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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest evilishus


Hello,to all!!!I'm new at posting at this thread,but I've totally been stalking it!Seriously,the only girl who could possibly be with Junsu has got to be Ri In.She's so pretty and sweet,the perfect girl for a hot dork like Junsu.

And,ohhhhh.Ri In was in Korea on the 20th?Couldn't stay away from Junsu's hotness for too long.Maybe that's why he stuttered at the press confrence,his Ri In was watching him.

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capri-shiqi - :) So happy to see you back.

kxluv - lovely vid. It's so sweet.

donna_xD - That's a very cute trailer. I look forward to read your fanfic.

TaiTsuki - aww...I love to read your writings. It is so sweet.

Are you preparing for you next one-shot soon? hehe..no hurry...school comes first.

evilishus - Welcome! Glad that you are joining us. Ri In is sure lovely.

Yea, I was watching the 4th album showcase and thought of the same thing.

I really wonder if Ri In was there....

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Guest jaejoong_love33

^^ woah. she was in korea on the 20th?? my imagination is going suyin wild again. :w00t:

gosh if she was really there watching from backstage (which i doubt)... then it would make sense for junsu to sing his heart out during "afterglow". ;)

man i have a feeling i'm gonna dream about this tonight. he he. :D


well~ either way.

even if she wasnt, she'd see the performance somehow right?

so, it would make absolute sense for junsu to sing his heart out~!

gotta express ur love for ur girl when she's near, right? :D

maybe that is why he stuttered.

he got too nervous, thinking about li yin ^^

(and there goes my SuYin imagination<3)

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Guest TaiTsuki

KyoSa: Thank you Unnie!

Haha yes I am preparing. I have the following one shots to do:

- JaeNa for Alia Unnie

- Steph pairings for all Steph lovers

- Suyin!

I am thinking of a sad one this time but I am not sure.

Haha. So sisters! Please state which one you want to read next:

1. Sad- It is going to be really sad. If it is sad then I plan to make someone cry ^^

2. Hot and sexy- like my Dare You to Touch one.

3. Cute and bubbly- although this will give me a challenge.

4. anything else?

Haha if you don't like my writing then don't bother replying ^^

Welcome to all new Suyin Sisters! Spread the love ^^

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Guest donna_xD

I've always wondered... ...


%7Boption%7D 6ek7f9.jpg[/ig]\

and welcome, evilishus! ^^;


And gah, look how compatible they look~


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oooh lordy..i should be studying for history midterm tomorrow, but im not [is so screwed]



^ anyone remember this clip?...when liyin called junsu handsome? it reminded me of the song "my page"...there's something about sexy and wanting a girl to think/say he's sexy..well in the clip..after junsu corrects liyin's korean..he turns to the fans and goes, "did you hear that?" or something or other

liyin: ...very handsome oppa [fangirls ooh and squeal]

junsu: handsome oppa [more squealing/screaming]

[turns to the audience] did you hear that?! [licks his lips and smirks]

and i think (opinion) they have an adorably awkward sexual tension between them..you know the whole body language type thing..whenever they're around each other..it's like they're naturally drawn each other..then when they notice it, it's like are we too close? maybe we're too close...[steps back a little]

if anyone actually read my posts..they can probably tell im a bit cynical when it comes to pairings..like i love it and all but for the most part, i don't really take it seriously..now i keep going back to my favorite pairing (


), but i get a similar feeling when i see suyin...i don't know if they're together or not. only the artists and a select few know the truth, but...i know..i feel..without a doubt in my mind..there is something there. more so on junsu's part.

now whether anything has been acknowledged or pursued is another thing and should remain between those two people

im so so sorry...im just so stressed and feel this overwhelming need to sprout some nonsense on here :sweatingbullets:

ps. hi evilishus =]

edit: lookit all the pretty graphics!! *o*

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the new suyin video and posters are love~~ :wub:

and i think (opinion) they have an adorably awkward sexual tension between them..you know the whole body language type thing..whenever they're around each other..it's like they're naturally drawn each other..then when they notice it, it's like are we too close? maybe we're too close...[steps back a little]

sorry to cute your post, but i feel the same way. you notice there is an

attraction between them, but when they feel they are getting to close

they try to back off. if there is really nothing going on between junsu and

liyin, they don't need to distance themselves.

