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[drama 2009] Triple 트리플

Guest MWshin

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Guest danick

I'm actually excited for this date because after it is done we will know as clear as day what Hwal's feelings are if there is any.

Haru is a smart girl she knows that fighting for something that doesn't want to be fought for is useless.

Having this one date with Hwal can at least give her some loving memories for her to treasure. She won the battle even if she lost the war. :)

This is one date, I'd like to tag along, not physically though, more like a bug clipped on both of them near their hearts...LOL!

At least Haru gave it a try, if it does not work out the way she wanted, that is. I'll take Hwal anytime anyday!

I'm beginning to suspect whether Su-In is still deeply in love with Hwal; somehow, it appears to me that she wants the reconciliation due to her "guilty feeling" and also for her mom's sake and also to conform with society's expectation. Looks like her heartache has started => she's already noticed that Hwal seemed distant though they are living together. IMO, it's selfish of Hwal to run away from his confused feelings for Haru and take refuge in Su-In's house. He's a grown man and should be able to handle his emotions better.

What is pretty obvious by now is that there is no chance whatsover of a Hwal/Su-In ending.

Officially ? :D

Yes, officially, I was not that convinced at the first few episodes but what the heck, when you want to love someone, go out with all your blazing firepower. I just realized that I can relate to Haru, well not to the stepsiblings thingy and age gap difference, more like in the way she goes for what she wants. Love does that to you. It may seem irrational, illogical and unreasonable for some but the things we do for love. It may sound just a crush or infatuation for some but sometimes the effect of that endless pounding of the heart really gets into you. There are some people who are lucky enough to fall in love with people without complicated situations, I guess Haru is not one of them.

The good thing about her is that she is not afraid to love. C'mon Haru give it your best shot!

I can't wait for Episode 11. I am still rooting for a Hwal-Haru ending, minority or majority whatever! :P

I am extremely excited to see what else has the director and the writer has to offer. Will there be more twists that we never thought may happen?

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Guest xjimin

im so addicted to this drama

but neway..

ok so im soo confused about hwal... :/

honestly i want haru & the cute boy to work out

i read on previous replies but i def agree that hwal doesnt

even deserve haru's love. wat did he do to? yakno?

on the otherhand the kid is alwaays there for her. hes so cute<3 :)

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Guest Caroline :)

Has anyone imagined how haru's father is going to feel?

Remember, Hwal's father is the man that took haru's father's wife away from him

Honestly, I don't like this whole hwal-haru thing.

Hwal is at an age where he has to get married/ is married whereas haru is supposed to be experiencing puppy love and high school relationships. She doesn't even have any friends at school (since she barely ever goes)

If she was in college (18) and this love connection was going on I'd be all for it and the age difference doesn't even matter, but this is a child. In the real world, everyone would be calling hwal a child molester.

I don't know this drama is going the typical path so it got boring for me

Hopefully it will get better down the road and I will watch it later on...

I really liked it in the beginning before the whole hwal and haru stuff went on :(

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Guest jinnn

Your wife cheated on you..Oh yes it sucks.

But oh god..get over it ! She's been begging for forgiveness, doing all this things to make Hwal come back to her.

But ultimately if Hwal really really loves Su-In...cant he just forgive her? Be a mature adult for once and take her back.

Obviously, Hwal no longer loves Su-In enough to take her back into his life. Yeah, it piques me too that he just leave things hanging loose esp. his handling of the Hwal/Su-In/Hyuntae issue. He’s not taking any remedial action with SI while on the other; he told Hyuntae to butt out of SI’s life. He expects the whole world to wait for him <_< . It’s good to see that for a change, there’s someone like Haru who’s pushing him to the edge and “forcing” him to confront his own emotions.

The good thing about her is that she is not afraid to love. C'mon Haru give it your best shot!

This trait of hers is what made me like her too. I also like how she is able to loosen up the usually stoic Hwal.


Thanks again for the sneak preview caps. I can't wait for Hyuntae to get his dreamgirl. So far, he's always been there for her (tho' sometimes, she rather that he's not ..LOL)

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People have mentioned how bratty Haru, immature Hyun Tae, or childish Poong-Ho can be.

But to me they are the ones that are way more mature than Hwal.

They are being true to themselves. They know what they want and sure as hell is persistently working towards them.

But Hwal ?

What has he done to deserve Haru's love ?

He has never had to fight for his love...

So what? Your wife cheated on you..Oh yes it sucks.

But oh god..get over it ! She's been begging for forgiveness, doing all this things to make Hwal come back to her.

