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Putting in/ Taking out contacts


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I went for my contacts fitting today, I wanted hard contacts but the doctor told me to practice with soft ones first....she was right lol I sat there for like half an hour trying to put in one contact lense, and it's natural to blink when you're about to have something shoved in your eye, so I kept blinking everytime the contacts came close so finally, the optician help me put them in and told me to try putting it in the other eye...still couldn't do it!!! I was tearing so bad My doctor took out the contacts for me, cuz I couldn't do that either -____-;;; She told me to make another appointment to have more practice So now, I would like some advice my doctor just told me to practice touching the white of my eye for now, so I don't blink like crazy and when I remove contacts, she told me to either pull my lower lid down, and pinch it out, or drag the lens to the corner of my eye and pinch it out...but seriously, I don't think it even moved when I was 'dragging' it, and when I was trying to pinch it out, I was scared I was gonna scratch my eye Any tip/ experience is good....I might go back next week Thank youu
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Guest tieulongnhi

After having contacts.. for two years now.. I just go straight in, pinch and out.. takes 2 seconds max for putting them in and out. When I first started, the day of the fitting it was so hard.. the doctor put them in for me, let me wear it around the mall for 30 mins.. came back and he took them out.. then he told me wear a new pair to go home and get used to it.. it took me forever but eventually it went in.. you can't be scared to stratch your eyeball cause you really dont.. yes it feels weird to touch since its so sensitive but you will get use to that.

Anyways, there goes my experience... but tips.. putting them in, i use both of my hands (cause i can hold the upper and lower lid easier, but other tend to use one.. i dunno) anyway.. i use the middle finger on the right hand to hold the lower lid and the middle finger on the left hand to hold the upper lid. When i can see my eyeball (the black circle) clearly, I then shove the contancts in. once its on, blink a little and it'll adjust itself.

To take them off, i use the same middle finger method.. go in with my thumb and index of the right hand, and like "squeeze" them together on my eyeball.. then it comes right now.. I dont like the slide it cause it feels weird..

but yeah.. thats alot of info but hope it helps. and good luck :)

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Guest im` l0vEd

good tips tieulongnhi!!

i learned those ways first.

now i got the one hand put in and one hang get it out method.


but u gotta aim it right. etc.

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you're lucky you've gotten soft contacts, i have hard contacts and they hurt like **** when i 1st got them but yah since i have hard i do it a different way ^_^

but tieulongnhi gave a very through and detailed process so you should be fine :)

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Guest babii_lush

i jst had contacts recently, i keep blink too, but i ended up doing it, cuz i keep thinking, u'll look hot with contacts.. LoL

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-sigh- This brings back to the day of my first fitting.

Trust me, you WILL get used to it, at first i thought "holy crap, i'll never put these in right EVER" but you will get the hang of it, like the doctor suggested, just keep poking the white part of your eye for a while, just so your eye can get used to the feeling of something touching it.

And try to insert the contacts in every now and then.

Removing to me is the EASIEST part. What i do is look up and just pinch my contact lenses and they're out.

Good luck!~

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Guest my_FAITH

Practice practice practice, you'll eventually get used to it. I had to have two lenses fittings cos i was there for like an hour and still couldn't do it ><

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I couldnt do it before but its actually pretty easy now.. taking it out is easier. make sure you have short nails though.. you like scooop it out with your Thumb and Index finger.. and with your middle finger you pull your bottom eyelid down.. i usually use my right hand..

Putting it in was a pain in the BUTT before but now its easier ermm.. use the middle finger on your left hand to hold the top of your eyelid and the middle finger on your right hand for the bottom use your a your index finger to put it in.. MAKE SURE YOUR FINGER IS DRY.. WITH NO SOLUTION so the lense can fall in easily.. put it directly at the circle spot.. and when you do it should stick there.. if it doesnt fall in, it means that your finger was still WET

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Guest Absinthe.

Just keep practicing like everyone else says...haha...Oh gosh...The first time I had contacts...I couldn't take them out and was in tears...Well...I got them out in the end...

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Guest Caroline :)

i got so frustrated with contacts that i didn't wear them for half a year and then i was like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i need contacts and just shoved them in and voila...lol

it's really hard to get them in, but taking them out is no problemo :D

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actually, putting in and taking out hard contacts are A LOT easier. i never even had to touch my eyeball to put in/take out my hard contacts. i just put it close to my eyeball and it's kind of heavy so it falls onto my eyeball. haha. and then when i take it out, you can use that plunger or do what most people do -- pull your eye taut at the end and then blink. it will pop right out. haha.

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Guest homesoy

Yes like everybody said, its scary the first time but after that it gets wayy easier. I'm so used to them now I could put them in and take them out without manually moving my eyelid.

Don't worry ... they get really convenient once you start using them.

Just make sure you wash your contact with solution as often as possible to prevent infection. If I have time, I usually wash the contacts one more time before I put them in because if little nuisances like a tiny string of lint, or a eyelash gets in between my eye and the contacts, its hurts like a motherlover.

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thanks for the tips you guys...I hope I won't have to go back for a third time after this =S

I go back on Tuesday...for my second attempt lol

I couldnt do it before but its actually pretty easy now.. taking it out is easier. make sure you have short nails though.. you like scooop it out with your Thumb and Index finger.. and with your middle finger you pull your bottom eyelid down.. i usually use my right hand..

yeahh I just cut my nails lol

when I went to try them, my nails were long, so I didn't know how I could 'pinch' it out without poking my eye =S

actually, putting in and taking out hard contacts are A LOT easier. i never even had to touch my eyeball to put in/take out my hard contacts. i just put it close to my eyeball and it's kind of heavy so it falls onto my eyeball. haha. and then when i take it out, you can use that plunger or do what most people do -- pull your eye taut at the end and then blink. it will pop right out. haha.

ohh icc

I asked for hard contacts but my eye doctor recommend I try soft ones first because they're easier to work with

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Guest swtamy83

Hahaha...........took me half an hour at the doctor's office to put and take them off too. I think you nee dto practice using two fingers to hold your eyes open so it's easier to put and take the contacts out. After you get use to it, it'll take like5 seconds to put them in or get them out.

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actually, putting in and taking out hard contacts are A LOT easier. i never even had to touch my eyeball to put in/take out my hard contacts. i just put it close to my eyeball and it's kind of heavy so it falls onto my eyeball. haha. and then when i take it out, you can use that plunger or do what most people do -- pull your eye taut at the end and then blink. it will pop right out. haha.

Agreed. I ALWAYS use the plunger thing. It's such a lifesaver.

But why do you want hard contacts?

Hard contacts ARE easier to take care of (they don't break as easily), but they're a pain in the richard simmons sometimes. Especially when something gets in them and you start tearing up like crazy. It hurts soooo bad. I'm usually the only one who wears sunglasses when it's windy and cloudy during tennis matches. :rolleyes:

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