance*



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this one is called...

"Suyin's Side-to-Side Shake" :lol:




Suyin in red and white patterned-box shirt (tho Junsu's is a lot bigger)



cute video. loved the ending <333


hahah omg, you got good eyes! I didn't even noticed ^^'


your one-shots are so addicting. this time, it's tragic T-T

I can feel Ri In's pain here...


crap, it looks real! lol, Suyin fans have awesome PSing O_o


Suyiners in an angsty mood these days? I sense drama xD

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^ ooh lilcece nice one...i like the red shirt one..& they look too cute in their gifs.


I will do the same too but i'm totally out of it...lol

Those pictures inspire me to come up with another mini'convo story like the one me & lynnie did in our chat..lol

but i'll save it tomorrow you two already know what i'm gonna talk about...;)...LOL

v LOOKIE i see the same person visiting suyin thread...but never posting...Yo, you xsomething are we playing peekaboo?


I decided the only picture i'm gonna post is the same picture that I wanna post when i suyin'ed a page:


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Guest raincy81

KyoSa You are soooooo great and the Afterglow MV is so good. It includes all of my favorite suyin moments. The song really went with the moments perfectly and very moved. I hope suyin forever! Afterglow becomes famous SUYIN song besides Timeless!

capri-shiqi I love your posts and everytime your post really excites all of us. You have so many lucky friends and then we are so lucky to get more special information about our suyin angles. HAHA, Junsu loves our Chinese Tea!(Influenced by someone?)

lilcece Thanks for sharing more suyin similarities with us. Riin is so beautiful in red and white patterned-box shirt and looks so young!

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oh gosh pic spam. THANK YOU :D

capri-shiqi - i want to know toooo :( . can i know ?? pleeaase ??

i think. that. the suyin sisters should have one MASSIVE convo on msn one day. i think it would be awesome. anyone up for it? i think it would be good if we actually had new news to talk about though :P

i feel soo suyin deprived. really i do. like GAAHH.

i do hope that there will be timeless at bangkok. i doubt it, but hey what the harm in hoping? :D

lilcece: i have come to the conclusion that junsu and ri in's colour should be red. They look hella good in red. dont ya think guys?

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capri-shiqi - Yeah...I Know!!! SUYIN PAOW LOVE!!!!!! :lol:

marmar - I'm sure you'll get you turn soon! No matter how many times I see that pic, I still love it.

stayfreemymisery__` and LYNNIE. - Love the picture spam....you girls always give me so much pictures to look at.....lol

plumblossoms - ohhh...yes....Cyworld. That has the most Suyin moments.

Junsu is always so hyper when he is in China...and of course especially when Liyin is around.

He's spreading more love in China!

In.tro} - Thanks for watching the vid. I love your banner. That's great for a beginner. I don't even know how to make one.

TaiTsuki - Ahhh....your one shot. Awww...you did do a sad one this time.....but I still love it.

seaprincess - haha...oh...the Suyin moment...haha...I tried zooming in for a better look. Yes, Junsu had to touch Liyin again just right behind the host...but caught on camera....hehe

liljdazngal06 - yes...the dolphin boy. Just toooo cute. I'm sure he'll use that to make Liyin laugh all the time.

jaejoong_love33 - thanks. I love your writing. It's a nice start.

banannaa - :D thanks for watching. The song is tooo touching....right?

estelgrace - Thanks. I saw your comment on youtube also. haha...yes....I"m sure Junsu wants to improve his Chinese too.

lilcece - cute pics. I love the side to side shake....soooo cute. The red and white pattern shirt is cute too. Thanks for sharing.

raincy81 - Thank you. :D Yes, afterglow has become the 2nd song for Suyin after Timeless.

oooh....and welcome TONix to the Suyin thread!

purplesoompi - haha...really? I guessed I did read your mind.... :lol: Glad that you liked it. I loved that Junsu fancam. His part stood out the most in the song. Liyin? Dimples? hmm....here are some pics ........






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Guest capri-shiqi


raincy81 & Superjuniorislovex3! Added you girls on MSN. ^^

TONix - Welcome to SUYIN thread! <3

dtp25 - MSN? PM me your msn. lol~




jaejoong_love33 & Tiff - Why angsty one-shot? JAEJOONG_LOVE33, DID YOU JUST MAKE MY JUNSU DIED OR SOMETHING?????? OMG.

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Guest yongie_wonhi

soompi deleted my beautiful post. T-T So here I am, having to repost. :tears::tears:

OMFG The lack of Suyin-ness is killing me! Why oh why are you so cruel to separate the couple made from heaven Father SM? T____T

I'm not really new, but I guess you can say that since I haven't posted in this thread for quite a while. :\ So I'm Yongie, and I love Suyin! My name is Hang though. :) Anyways, I come bearing goodies! Since everyone is on a posting spree, I'll join in the fun! x] And try to relive the happy times of Suyin.