But ultimately if Hwal really really loves Su-In...cant he just forgive her? Be a mature adult for once and take her back.

Same thing with Haru..if Hwal really likes her..

Show it. Show it to her and show it to us viewers.

Cause it is about time that he grows up and truly be an adult.

hmm a girl of 18 is expressing her love for her 34 year old obba and that is call brave enough to love who she love .yet the man is being blame for not being an adult enough to accept it ? seriously i think it is precisely that he is adult enough to feel confused and troubled by all these emotions ...and cheatiing by his wife is not something you get over easily ....they are trying but obviously what happen between them before that make them fall in love .is not there enough to revivie that feeling again .

anyway ..to be frank ..i am abit frightened like Hwal is ..about Haru feelings ..it is really hard to express in words what a man might be feeling in such a situation when a girl so young .is being such a temptation ..i can really say that i really feel what Hwal is feeling is love .but maybe just certain temptation of the love which is started by Haru .

maybe i am just as confused as Hwal .

.i dun blame the girl either ..yes she cant control her heart as well .she is learning about growing up..there are certain moments .she feel so trap in her own feelings too .but still .i get abit put off by her wilful ness ..

ya maybe i am an immature adult for feeling that way . I dont really condemm the relationship of Hwal and Haru that evolving now .neither do i root for it it is just so human that our human emotions can be so complicated .when boundaries are cross ..my guess is there wont be a definite outcome for this relationship.

.well at least i am always happy to see the HY and SH couple .they are fun .though sang hee is not willing to take that committment that HY offer (ya i think HY was abit too ."demanding " in terms of what she wil be doing after marriage ) . the pros of marriage didnt balance off with the cons .for Sang hee !^..i love their chemisty together ...the catwoman stunt was too adorable .and the proposal ..lol. at the moment when he is lock up at the station . .

Check this out, there's a behind-the-scene video clip with short interview.

(sorry, I am not able to take it out. :( )

cr: imbc.com

the making of for the scene in esp 11


esp 11 preview


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I think I am in the minority in this forum for truly NOT LIKING the Hwal-Haru relationship.

People have mentioned how bratty Haru, immature Hyun Tae, or childish Poong-Ho can be.

But to me they are the ones that are way more mature than Hwal.

They are being true to themselves. They know what they want and sure as hell is persistently working towards them.

But Hwal ?

What has he done to deserve Haru's love ?

He has never had to fight for his love...

So what? Your wife cheated on you..Oh yes it sucks.

But oh god..get over it ! She's been begging for forgiveness, doing all this things to make Hwal come back to her.

But ultimately if Hwal really really loves Su-In...cant he just forgive her? Be a mature adult for once and take her back.

Same thing with Haru..if Hwal really likes her..

Show it. Show it to her and show it to us viewers.

Cause it is about time that he grows up and truly be an adult.

im sorry to quote your post...

but what's your perception of ADULT means?

being true to themself and persistent to what they want??

that's not adult..that's action when you were young and immature..

becos when you grown old you will learn a thing or two day by day... that's you can't always get what you want,and there's more to life than that..

you have to consider a lot of things and concern about a lot of people not just about yourself and your own feeling...

when you're an adult,the world will not goes around you anymore..


it is a strong word.. but we knew that we're growing when we learned to concern about people around us morethan ourself.

the day i feel like an adult is when i start to thinking before speaking..

the day i feel like all the things i want to say seem less important than how the other person's feel...

so.... to say that Hwal's action that concern and considerate is immature i will have to object that...

becos he's an adult... that's why he has to concern how his action will effect people...

and by the way, i think everybody deserves to be love at the end of the day..

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My only concern with Hwal/Haru relationship is the age factor. Not the differance in age but the changes in age. I am not the same person I was at 18, I'm different from the girl back then and the relationships and loves that I had at that time in my life are very different from now. The changes that you go through between the ages of 18-25 are MAJOR. It doesn't mean loving someone at 18 is any less then loving someone at 25 but I think understanding the love at 18 is a different understanding at 25. I think that you grow and change and like different things, have different ideals. They say that relationships that start too young, the couple evetually grows apart and not together.

Hwal is a grown man, he's still growing but he's not learning who he is like Haru is. Haru will grow and she will change in the next few years and I think that's the concern. It wouldn't matter if she were 26 and he were 40, I don't think it would affect things too much if those were the ages, I think it's the fact that she's 18, she's still a teenager - she still needs to figure out who she is before she figures out who she is in a relationship. Hwal is at a place where he needs to settle himself down and start a family. They're at two different places in life.