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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

and i think (opinion) they have an adorably awkward sexual tension between them..you know the whole body language type thing..whenever they're around each other..it's like they're naturally drawn each other..then when they notice it, it's like are we too close? maybe we're too close...[steps back a little]

I couldn't agree more. b/c there's been some moments where they do get close and then back off cause of the awkwardness... but I'm sure things have changed. ;).

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TaiTsuki - My lovely dongsaeng. Seems like you have a lot to do. A sad one? I'm sure I will shed some tears already. hehe...or do you want to challenge yourself to write a cute and bubbly one? Either one is good, because I'm sure you will have a great piece of writing for us to read.

stayfreemymisery__` - hehe...I'm sure he at least touched her back for a while....don't he always do that secretly!!!

Hemera - haha...I love that fancam, got a close up on Junsu's reaction. He was so happy to hear that...hehe

I feel the same way. There are times that they seem very close but later stepped back a little, and I think because they don't want to cause any negative rumors.

a.p.r.i.l - Thanks for sharing your artwork. It's very nice.

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ahaha may i ask what you are mentioning when you said that junsu used jaejoong and eunhyuk to cover up?

lolz~ ^^

BUT~ c'mon. she HAS to say han geng...

he and her are like brother and sisters. and ppl would obviously think something is wrong if she said junsu ^^

did you guys see how she said that han geng danced the coolest.

but then when the MC asked her who she thought danced the coolest in her heart, she said secret.

now, if she though han geng in her heart, then there would be no NEED to say it's a secret. lolz

do you guys get my psychology here?

^i totally get that...the moment she said secret i knew it..haha

coz whenever she says something about Han Geng she says it outright..even about Shi Won..but when it comes to junsu..... :rolleyes:

the conspiracy involving JJ was when Ri In was hanging out with a


guy (or two


guys i can't remember..lol)..and Junsu &


were super close to each other and they were eyeing Ri In and the




suddenly went in between Ri In and the


guy... :lol: ....it was a "Don't you dare flirt with Junsu's girl" kind of moment..lol..there's a video of that moment on YouTube i just can't find it..it was posted here already...

and the one with

Eun Hyuk

was during the 2008 SM concert in Korea..

Eun Hyuk

was standing next to Ri In..of course being the sneaky guy he was, Junsu kept on standing next to

Eun Hyuk

(remember they are the best of friends)...maybe he thought no one would notice coz he &

Eun Hyuk

are the best of friends and there would be nothing wrong standing next to him but...yeah right junsu!..he keeps on trying to grab Ri In's attention..he was like an elementary kid grabbing his crush's attention..of course there's a video..but, of course, i forgot the title :phew: ..can't search for it..T_____T

Hemera-i soooo agree with you..even if they don't speak their eyes tell it all.. :rolleyes: ...and their movements..and their smiles... :sweatingbullets:

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Gosh I haven't been in here in so long...honestly i been kinda pushing

myself away from soompi these days because soompi just doesn't seem

the same as it was before. So yeah I might be leaving soompi sometime

in the future. Who knows though, right?

Any who I wanna first welcome evilishus to the thread. I see she's a new

poster & someone who loves suyin which is the main reason why we all

are here. So evilishus WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME :D

Oh Nessa, already mention about Li Yin being in Korea on the 20th.

Funny thing me, her & Carmen were talking about where LiYin was

because she seemed like she has been M.I.A for some reason & I told

them I think she's in Korea. I don't know why but I just had a feeling that

she might have been or still is in Korea til Carmen found out on Ri In's baidu

bar that she did got to Korea on the 20th. Which totally clicked the DBSK's

showcase was on the 21st. See the connection sisters?

