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[drama 2009] Triple 트리플

Guest MWshin

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Guest yobiworld

I find it interesting how there complaining about Haru acting immature when ive see very popular dramas were the leads were acting 10 times worse. <_<

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Guest piano4112000

I actually laugh about that just now. Picturing all the dramas I have watched were the adults acted like 10 year old but no one complained. We had sisters stealing their sisters husband, friends sabotaging others to get a head, and yet we complain about an 18 year old's behavior regarding her feelings. I see so many slacks given to others characters but apparently the same can not be given to Haru, I guess it all depends on who is acting that role.

lvukiki, I notice that on her hair to. Now that her mom is not there, what will the relationship between Hwal and SI be like. Will they completely work it out and make their marriage official or will their heart want something else.

danick, your right the piece of the puzzle that is missing is Hwal and his feelings. All Hwal has to do to put Haru in her place is to make his marriage to SI official and there will be nothing left for Haru to wonder about or if he does have feelings for Haru to open up to it no matter how it could affect others.

Hwal does hold the key to this situation but I think he is having a hard time finding it in his pocket. :)

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Haru has definately arouse the feelings in Hwal... Haru persistent advances.. after the kiss ( I was shocked to see this and Haru is BOLD) touched oppa hand in the car... though Hwal was angry asked Haru to get down from his car.. but he feels her warm staring at his own palm....

Guess Hwal has no choice but to expedite / reconcile with SI... his "battle" with Haru & Hyun Tae!! B) To me is like he is trying to escape ;)

SI gave Hwal a form to sign ( is that to officiate the marriage?); He has not signed it when SI saw the form on the table the next day?

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Guest jinnn

Episodes 9 & 10 were great !

It was a very pleasant surprise for me that the kiss that Haru planted on Hwal’s lips was not distasteful at all (although I was holding my breadth cos I didn’t see it coming). I’m beginning to like Haru a lot; and somehow she no longer looks so kiddy to me anymore. I like the way the PD dropped lots of hints that Hwal may also have romantic feelings for her; although at this point; he may not realize it yet (but he’s definitely confused). On the whole, I felt that the PD did a marvellous job in the way she brought the “controversial” Hwal-Haru relationship to the next level (viz. the kiss). It didn’t feel “yucky” to me but I’m waiting to suss out other views on the kiss.

..and finally; Hyuntae !!!

Just when I was starting to raise my eyebrows on his quirky manners in epi 7 etc ; a very dear friend highlighted to me all the strange things that HT had done; eg. doing his work in the bath-tub and the fact that he never sleeps on a proper bed etc. and told me that HT is not normal and that’s why many viewers can’t accept.

What she said gave me this new perspective of Hyuntae and I think she has hit the nail on the head. Yes, the 3 guys are in advertising and lots of creativity are needed for this line of work. The PD is projecting Hyuntae as the epitome of creative people (HT was introduced as “extremely talented” ) ; they have their quirky ways that most of us “normal” people cannot seem to relate to. But hey! it’s their quirky and out-of-box thinking that can give rise to great advertising works => fresh ideas that are out of the norm ;p

I’m so glad that they are starting to peel off the outer layer of HT’s character and showing us the inner layer of a more sensible HT and how Su-In is warming up to him. For the Hwal-Su-in relationship, I’m afraid that Hwal may have left the healing of their relationship till too late. We shall wait and see.

Can’t wait for the next episodes !!!

And thanks to everyone for the links , posts, insights etc.

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Guest sorini

i doubted that Hwal and SI has any future together since I noticed that they don't have any meaningful moments together. They have the least amount of conversation compared to other couples, their special moments always cut short . For example, Hwal's BD, the incident in the elevator when SI reached out to hold his hand ( they never show they locked hands), when Hwal moved into SI house, it should be a very special moments between the two of them but none was shown.

To me these are telltale that he will not end up with SI but I think the story line will make him end up alone. Poor Hwal :o

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Guest joicy

Thanks nGk2M for the brief translation, really appreciate it.

Well, I am in the debate, should I quit watching the drama now because I have no interest in the female lead (Haru seems annoyed to me - unlike you guys, I don't find her cute anymore) or should I keep my patience and follow LJJ's drama to the end. Needless to say , there's YKS and Mr. Voice in that. However, I believe in LJJ's words about no direct love line, Hwal may be at the end of relationship with SI, he may confused and touched by Haru's waves and waves of emotions heading towards him, but in the end, he may work out his feelings, and .. may just leave it as a nice memory? This drama may be a story about men in mid 30s with different situation, very realistic and practical arised and finally how they cope with it and find their selves. It seems interesting enough for me, but so far, maybe I need to wait for some more episodes to have some sense about it.