I know this forum is frequented by the mid to late teens crowd and you'll probably want to kill me for posting this but you really will understand when you're closer to 30 then you are to the legal drinking age or being a legal adult. Life is different, it's more harsh, and the young love and fantasies that someone has when they're Haru age, become cherished memories and painful lessons to be felt but the one thing you learn - they weren't permanent because at that age, a person can't even comprehend life past 30, much less a lifetime.

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Guest zacey

finally finished episode 10... and going through the comments here... i guess i belong to the minority that dont wish for Hwal-Haru r/p... age is one thing.. but the main thing is the maturity gap between Hwal and Haru. how long can Haru's love last?? or should i call it infatuation?? as forumers pointed out earlier.... what you feel, think and act at 18 is definitely different from what you will do at 30... i really cant appreciate what Haru is doing.. seems like she likes to do things her way.. on impulse.. and she pouts when she cant get her way... <_<

ok... i agree that Hwal is a confused man... he cant figure out what he wants.. and this led the 4 of them in misery... i cant comprehend So In too... what she wants?? does she really love Hwal? Hwal has to do lots of inner reflections too... what does he wants??? as for Hwal really loves Haru? i guess he's overwhelmed by her actions and 'love'... i cant see the bond between them at this point yet...

i do hope the script will round everything up nicely as we come close to the end... :rolleyes:

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Guest nysophia_x_ii

I think I am in the minority in this forum for truly NOT LIKING the Hwal-Haru relationship.

And no..It's not just because I think Poong-Ho is too-adorable-for-words..but because I just am really not digging Hwal's character.

He is a guy way over his 30s. Married (or was..). Successful in his career. Smart.

A textbook definition of what normal people refer to as a grown adult man

But how can this man be so indecisive about his own feelings?

It just irks me to the bones !! Like..make-up your goddang mine!

You are an adult for god's sake !

People have mentioned how bratty Haru, immature Hyun Tae, or childish Poong-Ho can be.

But to me they are the ones that are way more mature than Hwal.

They are being true to themselves. They know what they want and sure as hell is persistently working towards them.

But Hwal ?

What has he done to deserve Haru's love ?

He has never had to fight for his love...

So what? Your wife cheated on you..Oh yes it sucks.

But oh god..get over it ! She's been begging for forgiveness, doing all this things to make Hwal come back to her.

But ultimately if Hwal really really loves Su-In...cant he just forgive her? Be a mature adult for once and take her back.

Same thing with Haru..if Hwal really likes her..

Show it. Show it to her and show it to us viewers.

Cause it is about time that he grows up and truly be an adult.

mmm, ok, i agree with you on SOME points. i also don't like the hwal-haru relationship that's developing. if they really wanted to do that, the scriptwriter shouldn't have introduced poong-ho. he's proved to be such a deep, caring, and loving guy, and i don't want to see haru dump him. even she's moved by his actions.

i understand that hwal is pained that su-in cheated on him, but it's in part his fault also for marrying so rashly.

but i disagree with with you about hwal deserving haru's love. because he treated haru really nicely when they were young, and when she came to him again, he accepted her, although reluctant in the beginning. even if su-in's begged for forgiveness, it does take time for hwal to really get over such a big scar. i don't think being an "adult" means that he has to be this perfect guy who knows EVERYTHING about what he's doing, and is in no way confused. he's human, and he's following his feelings and being shaken by some of the feelings he feels towards haru. i really hope that haru ends up with poong-ho though ^^

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Guest joicy

finally finished episode 10... and going through the comments here... i guess i belong to the minority that dont wish for Hwal-Haru r/p... age is one thing.. but the main thing is the maturity gap between Hwal and Haru. how long can Haru's love last?? or should i call it infatuation?? as forumers pointed out earlier.... what you feel, think and act at 18 is definitely different from what you will do at 30... i really cant appreciate what Haru is doing.. seems like she likes to do things her way.. on impulse.. and she pouts when she cant get her way... <_<

ok... i agree that Hwal is a confused man... he cant figure out what he wants.. and this led the 4 of them in misery... i cant comprehend So In too... what she wants?? does she really love Hwal? Hwal has to do lots of inner reflections too... what does he wants??? as for Hwal really loves Haru? i guess he's overwhelmed by her actions and 'love'... i cant see the bond between them at this point yet...

i do hope the script will round everything up nicely as we come close to the end... :rolleyes:

YES !!! I agreed that he's so confused, and if he has any emotions for Haru, it may be another kind of crush. being in love? Their relationship is not that deep, and in fact, Hwal is very nice to Haru, which may make an 18 yr old feeling in love (a kind of puppy love). In contrast, Haru's bright side attracts Hwal in a way. But for a mid 30s year old man who feels in love, a man who has a big big scar and still being in trouble with his marriage? I doubt that. Doesn't mean that a mid 30s year old man can't have love in such a short time, for .. no reason. But a conservative Hwal? Welll...

