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[THE OFFICIAL] Taeyang 태양 Thread

Guest shinhdeplol

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Guest iiiLOVEtheSUN

in liu of seeing YB in something "different"...heres a pic


^ its one of my fav pics because he's in something completely different from his usual style....whoever said he couldnt be classy was wrong..the boy looks like he's made for the runway in that picture.....

LMAO! I remember seeing this picture a year ago and I almost fell out of my chair. He does look incredibly gorgeous, but sorry to break it to you, but this picture was photoshoppped! Its not real at all, but I wouldn't mind seeing Tae Yang strut this on the red-carpet. It is so much better than what he has to wear on the red carpet at all those award shows. (gross! and he's the best looking one too! the last fiasco with the pink was a big no-no)

But personally, Youngbae in his signature look: saggy-blue jeans, T-shirt (white ones lol), Nikes, hot boxers, nice belt (LV!) and his fitted caps is my favorite. He looks so comfortable...No skinny jeans for sure!

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Guest mybigbang

I made some pics for all of you.^^

I love love love Tae so much with piano. He's so sweet.


Colorful jackets from Sunset Glow ^^


He's so cute.


I think he love this hat ^^)


Look at his mouth ^^




He's so hot with these shades


Hope you like it ^^

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Guest sweetsorrow


wow those are awesome!! ~love the one with all the jackets and the smileyface ones =)


omo, i had no clue it was photoshopped!!! no wayyy .... hmm he does look great in the outfit though....i hope he goes classy for his next album, sorta like Neyo and his "Year of the Gentlemen" album....its different and yet still sticking to his R&B style

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Guest Starry09

Whoa that pic is fake? oh man! lmao

mybigbang: you did all of that?! Very creative and I like all of them but for some reason I love the mouth section a little more lol...thanks

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Guest jennych

i am officially stalking this thread to no end lol thanks for all the pics >.< ahh hes just soo perfect <3 i really hope he does more solo work soon, i miss his performances >.< gd thing i have my psp so i can watch his old ones over and over LOL :P

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Guest candyapple1111

I really hate those sunset glow jackets. what's the point of having one style of jacket in that many colors. There is even a multicolored one.(i really hate that one)

Nice pics of him in the sunglasses.

my new fav is his performance for my girl. I'm trying to find the one he from your sig starry. Is that global warning? Because I can't find that one.

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Guest Starry09

candyapple1111: umm not sure what concert it was for and I am pretty sure someone who knows more about big bang activities can help with that (sad i know lol) but I do know that you can get a sig just like mines and others from Alwaystaeyang.wordpress.com. You will also find a lot of pictures from almost every event he was in and fan art made by sweetsorrow18--but you must credit or else :). So go check it out and no this is REALLY not another shameless plug :P haha. edit: hey u can just click on jennych's sig/fan art and it takes you to the site...

sweetddalki: you've been a fan WAY longer then me wow lol gosh i feel like a newbie...I became a fan around July '08 haha so yeah I am. But I can't say that I was a serious fan until maybe November don't know exactly why...

Now I'm very curious and my question to everyone is....when and how did you become a fan of YB? And if it's a long story I don't mind at all or if you've already made a post before then re post it pretty please! I just don't think I have time to go through 95 pages...

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Guest sweetsorrow

Now I'm very curious and my question to everyone is....when and how did you become a fan of YB? And if it's a long story I don't mind at all or if you've already made a post before then re post it pretty please! I just don't think I have time to go through 95 pages...

sorry for cutting ur post short, but to answer your question...

i became a fan of YB about 2 years ago....

i'd heard from a friend about Big Bang and decided to check out some music videos by them... i watched Lies, Dirty Cash etc....and didnt quite noticed YB.....i'll be honest I jumped on the GD bandwagon initially...then i stumbled upon YB's My Girl music video and it was over for me...i was smitten.