Have you seen the ratings? Today it's 7.5% compared to Swallow of the Sun 1st episode, about double as much. I am a little bit sad because last drama Air City, LJJ did good but the rating was not good either. Korean audience, hopefully they don't turn their back to this drama but they do have a preference about what they like to see. Sadly they don't hype up with Haru's crush either, but never mind, Here is soompi :-).

i doubted that Hwal and SI has any future together since I noticed that they don't have any meaningful moments together. They have the least amount of conversation compared to other couples, their special moments always cut short . For example, Hwal's BD, the incident in the elevator when SI reached out to hold his hand ( they never show they locked hands), when Hwal moved into SI house, it should be a very special moments between the two of them but none was shown.

To me these are telltale that he will not end up with SI but I think the story line will make him end up alone. Poor Hwal :o

I agree. Even if SI is just a side character, they should give us more reason how Hwal rushed in marriage with her before and what's left right now. Hwal's reaction sometimes is very confusing, is he a husband or just an old significant other? HT and SI relationship is not adequately developed either. I doubt if this is PD's intention, normally she's very detailed in everything. There should be some reason after that.

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Guest piano4112000

If the story no longer intrigues you, maybe it is time to stop. Don't force yourself to watch a drama that you have no interest in because of the love line it will only cause more frustration for you.

I am one of those people who if I don't like a drama I stop because what is the use of going onto the thread to complain about it when I hate it. I'm not talking about you Joicy complaining :)

Of course that decision is up to you.

When LJJ said that I took it as though her love line will be directly towards him but he won't line up with her just yet. LJJ would not give away the ending and how it turn out already.

If your here for the long haul than enjoy the RIDE.......................... :)

richard simmons or get off the pot hahaha:0

Sorry can't think of anymore right now LOL

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Guest joicy

If the story no longer intrigues you, maybe it is time to stop. Don't force yourself to watch a drama that you have no interest in because of the love line it will only cause more frustration for you.

Thanks for your thought. Of course, if I can't tolerate it I should stop, this is just a drama, nothing serious.

I still want to see LJJ that's why maybe I will read JB's recap for several episodes before deciding. Only because of one love line (even main) and stop after 10 episodes, it would be wasteful for the time I spent (and the wait before, of course). Enjoy the drama anyway !

And lastly, did I only complain in my previous post ? ;-) But seems like I do here hahaha..

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Guest love.peace.happiness.

This drama is getting very interesting and the characters development is great. This drama really does stir the emotions in you and it makes you think about the human relationship and your own personal experience(s) with love, friendship. etc. The kiss came out of nowhere and it was GREAT!!! Like someone say it didn't feel yucky or wrong, when I was watching that, to me, it felt like a girl experiencing her first kiss with someone she really likes. Hwal is totally the one in control he controls both persons' destinies. He can go back with Su In and make their marriage official or he can start a relationship with Haru. Either way someone's heart is going to get broken.

Thank you WITHS2 for the wonderful subs =).

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Guest piano4112000

Thanks for your thought. Of course, if I can't tolerate it I should stop, this is just a drama, nothing serious.

I still want to see LJJ that's why maybe I will read JB's recap for several episodes before deciding. Only because of one love line (even main) and stop after 10 episodes, it would be wasteful for the time I spent (and the wait before, of course). Enjoy the drama anyway !

And lastly, did I only complain in my previous post ? ;-) But seems like I do here hahaha..

No problem everyone is family here, we complain about everything. haha

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Guest budibudi

"A direct loveline won’t happen. Haru’s still in her last year of high school. I asked the director about that before we started filming, and she said that things will develop with strong emotions. I, and others around me, are half concerned and half curious about that. Story-wise, I think it’s interesting to have a love that goes through its ups and downs and doesn’t end up together. What is this feeling that makes me squirm or flutter when she comes to sleep beside me? That’s the feeling I have to evoke, but I don’t know how yet." -LJJ on Haru/Hwal Relationship.

The cast knows that they're threading on a very sensitive issue (this reflects low ratings), maybe this drama is only loved by the liberals LoL. he also said that they are a bit concerned, I think that's why he went on to say that he thinks it's interesting if they don't end up together. I don't think this is the way the PD will make it in the end. I have a feeling that they will end up together but is going to be an open-ended ending, because he said "a direct love line won't happen" (which I hate, so I hope not), possibly with Hwal finally acknowledging his feelings for Haru, and then the curtains close. I might be wrong.

Anyway I'm really enjoying Triple. Love the inner struggles of Hwal as he tries to distance himself away from Haru knowing he's slowly developing feelings for her. It's so sweet how we get glimpses of how he's slowly warming up to her. Episode 10 had a lot of these little moments.