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Guest k_fanatic

I haven't decided whether to like or dislike this series cause I'm one who enjoys watching shows which do not require much thinking.

But this series is going really deep into complications of real life relationship that are out of the norm - who says you must marry just because you love each other, who says one must change just for the sake of their loved ones, who says a 34 yr old can't be with an 18 yr old, who says one must be with another of the same age to have happiness, who says one can't pursure another just because she is separated from your good friend (although I felt this is more of a moral issue).

I understand that the show wanted to protray a realistic view of love but there are certain parts that it can get confusing of how the characters are protraying their parts esp ep 10 - it is rather confusing that when Hwal send Haru home, Haru started crying at the roadside with Hwal comforting her and the next moment they are laughing, but after a while when they reached home, they started frowning. Probably the director wanted to show us the mixed feelings that both Haru/Hwal have, but all these in that short journey home is too farfetched.

I am ok whether Haru ended up with the cute boy or hwal. I'm one who has no issue with age gap as long as the show convinced me that both loved each other very much.

Haru's character is very strong willed and she is certainly more mature than her 18 years of age. She has shown this when she can up and go to Seoul to pursue her dreams. Even before staying with Hwal, she is already infatuated with Hwal when she sent her valentine's gift for the last 5 years. So for her to love Hwal more than as a brother is very realistic to me. I dun feel that she is spoilt at all, like she mention to Hwal - she has strong feelings that Hwal felt the same way as her, that's why she is going all for it. Kissing, touching him etc. This is how I will act when I was 18 years old - just do it :) At least she din go and be a witch and tried to ruin the reconcilation between Hwal and Su In.

As much as how I love the cute boy for being so supportive towards Haru etc etc..love can't be reciprocated. In real life there is always one who loses in a relationship. So if he doesn't end up with Haru...it is just showing us that there is no pleasing everyone in a relationship.

As for Hwal - I can understand his conflicts. With age, one will know more about what is socially acceptable and what's not. To be with someone who is 16 years younger than you, what's more who is previously a stepsister, what will people think? Someone already mentioned that he can be called a child molester. I believe he is no longer in love with Su In. After all, he never thot of her until she reappears in his life. When he went back to her, he is just running away from Haru. There are some moments in Ep 10 that he is trying to force Su In to admit that she like Hyun Tai. It is like he is giving himself a way out of the relationship if she admits. Actually if I'm Hwal I doubt I can forgive her, I mean if you can sleep with another guy while married, it just show how much willpower you have over such issues or how much you love your spouse.

As for Su In, I hope that she can own up that she likes Hyun Tai more than Hwal. No more guilt. A relationship based on guilt can't last long. Anyway she's one character I dislike the most. She actually enjoys the attention she gets from Hyun Tai and yet still want Hwal back and trying to be a wonderful teacher to Haru after knowing that Haru is Hwal's sister. Even her own mum said that she should be less wishy washy.

that said, I hope the next episode will show us more of where the show is heading to.

Gosh, i'm getting a headache, thanks to this show for making me think through so much. First time for me to go deep into the plots and characters. time to rest my overworked brain.

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Guest junefourteen

It's Triple day today, right? I wonder what happened in tonight's episode. So far, I am enjoying the show. The story is so unpredictable and that's one of the reason I'm loving this drama. For the past 8 years of being an addict in K-dramas, I believe this is the first drama I watched without a predictable plot :)

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Guest lemonsorbet

if not too much trouble, can any kind soul provide a quick spoiler summary of today's episode? :D greatly appreciated!

recently came across this drama.. its funny because haru seems like a very plain jane from the start, but as the viewer sees more of her,i think she becomes prettier. I love dramas that develop characters like that. Also, it's funny because I was always a yoon kye sang fan , but his character is bugging me a tad. I guess if Su-In was completely single, he would seem like a sweetheart, but just the fact that she's married to his friend and he is still aggressively approaching her... a bit of a turn-off

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Guest danick

I missed the live streaming..ahhh! Is there anyone here who is generous enough to share anything that happened in today's episode. I am still downloading and I would like to know anything related to episode 11. The wait is really killing me.

Please just a brief summary. It does not matter to me if you can't understand any Korean, just give a rundown on what you think happened.


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