~lol i was like schoolgirl with a crush....i immediately started looking up more YB videos, spent hours looking at all his pics and info....i'd discovered what a sweet, shy and humble guy he was...not to mention, his beautiful voice and his style was just awesome....then i found out we both shared the same birth date (we're exactly 4 months apart) so we're both the same age which made my day lol.....as i found out more about him and his personality it made me become a bigger fan of his...i think the one quality that really drew me in was his determination....even if its a random practice, a variety show or a live performance...the energy and detail YB puts into anything is to perfection and thats what i really admire...not to mention, he doesnt seek attention nor try to put himself in the forefront....he's determined to shine through his music and i love him for that....also the fact that he's just so sweet and shy and mysterious yet such a bad boy on stage is something i think all girls are drawn towards....and then we have the whole children/dog loving aspect that's just so darn adorable...who would think a guy who practically grinds on stage and rips his shirt off to screaming girls giving them nosebleeds probably finds the most joy in his dog and dancing...lol.....i could go ON AND ON.......anyway...you all know the rest.....and eventually led to the recent birth of my blog (lol i give most credit to the writers over there.....) which i am ever so grateful to all the people promoting it in some way or another =)

~i know...not a very interesting story, but I'm one hardcore fan of YB from the get-go (as some of you might know) lol...and i'll always support him...ofcourse giving constructive critisicm here and there......YB will always be my #1.

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Guest mz simmonz

thanks mybigbang for those photos..such a nice collection of just the few of the many things that make Bae loveable =)

and to answer Starry09..um well not sure when I started liking YB, probably just last spring..I was out of kpop for a few years but I I usually frequent the fashion/beauty forum and noticed a "Big Bang style" thread and people with BB banners so I wondered wtf is a "Big Bang style?" and lo and behold was a group pic of the boys and my eyes zoomed at Bae right away..I think because in the pic he looked the most Americanized? (just a cap with a T and jeans) and also he looked like my type of guy I would find attractive. So of course i GOOGLE'd him hehe..saw him in "Lies" (the first BB mv and song I've ever seen/heard) and I thought he looked really cute and sounded good..then a few months later his solo came out and I was hesitant to get back into kpop but then I saw that his song "Prayer" featured Teddy (I was a HUGE 1TYM fan back in the day) so I clicked on it and omFg he looked SUUUPER hot..sounded really good too (not to mention Teddy too of course haha. So from then on out, I've loved YB since..which makes me feel silly because he is younger than me, and probably shorter or the same height as me..but no matter how much I noticed TOP's hotness/GD's awesomeness/DaeRi's cuteness, YB is still my fave fave fave member. Seeing him on shows makes me like him more too, since he can play the piano, dance really well, rap AND sing, and meanwhile he still seems very shy/soft spoken it's a thrill to see him crack up/say something funny/act silly...and the fact that he can really smile like this ^_____^ makes him one of the most adorable things in the world lol.

just in case I bored you all with my Taeyang-centric essay:


creds: popseoul

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Guest Starry09

Wow! you guys are awesome! I've been checking this thread every time I had a break from class lol but I am so glad someone responded which totally makes my day :D...keep them coming!!!

sweetsorrow: Yeah I see what you mean because when I was watching their old videos I was like no way is that YB now lol. Although, I do think he has the same characteristics from before but now I feel he's more confident/comfortable (I could be wrong heh). So I could kind of see why some ppl wouldn't automatically become fans of YB. You're so darn lucky--same birth date? totally lucky lol and I know you're a hardcore fan cause I've recently seen your name around some sites lol :phew:<---i hate these crappy icons

mz simmonz: I guess we can feel silly together lol because I'm older by 1 or 2 yrs (yb is 21(Korean age) right?). And about seeing YB on shows, I love it when he laugh, smile, sing, play piano, dance, and etc because it make the show worth watching lol. If they said yb wouldn't be on the show I'll probably breeze through it haha. By the way, your essay wasn't boring at all (I think teddy is hot too!)and that picture... thank you lol...

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Guest iiiLOVEtheSUN


Hmmm Been avoiding your question because it will result in an unnecessarily long post, but can't help myself because I'm bored. LOL.