I love Haru's character development, a lot of people are getting annoyed at her behavior, but this is exactly how I pictured an 18 year old who is in love to be, as the episodes are rolling by she's experiencing more and more intense emotions, she acts on her feelings like a child would, and she's getting reprimanded for it by the object of her affection himself. This constant denial and rejection from Hwal is what will make her grow up. When she makes mistakes or is rejected, she dusts herself off and tries again in good nature, it's an awesome character trait, but there's only so much a young girl can take, I am excited on how the PD will deliver the fix to this issue between Hwal and Haru. I don't know why people are hating, she's still young and familiarizing herself with relationships and what not, Triple is about Haru maturing into an adult. I think people are getting annoyed because she's not focusing her energy on someone else better suited for her (Poong-Ho).

...As for Hyun Tae, I agree with the previous posters, on the outside he really is annoying, but if you think about it, he is just a very unique individual, I find talented artists like this, they have really weird quirks.

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Guest Pixie18

If there is one thing that watching American soaps has taught me over the years is NEVER fully believe what the actors or the writers tell you at face value. I would hope this would be different in the Korean drama world but I have been burned too many times by American and Spanish novleas not to be worried. Of course I might just want to believe this true of Kdrama because I am a Haru and Hwal fan but I wil just ride out the show and enjoy it.

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I am one of the liberals who think Triple is a really good drama. Although in the real world, I might not be able to root for a couple such as Hwal and Haru. But in Triple, I find myself secretly wanting to see more being developed between Hwal and Haru. I must say I don't feel the same as those viewers who are hating Haru's character. To me, her emotions is pure and honest. It is very interesting watching Hwal discovering his own hidden feeling for Haru. It is shocking and it is sweet.

On the other hand, I see no future with Hwal and SI, there is just no sparks in their relationship anymore. They just have to go through the process of working things out, before they would both realize the marriage has indeed ended.

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Episode 9 continue :)

I loved the scene at the skating ring - Hwal was smiling when Haru was playing something funny with Poong Ho - just carelessly smiling cause it's just carelessly funny...but when Poong Ho put the helmet on Haru, Hwal compose him self back together. Hwal wait for Haru outside instead of interrupting them...I loved the PD for that...I don't know if episode 10 will have declaration on paper about everyone's feeling but for episode 9, Haru does made Hwal react - there is no declaration of what kind - it could be like Story about a man. There are hints of all different angles and it's up to audiences to interpret.






and the KISS


Wonder what happen to Luv - she probably on holiday....

Episode 10 coming soon if no one has capture it yet...^_^

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Guest sweetrabbit

This PD is sure love controversial topic starting from coffee prince continue to triple ...and I enjoy it.

So far everybody in this drama seems struggling for love except hwal, but there still more 6 episodes for him to act & react.

I just like the storyline and don't mind whether hwal+haru'll ennd up 2gether or not.

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I love this drama...

I really don’t mind Haru and Hwal relationship...

till now i see Haru and Hwal have more chemistry than Hwal and SuIn.

I don’t know why Hwal and SuIn look so weird to me...

The scene when Hwal ask SuIn to live together suppose to be romantic and sweet indeed it look weird...

Also when they spend time together like dating or dinner they look awkward together...

But different between PongHo and Haru... even Haru don’t love him, i still can feel some chemistry between them...

Also between SuIn and HyunTae, even, like others, i can't stand HyunTae but they have chemistry together.

Somehow this drama kind remind me of SNOWMAN... Sister in-law love her brother in-law. And PongHoo as KimRaeWon, the guy that so in love with the girl... And how the brother in-law denied the feeling he has to her sister-in-law.

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Guest nGk2M

'Triple Ji PoongHo' is the number one searched drama character on naver right now!

although there are a lot of netizens upset about HT and Haru's character development, there seems to be a lot of interest (good interest) for Poongho! he was so cute in ep 10 :]

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I want Haru to end up with Pongho...they are so cute together. I dont like the idea of her with Hwal. He looks kinda old and she is this fun cute kid while he seems to be too serious. HyunTae to me just seems like a stalker. He knows that the girl is married to one of his best friends and they are trying to work things out, yet he keeps trying to force his way in the middle. He is way too pushy..personally guys like that to me are a turn off.

I love this drama...

I really don’t mind Haru and Hwal relationship...

till now i see Haru and Hwal have more chemistry than Hwal and SuIn.

I don’t know why Hwal and SuIn look so weird to me...

The scene when Hwal ask SuIn to live together suppose to be romantic and sweet indeed it look weird...

Also when they spend time together like dating or dinner they look awkward together...

But different between PongHo and Haru... even Haru don’t love him, i still can feel some chemistry between them...

Also between SuIn and HyunTae, even, like others, i can't stand HyunTae but they have chemistry together.

Somehow this drama kind remind me of SNOWMAN... Sister in-law love her brother in-law. And PongHoo as KimRaeWon, the guy that so in love with the girl... And how the brother in-law denied the feeling he has to her sister-in-law.

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