Li Yin was in Korea the 20th, DBSK showcase 21st. Obviously she was there

to show some support for her boo he was making a comeback to his home country.

but what us three found weird was that some of the things i talk about tend to have

some truth behind it. Got me thinking I'm I psychic or just lucky?...lol

My sixth sense is working really good these days...lol

Any who I have been analyzing "My Page" & "Afterglow" & I sisters I have good news to

share I have found suyin connection in them. I'll post what I found later. Hopefully tomorrow

if not then the next day. But yes sisters I found some serious suyin connection on My Page

& Afterglow me, nessa & carmen been analyzing it & we feel the song was written about suyin.

We'll talk more about it later k.

Also kxluv made that bended knees fanvideo & all I gotta say is I love it because Bended Knees is

one of my favorite songs of all time. Boyz II Men is LOVE just like SUYIN..plus in one of Li Yin's

interviews she said that she loves Boyz II Men as well & she sang a snippet of their song.

Suyin both have amazing taste in music.

Last I updated on No Air. So those interested the link is in my siggy, ch.16 the confrontation has finally

been posted.

Okay til next time sisters I'll be back with My Page & Afterglow with my suyin connections I found :D

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hooo crap, i havent been here for a while..


i have not seen that interview! (sohu star online) like woah, she could have said "im close to hangeng and siwon" or "hangeng and *other sjm member*"

but noo... it had to be "junsu and hangeng"...

oohoo, lucky lucky girl, her bestfriend and her boyfriend at the same company.

lucky lucky.


suyin forever ey?

funny.. after she sed "yes" to the question if they hang out outside of work, she looked around awkwardly, like she wasnt supposed to say that. lol Shifty eyes!

kxluv: congratulations for making the first suyin video to make me shed a tear. i think it was how junsu was soo sad and teary while ri in was happy and beautiful, kinda how junsu is trying to reminisce their times together.

.. dont kill me, i lost hope in suyin for a while.

but after all this news, the recent interviews and all the probable theories etc etc..



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Oh Nessa, already mention about Li Yin being in Korea on the 20th.

Funny thing me, her & Carmen were talking about where LiYin was

because she seemed like she has been M.I.A for some reason & I told

them I think she's in Korea. I don't know why but I just had a feeling that

she might have been or still is in Korea til Carmen found out on Ri In's baidu

bar that she did got to Korea on the 20th. Which totally clicked the DBSK's

showcase was on the 21st. See the connection sisters?

Li Yin was in Korea the 20th, DBSK showcase 21st. Obviously she was there

to show some support for her boo he was making a comeback to his home country.

but what us three found weird was that some of the things i talk about tend to have

some truth behind it. Got me thinking I'm I psychic or just lucky?...lol

My sixth sense is working really good these days...lol

I haven't been going to soompi much... so this is the first time for me to read about this...

and it's funny coz jae and i were wondering where liyin was during the showcase...

we concluded that she was still in beijing.

but no... of course she came to support su! <33333

*is giddy and inspired*

thank you!


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aawww my sisters...thanks for watching my vid..:D

the song bended knees has been on loop in my mp3p since yesterday..

sometimes i can't help but think if suyin's ever had a "can we go back to the days our love was strong" kind of moment..of course that's sad but still..it looks romantic when i imagine it..lol..

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Guest capri-shiqi


SUYIN ALERT!!!!! SUYIN ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










His butt is...... @.@


Photos Credit as tagged!


The photos are taken on 23rd September 2008, when he was filming SBS Good Sunday Show "Family Outing".


Sorry for my big fonts, i was just too excited. =.=

I've calm down now~ lol~

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Guest lost_s0ul09


OMONA! TIMELESS!! it would be better if he wore that shirt with his cap with golden "R" haha!

he may suck in english BUT he can read it right? right?? and even understand it!

and remember someone... he miss so much? hehe

lol i was about to sleep now.. i don't feel sleepy anymore tsktsk

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