This here is the infamous Jia You gif of Suyin in her Documentary! :D They look so cute! And Junsu looks so dorky trying to say it right so that he doesn't embarass himself in front of his girl. x] LOL


And here is the infamous PS manipulated shot of their family pic that got featured in the Star Show. The happy family shall always remain the happy couple and son no matter what! hwaiting~ Jia you~ :)


That gif in her documentary where he was fixing her earplug for her! He looks so determined/sincere. x)

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I think this quote holds true to suyin. x] Because all those moments where they look in the same direction can also be considered a sign of pure love. :)

Dancing Assasin(Kabuki)

Dance for me, my love.

Show me the way.

Dance for me again,

Turning night into day.

Swirling silk like a cloudy plume.

Bright eyes shining with a dangerous glare

Curling your body languidly about the room.

The wind blowing moonlight through your hair.

I see the curves of your beguiling hips.

I see your glistening skin against the ebon sky.

I see the moisture of your blood red lips.

I see the Goddess calling me to die.

Dance for me, my love.

Show me the way.

Dance for me again,

Turning night into day.

Swirling silk of the dancing doom.

Moonlight bright, a fragile soul to snare.

Curling my body across your loom.

The wind blows on, without a care.

I see the gleaming sickle in your hand.

I see the moisture of my red tears in the night.

I see the shadow of my life falling to the sand.

I see your smile as I am drawn into the light.

Dance for me, my love.

Show me the way.

Dance for me again,

As I slowly fade away.

Eden Blackthorn

I think this poem is very erotic. 8D Junsu loves to see his girl dance. XDD lol that reminds me, I would so love it if they do a dancing duet together! More body interactions for us. x) rofl


The pic where Junsu was pushing Eunhyuk away to be with Liyin. x] And Dana smiling amusingly at what she's seeing. lol


Both doing the saranghae pose to each other. :)



SuYin's sexy s-line waves that I would die to see them do together. *O* 8D

That's it for now. But I will post some more random things later if I feel like it. :) And yes these are old, but it doesn't hurt to bring back memories right? ;)

btw what's this about a mass convo on MSN? I wanna join! 8D


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KyoSa - *huggles back* I KNOW!!!

omg... the more i look at the lyrics n the way junsu performs the more i know its def. suyin

seaprincess - YES!!! suyin definitely deserves a little sidewalk of theirs

AND I LOVE UR MANIPS!!! soooo real looking!!!

at first i'm like D= THEY"R ON THE ENGLISH PAPER *reads headline* ohh........ lol

lilcece - D= I LOVE THE GIFS!!! sooo cute!!

yongie_wonhi - i love the gif also!!! and ur av heheh sooo cute

dunno if u're new or not cuz i haven't seen u here before ... so WELCOME =D

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Guest kawaiiyiru^^;

I always love this thread!!!

lilcece.. i love those pics!!!

yongi_wonhi.. if i'm not mistaken, it's not feeding..it's earplug.

i think we need more SuYin's moment..

this thread move like rocket when a moment is come out..hehe~

i wish Junsu show his love again..hehe^^;

and i really don't mind if Li Yin jie jie want to show her love too~


btw, is Li Yin a christian too???

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Guest yongie_wonhi

This is my second post here today! x) ROFL

j0lin: haha thanks. I just randomly remembered I had those gifs so I just decided to post them. Thanks again! I seriously love Junsu/Liyin! >D lol hehe I'm usually a lurker and only posted 2 posts here, so I'm not surprised that you don't know me. :P Thanks! ;D

kawaiiyiru^^;: haha thanks. At first thought I thought he was fixing her earplug thingy for her, but then I suddenly thought he was feeding her or something. hehe Thanks! ^^; And yeah, I think Liyin is a Christian. I'm thinking you were thinking about that thing Junsu's mom said about wanting a daughter-in-law who can play an instrument and is a Christian?

Well I guess Junsu's mom will be happy to welcome Liyin into the Kim family then! :D

And to everybody who contributed: THANK YOU~

I appreciate everything you guys do for Suyin and hope that we can all continue to keep the Suyin love healthy and alive. :)

And I do hope that more Suyin moments pop out. I'm seriously Suyin deprived right now. T.T SM needs to give us another Suyin perf! >D Or something at least.


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i am wondering whether anyone seen full translations of Junsu's thank you message for his 4th album anywhere??

i have been searching for it but no luck so far..

i just want to see if he thanks his liyin?


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