Not to sound melodramatic or any bit fan-girly, but I think it was fate that lead me to Youngbae. Honestly, I randomly downloaded Big Bang's album off some forum. I just felt like I needed some new music in my life and blindly downloaded theirs. I believe it was the 2nd Single with "La La La." I was hooked on the song, but everything else at the moment, even "Ma Girl" was insignificant. At the same time, I was listening to a lot of Se7en, because he was the only Korean artist I knew at the time. Of his songs, "Give Me Permission" was oddly addicting and I particularly liked the rap. I thought "Whoa. This guy is good." At the time, I did not know it was Tae Yang rapping! (Fate, I tell ya!) But more downloading and experimenting with music. It wasn't until I heard "A Fool's Only Tears" that I was officially hooked on Big Bang. At first, it was Dae Sung that caught my eye (ear?) because his voice was really powerful, but I'd always liked Tae Yang's parts in the song, but I just didn't know it was him. When I watched the MV, I was like "Ehhhh Ghetto-fab gangsta wannabe!" at Tae Yang and his cornrows, but when I realized how soulful and amazing his voice was, I was like "Whoa~" At closer inspection, I also realized how gorgeous he was (esp his smile) and the swag he carried. It was love at 2nd sight, but love nonetheless.

This led to more and more research and a development of "fangirl-dom." Watching the documentaries and other clips, I realized how incredible of a voice he had. It was (and is) very soulful and powerful. Loved his passion for music and what he does and still very much do. Captivating stage presence. The moment in which I was completely sold was when the thought "He could go solo," somehow creeped into my head. Honestly, my support stems from this. From beginning to end, I always thought Tae Yang had the voice and talent to be a solo artist. I really liked his voice and just wanted to listen to only it. I hated how he didn't get much attention, when I thought he had the most talent and potential. When his solo album was announced, I was jumping for joy. Call me a YB-extremist.

My favorite song is still "A Fool's Only Tears." I really liked his voice in that song and as much as I adore his solo album, I secretly wished he sang like that again. I still really like Tae Yang in cornrows. People hate it but I love it. I still love the ghetto-fab Tae Yang too. He seemed really sincere and passionate, not to say he isn't now.

That's the story.

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Guest Childlike Faith

Now I'm very curious and my question to everyone is....when and how did you become a fan of YB? And if it's a long story I don't mind at all or if you've already made a post before then re post it pretty please! I just don't think I have time to go through 95 pages...

Sorry for cutting your post short. Haha, I'm supposed to be doing my homework, but I like reflecting on YB.

So I think it was in 2003 when I got really into 1TYM and YG, right before their fourth album time, and I was looking at all the artists on the YG site and there were all these pictures of G-Dragon and I was... so amazed, lol, because he's pretty close to my age and everything, and he was a cutie back then too! Then after awhile, I thought, 'Hey, I should go back and look at those pictures again...' but when I went back, it wasn't just G-Dragon anymore, it was GDYB!! And I was like WHO THE HELL IS THIS YB TAEKWON?! So I was looking through all these pictures and was *mesmerized*. I mean, I liked G-Dragon and kept waiting for his debut, but when I saw Youngbae, it was like BAM, who's G-Dragon?!

And then I kept waiting and waiting for GDYB to debut. And kept seeing them in YG events and 1TYM/Jinusean stuff and I thought they were neverrrrrr going to debut. So honestly, I accepted that they were just going to have these small roles in YG and never debut. :ph34r:

Then in 2006 they released news of a new boy group from YG and I was like HOLY CRAP, GDYB FINALLYYYYYY. At first..., I was super disappointed that they were going to be in a group and not a duo, but my opinions have obviously changed. :lol: But yea, since GDYB, Youngbae's always been my favorite. To tell the truth, I didn't even know anything about Youngbae back then... so watching the documentary and going through the whole becoming a group thing was really eye-opening. I was so amazed by his determination and when I heard how hard he had to work and how YG was hard on him it made me sad. But then I liked him even more!!

I don't really have a reason why I became a YB fan in the first place... I just felt it when I first saw him. (Haha, I like to call it fate too.) I don't know why I liked Youngbae better than Jiyong... it just happened! When Big Bang started, I automatically just gravitated towards Youngbae. It might have been biased then, but since the start, the more I see him, the more I understand why he's my favorite. I guess it's kind of a backwards way of seeing it... =X

And I totally understand what you guys are saying! I LOVED HIS CORNROWS! It'd make me so mad when people would diss his cornrows!! Honestly, I wouldn't care what style his hair is or if he didn't have the same body...

And yea, I love meeting other people who loved his cornrows. :D No offense... if you didn't?

And now... my fangirl moment. I CAN'T BEGIN TO EXPRESS HOW UNBELIEVABLY PERFECT YOUNGBAE IS. :D Most of all, I like who he is as a person. (:

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Guest sweetddalki

sweetddalki: you've been a fan WAY longer then me wow lol gosh i feel like a newbie...I became a fan around July '08 haha so yeah I am. But I can't say that I was a serious fan until maybe November don't know exactly why...

Now I'm very curious and my question to everyone is....when and how did you become a fan of YB? And if it's a long story I don't mind at all or if you've already made a post before then re post it pretty please! I just don't think I have time to go through 95 pages...

I became a fan of YG family first. My best friend introduced me to them. One day she told me to go to the YG website and look up GDYB (I knew of 1TYM, JinuSean, Se7en, Perry, Wheesung and Gummi. Wheesung and Gummi were on MBOAT which was YGs sister company but it closed. at the time). I checked out their profile and their website which no longer exists :( and i fell in love with YB's face haha. Then I heard him featured on Wheesung's song "Player" and it was officially a wrap (he was still a rapper back then) <3. I've always preferred him over GD (which seems to be a rare case~). Yeah... so I proceeded to keep up with GDYB hoping they'd be released soon but I had to wait 3 years. Haha. But it's all good, they've improved a lot and and are doing great things :D

Thanks to everyone who contributed pictures and such! I thought the one with GHS was recent... I remember that pic from a while back. She was shooting an MV I think.

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Now I'm very curious and my question to everyone is....when and how did you become a fan of YB? And if it's a long story I don't mind at all or if you've already made a post before then re post it pretty please! I just don't think I have time to go through 95 pages...

I actually became a fan of GD before YB. I saw GD in "Fly gentlemen"

and than I seriously went searching for GD. THHAAANNNNNN Saw many pictures with

GD. I remember those old photos from YG's site for YB & GD. Dannggg.. YB TAEKWON!

AHAHHAHAHAHHA DDAANNGG! Than when SE7EN introduced them. I got my YBGD

love back hahahhahahahah. I was super surprised when he FIRST came out as a "singer" instead of a rapper.

I've heard YB rap before and he was good so I was like "WHAT?! YB! SINGER?!" EHHH. than he sang

and I fell in love <33 hahahaha. I was super surprised when he also came out with TAEYANG instead Taekwon.

ahahhahahahah XD

<3 YB lovin' for too many years & many more going. hahahaha XD


I wanna be that lollipop XD HAHAHAHH



I didnt know if we could post this or not so.. I just posted the link :) HAHAHA


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Guest Starry09

I've read everyone's post (x3) lol but since it's late (just came back from school library) I'll ask my questions later. The one thing I've come to realize was that everyone so far has been a fan of yb and knew about YG longer than me, which is totally amazing. I mean you guys were fans of yb since his rapping/training days!

Tofu: just call me Aims....Yeah I know lol can't make up my mind :unsure:

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i can't believe people are saying he got surgrys. that just makes me angry!!!

yb always looked like this. he just have bad taste and weird hair cut back then.

if you look at all the documentry, he still look the same. just chubbier and fatter.

and as for how i became a fan...

i guess since they(GDYB) were like 14ish? they were a cool duo that shows up once in a while lols. i was even really upset when i heard that they decided to form a 5/6 person group instead of debuting GDYB.

oh the old days. lmao.

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Now I'm very curious and my question to everyone is....when and how did you become a fan of YB? And if it's a long story I don't mind at all or if you've already made a post before then re post it pretty please! I just don't think I have time to go through 95 pages...

oh! how good question was...

um...I'm very shy to say that I just fall in love YB about 6 months ago when I met his smile at the behide scence of Look only at me

oh! It's sure I'm not yet V.I.P right there but all of me today started at his smile ..it looks like his smile lead me to know

the wonderful thing that is BIGBANG>>YB. First time I think I'm so silly that I've just been V.I.P but now I know nobody know the future

and I should do today the best time ...Together Forever ^^ promise yaya!!

YB! smile

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